The Deal

The Marriage


Kyu and Siwon met at a not so famous coffee shop in the day. Kyu arrived first since Donghae’s apartment is near with the coffee shop. Siwon came not so long after him, he is wearing this sunglasses and scarf covering his mouth and a part of his nose.

Kyu frowned with Siwon’s way to dress, but then he remembers, he is the idol. People will spread rumor right away when they catch Siwon in a coffee shop with a guy.

“Sorry I’m late.” Siwon sits in front of him, he pull down his scarf a little bit so he can talk properly.

“It’s okay. Do you want to order something?”

“I don’t think so. I got a schedule after this, so I’ll make it quick.”

Kyu is holding not to roll his eyes. He didn’t know Siwon is this arrogant, if he had a schedule why he asked for a meeting.

“Fine, what do you want to talk?”

Siwon hold his breath, “it’s about the marriage. Actually I had a plan about that.” Siwon stopped, waits for Kyu’s reaction, but the boy only stare at him.

“Well, I know you don’t want this sudden marriage. We barely know each other. So, I think why don’t we just get married, but not really get married.”

Kyu’s eyes is growing bigger, he can’t believe that Siwon is actually on the same plan with him.

“We tell our parents we are married, but we actually not get married. We just live in the same roof, we still do our life like we usually do. In my case I’ll start to run the company since my dad asked for it and you... well, did your parents asked you anything except the married?”

“Mom and dad just asked me to not just focus with my works, I need to find someone for my life.”

“Well...” Siwon looks like thinking for a while. This will be hard, since his parents only want the marriage. Siwon thought.

“Actually, I want to tell you about the exact same plan like the one that you just told me.” That makes Siwon snapped his head looking unbelievable to Kyuhyun, “in my case, my parents won’t get that mad if we get divorce someday, because they’ll think at least I tried, and it didn’t work.”

“You really already think the same plan like me?”                                                                                          

“My friend actually the one who suggested it.”

“And... Do you agree with it?” Siwon asked, waiting for Kyu’s answer.

Kyu shrugs his shoulder, “it’s the only way.”

Siwon feels relieved that the boy agrees with the plan, because he really doesn’t know what to do if Kyu refused to do it.


Siwon drove his car back to their dorm. He lied to Kyu, he don’t have any schedule today. Once he arrived at the dorm, he sat back to the couch thinking about he and Kyuhyun. He didn’t know why he had to lie to him, it’s just he can’t stand being all alone in such a long time with Kyu, he knows it’ll be awkward. Deep down in his heart, he know that he is afraid he will messed up or maybe act too cool in front of Kyu, and Siwon doesn’t want that. He want Kyu looked at him still in the same way, Choi Siwon who never messed up. But he try to deny it and try to confess his mind that his quick meeting with Kyu was supposed to be that way, quick.

“Oh you are back,” Eunhyuk found him on the couch.


“That’s short.”

“I told him I had a schedule.”

“What?” Eunhyuk sat next to him, “so you told about the plan then leave?”

Siwon looked at his hyung before nodding.

“Ya! You are too cruel! Not even asked anything beside the plan?”

Siwon shook his head.

“Did you order something in there?”

Siwon shook his head once again.

“Ya!” Eunhyuk hit Siwon’s head, “you are too cruel. That boy is also a human being, at least you need to had a little chit-chat with him beside the plan. You looks like came there just for telling him, ‘hey, Kyuhyun I don’t want to married you, so how about a marriage contract?’”

“Hyung, we have nothing to talk about.”

“Not even exchange news?”

Siwon shook his head, this time Eunhyuk shook his head too. Then he stand up before said, “I hope it’s really because you have nothing to talk about, not because you are too afraid to messed up in front of him.”

Eunhyuk left Siwon all alone in the living room. Siwon thinks about what Eunhyuk just told him, but he shook his head once again as it’s help him to forget it. Deep down in his heart he knows it’s the truth, but his pride is too big to agree with it.


The next Monday Siwon text Kyu that they need a little contract between them. And both of the side need witness for their deal. Kyu thought it’s a good idea. Siwon asked him to came to their dorm with witness for his side. Kyu have no one except Donghae.

When he told Donghae to come with him, he can’t be more excited. Kyu just rolled his eyes looking at his hyung’s behavior. Once he can be so wise, once he can be like a little boy.

Kyu arrived that afternoon in their dorm. Kyu can’t help but also curious with Siwon’s life as a superstar, but he try to hide it in front of his hyung. Kyu welcomed by Siwon, Donghae is too shocked to see Choi Siwon right in front of his face. Kyu needs to pinched his arm to make Donghae back to the reality. They greet each other, Siwon asked them to come inside.

Inside the dorm, all the members are in the living room except Ryewook and Yesung who just busy in the kitchen. There are 6 members in the living room including Siwon. All of them stands up and greet Kyu and Donghae.

When it turns Eunhyuk’s turn, Kyu can feel something strange with Donghae, this is the first time he see Donghae looks so shy. The other members are also confused with the way Eunhyuk suddenly smile shyly, even he introduce himself as Hyukjae, not Eunhyuk. But all of them let it go since they still need something important to do.

They all sit in the living room.

“So....” Leeteuk starts the conversation, “let’s make the deal. First, both of you just pretend to get married in front of anyone else except the witness.” Leeteuk speaks while write it.

Both of Kyu and Siwon nod their head.

“Second, you will get divorce with the approval from both of the side.”

“Wait, can we make it a little bit specific? Like how many years is the maximum and the minimum?” Kyu asks.

“Okay, you will get divorce with the approval from both of the side, minimum year is one and a half, and maximum years are 4 years?”

“That’s more make sense.” They both agreed.

“Third, no interfere with each other business, both of you will life like usual, just sleep in the same roof.” They both nod again.

“About the cost of the electricity, the water, and so on that both of you will use together, who will pay for it?” Leeteuk ask them.

“I’ll pay.” Siwon answers him.

“No, I’ll pay it.” Kyu refuse it.

“No, let me pay it.”

“Why have to be you?”

“Kyu, my father won’t forgive me if he knows you pay for anything like this.”

Kyu goes silent.

Siwon sighed before said, “I’ll pay it, hyung. Write that.”

This time Kyu didn’t refuse it. He hates the fact he let Siwon pay it, but somehow he loves the way Siwon played as the responsible one in here. It makes his heart warm, somehow.

“Okay, Siwon will pay for it. Next, no , no kiss, no skinship if you both alone. Is that okay?” Leeteuk looked at both of Kyu and Siwon.

Siwon didn’t know why he can’t answer it right away. Kyu also looked at him a while and then said, “that’ll be okay.”

“Siwon?” Leeteuk makes sure to his dongsaeng once again.

“Y-yeah. It’ll be okay.”

“The last, no one except the witness know anything about this even after until you both get divorce.”

Both of them and the witness nod their head. The deal is done, Siwon, Kyu, Donghae and Leeteuk signed it as the symbol of both side’s approval.

Kyu hold his breath. I hope I won’t regret this.


Done with the contract, Leeteuk offers Kyu and Donghae to stay for dinner. At first Kyu refuse it, because it’ll be awkward since they barely know each other.

“Come on Kyu, you’ll get married with Siwon someday, at least we need to know each other.” Leeteuk once again try to confess him, this time it makes a little blush in Kyu’s cheek and then finally he agree with Leeteuk to stay for dinner.

They all eat in the living room since the kitchen is too small to all of them.

“So Kyuhyun, you know Siwon since kid?” Shindong asked first.

Kyu looked at Siwon first before answer it, “we met, but still we don’t know each other that much.”

“Is he already had that face when he was a kid?” This time is Yesung’s turn to ask. His question makes the other laugh.

“Even after all we’ve been through, you still think I did a plastic surgery?” Siwon rolled his eyes.

“No, it’s just you are too handsome for a Korean man.”

Kyu starts to pay a little bit attention to Siwon’s face. His sharp nose, his eyes, and his famous dimples when he smile, his heart shaped lips with his small mouth make him looks more perfect. Kyu snapped his head to another direction when Siwon catch his gaze. He low his head and try to hide his blush, this is the second time Siwon catch him while he is looking at him. Fortunately no one in the room realized about that they just busy with other things.

“Why you guys can barely know each other?” Eunhyuk get curious out of sudden, this makes the other member nod their head agreeing.

Siwon looked at Kyu once again. “I don’t know...” He said unsure.

“I think because we have different interest.”

“Yeah, we have different hobbies.”

“Most of people have different hobbies, but they still stay as a friend. I mean, you both really look like a stranger.” Eunhyuk said again.

Kyu frowned his eyebrows, this is also the first time he thinks about that. He doesn’t know why he and Siwon became this strange, like there have some wall in the middle of them. Kyu try to remember his childhood, did he do something that makes Siwon hate him, did he do something disgusting until Siwon didn’t want to play with him anymore?

Siwon is also frowning his eyebrows while still looking at Kyu, he try to dig his childhood memories, did he do something wrong, did he hurt the boy, why they never become a friend, why they can’t become a friend?

The others are just looking at both Siwon and Kyu who looking at each other, the room goes silent before Eunhyuk finally said, “well, it’s a mystery for both of you thought.”

They back to eating their dinner, all of them have a little chit-chat, except Siwon and Kyu who still took a glance to each other, like try to find something in their eyes about their childhood that makes them become this strange.

Still long long way to go, hope you enjoy it. Don't forget to comment <3

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Arshilahuiz #1
Chapter 21: The last part is so cute where the kids help their appa in cook.
mykyunie #2
Chapter 21: Wow this is perfecto, beautiful
kyuwon1013 #3
Chapter 21: i hope you can create another Wonkyu story
kyuwon1013 #4
Chapter 21: It was a happy ending.Thanks for writing this Wonkyu story.
Merettevan #5
Chapter 21: Thanks a lot for the story! I read it and it was sweet and heart-warming! The end was all I wanted for!
I also liked the Eunhae references! Thank you, thank you!
Luhma1817 #6
Chapter 21: I still had not read this story and I really enjoyed it. I prefer it when Siwon and Kyu are portrayed in a more believable way and close to their personalities.
Latersbabysaidwonkyu #7
Chapter 21: I fell in love with this story. Thank u so much. You are an awesome writer my dear. Bear hugs to you**
That was an amazing story with a happy ending. I read it like 4 times already hehehe.
Thank you for your awesome story. ^_^
joannaxdiaz #9
Chapter 21: this will be one of my favorites. I really can't get enough of this story. Thank you for sharing.
angelvoicekyu #10
Chapter 21: I guess this will forever be one of my favorite wonkyu's love story ever! Congratulations for completing this story beautifully! I think I'm touched seeing how far they've gone from not realizing their feelings towards each other to some friendly gestures, marriage contract, denials after denials, after , misunderstanding, angst and heart wrenching events to marriage for REAL.

I've been seeking for this story tbh, haha I'm such a loser when it comes to wonkyu, blame my hardcore shipper heart who miss wonkyu a lot and I'm grateful cause it's here, it's not gone. They're perfect for each other and I loved how you wrote their stages in relationship, since they're not lovers and they fell in love within the time. It hurts seeing kyuhyun getting hurt and I wish Siwonnie would take care of his precious lover.

Thanks for writing this. I wish I could download this story somehow. Take care, dear author nim.