Part time job

One Shot, One Chance

The next day, Yongguk threw a surprise on you that you were definitely not ready for.

"We're going to Japan," he announced one early morning while the others were eating breakfast.

You looked up from the pan of pancakes that you had made, a look of surprise and confusion written all over your face.

Jongup started choking on his milk and Zelo spit out pieces of mushed up pancake in Himchan's face. Himchan jumped up and glared at the maknae, wiping the food off with a napkin that you quickly handed over to him.

"W-We're going again? Hyung, I - I thought we were done with our business in Japan last year!" Zelo stuttered, looking shocked.

"We were. But not anymore," Yongguk said grimly. "There's a new rare item that we need to steal in Tokyo that's worth millions. It'll help pay off most of the ransom..."

Daehyun leaned back in his chair, his arms crossed in front of him and said calmly, "I guess we'll have to go, then."

Zelo turned to him, a bit worried. "What about...Bokyung?"

The rest of the boys looked at you, realizing that you were their main problem now. Your cheeks flared up and you smiled weakly. "I'll just stay here and take care of the house. You all go on without me."

"But - we can't leave you here," Youngjae said, concern filling up his voice. "That's not fair to you - "

"You'll be okay with that, right?" Yongguk interrupted, talking to you.

A bit taken aback, you meekly nodded, "Yeah, I'll be good here. Anyway, I'd be a burden to you guys if I tagged along."

Zelo opened his mouth to say something but Yongguk shook his head at him, warning him not to talk. "Okay then. It's settled. Take good care of the place while we're gone."

Yongguk left the room, leaving you all in silence. 

"Well, since you're gonna stay here in Korea, could you possibly do us, and especially Yongguk, a huge favor?" Yongjae asked softly.


You looked out the window of the public bus that you were on, making your way to the Seoul National Hospital.

It was a few days after B.A.P had left for Japan, taking the plane and promising to be back by next week. It was hard not to worry about them. You've realized how much you've become so attached to these theives - you couldn't decide if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

Youngjae's words echoed in your head, 

"As you know, Yongguk's little sister was in the orphanage where he had left her. Now she's in the hospital. She was diagnosed with leukemia a few years after he had left her, but the treatment for it was too expensive for him to handle. That was when he decided that he would steal valuable objects and pay for the treatment," he explained.

"But where does the part about the Dragon Ring come in?" you asked.

"Their leader was caught and put behind bars for a good thirty years. The followers want him out, and they heard about this famous group of boys stealing one object after another without getting caught. They contacted Yongguk and threatened him that if he didn't pay off the ransom for their leader, then they would kill Yongguk's sister..."

A frown formed on your lips, thinking, *Yongguk has so much stress and pressure built upon him...He must be so despserate and worried for his poor sister...*

The bus finally arrived at the station in front of the hospital. You hopped off the bus and looked up at the massive building. It looked clean and professional, patients and hospital staff as well as medical students strolling around the hospital grounds.

Feeling a bit nervous, you went inside.

You went up to the information desk in the lobby and leaned over the counter. A young male resident was sitting behind it, hard at work on something on his computer.

You cleared your throat a little bit, grabbing his attention. He looked up and realized you were waiting for him to assist you.

"How may I help you?" he asked.

"Um...I'm looking for patient Bang Yongmi," you said, smiling a little bit.

He pointed down the hallway at your right and said in an uninterested voice, "Room 214A on your left side."

You thanked him and went to the room. You stopped in front of the door and hesitated before sliding open the door. You tugged nervously at your bag strap and took a deep breath.

*Why am I so nervous about meeting Yongmi?* you wondered, your heart beating quickly.

You gathered up your courage to open the door. You peeked in, looking around the room. There was only one bed, with a small girl curled up in a ball, her back facing you. There were tubes and machines hooked up to her, beeping softly in the background. A humidifier was on next to the bed, a vase of bright, cheery flowers bringing color to the plain, sterile room. 

You tiptoed up to the bed and peered over her shoulder. The girl was fast asleep, her long lashes casting shadows on her smooth, pale face. A pink beanie was fit snuggly on her hairless head, covering her ears.

You looked down at the flowers that you had bought (instructions from Youngjae) and set them carefully down on the nightstand where the vase was.

You sat down on a chair near the bed and sighed a little, gazing at the lump under the blanket, rising and falling in rhythm of her steady breathing.

About an hour later, Yongmi stirred. You looked up from your homework in surprise and put them away. She sat up in bed, rubbing her eyes. She turned around and stared at you, her innocent eyes blinking.

"Who are you?" she asked in a sweet, childlike voice.

You gave her a gentle smile and replied, "I'm Yoon Bokyung. I'm your brother's friend. I came here to get you these." You picked up the bundle of daisies and displayed them in front of her.

She smiled a little at them but frowned again. "Why are you here? Where's oppa?"

"He's...away right now," you said, not sure how to explain to her that her brother was a wanted theif and he was out to steal things for the sake of his sister sitting right in front of you.

"Oh. Okay, you can leave now," she said coldly, lying back down in bed.

You stared at her in surprise. *She's...She's so rude! Like her brother!*

Not willing to give up just yet, you poked her lightly in the back and said playfully, "Hey, talk to me! I bought you these flowers and even stayed next to you to wait for you to wake up."

She turned her head and gave you a judgmental look. "Are you dating my oppa?"

*WHAT??* you thought in shock, but you recomposed yourself and smiled, "Why, would you like me better if I was?"

"No. You're not that pretty, so I don't care," she said bluntly.

*Ouch. That hurts,* you cringed, feeling highly offended by this little kid's words.

"Yah. Use nice words, kid. I'm actually really pretty compared to other girls out there," you said, crossing your arms.

"Keep talkin. I'm prettier than you," she said back.

*Wow. Okay, I'm done here.* you thought, even more taken aback.

"All right then, I'll leave if you hate me so much. But I'll be back another time, so don't miss me too much," you said sarcastically, standing up and picking up your bag.

"Don't count on it," Yongmi called as you closed the door behind you.

You rolled your eyes and made your way out of the hospital. *Huh. I'll need to report this girl for being rude to her unnie!*

You came home to an empty, cold hideout. Your teeth started to chatter. *Brr...I'll need to get B.A.P to buy a heater or something for this place...*

You sat down on the bed and tucked your feet under the blankets. You opened up your books again and miserably tried to finish up your work.


The next day, you made yourself breakfast and went outside into the cold autumn weather. You had decided last night that you would grab a part time job to earn money and buy necessities for yourself instead of mooching money off of the boys.

You walked up and down the streets, hunching your neck, trying to cover as much of your neck as possible against the cold.

You wandered around for about an hour until you came across a restaurant that had a large sign on it, saying "HELP WANTED".

Excited to find your first job possiblity, you went inside. It was around lunch time, the busiest time for a restaurant. The place was pretty crowded, so you guessed that this place was a famous restaurant and a popular one.

You weaved in and out of the tables and people, the chattering and clicking of  plates overpowering your hearing.

You went to the kitchen and looked around for the manager. An old woman came up to you with a look of relief on her face. "Are you here to work?" she asked.

You smiled brightly and nodded, "Yes, I'd like to have a part time job here, ajumma."

"Good, good choice! It's getting so busy here nowadays - I can't manage this place with only me and four waiters working here!" she said, patting your shoulder welcomingly.

She led you to the large, bustling kitchen and clapped her hands loudly over the noise. Four pairs of eyes looked up and stared at the newcomer.

"Introduce yourself," she told you.

You bowed low and said cheerfully, "My name is Yoon Bokyung and I'm sixteen years old! I may be young, but I'd like to work here as a part timer! Please take care of me!"

"You guys instruct her what to do and how things work around here," the manager said. "If there are any questions, come find me!"

She left, leaving you with these four new colleagues. They all went back to work except one guy. He had dark skin and black, soft looking hair. He was extremely tall and handsome. He smiled a little and beckoned you to come over to the sink where he was washing dishes.

"My name is Kai. Welcome, by the way," he said, flashing a y smile at you. You blushed a little bit and nodded, "Yeah, nice to meet you too. Where should I start?"

"I'll explain how this restaurant runs and the different rotations that we all have. You stay next to me and dry the dishes I hand over to you," Kai instructed, pointing to the spot next to him with his dripping pink rubber globes.

You grabbed an apron and slipped it on, getting right to work as Kai explained your new job.

As the hours wore on, you became closer to your four co-workers. One of them was an unnie named Minah.

She had a cute yet fierce personality, and she came up from Busan to work at her dream of becoming a journalist. Kai was the other one you were close with. He was very attractive and he was very gentlemanly. He teased you a lot, but you liked hanging out with your new friends more and more, almost forgetting about B.A.P.

Once dinner time came and left, it was quiet in the restaurant. You were worn out from all the busy work you did.

You plopped down in a chair and took off your apron, wiping your forehead. Minah sat down next to you and sighed, but she smiled at you. "Thanks to you, our work load lightened up - only a little bit."

You grinned at her. "You're welcome, unnie. I'm glad that I was able to help."

She checked her watch and frowned a little. "Hmm...It's getting late. We usually are off by eight, but it's already nine. I should leave now. I'll see you in two days, Bokyung-ah!"

You smiled and waved back at her as she left. Kai took the now empty seat and smiled at you. "You need a ride home?"

"No, I'm fine. I can walk home - it's not far from where I live," you said.

Kai pouted and shook his head, "No, it's too dangerous! You'll get kidnapped or something! Let me walk you home at least."

You shook your head quickly and declined, "Oh, no! Uh...I can't let you do that. You need to get home yourself, too! I can't possibly make you come all the way to my house just for me!"

"It's my pleasure and offer as a fellow coworker and friend," Kai insisted, winking at you. "I'll walk you home."

You blushed but in the inside, you were panicking. *What if he finds out about the hideout? And about B.A.P? Ack!*

After saying goodbye to the manager, you and Kai stepped out into the cold night air. As you walked, Kai noticed that you were shivering in your thin vest. He took off his scarf and wound it around your neck. Your eyes widened at him.

"You're shaking like a leaf - wear this home and you can just give it back to me when we meet again," Kai said, patting your head.

"Thank you," you murmured, feeling shy all of a sudden. *Why is he being so nice to me? Why do I feel so shy around him?*

You led him the corner of the bad neighborhood near the hideout. You stopped abruptly and spun around, looking up at him. "It's here. Thank you so much for walking me home, Kai!"

He peered down the street, a look of worry on his face. "You live here? Isn't this a dangerous area to be living in?"

"No, no, it's perfectly safe. Please don't worry about me," you quickly assured him, smiling. *I live with six theives but they're like a regular bunch of teenagers. I'm definitely going to be fine.* you thought sarcastically.

"All right then. I'll see you soon!" Kai said, waving as he walked off in the other direction. You waved at him and watched as he left. As soon as he did, you darted down the street, hurrying back to the hideout.

You scurried down the secret staircase and flipped on the lights. When you did, you shrieked in surprise.

Six unhappy looking boys were standing right in front of you, arms crossed and tapping their feet in annoyance.

Yongguk raised an eyebrow. "Where have you been? And who's scarf is that?"

"W- Why are you all here so early?" you stammered, looking back and forth between the members. 

"Cause we felt like it. The mission was successful," Yongguk answered stiffly. "Now answer my question."

You glanced down at the scarf and quickly made up, "I - I bought it today."

"Where have you been all day?" Jongup asked.

"I was...working at a restaurant that I was working part time at," you answered, squirming under the six heavy stares.

"Who was that guy that you were walking with?" Himchan inquired. Yongguk nudged him sharply, earning a yelp from Himchan. "Hey, what did I say wrong?"

*You weren't supposed to tell her that we were following her home!* Yongguk thought angrily, mentally facepalming himself.

You blinked. "How did you know?"

Zelo cleared his throat, thinking of a good fake reason. "Uh...I smell a guy's cologne on that scarf!"

You sniffed the scarf - sure enough, there was a faint smell of cologne - Kai's cologne.

"He was just a coworker from the restaurant. He offered to walk me home since it was really late," you explained. "Jeez, you guys are acting like my dad," you snorted, walking past them into the bedroom.

Their faces lit up bright red, embarrassed and ashamed. Jongup nudged Daehyun's arm. "We never should've followed her home...That was a stupid idea...All thanks to Yongguk hyung..." he muttered.

Daehyun secretly disagreed - he had felt very surprised and upset seeing you walking home with another guy, blushing and laughing with that coworker of yours.

*Why do I feel this way? Why do I hate seeing her with that guy so much?* Daehyun wondered, shaking his head.







































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Chapter 25: read this in one shot and omg this was so good.
awesome job author-nim!
normalgirl #2
Chapter 25: Kyaaaaaaa~ this chapter is the cutest XD
There were aome chapters that i was holding my breath waiting for what's gonna happen ... But you really did a great job in this story .... I LOVE BAP!!!
I kinda gusset that she will end up with daehyun .
Please make more BAP story ... Maybe yongguk as the main guy
BabySpiritCc #3
Chapter 25: I really like this story ^^ Will there be a sequel I'm so curious! It will be interesting if there is xD
Jinboa #4
Chapter 25: When i started reading this fic, i thought "Shes going to end up with Yongguk or Kai" and i never saw what was coming.... She ended up with Daehyun....hahhahahhaha...But interesting story...i liked it
Chapter 25: Awwww.....(no ccomment) .....0.0

I was awesome it made me think,laugh and cry i love it love it ^^
Wow no words can express...can it have a sequel (makes puppy eyes)
Pretty pretty pleawessss^^
Chapter 25: It was really good, thanks for the awesome writing!!
karollovesbacon #7
Chapter 25: It's done! NOO! OMG, I wanted more! I was too good! Oh Lord, this was such a good story! I'm going to shred an emotional tear... Thank you for sharing your awesome writing skills to the world and for baring with all of us crazed fans of your stories! :D
Chapter 25: I really wanted her to end up with Yongguk... But it was awesome ^^ such a lovely ending!! I want a sequel. Her family and brother what did they doooo??