
Boys over Towers


       Everyone had gathered in the dining room, all wearing the same clothes the night before. Baekhyun felt disgusting, he had totally forgotten to take a shower last night (they all did.)

       Baekhyun eyed every single person seated at the dining hall (which was probably as big as the Hogwarts one to an extreme.) Tao and Kris weren’t seated beside each other but in between Jongin, who had his elbow leaning against the table. He had an annoyed expression on his face since every now and then (or probably every 10 seconds,) Tao and Kris would look at each other and realize they had made eye contact, and go back to the food at their table.

       Baekhyun felt sorry for Jongin, but it was practically his fault for sitting in between them. Yixing was beside Kris, trying to muffle his laughter after seeing the annoyed looking Jongin.

       Baekhyun sat himself on the chair in front of Kris and Chanyeol and Luhan took the chairs beside him. Baekhyun couldn’t help but feel something radiating out of Luhan. He was wearing one of the sweetest smiles he could ever pull off, making anyone who were to glance at him now think he was an innocent little boy (which he wasn’t.)

       Baekhyun had peered over Luhan to see Sehun, who was just fiddling with his chopsticks. He would constantly bite his lip and poke at the food in front of him, and momentarily stop when Luhan decided to throw a gaze at him.

       In all this cuteness, Baekhyun couldn’t help but feel nauseated of the love fumes that were coming out of everyone (except for Jongin and Yixing.)

       He sighed heavily and turned to his left, only to be greeted by a smiling Chanyeol. “Baekieeeeeee~ Do you want me to feed you?” Baekhyun cringed at the suddeny change of voice level. He was back to the normal deep-but-not-so-deep voice he had, making Baekhyun kind of miss the boy’s y one.

       “Oh my god.” Baekhyun suddenly said, gaining the attention of everyone at the table. “We have school today.” It was Monday, and he was absent. This was probably the second time he was absent though, and felt his hands clench into a tight fist.

       “So?” Jongin said as he chewed on a watermelon. “We haven’t been to school in a week.” He added. “Well, you haven’t, but I have.” Baekhyun could feel his eyebrows meet at the top of his nose. He didn't like being tardy, let alone absent. “I’m going to school.” He said as he pushed his chair out, mumbled an excuse me, grabbed his coat form the coat room and exited the house.

       “Why is he so into this? Not like school is that important.” Yixing said, somehow looking uninterested. “Well, Baekhyun dropped out of school in freshmen year because his parents couldn’t afford public school.” Sehun said as he got out of his chair and walked towards the direction Baekhyun went to.

       Silence had befallen the room; Yixing had gulped back his own words. They sat there for a few minutes until Chanyeol abruptly pushed his chair back and followed suit. Luhan sighed, ran his fingers through his hair and copied Baekhyun, with the others following him.


       Baekhyun ran home and took a quick shower. He checked if his parents weren’t hope so that he could change into the female uniform immediately. When there was no sign of them, he quickly changed into the female uniform after taking his shower and ran through the door.

       It was 11 am, and he knew he’d be just in time for his english teacher getting into the classroom. His english teacher was a ditz and was always late when coming into class.

       He was right, as he had slipped into the classrooms only seconds away from his English teacher.

       He slumped to his chair and sighed, ruffling the wig as he fixed it in place.

       Sehun, Tao and Jongin weren’t in their usual places, and Baekhyun sighed even more. He didn’t know what to expect, they were all probably still at Chanyeol’s house, sleeping, eating and or playing video games.

       To Baekhyun’s surprise, Sehun, Tao and Jongin came through the back door, making the students gasp as they entered the room. Sehun had changed into his female uniform, looking prettier with the wig tied back. Jongin and Taoo, too, were wearing the uniforms as they sat in their respective seats.

       “What are you guys doing here?” Baekhyun couldn’t help but smile. They had barely gone to school, and yet they were here. “A certain someone made us feel guilty that weren’t attending school like we should, so we went.” Tao said as he placed his feet on his table, ultimately hitting Baekhyun at the back of the head.

       “Put your feet down.” Baekhyun sternly. Tao could feel the confidence in Baekhyun’s voice, shrugged and put his feet down. Jongin eyed Tao confused, it was the first time Tao had followed someone’s orders (aside from Kris and his father.)

       Tao didn’t bother to look back at Jongin. He felt like he owed something to Baekhyun, so he was just doing what his gut told him to do.

       The rest of the school day ended and Baekhyun felt a heavy weight come off his shoulders. This, however, came back as Chanyeol had clung to him as he exited the room. “I hate how we’re not classmates.” Baekhyun knew he was pouting even if he couldn’t quite see Chanyeol’s face from above.

       They stopped in their tracks as the PA sent a blaring sound that echoed through the hallways. Ding-dong, ding-dong. “Good Morning, EXO High. This is your Student Council President, Kim Joon Myun. We would like to inform and remind everyone of the upcoming school trip. Each year will have their own place to go to…”

       Baekhyun wasn’t really interested. The school trips weren’t already paid for, you’d have to pay for it yourself. Also, they weren’t the type of school who would just go to some museum in the countryside. School trips in this school meant out of the country, and Baekhyun didn’t have the money for that.

       “Oh, we’re in Australia.” He heard Chanyeol repeat after Suho. “Are you going, Baekiee~?” Chanyeol still had his arms around Baekhyun, who continued walking. They looked ridiculous, Baekhyun about a foot shorter than Chanyeol.

       “Nope. Waste of money, and I don’t have any money to waste.” Baekhyun said as he went through the main doors of the school. “Whaaaaaaat? You aren’t going?” Luhan had caught up to the ridiculous looking couple and had litened into their conversation. “Why aren’t you? You can always ask one of us to pay, anyway. We’re already that close.” Luhan hooked his arm around Baekhyun, making the tall boy behind Baekhyun squirm. “Hey, don’t touch him like that!”

       “Who gave you the right to tell me not to touch Baek? And who gave you the right to even touch Baek?” Luhan emphasized his words. When Chanyeol froze, Luhan and Baekhyun continued to walk, leaving the tall boy behind.

       “You really do have a poisonous tongue.” Baekhyun chuckled. “But, I’m sorry. I don’t want anyone paying for my trip, so I’m just going to skip out on this.” Baekhyun hated being in debt, and he was already in debt enough to these boys.

       Luhan couldn’t help but give a frown, the same one Chanyeol had as they left the building. By this time, Chanyeol had caught up and was walking closely beside Baekhyun, throwing glares to the blonde haired boy who still had his arm around Baekhyun.

       “Why aren’t you with Sehun?” Chanyeol said when he had enough. “Aren’t you usually together?”

       Luhan didn’t say anything and just let go of Baekhyun. “Hey, how about we skip the school trip and go to Kris’ private island instead?” Luhan had changed the topic, a desperate look in his eyes.

       “Oh, not a bad idea. And Baekieee and Sehun can come too since we’d all be flying in Kris’ jet.” Chanyeol said as he retrieved Baekhyun around his arms. “What do you say, Baekiee~?”

       They were both staring intently at Baekhyun, both sporting their big puppy eyes. Baekhyun sighed and couldn’t help but say “yes” to the two pleading boys. Luhan immediately got his phone out and pressed the number 7 in speed dial, which was Kris. He had momentarily stepped to the side and was saying stuff into the phone, too complex Chinese for Baekhyun to understand.

       He had come back to the two and nodded happily. “We’re all going then. I’ll call you early tomorrow and tell you the details. Just get packing and meet us at my house.”

       “How are you going to call him?” Chanyeol said as he threw a puzzled look at Luhan. “Baekiee doesn’t have a phone.”

       Baekhyun had looked up at Chanyeol, an irritaited look on his face. “Just because I’m poor, doesn’t mean I don't have a phone.” He said as he brought out a white phone that had several charms that dangled from it. “Y-You have a phone?!” Chanyeol said as he let go and look directly at Baekhyun.

       Baekhuyn could see the surprise in Chanyeol’s face, like it was weird that the poor could afford a phone. He rolled his eyes and continued to walk towards the street until an arm extended out to grab his. “Give me your number.”

       Baekhyun stopped in his tracks, spun on his heel and walked towards Chanyeol, going on his tip-toes to get a close range of Chanyeol’s face. “Hell. No.”


Quick update!! So i've been slowing my pace of uploads because I started a new story, Dream Girl.

It practically has the same amount of pairings as BOT, but it's set to be an Older set of characters (these two stories have no connection though lol) 

I would really appreciate it if you checked it out! I will still be uploading for BOT, so don't worry, I won't abandon anything! :)

Thank you for subscribing, 81 in 4 days is actually something I never thought I'd achieve!!!!! Thank you for lovely comments and the upvotes as well, I'll update as soon as I can!

Thanks for reading! <3


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yousra_ #1
Chapter 32: This story was so good, thank u
Chapter 5: did sehun take the offer ?? poor baekkie
Chapter 4: omg sehun is so stupid
Chapter 4: omg sehun is so stupid
Chapter 3: pay up..... i find that part pretty hilarious
Chapter 3: pay up..... i find that part pretty hilarious
Chapter 3: Is there really a slight hint of krisyeol here? Because I'm digging it haha
Chapter 13: wow that plot twist ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ
Chapter 10: lol xD they re so funny
Chapter 6: lmao