The Wedding Day

The Marriage


Since the day that Siwon and Kyuhyun came up in public, having a late lunch after their unexpected date, the media soon become reporting them non-stop, and now almost everyone know that they are dating. Kyu came to his work in the next day with all the unbelievable stare from his co-workers, but he didn’t even bother it. Siwon in the other hand just do his usual activities to entertain the world with other members.

However, once the media find out that they are not just dating but also will be married soon, everytime Siwon came up in any interview in the media, they will always asked why he choose to be married, where he met Kyuhyun, why they decided to get married this soon, and so on. All these questions make him have to lie more. Of course he can’t say that their parents set them up. So, Siwon just said that he knew Kyu from they were child, and they had been in a relationship quite long, that’s why they decided to get married. Kyu did the same thing when his co-workers found he is going to be married. They congratulate him and ofcourse asking him the same thing. So, just like what Siwon did, he end up lying even more.

Time passed by. After all the preparations for almost three months, the wedding day has been set. It will be held in 13th of November. All the preparations are all set. Both of the men just have to come up in the altar in the day. The wedding has a simple concept. They will held the ceremony on a garden, the people who came just their relatives, families, the members, their managers, and no media allowed. Both of Kyu and Siwon’s family decided to make this wedding private and more sacred.


On the wedding day, Kyu woke up earlier, he can’t even had a proper sleep because he is too nervous for today. Even though he will not really get ‘married’ with Siwon, still, he will start to live under the same roof with him. After about an hour just looking up to the ceiling in the room of his parent’s house, Kyu’s mother came in after knock couple of times.

She finds her son already wake up. She sits in the edge of Kyu’s bed, her son’s hair lightly, while smiling softly.

"Are you nervous?” Kyu’s mom asked.

Kyu just gave her a little smile while sitting up himself.

“Kyu, I never told this to you, but I want to thank you for being such a good son for me and your father. You always fulfilled almost all of our request since you are kid. Not every son did that, your brother for example,” Kyu’s mom talks while rolling her eyes, making Kyu chuckled a little bit, “I’m so thankful having you and your brother as our sons. You are the greatest gift I’ve ever got, Kyu.” His mom continues, with still her soft smile in her face. Kyu can only hug his mom, hiding his guilt in his heart.


For the wedding, they rent a big building with a big garden in the back, it’s not in the city, because the moms think they will need good air while the held the ceremony. Siwon is in his own room, fixing his tie when his father came and looking proudly to his son.

His father didn’t talk much, he just patted his son’s shoulder then hugs him.

“Thank you son.” He said in the hug.

Siwon hugged his father back, even thought he is happy that his father is finally happy, he is feeling guilty with the fact that this is all lie. His father broke the hug, Siwon can see his old man is smiling widely. Siwon return the smile, trying to get rid his guilt because he can’t retreat all of these, all of the lies. So, he turns back to the mirror, fixing his tie once again.

Once finished fixing his tie, Siwon is looking to his own reflection. Is not just the guilt, he is incredibly nervous today. He knows his marriage with Kyu is not real, but everybody except the members, and Donghae, think this is true. From today, he will live under the same roof with Kyu, pretending to be a married couple outside their own home, and last but not least, from today he will be a married man.


Kyu in his own room also feeling nervous, he is already pacing the room in the last 15 minutes. Heechul try to calm him down.

“This is making me so nervous, hyung. How can you ask me to calm down?”

“You nervous with the ceremony or the night after all of this end?” Heechul love teasing his brother so much, and this one successfully makes Kyu stop from his non-stop walk and glaring to his hyung. Heechul let out a laugh while Donghae, who is also in the room, start coughing non-stop.

Kyu rubbed his face with both of his hands, he start to walks here and there again.

“Yah, stop walking around like that. You will ruin your suit.”

Before Kyu can say anything from Donghae’s comment, someone knocked the door. It’s his parents, both of them smiling to him.

“It’s time.”


Kyu took a deep breath for hundred times. He hold his father’s arm nervously, making his father looks at him while giving him a sweet smile that he hopes can get rid Kyu’s nervousness. Kyu took a deep breath once again, before nodding to his father.

They walk slowly to the ceremonial place. Then Kyu can hear a sweet music played by only a piano, and he can see his relative, some of his co-workers, some of Siwon’s friends, his friends, the members, Siwon’s manager, Lee Soo-Man, Donghae, Heechul and his family, his mother, and Siwon’s parents. They all are already standing up, waiting for him with each smile in their face.

After looking to the guest, Kyu’s eyes met Siwon. Choi Siwon, looking incredibly gorgeous with his black suit, white shirt and a black bowtie. He is standing in the middle of the altar. Once their eyes’ met, Kyu can feel Siwon, slow but sure, is smiling softly to him.  Kyu lost by his eyes once again, the way Siwon looking at him is so tender, making Kyu didn’t realize that there are other people around them.

However, his dad’s hand makes him back to the reality. They walk slowly, Kyu’s step try to match with the wedding march that came from the piano.

Once they arrived at the altar, Kyu’s dad gave his hand to Siwon. He takes his hand slowly and gentle. The pastor starts to talk his part in this wedding, Kyu barely hear it. He is just too nervous, he steals a glance to Siwon. Siwon who can feel Kyu’s nervousness, looks at him tenderly and giving him his soft smile. And somehow, that smile can help his nervousness a little bit.

Kyu is the first who will said the vow, he is looking straight to Siwon’s eyes, “I, Cho Kyuhyun, take you, Choi Siwon, to be my lawfully wedded partner. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.”

Siwon can’t get rid the way Kyu said his vow in his head easily. The way Kyu’s sweet voice said it word by word is so mesmerized him. Siwon know Kyu didn’t mean any word of it, they have a contract behind this marriage, but he is so lost in Kyu’s voice. Kyu said the vow so calm, almost like a whisper, but Siwon didn’t mind it because Kyu’s voice is just too sweet.

Then it’s Siwon’s turns to say his vow, “I, Choi Siwon, take you, Cho Kyuhyun, to be my lawfully wedded partner,” Siwon is looking straight to Kyu’s eyes, “to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.” Siwon finished his vow, not leaving Kyu’s eyes even a moment when he said it. Kyu in the other hand feel his heart become warmer, he know what Siwon just said it’s not going to be right, they will be part even before the death do them part. This whole wedding is lie, but Kyu can’t lie deep down in his heart he felt a little bit happiness when Siwon said the vow. The way Siwon said it like it’s all true, and the way Siwon is looking to his eyes is so intense.

After saying their vow, both of them should put the ring to each other’s finger. Speaking about the ring, they choose the ring by themselves, the moms refused to take care in this one. So, they went to a jewelry store and bought a simple silver ring. However, when they try the ring in the jewelry store, they put the ring on their own finger by their own selves, now they won’t put it in their finger by their own selves. Siwon have to put the ring on Kyu’s, and Kyu have to put the ring on Siwon’s.

Kyu took Siwon’s hand first, he slowly put the ring in Siwon’s ring’s finger. And after that Siwon took Kyu’s hand, and slowly put the ring. Kyu can feel the warm from Siwon’s hand, his gaze didn’t leave the way Siwon put the ring.

Once they done with the ring, both of them knew that had to kiss. The already talk about this before, and they decide to just do it. If not, they will make everybody feel suspicious. Both of them can’t believe that this time is already coming. When the pastor said them to kiss, Siwon moves his body closer to Kyu slowly. He looks to Kyu’s lips, then to his eyes once before he leans down slowly and captures Kyu’s lips on him.

Kyu closes his eyes slowly, lost by the touches in his lips. He feels warm, and comfortable. The kiss is slow, just lips touching, but he can’t deny he likes it. When Siwon start to move his lips, Kyu leans his body even closer, Siwon’s hand is already on his hips, making Kyu even closer. Siwon is deepening the kiss, Kyu gladly answer the kiss as well. The almost forgot they have other people around him, before Leeteuk and the other members are standing up and giving them applause, followed by the rest of the guests. That when both of them realized that they have to stopped the kiss. Siwon pulled his lips away from Kyu’s, he can see the boy’s cheek is turning to pink, his lips are getting a little bit red, and the way Kyu is looking at him is just too precious. They lost in each other gaze for a while, they try to read each other mind. Try to find out what that kiss meant, why they enjoyed it, why they even lost for a second in their own world, even forgetting they are in the middle of the altar. But before they can’t answer all the questions in their mind, they have to step away from the altar, and walk as a new married couple.

Siwon holds Kyu’s hand, then they walks while smiling to the guests. Kyu can see his mom is having a little bit happiness tears in her eyes, he can see Heechul is winking naughty to him, he can see Donghae and the members are also smiling. He can see all the people in here is happy by their wedding, and somehow he felt guilty yet wishes deep down in his heart that this wedding is true, not just a contract.


Once the ceremony done, both Kyu and Siwon are busy getting felicitation from the guest. They can’t leave each other since they are the main actors in this wedding. So they stucked together for the last 2 hours, smiling and keep saying thank you to everyone.

It’s time for the wedding speech. Kyu and Siwon sit in the middle of the long dining table. Kyu’s parents, Heechul and his sister in law are sitting next to Kyu. While Siwon’s parents are sitting next to Siwon. The guests are sitting in the each mini circle table that spread around in front of the main dining table. They eat their dinner, and stopped when Siwon’s father start to talk.

Siwon’s father tells the guest how happy and proud he is now, and he thank to everyone that would spend time to this wedding. Siwon’s mom also talk a little, and she even get a little bit teary when she knew she had to let go his one and only son. And when it’s turns to The Cho, Kyu’s father spoke first. Telling how happy he is, how he glad having Kyuhyun as his son, and how he glad that everyone in there are enjoyed the wedding, and hoping for Kyu and Siwon’s married will always be blessed. Kyu’s mom also gets teary when she said both of her sons are now married, and how happy she is having Siwon as his son-in-law. Heechul turns to speak, he can’t believe his little brother is now all grow up, he hope that even they both now are married, they will still be close, and also he hope this marriage will be blessed and hope Kyu soon will give him a nephew or niece.

Both Kyu and Siwon are listening to their parents and also Heechul advice of marriage live. Kyu feel touched when his mom start to get teary, and blushed like a mad when Heechul asked him for a nephew or niece, while Siwon is just chuckling hearing his brother in law’s comment.

After all the family spoke, Siwon know it’s time for him to speak. Usually a groom will tell how they met, how he proposed his partner, how they fallin in love and so on, in his wedding speech. However, Siwon and Kyu are not that kind of couple. They don’t have story about how they fallin in love, moreover the story about how Siwon proposed Kyu. Kyu don’t know what will Siwon said in his wedding speech, so he did feel a little bit curious about it.

Siwon stood from his chair with a piece of paper in his hand, clear his throat, then finally start his wedding speech; “First of all, I want to thank God so because of His bless we all can be here, celebrate this wedding with full of joy and happiness. Maybe all of you curious how I met Kyuhyun. I met him the second date after he came to the world. My parents brought me to the hospital where Kyu’s mom gave birth to him. It was the first time I saw a baby that close and the first time I can touch the soft skin of a new born baby. Kyuhyun was successfully hypnotized me from that day. I can’t remember how soft his skin was, but I believe it will be soft and warm. And even after years passed, his skin still felt that way.” Siwon stopped, he looks to Kyu who is now bending his head low, feeling shy.

“Me and Kyuhyun grow up almost all together. We almost met every day in our life. We had a different hobbies, I like work out since I was kid. And Kyuhyun love his camera since he was kid, that’s why he turns out to be a great photographer nowadays. Kyuhyun might don’t know that I will watch him from the house everytime he plays around in the garden looking for some insects to capture with his camera. I remember I always want to ask him to play soccer with me, but I will hold my desire just because I love watching Kyuhyun with his camera. At first I don’t understand why, but I know, I just love him when he is happy.” Siwon stopped once again, he can see the audience are now smiling while listening to his speech, he peeks a little to a piece of paper in his hand.

“The rest of our life is a story and a history for both ourselves. We separated so far for the first time in our life when he had to deal with college thing. Kyuhyun flew away to USA while I’m here. And it’s the first time that I realized I felt something is missing from my life.” Siwon stopped, he looks to Kyu’s eyes, “That was when I realized that I love him. I try to deny it once, but, when we kissed for the first time....” Siwon stopped, his mind goes to their kiss this morning. Kyu can’t help his blush, and when Siwon mentioned him about the kiss, his mind spontaneously goes to their kiss this morning.

“I don’t know about him, but when we kissed, I felt like me and him are the only person in the world.” Siwon’s eyes are not leaving Kyu’s, “and that’s when I stopped to deny my own feeling. I do love him, and I want to spend the rest of my life with him. Kyuhyun is a part of my life. He needs to be in it.”

“So, I never said this but, I want to thank to our parents, for being knowing each other, so I can met Kyuhyun.” Siwon looks to their parents who is now smiling, then turns back to Kyu, “I want to always be like this. I want we take care each other. I want to make more and more story with you, Cho Kyuhyun. I will love you even after death, and I will always be yours.”

The audience get teary a little bit hearing Siwon’s speech, Kyu also can hide his tears. He doesn’t know why he is crying, but the tears are just there.

“So, please raise your glasses,” Siwon took his glass of wine, followed by the audience, their parents, and also Kyu, “for Cho Kyuhyun, my partner of life.”


Siwon ends his speech with a toast, followed by applause from everyone. Kyu is just smiling looking to his new partner, trying so hard not to cry. The event continue, people keeps chatting, and talking, and singing with full of happiness and joy.

Kyu excuses himself to the bathroom. Once he got there, he sat down in the sink and hides his face with both of his palm, and crying so hard with no sounds coming out from his mouth. This is not tears of happiness, he is indeed sad. He is sad because all those sweetness in Siwon’s speech is just lies. He doesn’t know why but he is feeling sad, and broken. He can’t hide his feeling that wishing all in Siwon’s speech is the truth.

Kyu still crying in minutes, then his cry turn to sobs. He realizes he needs to go back to the party, he washes his face, and put some make up to cover his puffy eyes. Thank God his eyes are not that puffy and red.


While Kyu is in the bathroom, Siwon is standing alone, looking to the view on the balcony all alone. He sighed, then pulled out a piece of paper that he has been holding along the speech. He looks at it once, people might think he write something in there, in case he forget.

However, the truth is, he doesn’t write anything in there. Not even a word. He doesn’t know why he is holding it, he plans to write something, but he can’t. And when it’s his time to give his speech, all his words just come out from his mouth like that. He can’t understand where those words coming from, why he can speak that romantic for Kyu.

Siwon looks again to his empty piece of paper, he crumbles the paper and threw it away.

There you go people. The wedding. With a kiss.

Sorry for the late update! Hope you guys enjoooooy <3333

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Arshilahuiz #1
Chapter 21: The last part is so cute where the kids help their appa in cook.
mykyunie #2
Chapter 21: Wow this is perfecto, beautiful
kyuwon1013 #3
Chapter 21: i hope you can create another Wonkyu story
kyuwon1013 #4
Chapter 21: It was a happy ending.Thanks for writing this Wonkyu story.
Merettevan #5
Chapter 21: Thanks a lot for the story! I read it and it was sweet and heart-warming! The end was all I wanted for!
I also liked the Eunhae references! Thank you, thank you!
Luhma1817 #6
Chapter 21: I still had not read this story and I really enjoyed it. I prefer it when Siwon and Kyu are portrayed in a more believable way and close to their personalities.
Latersbabysaidwonkyu #7
Chapter 21: I fell in love with this story. Thank u so much. You are an awesome writer my dear. Bear hugs to you**
That was an amazing story with a happy ending. I read it like 4 times already hehehe.
Thank you for your awesome story. ^_^
joannaxdiaz #9
Chapter 21: this will be one of my favorites. I really can't get enough of this story. Thank you for sharing.
angelvoicekyu #10
Chapter 21: I guess this will forever be one of my favorite wonkyu's love story ever! Congratulations for completing this story beautifully! I think I'm touched seeing how far they've gone from not realizing their feelings towards each other to some friendly gestures, marriage contract, denials after denials, after , misunderstanding, angst and heart wrenching events to marriage for REAL.

I've been seeking for this story tbh, haha I'm such a loser when it comes to wonkyu, blame my hardcore shipper heart who miss wonkyu a lot and I'm grateful cause it's here, it's not gone. They're perfect for each other and I loved how you wrote their stages in relationship, since they're not lovers and they fell in love within the time. It hurts seeing kyuhyun getting hurt and I wish Siwonnie would take care of his precious lover.

Thanks for writing this. I wish I could download this story somehow. Take care, dear author nim.