Chapter 7

For Better or For Worst

It seems that yesterday had gone by in a split of a second, and today , YOU'RE GOING TO ATTEND SCHOOL. You dont want to, but you have to! It's the thing that pisses you off mostly. Waking up early, doing activities, homeworks , annoying classmates and some proffessors, and most especially FIGHTING OVER THE CHILLING WEATHER OUTSIDE!

The sun was still hiding behind the mountains, everyone's still asleep but you were awaken by the cacophonous sound of your alarm clock. It's just 5:30 in the morning. You wanted to take more time hanging out with your bed but it looks like that its pushing you to get up. You removed the blanket from your body halfway, stretched your arms and feets as much as you can , blinked your eyes and finally getting up.

Heading to the bathroom like a drunk man , eyes closed , your hair covering your face and dry salivas near your lips. You took a bath for 10 mins. the cold water made you wake up and get to your senses. You your body wrapped with towel while choosing the clothes you have to wear for school. You picked out what you are comfortable with. SHINee printed t-shirt, jeans, coat and sneakers, It may be look simple but when you wear it, it looks CLASSY! You went down with your wet and newly comb hair.

"Good morning mom." you greeted and sat on the chair.
"Good morning dear, you woke up early today , huh?" You nodded and smiled. "Here, take a sip." placing a mug of hot chocolate ."It's pretty good for a cold weather like this. And here's your Omurice . " 
you closed your eyes and breathed in, "Hmmm. This looks delicious mom! I'll eat it well. " you said and smiled . Your mom smiled back and keeps on cooking the Omurice for your brother. You just keep on eating and sipping deliciously what was prepared for you, but after awhile the atmosphere changed again.

"Good morning mom. " Kyu oppa greeted.
"Oh, son. You're up already. Take a sit and eat with Eun mi." she said. You gulped and tried to act normally. 
Kyu pulled the chair , sat and started to eat his meal. His focus was on the food and not to you. You just cant stand the awkwardness between you two so you decided to just stop and go upstairs and fix your things.

"Mom, i'll just fix my things."
"B-but, you havent finish your meal. Does it tastes horrible?"
"No mom. It's delicious. I-i'll be right back. "

You headed upstairs to pack your things. You cant just stand that kind of situation. You wanted to talk to him and clear things up but you actually know that he will never talk to you. Like you have done a big mistake when you haven't. It actually pisses you thinking about this whole matter, why should he make this as a big deal when it isnt? As soon as you enter your room, you closed it slowly and stomped your right feet.

"Try to put his own self in my own shoes. How would he feel when someone special to you keeps on ignoring you and making you feel dumb? Is he not thinking how much he would hurt me? " You shrugged and sighed. 
"Why do you make things more complicated oppa?  Why wont you talk to me? Why wont you tell me what have I done wrong? " you looked down. "I hope things would get better soon." you let out another sigh. You start to put your books and notes into your back and zipped it. You went down with your backpack at your back and with an irritating face. 

"Mom, I'm leaving. " you said and raised a hand, "I'll see you later."

You went out of the house without even looking at your mom or your brother who was still at the dining table. You dont want them to see that kind of reaction you had early in the morning. You walked on your way to the bus stop , waiting for your bus to arrive and went it. Everyone in the bus was sitting calmly , earphones on, holding their phone and some may even be sleeping(mostly, STUDENTS).After minutes of the road trip, you get off from the bus and walked again towards your school, SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY.


The moment you arrived at school, everyone , especially GIRLS are keeping an eye on you, some may whisper at their friend's ear or pointing you AND THE WORST IS, They're making you that face that's completely irritating or ROLLING THEIR EYEBALLS! 

"Now what did I do?" you mumbled. "Would my day end up to be this bothersome? " you sighed AGAIN and walked to your classroom while looking down. Then suddenly you bumped into someone's shoulder, "I'm sorry" you bowed and continued walking.

She grasped your wrist and said, "Well, look whose here? The star of the DAY! A pretentious woman" she said. 
you looked up and said, "I dont know what you're talking about , Miss." you tried to slip away your hand but she won't .
She rolled her eyes and pushed you to the ground, "Stop pretending , Eun Mi! You don't know KAI and you're dating him?" she shouted.
You burst out laughing and clapped your hands together, you stood up and gave her a fierce look and walked out. 

"PATHETIC PEOPLE! " you muttered. 
"WHAT DID YOU SAY ?! " that girl shouted . She pulled your hair and slapped your face. You have no choice but to defend yourself, you pulled her hair back.

everyone in the crowd gathered around and keeps on cheering like they're watching a FOOTBALL MATCH! YELLING , LAUGHING AND SOME ARE TAKING PHOTOS . You haven't controlled your anger since before leaving the house you were bursting out into anger. A big mess now has been made!
Pulling each others hair, letting out bad words , slapping , hitting each other and all those things that you usually see when girls fight.

"STOP!" a man shouted. Yet both of you wont stop. He came in between and stopped the fight by letting both of you let go of each other's hair. And it was successfull. Your hair was messy , blood on lips and in the upper right of your forehead and hair strands in your palms. Though you may have let go of each other, still both of you are exchanging FIERCE and KILLER EYES.


Who do you think the man is? ^^



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NikkiMikki28 #1
Chapter 7: I would have done the same thing that Eun Mi did, and slapped her in the face. I hope she won. Pretty sure she did. I think the man is the principal or Kyuhyun. Or possibly Kai.