Chapter 12

For Better or For Worst

 Could you ever imagine your idol confessing the way he feel towards you ? 

My hands and feet are fidgeting nervously. My heart was about to jump out of the rib cage and I will just die at any moment from now after hearing those words straight from Minho's mouth. I was really uncomfortable sitting in the front seat beside the driver's seat. I keep on moving from my seat side by side. 

I was just there for like 30 mins and we still haven't talked that much. The place was surrounded by silence after he told me. I was thinking random things endlessly that I dont have any idea that it may be too awkward for him. My mind was just fed up by his words, words of affection.

He held my hand, "Eun mi, are you okay?"
"U-uh. Y-yeah. Just thinking of random stuffs." i said and looked at him.
He bit his lower lips , "I think i said something offensive. " 
"Oh minho , stop that! It's effin' y!" i thought. "Naah, not really. Were are we?"
"I LIKE YOU EUN MI. " he confessed. Before I could say anything, he placed his finger which was as soft as a cotton on my lips and removed it .

"The first time I saw your photo on me2day, my heart was beating so fast and I found myself smiling afterwards. You were the best created person I've seen. Every detail on your face was proportional. It's not only me who noticed your beauty, but also the other members. Infact, we were arguing if who'll own her in the future. We wished everyday that in some point we can meet you on our fan signing events , but we never did. Maybe we are that unlucky . " he paused and tried to catch a breath.

"The second time I saw you was when you're walking towards us. You were with Kai. I knew I saw you somewhere , but I cant tell where. I think I do have a bad memory at all. I told the other members that , that day I saw another pretty girl and they were jealous about sleeping . "

"So, the members were with you?" I interrupted. He nodded and continue .

"Yup. they were but maybe they're tired and still sleepy. Anyways, the third time I saw you was when Kyuhyun hyung asked me to do a favor for his dongsaeng. He showed me you're photo and that's were I felt there is something that tied us to see each other . For 3 hours, we talked and laughed together. That was the best feeling I've experienced. Sitting right next to you, THE GIRL THAT I LIKE FROM ME2DAY . "  he paused again.

I didn't say anything afterwards, except asking if he was with the other members. I was listening to his story with my heart pounding. I gave him the chance to explain and tell me how he feels. But there would be this words that will just pop out of my mind , and it even makes my heart and mind more confused.

You may think that I've just met you for a very short time,but that 3 hours of talking to you made us closer like we knew each other for ages. I was really thankful to hyung that he made me do the favor. It's not really important how long you know the person it's about how I had a big change of heart after meeting you. I like you , Eun mi. "  he continued.

"B-but oppa. You're an idol . and I'm just... an ORDINARY FAN." i said in a low voice.
"I dont care . What matters is how I feel towards you." he grabbed my hand and placed it on his chest, "Eun mi, this heart beats for you." he stated.
"O-oppa, "

He suddenly embraced me and whispered, "I know it's not good to say this. But Eun mi, if ever you'll give me a chance, I'll prove to you."
I pushed him slowly , "I cant be sure on what you're feeling towards me. I'm not saying that I'm doubting and I can't just say yes because that would make me look like an easy going girl. Oppa, you know what? I've admired you since your debut days. But --. "

He placed again his finger on my lips, "I'll prove it to you. " he said.

I went home after meeting Minho. From the distance, I saw my brother walking back and forth at the front door and he seems to be thinking deeply. I ran towards him .

"Where have you been, Eun mi?" he raised his voice.
"W-went out somewhere. " i replied.
He placed his right hand on his waist, "Did you meet up with Minho?" he asked.
"W-what are you saying, oppa?" 
"Don't lie! Someone told me. "
"Who?" i asked. He just raised his eyebrow , "Okay, okay. I met up with him. Now , GET MAD AT ME!" i shouted and looked down. 
"No, i'm not mad. I'm just saying that, if you're dating him already , TELL ME." he said.
"We're not. Okay? H-he just confessed his feelings today."
"Really? He did that?!" he lifted me and swung me into the air, "Oppa, put me down!!" i roared.
he put me down and i felt dizzy, "He changed. He's quite clumsy when it comes to this. Anyway, I support you dongsaeng." he said and smirked.
I hugged and thanked him. 


"Anyways, Kai went here awhile ago. " he said. 
"Kai? What did he do here?" i asked.
"He was looking for you. And he's quite upset .Did you guys fight?"
"Us? No. Why would we fight?" 
"I dont know. Anyways, get in now and wash up. You're quite smelly. " he said annoyingly. 
I kicked his foot and ran away leaving him suffering from pain. "That's what you get." I shouted and stuck out my tongue.

I went upstairs and threw all my things on the bed , and headed to the bathroom to wash up. Since my brother's a bit right. I was in the middle of rinsing my body when my phone rang. I hurriedly wrapped up my body with the towel and went out. 

"Eun mi, it's me Kai. " he said.
"Oh, Kai. " 
"I dropped by your house and you weren't there. Where have you been?"
"I-i went to the mall. I just got home. " i lied.
"Oh , i see. Wrong timing. I'll hang up now. Bye. " he said and hang up.

My heart was a bit burdened that I lied to my bestfriend. I think I just need more time to tell him, I hope he would understand. But why is he hanging up ? And why was he upset ? Why did he want to see me? Is there an occasion today? 

My phone rang once again for a text message.

Minho my loveThank you for today. Take care my princess. *^^ ♥ [Sent: 6:00]
Eun Mi: tch. and you're being sweet ? Stop with that cheeziness Minho! 
               Thank you also. ;) [Sent: 6:41]
Minho my love: I cant be sweet? *pout* You dont like it ? Awww~ poor me. T^T [Sent: 6:42]
Eun Mi: NO! You cant! :P Ahh, whatever. I'll text you tomorrow . I got stuffs to do. [Sent: 6:43]
Minho my love: Okay! Do well ~ *^^ :* ♥

I forgot how upset Kai was when Minho texted me with all that sweet words. But I still can't assure if that's true or not. I'll unfold his true identity. I'll test him. That's a way to prove if he's sincere or not. But I hope, he is . I really want to be by his side forever. 



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NikkiMikki28 #1
Chapter 7: I would have done the same thing that Eun Mi did, and slapped her in the face. I hope she won. Pretty sure she did. I think the man is the principal or Kyuhyun. Or possibly Kai.