Chapter 15

Paperless Diaries


I slammed my door shut behind me and leaned against it. My palms were clammy and they clung to the door as I pressed my face against the cold surface. It felt good against my hot skin. I stifled a squeal and stepped back from the door, doing a ditsy dance on my tiptoes. 

Oh my god. Oh my god.

I pressed my hands against my face and felt the heat radiating. 

Oh my god, he kissed me!

I began to feel as if I might faint and decided that I needed to sit down before I collapsed. My heart was still racing, probably because I had run all the way home, but also because of the feelings that are swirling around inside me. I reached into my pocket and pulled out that damned keychain he had given me to tease me. I kissed it.

He told me he likes me.

I tried to play it cool after the kiss, but I felt so jittery and nervous. His presence has such a strong effect on me that I can't hardly contain my compsure.

I tried to replay the scene in my head.

As soon as I remembered the moment that he had brought my face to kiss for the kiss my neck began to flush again and I closed my eyes, squeezing them shut as hard as I could to try and freeze the image of his lips as they came closer and closer to mine. I remembered his smell. He smelled like the window cleaner I sprayed all over him, but also like the wind after a cool rain. It was comforting to breathe in and imagine his scent.

Am I crazy?!

It was just one kiss. Who knows if it really means anything?

Maybe he's not really serious. It could have been a lighthearted moment.

I remembered Kai's teasing words. 'He's gay.'

Is he really gay?

Am I gay?

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and made my way to the bedroom. I looked at myself in the mirror as I undressed and touched my lips with my hand softly, tracing my finger over them, imagining Chanyeol's lips on mine once more.

My heart started to jump again and I stopped, quickly removing my fingers from my mouth and placing them at my side.

I need to get some sleep.


"Thank you, sir!"

I smiled at the customer who had just checked out a couple of romance novels. As he turned to leave I studied his appearance. He didn't seem like the type to read romance.

Oh well, it takes all kinds of people to make the world spin.

As I turned away from the checkout counter I glanced at the clock again. It was almost closing time. 8:50.

All day I had been checking the clock, anticipating Chanyeol's visit. 

I yawned.

I didn't get much sleep last night, after staying out so late. The little bit of sleep I did get was poor quality, as all I could think or dream about were the day's events.

I finished stacking some books on the shelf and quietly swept the floors as I watched the clock. Most everyone had left the library and there was only one person left in the bathroom. 

I checked the clock again.


He could be here any minute.

I set the broom against the wall and looked toward the spot where we sat the night I had read to him. My thoughts were interrupted as I heard the bathroom door open and a woman left, swinging her purse over her shoulder. She was a regular. I had seen her many times before, with her designer purse, but otherwise average clothing. She always wore her hair down, with her dark waves piling down her back. 

"Good night, Baekhyun-ssi. I'll see you next week."

I smiled and waved at her, before checking the clock one more time and watching her leave, closing the library doors behind her.


I looked out the window, expecting to see him walking by at any moment.

I stared, waiting.


He'll be here soon. I'll wait.

I continued to sweep the floor.

He still had not come.

The floor was swept and everything was shut down, ready for the library to be closed up.


Maybe he's staying after to clean up.

I decided to pull a book off of the shelf and start reading in one of the library's ashy blue loveseats. 

Soon, my eyes had become heavy, and my world faded to black as I fell into a much needed sleep.

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BaeksthighsOMG #1
Chapter 16: Wow. I just realized this story is updating after a long hiatus. I love it so far and I'm very excited to see how you develop their relationship!
Chapter 11: Creeper Kai the reason for KaiBaek tumble ><
/patiently waits for a Baek's pov for that
And...poor Channie got teased by KaiBaek! <3<3
Chapter 11: Baekhyun is so forward when he speaks :3
Awww Channie, when you plague Baek's mind and break his schedule it means that you're important to him too. Can I just squish them?
Chapter 10: Ah i had completely forgotten that baekhyun didnt even know yeollies name!! excellent update ^u^
Chapter 10: So cute!!! Awww.. Kyungie is being his squishy self again~~~
Update soon^^
Chapter 9: Cries BaekYeol. This is so cute! I look forward for the next chapter.
faithlane #7
Chapter 9: I like baekhyun attitude in this story it suits him well haha cute and outspoken ^^ do continue to update the chapters... this story is nice.. keep up the good work author-nim. Fighting!
Chapter 9: My heart dropped into the pit of my stomach the moment chanyeol grabbed baek's wrist and held him. I... I can't. This is too much for my Baekyeol heart. He smells like lavendar. Those tense moments. Those shoulder slaps. Baek's cute OCD. Keychain. Those teasings. Mr. Grabby. Baeksoo brotherhood. Baek's cute 'can't-live-without-Yeol' actions. Oh god. What have you done. I. Am. A. Puddle. Of. Goo. Salyeojwo.
Chapter 9: uvu thanks for updating!!! i hope kyunggie is okay u_u