Life Marriage Day 1

The Marriage


Right after they parents leave and their awareness came back, Kyu decided to go to bath first. Kyu get in to the bathroom, leaving Siwon who spend his time by playing something in his phone. However, even though Siwon looks like concentrating enough with his phone, his mind is actually is not there. He keeps reminding how warm Kyu’s body and how it somehow fit perfectly in his chest. Siwon still can remember how Kyu’s body feels fragile and soft, and how it feels so comfortable like Kyu is really belong there.

Kyu came out from the bathroom, finding Siwon who is knitting his eyebrows while playing some games in his phone. Kyu rolled his eyes, thinking how Siwon took the game too serious. However, Kyu hopes he will find Siwon just laying in the bed looking to the room’s ceiling, he hopes that Siwon will reminding their previous moment, how his back touch Siwon’s chest. Because that was exactly what he did in the first 5 minutes inside the bathroom. Kyu keeps reminding how Siwon’s chest felt like, how board it is, how it feels hard but warm, and how he hopes that he will stay longer in there.

Siwon notice the boy who just come out from the bathroom, he stop staring to his phone and pay attention more to Kyu. He looks to Kyu once again, Kyu’s skin is looking even more fresh after came out from the bathroom, his hair is still a little bit wet, and Siwon have to admit it looks y. He knew he can’t staring to the boy too longer, so he grabs his towel then go to the bathroom.

Siwon came out after taking 15 minutes inside the bathroom. This is not the first time Kyu see Siwon who just came out from bath, but still it is breathtaking for him. Kyu should remind himself not too long to stare to Siwon, so he awkwardly moving his eyes to other directions.

They stay silent for a while, before Siwon break it, “so, shall we go downstairs?”

Kyu looks to Siwon before answering, “Okay.”

Kyu ready to go out from their room, but stopped right away when he suddenly feels a grip in his hand. He turns his body, finding Siwon who is now standing in front of him.

“Wait. You know our parents thought us as a newlywed, right?” Siwon release his grip, Kyu bite his lower lip trying not to let out a whine when he loose Siwon’s touch from his hand.

“Yeah. So?”

“So, what I’m trying to say, we really have to act like a newlywed. I mean, we can’t be awkward around each other again. We should be more relax.”

Kyu felt a little bit disappointed in his heart, knowing Siwon is only think about their fake marriage, too afraid that everyone will found out about their contract. But, he can’t complain, this is the way that they agreed.

“Fine. I’ll try to be more relax. Come on, they already wait for us.” Kyu turns his body, then go to the downstairs with Siwon is following him. He can hear giggling and chanting from the main dining room. Before they reach the dining room and show themselves, Siwon grip Kyu's hand once again and hold it with his hand. Kyu is a little bit shocked with sudden action, but once he see Siwon's face who just smiling to their family, he remembers their previous chat before coming out from their room. Once again, Kyu felt somehow disappointed by the fact that Siwon did is as an action.

They welcomed by the cheers from their family, and the members. Heechul is the one who looks so excited once they arrived.

"Hey there new couple! How was last night?" Heechul asked while smirking to Kyu and followed by the chuckled from the members.

Kyu just glared at his hyung, while Siwon is smiling and pull a chair for Kyu. They eyes met and Siwon narrowed his eyes to the chair, signaling Kyu to sit. Kyu can feel his cheeks are feeling warm. Heechul who is sitting right in front of him notice this and give that evil smirk to his little brother once again.

"Siwon-ah, Kyuhyun-ah, here is some pancakes, you should eat more." Siwon's mother is handing them a plate of delicious pancakes.

Kyu who can't resist food suddenly forgetting the previous tease from Heechul, and start to paying more attention to the food.

But even before Kyu can taste any of the food, his hyung throw him another comment, "you must be hungry. How many rounds did you do last night?"

Siwon who is drinking his orange juice can't help but choking after hearing Heechul's comment. Kyu forgets to give the death glare to Heechul, while his hand automatically rubs Siwon's back and tap it once or twice softly.

Donghae who observes the whole action felt a little bit confused looking to Kyu who is rubbing Siwon's back lovingly, like a real couple. And how Kyu's face looks really worried towards Siwon.

"Are you okay?" Kyu asked once Siwon calm down.

Siwon just give him a sweet smile as an answer.

Kyu looks to Heechul once again and then finally give him a death glare, while Heechul just smirking to his brother like he has done nothing wrong.

The breakfast finally done. The members, and Heechul's family ready to go back to their own home. While Siwon's and Kyu's parents, along with Siwon and Kyu are heading to somewhere. They drive a different car.

Siwon and Kyu are getting alone once again. Along the road they more stay silent, just having a little bit chat once or twice. And before Siwon know it, Kyu is suddenly already sleeping. Siwon looks the boy once again. How that perfect white skin become more amazing under the morning sun. Siwon has to gulp his own saliva to control his mind, and try really hard to focus more to the road.

They finally arrived in some district that not so far from the center of the city but still feels cozy and the weather is still great. Siwon slowly shook Kyu's shoulder, try to waking him up.

"Kyu..." Siwon called him, then try to shake Kyu's shoulder once again.

However, Kyu is only moving a bit, while give a hum as an answer. His eyes still close, and Siwon find sleeping Kyu is too cute. Siwon bite his lower lips to control his mind.

"Kyu... We are here." Siwon called him once again. This time Kyu finally open his eyes so slowly. He try to adjust the light to his eyes, but as soon as he sees Siwon is staring at him lovingly, Kyu can feel his heart is beating a little bit faster.

They came out from the car, walking to their parents who are already waiting in front of a house.

"Come on." Kyu's father said while motioning them to follow him.


They enter a house. The house is not too small, but not too big. The outside of the house is designed like a modern house, but when they come inside, the inside of the house looks so warm. The floor is made from a dark brown wood, the furniture are looks modern but almost all made from wood, so it still looks classy. The house has two floors, and there is a small swimming pool in the back garden.

"So, sons. This is our presents to both of you." Siwon's father proudly announced it.

Both Kyu and Siwon are looking to their parents unbelievable. He never thought that the present that their parents give will be a house.

"Really?" Siwon asked to his father with still a shocked face.

"Really! Aren't you guys happy?" His father asked excitedly once again.

They stare their parents for a second before hug them one by one while saying thank you. Both Kyu and Siwon felt the guilt in their heart become bigger, but they can't be any happier with this present.

"Come on, let's have a look at your new home!"

They have a little tour around the house. It's start with the living room, then the family room with a nice couch, the kitchen, the dining room, and their parents also give a mini home theater, a reading room which can be Siwon's room for work too, and a room for Kyu's work.

"Donghae help us to move your files, and your tools." Kyu's mom said.

"Donghae hyung know about this?" Kyu asked his mom, feeling a little bit shocked.

"Of course!"

They continue their tour to the second floor, there is a master bedroom with the toilet inside, a room for guest, a small wardrobe, a toilet and a balcony that have a wonderful view.

The back garden is nice, with a pool and little gazebo on it.

"You can play soccer with your son in here, Siwon-ah." Siwon's father said while imagines it. Siwon can't help but blush, he try to imagine it as well and hopes it will really happen.

They got back to the family room, sitting on the comfy couch.

"So, you might want to add more furniture in the future. We didn't but that much, because we afraid that it won't suit with both of your taste." Kyu's dad said.

"It's okay, dad. This is more than enough for us." Kyu said while smiling sweetly.

"Okay then! We thought you two want to have some time alone. So... We'll leave."

Siwon and Kyu try to hold their parents to go, but their parents insist to go.


Once again, Siwon and Kyu left alone. They walk to the family room in silence. They sat on the couch, waiting someone will break the silence.

"You have no idea they will give us a house?" Kyu asked suddenly, breaking the silence.

Siwon shake his head, "I really have no idea."

Kyu sighed, "well, my guilt is become bigger by this house."

Siwon sighed too, "I know the feeling too, Kyu."

They stay silent again. Until Kyu realize that it almost lunch time.

"Hyung, it's almost lunch. Don't you hungry?"

"Yeah, it's almost one o'clock. Do you want to order something?"

Kyu realizes that they have nothing to eat in this house. Their refrigerator is absolutely empty, not just that, he notices that there is still no plate, no glass, no cutlery at all. Not just that, they have no soap or shampoo. They have nothing except some clothes in their own bag. And before they move all their stuff tomorrow, the absolutely have nothing.  Like or not, they need to shop.

"Well, how about we buy some ingredients. I'll cook. Besides, there are really many things to buy."

Siwon looks around once again and finally notices that the only thing that they had in this house is only some furniture.

"Okay then."

They go to one of the biggest supermarket that they can find near their house. Once Siwon and Kyu step inside the supermarket, people start whispering and smiling over them. Kyu, who still not used to be the center of attention like this, try to focus more in shopping their things.

They threw many boxes of milk, and healthy juice, some biscuits, and chips, bread, jar with some flavors. Kyu took some meat, vegetables, fruits, and some kitchen herbs. Not forget to buy some detergent, shampoo, soap, tooth brush, air freshener, and so many other things. Kyu somehow felt happy by walking together with Siwon in the supermarket. He feels like a real newlywed for the first time, how they discuss which brand that they should buy, which fruit that they will buy. A little bit Kyu knows Siwon's habit, how he must drink coffee every morning so they decided to buy many coffee powders, and how Siwon's sugar pressure can easily get down, so they have to stock many sugar.

Siwon in the other hand amazingly looking to Kyu who is like an expert in shopping grocery like this. Siwon can feel Kyu is going to be a good 'wife' if they have a real marriage. Siwon try to deny his disappointed feeling because Kyu is here as his 'house mate' not as his real partner. He tries to more focus on the shopping and how he feels that they are looks like a real couple.

They keep discussing while smiling once or twice. However, their shopping interrupted by a little 3 years old boy who is bumping to Kyu's leg lightly. Kyu looks down to the boy who is now looking at him right in the eyes. Kyu squats himself so he is on the same height as the little boy.

"Hey there, baby boy. Where’s you mommy?" Kyu asked him softly.

The little boy didn't answer, but only looking to Kyu's eyes. His eyes get teary out of sudden, and the boy start crying. Kyu didn't look panicked at all, he wipes the tears in the boy's cheeks, and rubs his back softly.

"Why are you crying? Don't cry baby." Kyu said softly again. But the boy still crying. Then Kyu decided to hold the boy in his arm, moving his own body back and forth lightly, still rubbing the boy's back softly. Kyu keeps talking softly to the boy, asking him not to cry, and tell him that he will give him a candy if he stops to cry. The boy slowly stops his crying. Kyu wipes the tears once again, and smile softly. Before he can say anything, a woman came to them in a rush.

"Jongwoon-ah, there you are!" Said the woman and reached the boy in Kyu's arm. The boy who knows his mommy is coming suddenly reach his mom with his tiny hand. Kyu gave the boy back to his mom. The woman said thank you to them over and over again, then leaving them alone once again.

Siwon in the other hand is trying to rewind what just happened in his head. He can't get rid the picture of how Kyu is lovingly caring to the boy, and how he is so calm even though the boy is crying. Siwon finds Kyu is even more beautiful after what happened.

Kyu turns around, looking to Siwon when he feels something is wrong with him.

"Are you okay hyung?"

Siwon startled by the sudden question, "huh? Yeah. I'm fine."

Kyu looks him in the eye again before shrug his shoulder and start to shop again.


They came back to their home with a bunch of plastic bag. They put each of the new stuff that they just bought in the place. The put the foods in the refrigerator, the toiletries in each toilet in this house, and so on. They felt starve, then Kyu start to cook. Kyu made delicious fried rice in the kitchen, while Siwon is only staring at him at the dining table near the kitchen. He, once again, become more mesmerize after knowing that Kyu can cook.

"Since when do you cook?" Siwon asked out of sudden while looking Kyu cooking.

Kyu chuckled a little bit, "college I think. Since I lived alone in other's country, their food sometimes didn't match with my tongue, so I cook sometimes." He said while still cooking.

The fried rice with some bacon on it is ready. Siwon tells to Kyu it is delicious for many times. Kyu can only blush with how Siwon is really enjoying his lunch. Once the lunch over, Siwon decided to be the one who clean up since Kyu is already cooked.

Kyu decided to watch TV in the family room while Siwon is cleaning up. Kyu watches some gossip show, and find his wedding as one of the hot topic.

Kyu pay really attention to the news, how they show some clip of Siwon and the member, how Siwon sometimes show his bare chest in their concert. Kyu suddenly remember how that chest is on his back this morning and somehow felt like missing it. And then finally show some pictures that have been uploaded by their guest to the social media, because the media didn't allow to shoot their wedding yesterday. Kyu try to rewind that day again, and how they kisses, and how beautiful yet bitter Siwon's speech.

Before he can go any further, Siwon came from the kitchen. He sits on the couch and looks to the news. They stay silent until the news about them is finally done.

Siwon clears his throat, "so, I want to talk about the sleeping arrangements." Siwon said.

Kyu just look to the man while waiting him to continue.

"I'll sleep in the guest room, you can sleep in the master bed room." Siwon said once again.

"What? No. Hyung, you took the master bed room." Kyu rejects.

"It's okay Kyu. I'll take the guest room."

"No. It won't be fair."

"Well, the rooms are same actually. So it doesn't matter, okay? I'll take the guest room." Siwon said softly try to convince Kyu.

Kyu lost in Siwon voice once again then finally nod.


Time passed quickly that day. Siwon decided to swim after that, while Kyu just keep watching the television. Then after dinner, Kyu wash the dishes and then excuse himself to sleep. The night it's still early, Kyu don't feel sleepy at all. But he felt still awkward around Siwon, and his mind is getting harder to control after his see Siwon came out from the pool right with his eyes.

Kyu just looking up to the ceiling until he hears some guitars played downstairs. The melody is sweet but unfamiliar, he can also hear Siwon is humming a little bit. Kyu decided to get up from his bed and go to downstairs.

Siwon is still in the couch, while holding a guitar.

"Where did you find that?" Kyu suddenly asked. Siwon startled a little bit because he didn't notice Kyu is coming.

"On the reading room." He said while smiling.

Kyu sits in the couch. Siwon looks him sweetly, "couldn't sleep?"

Kyu nods, he is pouting his lips a little bit. Siwon clench his jaw, try to hold his desire to jump and kiss those pinky lips.

"What did you play?" Kyu asked.

"Just some song that I wrote."

"You wrote a song?" Kyu is lifting his eyebrows, can't hide his excitement.

"Yeah." Siwon answered shyly.

"Can I hear it?"

"No!" Siwon answered too quickly, making the boy looks sad, "I mean, it hasn’t been finished."

Kyu looks to Siwon while pouting once again, then he shrugs his shoulder, decided to let it go.

Then Kyu moves his body towards Siwon, before asking him to borrow the guitar. Siwon gave it gladly. Kyu on the other hand slowly play the guitar, some melody that he remembers how to play. And he softly sings, it barely can hear, but Siwon can, since he is so close with the boy. Kyu in the other hand seems so concentrate with his guitar and his song, didn't notice that Siwon is looking at him so tenderly.

Siwon know that Kyu's voice is sweet. But even after years, Kyu's voice still can hypnotized him just like it did back when they were high school. Siwon just looking to the boy softly, hearing every single melody that came out from that soft mouth.

Before he notices, Kyu done with his song. He looks up and finding Siwon is looking at him. This time Siwon didn't try to move his eyes. Kyu is also didn't try to look another way, he is already lost in that gaze.

Slowly, but sure, Siwon moves his body forward. Their eyes didn't leave each other, and they get even closer. Now their faces are only left inches. Both of them can feel their slow and warm breath. Their eyes still looking at each other, the gaze is so deep yet so soft. And finally, the only time Siwon leave Kyu's eyes is when he looks to his lips, then move his body forward. Their lips touch. And it's for a second time this time.

I'm sorrrrrry for the late update. School, once again, being hectic. I write this chapter by staying up so late, because many of you already ask me to update. So, I really hope you enjoy it. Thank you <3

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Arshilahuiz #1
Chapter 21: The last part is so cute where the kids help their appa in cook.
mykyunie #2
Chapter 21: Wow this is perfecto, beautiful
kyuwon1013 #3
Chapter 21: i hope you can create another Wonkyu story
kyuwon1013 #4
Chapter 21: It was a happy ending.Thanks for writing this Wonkyu story.
Merettevan #5
Chapter 21: Thanks a lot for the story! I read it and it was sweet and heart-warming! The end was all I wanted for!
I also liked the Eunhae references! Thank you, thank you!
Luhma1817 #6
Chapter 21: I still had not read this story and I really enjoyed it. I prefer it when Siwon and Kyu are portrayed in a more believable way and close to their personalities.
Latersbabysaidwonkyu #7
Chapter 21: I fell in love with this story. Thank u so much. You are an awesome writer my dear. Bear hugs to you**
That was an amazing story with a happy ending. I read it like 4 times already hehehe.
Thank you for your awesome story. ^_^
joannaxdiaz #9
Chapter 21: this will be one of my favorites. I really can't get enough of this story. Thank you for sharing.
angelvoicekyu #10
Chapter 21: I guess this will forever be one of my favorite wonkyu's love story ever! Congratulations for completing this story beautifully! I think I'm touched seeing how far they've gone from not realizing their feelings towards each other to some friendly gestures, marriage contract, denials after denials, after , misunderstanding, angst and heart wrenching events to marriage for REAL.

I've been seeking for this story tbh, haha I'm such a loser when it comes to wonkyu, blame my hardcore shipper heart who miss wonkyu a lot and I'm grateful cause it's here, it's not gone. They're perfect for each other and I loved how you wrote their stages in relationship, since they're not lovers and they fell in love within the time. It hurts seeing kyuhyun getting hurt and I wish Siwonnie would take care of his precious lover.

Thanks for writing this. I wish I could download this story somehow. Take care, dear author nim.