Chapter 14

For Better or For Worst


The sunrays were beaming into my whole room but it won't make me wake up at a Sunday morning.
I was then awakened by a sudden shaking of my body by someone. I really hate it! You can tickle , shout , slap, pour water or turn the music to the loudest to wake me up. But just dont shake my body! It's irritating.
I opened my eyes slowly but all I can see is a man standing, his face was bright and I can't recognize who he was. He looks stunning and very manly. Just then he moved a little bit , it was my bestfriend, Kim Jong-In or Kai. I never saw that kind of feature he had, how good-looking he is now. Maybe I was still stuck to that 'ugly' Kai i used to hangout with. 
"Good morning!" he greeted me and smiled. 
"W-why are y-you here?" i asked.
"Just visiting!" he said lively.
"No buts. Get yourself ready, we're going somewhere." 
"Bu-but.." i rubbed my eyes. He suddenly removed my blanket and carried me in bridal style. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned my head on his chest. I was still sleepy. It's too early for me to wake up.
"oh this girl." he uttered. 
He turned the door knob of my bathroom and kicked the door lightly for it to open. He carefully put you down on the bathtub. 
"Take a bath now , Eun mi. " he said.
"But, i still want to sleep." i said lazily. He the shower and my eyes grew wider. My sleeping attire was all wet. 
"Yaa! Look what have you done!"
"And now, you're awake." 
I gave him that 'You're dead' look and splashed some water on him. He was running out of the bathroom when I did it . And he locked the door.
"Hurry up! I'll be waiting." he shouted.
"Okay. You bastard!" i replied. And he laughed .
I washed up myself for like 20 mins. I wore my bathrobe since I need to dry up my hair using the towel. I went out and saw Kai fixing my bed. 
"Ya! Get out! I need to change!" i demanded.
he looked back "Ohhh.." "..Okaay. " he said. He went out of my room in slow motion. I stomped my feet and that's when he hurriedly went out and locked the door.
"This bastard! He still acts like we're those immature kids way back then. " i thought.
I changed to the most comfortable clothes that I should wear today. Jeans, T-shirt and sneakers, also my jacket and scarf since it's a bit cold today. I also prepared my backpack with all my things in it, phone, wallet, comb and some make ups on it and put it on my back. 
I opened the door and called Kai, "You can come in now." 
He smiled at me and entered my room, "Oh , you look great. " he praised.
i placed my hand on my hips and raised a brow, "Now tell me where are we going."
he cleared his throat , "ahh ~ We're skiing today. " 
I poked his chest , "Ei, Are you sure? " 
he clung his arm in mine and dragged me out of my room, "Yup! Let's go!!"
We headed to the place since it's been a long time since we hang out like this. He turned the music on and it was EXO's Mama. When he's part came in , he keeps on shouting and screaming to the point that my eardrums will be cracked or something. I keep on hitting his arm but he won't stop . So, i frowned throughout the way.After hours of driving, He suddenly stopped the car. 

"Here we are!!" he shouted.  I looked around and there was a welcome board , we're in Yongpyong Ski Resort! It was kind of far than I expected. 

Yongpyong Ski Resort was one of the famous Ski Getaway during winter here in Korea , since it was Sunday , I expected to see a bunch of people skiing here and there but I only see a few, It wasn't crowded and that's a good thing. We checked in and we parted our ways to change for the ski suit. 
We changed into our Ski costume, boots, helmets, poles, and other things needed for skiing. and the skis ofcourse.

"Whoa! You look good. " we praised each other after changing. 
"Are you ready?" he asked. 
I shook my head , "I don't think so." He grabbed my hand to my surprise and we head out holding hands. 

We went to the Mega Green slopes since I'm new to this. And he wasn't. I keep on rubbing my palms together and was looking down to see how the others would ski. 

"Don't be afraid. I'll be here. "he said and  grabbed my hand. I looked into his eyes and gave him a smile. I breathed in deeply and whispered, "Fighting!"
Kai giggled and I gave him a look. 

"Hana, " he started to count.
"Dul, " i breathed deeply again.
"Set!" he shouted .

We pushed our body using the ski poles and there we go we are Skiing! I mean, I did it! I challenged myself to ski faster than Kai, but i stumbled.
"Awww, " i shouted. 
Kai went towards you , "You okay? You cant beat me you know. " he boasted.
"I am. Don't be satisfied, you bastard! " i shouted at his face.  I stood up to my own feet and started to push my body again and tried to win against Kai.

"I'll win this!" i shouted while using all my strength to ski as fast as I can.
"No you won't! " he stick his tongue out and he was right there in front of me. He arrived at the finish line first. And I followed.

"I won!!!" he shouted and raised his arm in to the air. "Since I won, you should pay for the lunch. " he said.
i crossed my arm and said "Okay fine! You lucky bastard! " 

We went to change again to our normal attire and went in to his car and drove off.

"Thanks Jong In. I really enjoyed skiing. " i said.
"Will you stop calling me Jong in? " he grumbled. "Call me Kai instead. "
i raised my brow and asked him , "And why? You're Jong In!" 
"J-just.. Dont call me that way. " he insisted. 
"Okay then. Where are we going anyway? Don't you dare have lunch in a fancy resto. "
Kai laughed , "Yup.we're going there. But the prices are cheap! " he exclaimed.
I attempt to punch him but I didn't or else will be in an accident. 

We arrived at the restaurant . When we entered I was amazed by the place, I don't know what kind of place is this but all I can see our Kpop Idols! 
"Is this perhaps a resto for you?" i asked.
"Actually, we idols eat here . Eventhough we're from different entertainment. " he explained.
"But shouldn't I be here? " i asked again.
"Eun mi, dont be like that. " he said . I nodded and smiled.

We went to the table near the window and sat face to face. I was quite uncomfortable at first, i keep on looking around and see if the other idols are talking about us. Good thing, they weren't , it made my heart at ease. 

"I'll just go the bathroom. " Kai said. I nodded.  I was sitting alone then someone approached me.

"Eun Mi Noona!" he said .
he bowed and greeted, "Hi noona! It's good to meet you. "
"Aniyaa, no need to bow. " i said. 
"It's okay since you're hyung's girlfriend. " he muttered and smiled.
What girlfriend is this kid thinking about? O.O 
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NikkiMikki28 #1
Chapter 7: I would have done the same thing that Eun Mi did, and slapped her in the face. I hope she won. Pretty sure she did. I think the man is the principal or Kyuhyun. Or possibly Kai.