And The Lies Start

The Marriage


Kyu is laying his body on his bed, it’s almost midnight but he can’t sleep. He went home after their little deal on Super Junior’s dorm, he took a bath ready to sleep but he just seem can’t sleep. His eyes are looking to the ceiling of his room, his mind is can’t stop thinking many things.

He keeps rewinding everything from his childhood with Siwon, try to remember every single thing that they have been through. There’s must be something that makes us become that strange.

However Kyu can’t find anything from his childhood, or maybe he can’t remember every single thing of his childhood. Kyu tries to sleep once again, he is struggling over the bed, try to find some comfort position so he can sleep, but he still can’t.

Kyu sighed, he straight up his body from his bed, and walks to his desk not so far from the bed. He opens the last drawer from the desk, pulled out a big old photo album. Kyu opens the photo album, it contains mostly his picture since he is a baby until the last photo was when he was graduated from high school. Kyu opened the photo album page by page. On the first page, there is a baby picture of him, it was when he was just about 3 months.

The more Kyu looked to his album photo the more he realizes that he and Siwon did almost grow up together. He never realized that actually Siwon is always there. On the picture of him playing with his new first bike for the first time, Siwon was there, standing not so far from him. On the picture when he fell from the tree because he tried to catch a butterfly, Siwon was there, looking at him. On the picture when his first day in the kindergarten, even Siwon was there, they looks cute together in the uniform. Siwon was almost in every single picture of him, even until he graduated from high school, there is picture of him, Siwon and their parents in front of the school.

Kyu sighed, he never realize all of this. He keeps thinking why even Siwon and he almost grow up together, they never become a friend. Despite the fact their hobbies are different, but at least they should don’t act like a stranger.

Kyu opens the page again, even though there is no picture again, he doesn’t know why but he keeps open the page. Suddenly Kyu stopped when suddenly he saw another picture, it was when he was a baby, still around 4 months. On that picture Kyu was sleeping, and there was another boy who was looking at him from the edge of his bed, he knows it was Siwon. The angle of the picture shows how Siwon was looking at him, his face is so innocent, sweet and tender. Kyu never see anyone who sees him like that before, and he should admit the picture is beautiful.

Kyu shook his head, try to erase all these things from his head. He closed the photo album, put it on the last drawer, turns off the lights and tucked himself under his blanket, try to sleep once again.


The next day, Siwon called Kyu. He said they need to see their parents to tell them that they are agreed with this ‘marriage’. Kyu agree. So this weekend they will see their parents, this time in Siwon’s house. Kyu called his parents to go to Siwon’s house this weekend for dinner, he said he and Siwon want to talk to them. His mom, obviously, is getting curious and excited about this talk.


And it’s the weekend finally. Siwon told Kyu, he will picked him up from his apartment. Right on 7 o’clock Siwon texted him that he is already down stair. Kyu checked his looks once again in the mirror before heading to down stair.

After arrived at down stair, his eyes immediately try to find Siwon. Kyu hold his breath, when he saw Siwon is sitting on one of the couch on the lobby. He is looking hot with his white shirt and brown pants. Siwon seems didn’t notice Kyu, until Kyu came to approached him. Siwon looks at the younger, Kyu looks cute in his blue shirt and dark blue jeans.

Siwon stood up, “You ready?”

Kyu nods. Then he follows Siwon to the parking lot. Once they are in the car, they stay silent until Siwon break it.

“What will we said if our parents ask us why we suddenly want to get married?”

“Well, we can tell them we think what they think is true. We are on the age for marriage.”

“What if they found something suspicious?”

“They won’t, they’ll happy about this.”

“Why you so calm? We are about lying to our parents.”

Kyu looked at Siwon, “What you expect me to do? Screaming because I’m too panicked?”

“It’s not like that.” Siwon sighed.

Kyu sighed too, he knows he is being too hard with Siwon, “I know. I’m sorry.”

Siwon smiles, “how’s your job?”

Kyu looked to Siwon, confused.

Siwon glances to Kyu when he feels the younger is confused, “you know, we are about to married. Even though we are not allowed to interfere with each other business, it doesn’t mean I’m not allowed to at least know you better, right?”

“Oh. Well, my works is fine. Nothing’s special.”

“Really? You are surrounded by girls every day, how can it’s not special?”

Kyu looked at Siwon once again. He can’t believe that Siwon just said that, did Siwon think he is that kind of photographer that will flirt or even sleep with his model.

“I’m sorry.” Siwon knows he just let the wrong word. He doesn’t mean that way, it’s just the word suddenly came up from his mouth.

Kyu stay silent, he knows Siwon doesn’t mean that.

“Well, how about you?” finally Kyu asked to break the awkwardness between them.

“Mine is fine. We are about to launch our new album, actually.”

“That’s good.”

They stay silent again.


“We are here.”

They said it in the same time. They are in already in Siwon’s house.

“I’m sorry, did you want to say something?” asked Siwon.

Kyu smiles, “nothing. It can wait. Let’s go inside.”

Siwon looked at Kyu once again before nodding his head. He took a deep breath.

It’s time.


Kyu took a breath once again after they arrived at the front door. Siwon looked to him then asked, "You ready?"

Kyu looked to the man, he lost for a second in those eyes before finally nods and said, "Yeah."

They ring the bell, just after a second Siwon's mom opened the door. Behind her there are Siwon's father and also Kyu's parents. They are smiling so brightly looking at their sons coming together for this dinner.

"Finally! Come in. Dinner is ready!" Siwon's mom said excitedly.


They are in the dining room, eating the dinner while talking. Again, about the business for the man, and for the moms, they are talking about some another discount on the store.

Both Kyu and Siwon try to pay attention to whatever their dad talk about, but their mind is not there. They are just too afraid about their upcoming talk, they are afraid that their parents will find out their lies, and also they are too afraid to tell such a big lie for their parents.

Apparently, the dinner is finally over. They moved to the living room. After a little bit chit-chat, Siwon's father cleared his throat, and said, "So, what do you want to talk about?"

Siwon looked at Kyuhyun once again, "dad, mom, uncle, aunt, me and Kyuhyun decided to..." Siwon stopped, he looked at Kyu again, the boy seems so nervous, "agreed with the marriage."

Kyu's heart now is beating faster, he is so curious yet afraid with their parents' reaction. However, it's nothing like Kyu and Siwon imagined, all their worries gone after they heard their parents’ laughter.

"Finally! This is really good news!"

"This is a good news! Now we won't have that guilty feeling by forcing both of you to get married."

"You makes me proud, son."

And all those comments are making both Kyuhyun and Siwon relaxed. For the first time, they exchanged look then smile. Even their parents didn't ask them the reason why. They are just too excited about the wedding. Their fathers celebrate it with shaking hands with the big grin in both of their face, and their moms celebrate it with start talking about the wedding concept, the dress, the color, even the cake.

Kyu can't help but a little pang in his heart looking to both of their parents who are now is so excited. He feels guilty in his heart knowing that this all is a lie. Siwon noticed how Kyu's face turns from smiling to a little bit sad, he also know the reason. Siwon is also feels guilty in his heart by looking to their parents. He then rubs Kyu's hand a little to make comfort the boy.

However, this little touch enough to make Kyuhyun is blushing. He bends his head low try to hide the blush like he always did.

"So, when do you the wedding will be held?"

Kyu's mom asked, looking to both of the boys.

They exchanged looks once again.

"The sooner the better!" says Siwon's dad.

"Well, I think it'll be good after I'm done with all of the new album's promotion. So, it'll be.... 2/3 months from now."

"Well, that's enough for the preparation. How about you, Kyu?"

"My schedule can fit anytime."

"Alright then! Three months from now." Siwon's mom says excitedly.

"Mom, you know me and Kyuhyun is busy..."

"I know what you want to ask. I and Kyu's mom will help you for everything for the day, but I don't want both of you give it all to us. Both of you still need to participate in the preparation, this is your wedding after all." Siwon's mom cut his son.

Siwon smiles knowing his mom knows him too well.

"It settle then. I'll talk to Lee Soo-Man about the wedding. You guys do the rest." says Siwon's dad.

Both Siwon and Kyu are nodding. They looked to each other once again. They took a deep breath.

This is it.

I know most of you already asking for their wedding and their marriage's life, but it's still kind of long way to go :D

I really want to make this story slow and more realistic. Anyways, thank you for reading. Don't forget to comment.

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Arshilahuiz #1
Chapter 21: The last part is so cute where the kids help their appa in cook.
mykyunie #2
Chapter 21: Wow this is perfecto, beautiful
kyuwon1013 #3
Chapter 21: i hope you can create another Wonkyu story
kyuwon1013 #4
Chapter 21: It was a happy ending.Thanks for writing this Wonkyu story.
Merettevan #5
Chapter 21: Thanks a lot for the story! I read it and it was sweet and heart-warming! The end was all I wanted for!
I also liked the Eunhae references! Thank you, thank you!
Luhma1817 #6
Chapter 21: I still had not read this story and I really enjoyed it. I prefer it when Siwon and Kyu are portrayed in a more believable way and close to their personalities.
Latersbabysaidwonkyu #7
Chapter 21: I fell in love with this story. Thank u so much. You are an awesome writer my dear. Bear hugs to you**
That was an amazing story with a happy ending. I read it like 4 times already hehehe.
Thank you for your awesome story. ^_^
joannaxdiaz #9
Chapter 21: this will be one of my favorites. I really can't get enough of this story. Thank you for sharing.
angelvoicekyu #10
Chapter 21: I guess this will forever be one of my favorite wonkyu's love story ever! Congratulations for completing this story beautifully! I think I'm touched seeing how far they've gone from not realizing their feelings towards each other to some friendly gestures, marriage contract, denials after denials, after , misunderstanding, angst and heart wrenching events to marriage for REAL.

I've been seeking for this story tbh, haha I'm such a loser when it comes to wonkyu, blame my hardcore shipper heart who miss wonkyu a lot and I'm grateful cause it's here, it's not gone. They're perfect for each other and I loved how you wrote their stages in relationship, since they're not lovers and they fell in love within the time. It hurts seeing kyuhyun getting hurt and I wish Siwonnie would take care of his precious lover.

Thanks for writing this. I wish I could download this story somehow. Take care, dear author nim.