
The Marriage

After saying that Kyu went to his room immediately. He locked himself in the bathroom under the cold shower. He can’t lie, is acting up after their little make out. The way Siwon kiss him is making him hard on. However, it’s not only to that. He is also thinking about why Siwon can’t give him the right answer from his question, and also what he should do if they see each other again.

Meanwhile Siwon is left alone in the pool. He pulled himself up, he is still sitting in the edge of the pool. His mind is trying to think about what is happening. In a second he find himself is kissing Kyu, then now he is finding himself left alone with his hard on. He rubs his face roughly. He knew he needs a cold shower to let go his hard on, but he is also need it to think lots of thing. About his feeling, about Kyu’s feeling, and moreover about this marriage.


Kyu try to avoid Siwon in the first two days. Kyu only went out from his room if he is sure that Siwon is not around or he is sleeping in his room. Siwon is not stupid, he knew Kyu is avoiding him. Of course the boy is avoiding him. And actually Siwon think is a good thing, since he is not ready to see Kyu too.

However in the third day, they met accidentally in the dining room. Kyu thought Siwon is already leaved the house. Their eye met awkwardly. Kyu immediately avoid the eye contact, pretend to find something for his breakfast. While Siwon try to make them less awkward by saying good morning. Kyu only smile a little while mumbling ‘morning’ to the man.

That day Kyu realize something, it’s not just because he doesn’t want to meet Siwon. But it’s also because he knew that if he sees Siwon, he won’t see him in the same way again after their pool accident. The scene of Siwon is kissing him is immediately pop out in Kyu’s mind the second he see the man. And it’s only made Kyu low his head hiding his blush.

Siwon is not any different. After not seeing Kyu for two days, he holds his breath when he sees the boy is only wearing a white t-shirt with sweet pants. The white t-shirt is only making Kyu’s skin looks even whiter. And Siwon immediately remembers how that skin taste when he is kissing it. Siwon is trying so hard to hold himself for not jumping and attack the boy with lots of kisses.


After that all they can say is just ‘hello’ and ‘bye’. They sometimes met for breakfast, and eat their breakfast in silence. Siwon will go out first since he is the busy one, and they will say goodbye to each other. Sometimes if Siwon will come home late he will text Kyu. And it goes on until almost two weeks. No one will ask about how was their day, or even exchange any news. Everything seems to awkward to both of them.

Then in one morning breakfast, Siwon decided to talk about something.

“I will go to China in couple days.” He said.

Kyu look up to the man, “for how long?”

“I don’t know. Maybe three weeks, maybe more. We are preparing our new album.”

They stay silent, still looking at each other, until Kyu nod his head and back to his breakfast.


Once Siwon left the house, Kyu sit in the kitchen counter with lots of thing going on his mind. He never knew that Siwon had a plan to go to China and spend almost a month in there. Well, it’s obvious since they are not talking about anything in two weeks.

Kyu sighed. He knew he missed a lot of things from Siwon’s life in these couple weeks. He doesn’t know how Siwon’s businesses with his father now, what Siwon’s upcoming event with the other members, are the members are doing fine right now. Before the pool accident they used to talk about their jobs with each other. Now they are barely talking, and in couple days Siwon will be away to China for almost a month. Maybe with all the separation Siwon will think twice about his previous talk with Kyu. Maybe with all the separation Siwon will realize that he doesn’t want to make love with Kyu.


The day has come. Siwon is all set up with his stuff to go to the dorm first before went to the airport with the other members. Siwon checked up once more when Kyu came to the living room.

Siwon look up to the boy and give him a smile then back checking his stuff once again.

“Okay. All set up.” Siwon said.

Kyu is standing in front of him, his hands are in his pocket. He nods slightly.

“Will you be okay when I’m away?” Siwon said after couple of second in silence.

Kyu smile then nods again. He doesn’t know what is going on in his mind right now. Yesterday he was sure he is fine with Siwon’s leaving, now he is feeling like he wants to pull the man back to his room and locked him in the room so he can’t go.

“You sure?” Siwon knit his eyebrows, knowing something wrong with the boy.

Kyu nods again. He can’t even speak.

Siwon is just looking at him, he sees Kyu bite his lips. He himself really don’t want to leave, even though they are barely talking in these couple weeks, Siwon is used to having Kyu in his days, and the silence that they shared is more comfortable than awkward. And above all, he doesn’t want to leave the boy with only like this, without kiss or even hug, or even a word from Kyu. He really wants to kiss Kyuhyun goodbye, but he can’t.

Siwon sighed a little, his eyes are still looking at Kyu. Kyu in the other hand is still bite his bottom lip, his face is like about to say something but there is no words come out from his mouth.

Siwon is still looking at the boy. He waits couple of second to let Kyu move his eyes, but no, Kyu is also still looking to his eyes. That’s when Siwon realize he can’t hold it anymore. In one move he slightly moves forwards and pulled Kyu to his embrace then start kissing his lips.

Kyu is shocked at first, but he immediately realize with what is happening. He circled his hands to Siwon’s neck, deepening the kiss even more. Siwon put his hand in Kyu’s waist, he pulled him even closer even there is no more space between them. The kiss starts change to the passionate one. Their tongues start to dance with each other, Kyu sighed when Siwon succeed to dominate him more, but he still loves it.

When they sure their lungs is about to run out of air, they pulled away. Both of them still looking at each other. Siwon’s eyes are full of passion, while Kyu is still panting lightly from their passionate kiss. When Kyu is breathing normally again, Siwon attack his lips once again. This time is shorter, but still making them breathless.

They still stay in their position, none of them talking, just looking to each other’s eyes, trying to find some answer.

“You sure you will be okay if I’m away?” Siwon asked once again.

“No.” This time Kyu answered.

Siwon just chuckled before give Kyu a square kiss in the lips once again.

“I’m sorry I had to leave you.” He said tenderly.

Siwon can see Kyu is pouting, so he pecks the pout before pulling the boy into a tight hug.

Kyu drown his face in Siwon’s crook, inhaling the scent that he will miss the most. That’s when Siwon can feel the vibration from his phone in his pocket. He knew it’s time for him to go. He slightly pulled Kyu away.

“I had to go.” Siwon said again, he looks to Kyu’s eyes for couple of second before he turns away, ready to go. That’s when he feels Kyu grab his hand. He turns away and find Kyu with his sad face. Siwon walk closer to the boy, he cupped Kyu’s face before kissing him lovingly once again. When he pulled away, he gives butterfly kisses in Kyu’s face that successfully made the boy giggle.

Siwon smile once again after hearing the boy’s laugh, he reached Kyu’s hand and rub his thumb in the soft hand.

“Bye.” He said.

“Bye.” Kyu finally said, this time he has no sad face again. Siwon kiss Kyu’s hand before finally turn away once again and leave the house.


The first week with no Siwon in the house is miserable for Kyuhyun. He is trying so hard not to spend too much time in the house since it’s bring too much memories for him. He doesn’t know why he let Siwon kissed him that day. But he has no regret, it’s so much better than if Siwon leave him with nothing.

Everyday Siwon will text Kyu. Kyu forbid Siwon to call him. Their last call was when the plane was about to leave to China.

“I’ll call you when I land.” Siwon said.



“Don’t call, just text me. Don’t call me when you are there.”

“Why?” Siwon asked confused.

“Because I’ll miss you even more if I only can hear your voice but can’t see you at all.” Kyu said shyly.

Siwon smiled, he finds Kyu is way too adorable.


So, like they promised, they didn’t call each other. It’s only texting. Siwon is dying to hear Kyu’s voice, but he knows that Kyu is right. Hearing only voice but not able to see or touch the boy will only makes Siwon is feeling more miserable.

However, after the first week without seeing Kyu or even hearing his voices, Siwon is being crazier than ever. He can’t even think straight, he can’t even concentrate with what he is doing right now. He did some mistakes when they are recording their song, or he often daydreaming when they praticed their dance. He misses Kyu so much.

That’s when finally Siwon decided to call Kyu.

Kyu in the other hand is about to had a lunch when Siwon called him. His eyes are not believing the caller id. He is arguing with himself to pick it up or not. He is afraid that if he hears Siwon’s voices he will cry because the feeling of missing the man is too much right now. But he is also afraid that what if it’s something really important or even worse something happened to Siwon.

Kyu took a deep breath before pick it up.

“Hello?” Kyu can hear Siwon’s voice clearly.

Kyu can feel his tears are already on the corner of his eyes. He doesn’t know that missing a person can be this sad.

“Kyu?” Siwon said again.

“Hyung...” Kyu answered trying the best he can to hide his sobs.

“Are you crying? Kyu, don’t cry.” Siwon plead.

“No.” Kyu said while wiping away his tears.

Siwon sighed, “Gosh I miss you so much.” He said once again.

“I miss you too, hyung.”

They stay silent, only enjoying each other breath. Kyu sat down in the couch while hearing Siwon’s breath in the other line. No one of them talks but they enjoy this silence.

However they are interrupted by the sound of Siwon’s manager who is calling him to gather up for their next schedule.

“I have to go.”

“Okay.” Kyu said, Siwon know he is pouting.

Siwon sighed again, “I miss you so much. Wait a little longer, will you?”

Kyu smile a little, “okay. I’ll wait.”

Siwon smile with the answer, “that’s good. Bye, Kyu.”

“Bye, hyung.”

Their phone called ended up like that. With Siwon who is now having even more hard time to concentrate to his schedule, and Kyu who is buried his face in both of his hands, screaming with no sound. Both are feeling so desperate to see each other.


The next day Kyu is even having a hard time to get up and went to his office. He feels like having no energy since his energy is way over in China. Donghae only looked confused to his best friend. When he asked why, Kyu only mumbling he is not in the mood out of sudden.

That day everything passed seems so slow for Kyu, he just want to go home and sleep in Siwon’s room. Oh yeah, since the second day Siwon went away Kyu can’t hold it anymore, he decided to sleep in Siwon’s room. Siwon’s room contain his smell, so even it’s not really helping but it’s better than not having Siwon at all.

Kyu went home earlier, in 5 in the afternoon he is already home. He walks slowly to the kitchen to find something to eat when his phone is ringing. He is a little bit taken back when he sees the caller id. It’s Siwon.

“Where are you?” Siwon said once he hears Kyu picked up the call. He sounds in rush.

“Home...” Kyu answered it unsure, confused why Siwon is speaking in such a hurry.

“Okay stay there.”

The good part will come in the next chapter. Sorry if this is not like you all expected. Enjoy <3

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Arshilahuiz #1
Chapter 21: The last part is so cute where the kids help their appa in cook.
mykyunie #2
Chapter 21: Wow this is perfecto, beautiful
kyuwon1013 #3
Chapter 21: i hope you can create another Wonkyu story
kyuwon1013 #4
Chapter 21: It was a happy ending.Thanks for writing this Wonkyu story.
Merettevan #5
Chapter 21: Thanks a lot for the story! I read it and it was sweet and heart-warming! The end was all I wanted for!
I also liked the Eunhae references! Thank you, thank you!
Luhma1817 #6
Chapter 21: I still had not read this story and I really enjoyed it. I prefer it when Siwon and Kyu are portrayed in a more believable way and close to their personalities.
Latersbabysaidwonkyu #7
Chapter 21: I fell in love with this story. Thank u so much. You are an awesome writer my dear. Bear hugs to you**
That was an amazing story with a happy ending. I read it like 4 times already hehehe.
Thank you for your awesome story. ^_^
joannaxdiaz #9
Chapter 21: this will be one of my favorites. I really can't get enough of this story. Thank you for sharing.
angelvoicekyu #10
Chapter 21: I guess this will forever be one of my favorite wonkyu's love story ever! Congratulations for completing this story beautifully! I think I'm touched seeing how far they've gone from not realizing their feelings towards each other to some friendly gestures, marriage contract, denials after denials, after , misunderstanding, angst and heart wrenching events to marriage for REAL.

I've been seeking for this story tbh, haha I'm such a loser when it comes to wonkyu, blame my hardcore shipper heart who miss wonkyu a lot and I'm grateful cause it's here, it's not gone. They're perfect for each other and I loved how you wrote their stages in relationship, since they're not lovers and they fell in love within the time. It hurts seeing kyuhyun getting hurt and I wish Siwonnie would take care of his precious lover.

Thanks for writing this. I wish I could download this story somehow. Take care, dear author nim.