The Wedding Preparation

The Marriage


Two weeks after they gave the announcement to their parents, both Siwon and Kyu are doing the same activity like they used to. While the moms start preparing everything for the wedding. This marriage is not published yet, so those who know about this marriage are only Super Junior's members, their managers, their management, and fro Kyu's side it's only Donghae who knows about this marriage.

And just like a soon-to-be-married-couple, like or not, both of them still need to participate in the preparation for the day. So today they came to some place to try some suit that might be great for the day.

Like always, the moms are so excited. It's Siwon's turns first to try some suit, while Kyu is just sitting with the moms waiting Siwon to come out from the fitting room.

First suit, second suit, third suit, are all look good in Siwon. No doubt it'll all look good, Siwon's body is in a great shape, his shoulder and of course his chest is build so great. Thanks to the work out, of course. Everytime Siwon came out from the fitting room, the moms clapped excitedly, while Kyu is just looking at him. He got so mesmerized by Siwon's looks.

Because choosing for Siwon's suit is hard, they decided to let Kyu try some suit.

It's the first suit, the coat is black, and the shirt is white. Kyu looks stunning on it. His milky white skin makes him looks good in everything.

"It's good! We'll look for another suit, while you put this tie." Says Kyu's mom, she handed a black tie, but not to Kyu, she handed it to Siwon. Then the moms went for a while from their sight.

Siwon stand up then walks to Kyu, he handed the tie. Kyu took it, and turn to see the mirror. He can feel and see from the mirror Siwon is still standing behind him.

"You look great." Siwon said suddenly.

Kyu looks shocked for a while but he manages to hide it from Siwon, "thanks." He said while try to used the tie.

Siwon can see how Kyu is struggling to use the tie, then he asked, "Need a help?"

Kyu turns his body to Siwon, then he sighed. Siwon smiles a little by Kyu's cute behavior, then he tries to enrobe it. Kyu hold his breath, this is the first time he and Siwon become this close. But he can't help to look at the man, observing the face. Siwon on the other hand tries to concentrate with the tie, but on the corner of his eyes he can see Kyu is observing his face.

Kyu lost in the man's face for a second before finally realize, "I never put any tie in my life."

Siwon chuckled a little bit, "really?"

"Yeah, my job doesn't need any tie, you know."

"Look how cute you two!" Suddenly there is a shout from Siwon's mom. Apparently they just came back with another suit for Kyu, and the previous comment makes both of the boys are blushing.

Siwon pulled out his hands from Kyu's collar shirt when he done enrobe the tie.

"Thanks." Kyu is murmuring.

Siwon return it with a smile that somehow makes Kyu's heart beat a little bit faster.


Kyu came to his work in the next day. He is finding his friend, Donghae, is busy with his phone, playing some game so seriously.

“Morning, Hyung.”

“Morning.” Donghae said without looking to Kyuhyun.

Kyu sits on his chair and let out a sighed. This makes Donghae stopped the game and look to his dongsaeng.

“What’s up with your sigh? It makes you sounds old.”

“Hyung, since when my sharp tongue moved to you?” Kyu rolled his eyes,

Donghae chuckled, “I’m sorry, but really, why?”

“Nothing. It’s just... this whole wedding things.”

“Aren’t your mom and Siwon’s mom arranged all of the things?”

“Still, hyung. We need to at least participate in some things. Like fitting the suit, we must be there.”

“Wow, you already fitting the suit?”

“Yeah, yesterday.”

“How’s he?”

Kyu looked confused to his hyung, “what?”

“Is he looks good?”

Kyu rolled his eyes once again.

“He is looks good, isn’t he?”

“Hyung, I’ve never see him in a ‘good’ way.” Kyu made an air quote on the word good without looking to Donghae. He tries to avoid Donghae’s eyes, because he is afraid his hyung will find out he is lying.

“Come on, Kyu. He must be good! His chest is so build up, I wonder how it feels like sleep on it.” Donghae knows Kyu finds Siwon is interesting, but he also knows Kyu’s prestige is too high to admit it.

“If you interest in him, why don’t you just married him?” Kyu said, he can’t help but feel a little bit jealous when Donghae shows his interest to Siwon.

Donghae let out a laugh out loud, he ruffled Kyu’s hair, “did you really think I’m interest on him? Awwww, looks who is jealous in here?”

Kyu glared at his hyung, “I’m not jealous.”

“Oh yes you are, Cho Kyuhyun.”

“I am not.”

Donghae chuckled again, liking the way teasing his dongsaeng, “it’s okay if you don’t want to admit it. But believe me, I’m not interest on your future husband.”

Kyu snorts after hearing Donghae’s comment, but he doesn’t try to deny it anyway.

“I’m interest on one of Siwon’s friend, actually.” Suddenly Donghae said out of nowhere. He bends his head low, Kyu can see his hyung is blushing.


“That one on the dorm.” He smiles shyly.

“There are a lot of people on that dorm, hyung.” Kyu knows who the one that Donghae means is, but he just wants to tease his hyung.

“You know... That one.”

“I don’t know, hyung. Who?” ask Kyu while try to hold his laugh.

Donghae glared to Kyu, knowing Kyu is only teasing him. This makes Kyu laughs.

“Pay back, hyung.”

“So you know who?” Donghae asks shyly.

“I know. Well, Eunhyuk hyung is not bad. He is y, don’t you think?” Kyu teases Donghae again.


Then Kyu let out a laugh out loud. However his laugh suddenly stopped when he sees Siwon is standing not so far from him.


“H-hyung?” Kyu asked stutter, he stands up from his seat.

“I’m sorry I didn’t knock.”

“It’s okay.” Kyu still confused because Siwon is suddenly standing in his office, and he didn’t noticed there’s also Eunhyuk hyung behind his back.

“Hey, Kyu.” says Eunhyuk.

“Oh, you are here too, hyung.” Kyu gets more confused, and afraid, because he and Donghae just about gossiping these two, and now here they are. How long they have been standing in there? Are they heard any of our conversations? Kyu’s thought.

Kyu can see Donghae now is also standing next to him, his face is also confused and afraid that they might heard his previous conversation with Kyu, but Kyu knows his hyung is happy with Eunhyuk who suddenly come to his office. Donghae and Eunhyuk exchanged looks for a while, and then they smile to each other.

“I’m here because we had a shooting near your office, and mom want me to bring this lunch for you.” says Siwon finally, answering all Kyu’s question in his mind. He then hand him a box of lunch.

“Thank you.” Kyu said. He is somehow happy that Siwon is here bring him a box of lunch, but he can’t help to feel a little bit disappointed when he know it’s because his mom told him so.

However, Kyu doesn’t know the real thing.


This morning....

Siwon sat on the dining room, looking to the dining table that already full of delicious food. He starts to eat it one by one, while humming how delicious the food is.

“It’s delicious, mom. Did you cook it?” asked him while still eating the food.

“Of course I cooked it.” His mom rolled her eyes while chuckling with her son’s behavior.

Siwon eats in silence, his mom is just looking at her son.

“Where you will shoot for today again?” his mom suddenly asked.

Siwon said the place then continue his breakfast.

His mom is nodding, “you know, Kyu’s office is near with your shooting location.”

Siwon still eats his breakfast, but he can see in the corner of his eyes his mom is looking at him, so he just nods. However, while Siwon eats all the food and suddenly his mom brings up about Kyu in here, he suddenly thinks about that boy. Siwon knows Kyu loves food, since they were kid Kyu always love when lunch or dinner time is came. While eating his breakfast, Siwon thought Kyu must love all this food, and somehow his mom made it in a big portion, which is kind of rare.

“Well, he must love this.” Siwon suddenly said, still eating, without looking to his mom.

His mom now is smirking, satisfied with her plan. She made all of the food in a big portion because she wants Siwon bring it to Kyu for his lunch. However, his mom don’t want to be the one who asked Siwon for it, she wants Siwon is the one that came up with that plan, so she just give her son a little bit push.

“Can I bring the food for him?” Now Siwon asked his mom with looking to her eyes.

Siwon’s mom is just smiling while nodding her head.


Siwon came to the dorm first before heading to their shooting location, he brings a box of lunch that get noticed by Eunhyuk.

“You bring food?? Thanks!!!!” Eunhyuk said happily, ready to take the box of lunch from Siwon’s hand. However, Siwon hit Eunhyuk’s hand, while glaring at him, “this is not for you.”

“For who then?”

“It’s for Kyu.”

Eunhyuk changed his expression from disappointed because he didn’t get the food, to his evil smirk.

“Awwww, how sweet you are. Brought a box of lunch for your future husband.” Eunhyuk start teasing.

Siwon rolled his eyes, “my mom asked me to give him this.”

Siwon’s pride is too high to admit he is the one that want to give Kyu that box of lunch.

“Really? Out of sudden?”

“It’s because our shooting location is near to his office.”

“So you will go to his office then?” Suddenly Eunhyuk’s eyes are growing because of his enthusiasm.

“Why you look so excited?” Siwon is frowning his eyebrows.

“Can I come?”


“Please, let me just come with you.” Eunhyuk is pleading.

Siwon still confused, but he remembers how Eunhyuk is had a crush to Donghae, and Donghae is Kyu’s office mate.



So, here they are.

“I’ll call aunty to say thanks.” Kyu said again.

“Okay.” Siwon stays then stood still.  They just stay silent, Kyu and Siwon are looking to each other, while Donghae and Eunhyuk are also looking to each other while smiling shyly.

However, it’s Siwon who realize first, “we should go.”

“Okay. Thanks, hyung.”

Siwon smiles, then nudged Eunhyuk so he and Donghae can stop staring to each other.

“Bye.” Siwon said again.

“Bye, hyung.”

“Bye, Hae.” Eunhyuk said shyly.

Donghae lows his head a little bit, his cheek is blushing, “bye.”

 Siwon and Kyu can only rolled his eyes looking to his friend’s behavior.


Once Siwon and Eunhyuk left, Donghae starts teasing his friend.

“I envy you, you got a free yummy lunch from you future husband.”

“It’s not from him, hyung. It’s from his mother.” Kyu said, he failed to hide his disappointment.

“Come on, maybe he is just too shy to admit he is the one who bring it for you.”

Kyu looked to his hyung, “it can’t be.”

Donghae shrugs his shoulder, “anyways, you should say more than thank you.”

Kyu frowned confusedly, “what should I say?”

“I don’t know, you should say anything, not just thank you. Then maybe we can go double date after his shooting and our works are over.”

Kyu knows it’s just Donghae’s way to get closer with Eunhyuk, so Kyu rolled his eyes.

“Who’s gonna have a double date?” Kyu asked, pretending to be dumb.

“Well, you and Siwon, me and... Eunhyuk.” Donghae smiles shyly again, he is definitely in love.

Kyu chuckled, “there won’t be any double date, hyung. Me and Siwon are not dating, and you with Eunhyuk are not dating either.” Kyu teased his hyung.

Donghae glared to Kyu because he successfully get annoyed with Kyu’s sharp evil comment, and this makes Kyu laugh even more.


After he finished his work, Kyu remembers he need to called Siwon’s mom to say thank you. So, he dialed her number.


“Hello Aunty.”

“Oh, hello Kyuhyun.” Siwon’s mom answered happily.

“I want to say thank you for the lunch, it was really nice and delicious.”

“Ah, it’s nothing. I just made it. If it’s not because Siwon who is offering to bring it to you, then you won’t taste any of it.” Siwon’s mom is chuckling.

Kyu frowned his eyebrows, confused, “Siwon is the one who offer to bring it to me?”

“Yeah. Didn’t he say that?”

“He said you are the one who wants to bring it to me, aunty.”

“Well, he might be shy to admit it. Anyway, glad to know you like it Kyuhyun-ah.”

Once Kyu done with his conversation over the phone with Siwon’s mom, he stares to the ceiling of his office blankly.

Did Siwon hyung really the one who offering that lunch? Why he didn’t just admit it? Maybe he is just shy. So, he is really the one who offering that lunch?

Kyu’s mind is can’t stop thinking about it, and without noticing it, Kyu is smiling by the fact Siwon bring him lunch.

Updating sooner that I used to :p I hope you enjoy all. Thankssss <3

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Arshilahuiz #1
Chapter 21: The last part is so cute where the kids help their appa in cook.
mykyunie #2
Chapter 21: Wow this is perfecto, beautiful
kyuwon1013 #3
Chapter 21: i hope you can create another Wonkyu story
kyuwon1013 #4
Chapter 21: It was a happy ending.Thanks for writing this Wonkyu story.
Merettevan #5
Chapter 21: Thanks a lot for the story! I read it and it was sweet and heart-warming! The end was all I wanted for!
I also liked the Eunhae references! Thank you, thank you!
Luhma1817 #6
Chapter 21: I still had not read this story and I really enjoyed it. I prefer it when Siwon and Kyu are portrayed in a more believable way and close to their personalities.
Latersbabysaidwonkyu #7
Chapter 21: I fell in love with this story. Thank u so much. You are an awesome writer my dear. Bear hugs to you**
That was an amazing story with a happy ending. I read it like 4 times already hehehe.
Thank you for your awesome story. ^_^
joannaxdiaz #9
Chapter 21: this will be one of my favorites. I really can't get enough of this story. Thank you for sharing.
angelvoicekyu #10
Chapter 21: I guess this will forever be one of my favorite wonkyu's love story ever! Congratulations for completing this story beautifully! I think I'm touched seeing how far they've gone from not realizing their feelings towards each other to some friendly gestures, marriage contract, denials after denials, after , misunderstanding, angst and heart wrenching events to marriage for REAL.

I've been seeking for this story tbh, haha I'm such a loser when it comes to wonkyu, blame my hardcore shipper heart who miss wonkyu a lot and I'm grateful cause it's here, it's not gone. They're perfect for each other and I loved how you wrote their stages in relationship, since they're not lovers and they fell in love within the time. It hurts seeing kyuhyun getting hurt and I wish Siwonnie would take care of his precious lover.

Thanks for writing this. I wish I could download this story somehow. Take care, dear author nim.