Who was that guy?

Boys over Towers


       “Hey, who was that guy though? And who are you?” Jongdae asked out loud as looked in the direction Baekhyun went to and eyed Sehun curiously, the rest finishing up with their food.

       The boys on the right side of the table had immediately dropped the utensils/food in their hands. They hadn’t realized that the student council had no idea who Sehun and Baekhyun were, and were immediately set into panic. “He-He’s, my cousin!” Luhan shoted as he lifted himself from the table.

       “Oh?” Jongdae was eyeing Sehun a lot more, squinting to see if there was any family resemblance. “You guys don’t look like family.” Jongdae concluded as he eyed Luhan and then Sehun.

       “He’s my 3rd cousin, and we’re not really related by blood.” Luhan was half-smiling, trying his best to cover a bit of Sehun’s face. Sehun was throwing a crooked smile, thinking I am so dead.

       “How about the other guy then?” Suho asked, completely uninterested. “He’s my little brother.” Kris said with conviction. They had all turned their attention to Kris, who was finishing up the meal on his plate. “We don’t look alike but I got my looks from my dad, and he got from my mom. Don’t you dare ask me if he was adopted, or any other stupid questions or I will throw you off my island and feed you to the sharks.”

       Silence had befallen in the room, the looks on the student council a bit degraded. Jongdae was biting his lip, regretting that he even bothered to ask.

       Sehun could feel Luhan sigh as he still clung around Sehun’s neck. In all the tension, Luhan had walked over to Sehun and was trying his best to hide Sehun’s face from them to recognize he was Se Kyung, which made Sehun smile a bit. “Why are you still clinging to me, cousin?” Sehun asked as Luhan immediately removed his arms from Sehun’s shoulders.

       “I’m, uh, uh, s-sorry.” Luhan said as he walked back to his chair and slumped against it, avoiding to look at Sehun for any longer.

       Once they had all finished up, they headed back to their own respective rooms.


       Sehun had jumped on the spring bed face down, mumbling words into the mattress. “What’s up with you?” Baekhyun said as he got out of the shower, sporting the provided robe and a towel over his still wet hair.

       “Nothing.” He replied. Baekhyun couldn’t quite make out what tried to say since he had muffled the words with the covers of the bed. Baekhyun shrugged and turned back to the bathroom, silently hearing Sehun groan in frustration.

       “If you wanted to share a room with Luhan, why’d you beg me to share on with you?” Baekhyun was vigorously combing through his hair with his fingers, slightly messing it up a bit so as to not make it look flat when it dried.

       “I didn’t want to sleep with Luhan!” He heard Sehun shout. His eyes widened, he was able to hear that? “God damn it, stop being stubborn!” Baekhyun shouted in return. When Sehun didn’t reply, Baekhyun sighed and changed into a pair of jeans and light green shirt.

       “I’m going to go out for a walk… See you.” He said as he grabbed his phone of the table, leaving a still frustrated Sehun to wallow in his regret.

       Baekhyun wanted to play cupid that night, and tiptoed his way the room beside them. He knocked on the door and Luhan had answered, a frown still highly evident on his face. He looked at Baekhyun with a shocked expression, like he wasn’t expecting him at all.

       “Hey, look. I, uh, wanted to sleep… with Chanyeol tonight.” Baekhyun gulped. He didn’t really want to sleep with Chanyeol, he actually just wanted to help Sehun and Luhan out. They didn’t seem to be on good terms, so he repetitively said to himself this is for you Sehun, and god I am such a great friend.

       Luhan eyed him curiously, raising and eyebrow. “Alright.” He seemed to have understood what Baekhyun was trying to convey and exited the room. Baekhyun sighed in relief and quickly closed the door. He wanted to walk around the beach before… sleeping with Chanyeol.


       Jongin had gotten out of the shower and was shirtless. He was looking at himself in the mirror, checking if he had any flaws in his face like a pimple or something. “Of course there aren’t, you’re as perfect as ever, Jongin.” He said as he winked at his reflection in the mirror.

       He could hear a small laugh come from behind him. He quickly turned around to see the small boy try and muffle his laughter. “What are you doing?” Kyungsoo said as he put his hand over his mouth.

       “Don’t laugh, you know it’s true.” Jongin felt embarrassed, but had the pride not to show it. He ran his fingers through his hair, just so he could show off and flex his own muscles. He looked back at Kyungsoo’s reflection in the mirror and could see the boy’s expression of awe.

       “Hah, I saw that.” He said as he quickly turned towards Kyungsoo’s direction. “Saw what?” Kyungsoo just shrugged and turned around, back into the room. When Jongin could no longer see Kyungsoo, he sighed and put his shirt back on, following suit of the older boy.

       Kyungsoo was lying down on one of the beds, flipping through the channels of the TV. “Find anything interesting?” Jongin said as he hopped on the same bed, right beside Kyungsoo.

       “What are you doing?” He eyed Jongin, confusion in his face. “We already agreed on something, right?” Jongin couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed.

       “Come on, you know that was an accident.” He said as he turned towards the uninterested looking Kyungsoo. “You really were running a bit too fast for your legs to handle, and Luhan’s toy cars just happened to be there!” Jongin was pleading now.

       “We promised not to let this thing between us happen again, right? I got into the student council and Suho didn’t approve of me seeing you.” Kyungsoo was looking down at the remote twice the size of his hand.

       Jongin didn’t reply and just made for the door, leaving a frowning Kyungsoo on the bed. 


Ok this is kind awkward when you find a loophole in your own story. I just realized that the student council didn't know Baek and Sehun weren't actually girls, and found myself mentally slapping myself.

So double update since I failed to notice that myself huhu I'm sorry!

But I'm making some progress with the Kaisoo in this, and I'm going to show the story between the two of them later on so yeah, stay tunnnneeeddd~

Thank you for reading!

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yousra_ #1
Chapter 32: This story was so good, thank u
Chapter 5: did sehun take the offer ?? poor baekkie
Chapter 4: omg sehun is so stupid
Chapter 4: omg sehun is so stupid
Chapter 3: pay up..... i find that part pretty hilarious
Chapter 3: pay up..... i find that part pretty hilarious
Chapter 3: Is there really a slight hint of krisyeol here? Because I'm digging it haha
Chapter 13: wow that plot twist ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ
Chapter 10: lol xD they re so funny
Chapter 6: lmao