
The Marriage

After the party is over, they drove together to their home in silence. Kyu wants to talk to Siwon so badly, actually. But since he is driving, he is afraid that their conversation will lead them in some trouble in the road. So Kyu decided to wait until they reached their home.

“That went well.” Kyu finally said when they are in their living room.

Siwon looks confusedly to him, “what?”

“Our acting. It went well.” Kyu explained.

Siwon’s eyebrows reach his hair line, but Kyu didn’t notice this, instead he continues speaking. “We should do like that more often. I mean, we can’t be anymore awkward in front of other people.”

Siwon sighed, this is not what he expected to hear from Kyu, but he smile anyway. “You are right. We shouldn’t be anymore awkward in front of other people.” He said then sits in the couch.

Kyu followed him, he sits in the couch as well, “we already talked that we shouldn’t be awkward since the first day of our marriage, but it really took a long time to make it really happened.” Kyu said while chuckling.

And two kisses. Siwon’s added in his mind.

He is actually confused now, he thought that everything that Kyu did in the party is because he is finally comfort with him. Turns out it all was his acting. He can’t blame him thought, he is the one who kissed him in the first place but never talked about it.

“So, no more awkwardness in front of other people?” Kyu asked.

“No more awkwardness.” Siwon answered with smile.

“Good. Let them have some memories of us before we get divorce.” Once Kyu said that he actually feels another pang in his heart. He never imagines or even thinks about their divorce, but he knew it will come one day.

Kyu is actually struggling so much with his own mind. He needs to make his own mind to stop thinking about the idea to just tell Siwon everything in his heart right now. Because Kyu knew that they are in their game. This whole marriage it’s their game. They had a contract behind all of these. They have to be professional with this, or otherwise someone will get hurt. And Kyu knew that it will be him.

“Aren’t you going to bed?” Siwon asked suddenly.

“I’m not really sleepy. I’ll just go to bath then watch some movies, actually.”

“Can I join you?”


In 45 minutes later Siwon and Kyu are sitting comfortably in the couch while holding a bowl of popcorn caramel in their own hand. The night is still young, and they had lots of movies to watch. They turn off some of light in the room so it will feel like a real cinema.

They watched the movie seriously, they laughed when they had to laugh, give a little comment when they had to. Sometimes Kyu had to cover his eyes with his hands, making Siwon looking at him while chuckling.

When the second movie is just played for an hour, Siwon suddenly feels the side couch next to him is dipping. He turns his head and finding Kyu is already lay his head in couch while curling his body into a ball. Siwon peeks him to see his eyes, seems like Kyu is already in a deep sleep. He can’t help but observe the boy for a long time. He doesn’t even care with the movie anymore.

Siwon’s eyes are observing every inch of Kyu’s face. How his long eyelashes look so beautiful, how his brown fluffy lock seems fell so perfectly, how his white skin is so beautiful, how his lips part a little that Siwon think is so cute.

He sighed, he turns off the DVD player and the TV. He can just leave Kyu in the couch, or lift him up and brought him to his room. But he instead reached the blanket that usually draped in the couch, and spread it to cover Kyu’s body. Slowly he placed himself comfortably in the couch, and he pulled Kyu closer to him. Now is Kyu’s head comfortably resting in Siwon’s board chest, while Siwon’s hands are wrapping Kyu’s body warmly.

Siwon can feel Kyu is stirring a little bit from his sleep. So slowly he rubs Kyu’s side.

“Ssh.... Just sleep.” Siwon whispered so soft in Kyu’s ear. He still rubs Kyu’s side until he feels Kyu is finally relaxing again in his arm.

He tries to sleep as well, he close his eyes, then took a deep breath. However, the only thing he can smell is the smell of Kyu’s hair that only makes him sighed in frustration.

What have you done to me, Kyuhyun?


Kyu woke up first. He opens his eyes slowly, trying to adjust with the light. He tries to remember where he fell asleep. Once he finds out he is still in the family room, Kyu try to move his body from the couch. However, he suddenly realizes that there are two strong arms that wrapping his body. He is get more shocked when he realize that he is been sleeping in Siwon’s chest for a whole night.

Kyu can’t help but blushing, the last thing he remembers from last night is he is watching some movies with Siwon. He knew he fell asleep, but he didn’t expected that he will be sleeping in the couch together with Siwon.

Slowly Kyu move Siwon’s arms so he can get up. He moves really slowly, he doesn’t want to wake up Siwon with his moves. Once he is on his feet, Kyu sighed in relieved. He looks outside their house. It is raining outside.


Siwon woke up because he felt suddenly cold. When he opens his eyes he can see and feel that Kyu is not in his arm again. He sits up himself and looks around. However, his sight landed outside their house. With the big glass window, Siwon can see clearly in their back garden, in the pool there is Kyuhyun who is swimming. Siwon widened his eyes by this morning sight, not only it’s so rare to see Kyu is exercising, but it also so rare to see Kyu is half . But most of all, he is shocked because Kyu is swimming in the middle of the rain.

Siwon stands up quickly and walk to the pool.

“Kyuhyun!” He yells. However Kyu keeps continue to swim.


“CHO KYUHYUN!” Kyu keeps swimming, making Siwon finally decided to take off his shirt, leaving only his short pants. He jumps to the pool, swim to Kyu and immediately pull him to side of the pool where they can step the ground by their feet, then in the edge of the pool he easily pull him out from the pool. Siwon pull himself out from the pool then sits next to Kyu who is looking at him confusedly.

“What are you doing?” Kyu asked confusedly.

“Pulling you out from the pool.”


“It’s raining. You can get sick if you still swimming like that.”

Kyu rolled his eyes, “I have done this thousand times and I’ve never get sick.”

“Since when do you interest into swimming anyways?” Siwon asked curiously.

“Since it’s the only sport that doesn’t produce sweat. Now, if you excuse me, I still had 3 laps to go.” Kyu ready to jumps back into the pool, but Siwon’s hand pulled him closer by his waist.

“You’ll get sick.” Siwon said while looking at his eyes.

“I won’t.” Kyu answered. They stay in that position for a while, the gap between them is quite close, their eyes are looking to each other. Both of them feeling their warm breaths.

Kyu can’t hold it Siwon’s stare anymore, he shyly bend his head low and push the man slightly. But he doesn’t know that Siwon will fell to the pool by his slight push, which he find very funny.

Kyu is laughing, while Siwon is in the pool rubbing his face.

“I’m sorry.” Kyu said when he is down from his laugh.

Siwon reached his hand, “help me out.”

“No. You will pull me.” Kyu said while smiling happily.

“I won’t.” Siwon answered with smile, hoping that Kyu will fell with his smile.

“You can get out earlier by yourself.”

“That was before you pushed me. Come on, my hand is hurt.” Siwon said again.

Kyu reached Siwon’s hand slowly, while still eyeing the man. Once Kyu hold Siwon’s hand, Siwon immediately pulled him into the pool. Kyu can hear Siwon is laughing, while he just pouting while rubbing his face from the water.

“I can’t believe you fell for that.” Siwon said between his laugh.

“You are cheating.” Kyu said still pouting. Siwon’s laugh turns to a wide smile, he reached Kyu’s side with his hand, tickling him under the water. Soon Kyu’s pout turns into a laugh.

When Siwon is done with tickling the younger, he pulled him closer. Both of them are just looking to each other with smile on their face.

It’s Kyu who suddenly pushed Siwon’s shoulder first. He can’t hold Siwon’s stare once again, so he decided to just pretending to drown him.

However Siwon is quick enough to pulled Kyu from his waist, so they are practically drowning together. Kyu is used to be in the water, but he is panicked when Siwon suddenly pulled him. Siwon can see Kyu is struggling in the water, so he pulls them up again.

“You okay?” Siwon asked concernly.

Kyu who is finally can regulate his breath, smiling to the man. But once again he pushed down Siwon’s shoulder, this time Siwon let Kyu laughing up there. In the next 10 minutes all they do is just keep trying to drowning each other. Sometimes Siwon stay longer down there just to hear Kyu’s laugh. This drowning game is actually gave him an opportunity to touch Kyu in some place that he can’t usually touch. For example his tights, his waist, and his shoulder. Kyu in the other hand is not rejecting any kind of Siwon’s touch, instead he enjoys it.

When they finally satisfied with their drowning game, they stare at each other again. Siwon slowly pulled Kyu closer, his eyes are not leaving the younger’s. Once they close enough, Siwon slowly leans his lips to Kyu’s. When Kyu finally feel the touch of Siwon’s lips, he closes his eyes slowly. They stay in that position for a while, just lips touching. Siwon is waiting for Kyu to push him away, however there is no sigh of rejection from the younger so he moves his lips slowly. The kiss starts first slowly then heated up when Siwon pulled Kyu even closer. Kyu’s legs are now circling around Siwon’s waist, meanwhile Siwon’s hands are already rubs Kyu’s side and his stomach.

Kyu can’t help but when he feels Siwon’s tongue is touching his cavern, not leaving any inch untouched. Their tongues are dancing perfectly, earning them another moan from each other. Siwon moves his lips from Kyu’s lips down to jis jaw, then to his neck. Kyu tilted his head to give Siwon more access.

“We should get out of here.” Kyu said hardly because his mind is completely distracted by Siwon’s kiss.

“Why?” Siwon asked between his kiss.

“Because you said we will get sick.” Kyu said while chuckling. Siwon kissed his throat then feel the vibration. The kiss suddenly getting down even more, now Siwon is kissing Kyu’s collar bone, marking it slightly which only makes Kyu moans even more.

Siwon keep kissing him, he backs to Kyu’s lips. Kissing it softly at first. Then he pulled away, their eyes are looking at each other once again.

Kyu didn’t know why he let Siwon kiss him like this. He knows this is not the right thing to do. He knows he will only get hurt if he let Siwon did anything like this to him. But he can help but feeling so happy because of it, and he have no desire to reject him.

Siwon who is also looking to the boy finally know that he wants him. Siwon want Kyuhyun. He wants him right now. He doesn’t care about their contract, he just want him.

“All things that I said last night were a lie.” Siwon said finally.

Kyu just stay silent, waiting for him to talk more.

“For me, it’s not acting.” Siwon said again. They stay silent for a couple of second.

“I want to make love with you, Kyu.” Finally Siwon said, more like whispering, but Kyu can hear him clearly.

Siwon waits for Kyu to answer him. Or even better Kyu doesn’t have to answer him with any word, just another passionate kiss it will be enough for Siwon.

However instead giving him a kiss or an answer, Kyu is giving him another question, “why?”

Siwon didn’t prepare this. He stay silent for a while before answering it, “because... you are so beautiful, Kyu. Do I need a reason to make love to you?”

“So, it’s all just about ?” Kyu asked, his face turns dark somehow.

“No!” Siwon answered it quickly.

“Then why?” Kyu asked again. This time Siwon didn’t answer it. He doesn’t know the answer behind that question, yet. Kyu looked at him in the eyes once again. He then sighed and detached himself from Siwon’s arm. He climbs up out from the pool, leaving Siwon who is looking at him dumbfounded.

“We can’t do this, hyung. You know the contract.” Kyu said before walks into their home.

I do like surprising and torturing my readers. LOL.

Thank you for all your comments <3 Enjoy this super duper fast update chapter.

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Arshilahuiz #1
Chapter 21: The last part is so cute where the kids help their appa in cook.
mykyunie #2
Chapter 21: Wow this is perfecto, beautiful
kyuwon1013 #3
Chapter 21: i hope you can create another Wonkyu story
kyuwon1013 #4
Chapter 21: It was a happy ending.Thanks for writing this Wonkyu story.
Merettevan #5
Chapter 21: Thanks a lot for the story! I read it and it was sweet and heart-warming! The end was all I wanted for!
I also liked the Eunhae references! Thank you, thank you!
Luhma1817 #6
Chapter 21: I still had not read this story and I really enjoyed it. I prefer it when Siwon and Kyu are portrayed in a more believable way and close to their personalities.
Latersbabysaidwonkyu #7
Chapter 21: I fell in love with this story. Thank u so much. You are an awesome writer my dear. Bear hugs to you**
That was an amazing story with a happy ending. I read it like 4 times already hehehe.
Thank you for your awesome story. ^_^
joannaxdiaz #9
Chapter 21: this will be one of my favorites. I really can't get enough of this story. Thank you for sharing.
angelvoicekyu #10
Chapter 21: I guess this will forever be one of my favorite wonkyu's love story ever! Congratulations for completing this story beautifully! I think I'm touched seeing how far they've gone from not realizing their feelings towards each other to some friendly gestures, marriage contract, denials after denials, after , misunderstanding, angst and heart wrenching events to marriage for REAL.

I've been seeking for this story tbh, haha I'm such a loser when it comes to wonkyu, blame my hardcore shipper heart who miss wonkyu a lot and I'm grateful cause it's here, it's not gone. They're perfect for each other and I loved how you wrote their stages in relationship, since they're not lovers and they fell in love within the time. It hurts seeing kyuhyun getting hurt and I wish Siwonnie would take care of his precious lover.

Thanks for writing this. I wish I could download this story somehow. Take care, dear author nim.