
The Marriage

Siwon woke up in the next day, finding one of the most beautiful creature in the world, Kyuhyun, in his arm. He can’t hold his sweet smile while looking at the boy. He is so sure that Kyu is indeed the symbol of perfection. He is so beautiful. His skin is so white and shine, his closed eyelids are so cute, his parted pinky lips are so beautiful yet y, making Siwon have to hold himself not to kiss those lips. Kyuhyun is so peaceful in his sleep.

After looking at the boy for quite a while, he leans down to kiss Kyu’s bare shoulder. Then Siwon reached Kyu’s hand, planting light kisses in each knuckles. Kyu doesn’t even move from his sleep.

“Baby... Wake up.” He calls slowly.

Kyu reply it with snuggling even closer to the man’s chest. Siwon smile again, he tightened the hold in Kyu’s waist.

“Baby... I need to take a bath, or else I will be late for my flight.” Siwon said again, still softly but he sure Kyu can hear him.

Kyu groans while still closing his eyes. He tightened his hold on, not wanting to let go the man yet.

“Kyuhyun... Come on...” Siwon said again, he kisses Kyu’s crown head, “you can have me again after I took a bath.”

Kyu groans again, but this time he moves his body so Siwon can finally get up. The latter smiles sweetly again, he kisses Kyu’s cheek, “I’ll be back.”


While waiting Siwon to finish his bath, Kyu still closing his eyes but actually he already woke up from his sleep. His mind goes to what happened last night, their dinner while cuddling, chatting and feeding each other in the couch, and their hot night activity. Kyu blushes when he remembers their last night, Siwon was still so gentle but their become more hot and intense. He can’t lie that he is craving for Siwon’s touch all over his body again.

Kyu can hear the bathroom’s door is opened. He still closes his eyes, only hearing Siwon’s movement. Once when he is sure that Siwon already dress up, he opens his eyes slowly. He waits until Siwon is all dress up because he is afraid that he can’t hold himself when he sees the Choi Siwon once again. However, even Siwon’s amazing body is already covered by his clothes, Kyu still hold his breath. Siwon is indeed hot with or without any clothes.

Siwon see the gaze from Kyu, he walks forwards to the bed and then sit next to Kyu. He Kyu’s hair softly while smiling.

“Good morning.” Siwon said then leans his body to kiss Kyu’s lips.

“Morning.” Kyu replied while blushing.

They just stare to each other while Siwon’s finger is busy caressing Kyu’s face lightly. His other hand is already entwining to Kyu’s hand. Kyu on the other hand is blushing under Siwon’s intense gaze, but he can’t even move his eyes from Siwon’s.

“I’ll miss you.” Siwon said finally.

Kyu sits up, his back is resting on the bed board. He cupped Siwon’s other hand and move it to his lips to give it a quick peck. Siwon smile by Kyu’s cute action.

“I’ll miss you too.” Kyu replied.

Siwon sighed, he really doesn’t want to leave Kyu. He hasn’t get enough of him, well, he thought that he will never get enough of this beautiful boy in front of him.

“I wish I can stay here.”

“Me too. But you can’t, you need to go.” Kyu said while squeezing Siwon’s hand. He doesn’t want Siwon to leave him, and he knew the man is also hard to leave him. However, Kyu realized that he needs to be strong this time or else both of them will be harder to leave each other.

“It’s okay. I know we’ll miss each other, but we will be together again even before you know it.” Kyu said again, trying to encourage Siwon.

Siwon smile weakly while looking at the boy, he moves his body forward to kiss Kyu’s lips. Their kiss is slow, and sweet. No tongues battle, only trying to enjoy each other’s touch. Once they pulled away, Siwon rest his forehead on Kyu’s. Both of them are smiling.

Siwon gave Kyu couples of pecks, “I need to go.”


“You don’t have to accompany me to the airport.” Siwon said again while entwining his hands with Kyu’s.


“I’ll call you once I arrived.” He said after kiss Kyu’s cheek.

“Okay.” Kyu said again with his eyes fixed on Siwon’s.

Siwon kiss Kyu’s other cheek, “I’ll call in you in there more often.”

“Okay.” Kyu said, this time he has to hold his tears. He doesn’t even know when those tears coming in his eyes. Siwon noticed it, he pulled away. He looks apologetically to the boy when the tears betray him. Siwon leans forward again and kiss those tears away.


Kyu answer it with throwing himself to the man, he hugs him tightly. Siwon return the hug. He can feel Kyu buried his face in his crook. He waits for the wetness from Kyu’s tears, but no he doesn’t feel any. After a while Kyu pulled away, there is no tears in his eyes, he even smiling.

“Go, you will miss your flight.” Kyu said while Siwon’s arms.

This time Siwon also smiling, he kisses Kyu’s lips again, this time shorter but still sweet.

“Bye.” Siwon said while standing from the bed, he walks backwards to the door. He sees the smiling Kyuhyun once again before he turns his back.


Siwon finished his schedule in China faster than he thought he will be. He came back to Korea with a light heart, knowing that Kyu will wait for him in their home. It’s been a month since their first night, now they spend their time mostly together. Siwon is officially moving to Kyu’s room, which is their room now. Siwon sometimes dropped Kyu to his office, Kyu sometimes made a box of lunch for Siwon. While busy with Super Junior-M’s new album and his work in his father’s office, Siwon still always find his time to come home for dinner. They talked about works, friends, problems, and almost everything while eating their dinner. They had when they can, and they are in the mood to do it.

Kyu never told about all of these to Donghae, he doesn’t feel like ready to share it with the others. And moreover, Kyu doesn’t want to talk about this since the three magic words haven’t showed yet between them. There is time when they about to say it, Kyu noticed this. There is time when Siwon is looking at him with this kind of tender gaze, Kyu always thought Siwon would say it, but no, the words never go out from their mouth.

It doesn’t like Kyu complain about it. Well yes, he is waiting for it. But his life with Siwon without the words is not bad either. They are happy. And Kyu know Siwon loves him, all his actions show it, he just needs to wait more for those three magic words.

However all those happiness is about coming to the end in one day.


It was Friday morning, Siwon dropped Kyu in his office.

“You’ll come home for dinner?” Kyu asked.

“I don’t know yet, but I’ll try.” Siwon answered while smiling sweetly.

“Okay, I’ll go.”

“Bye, baby.” Siwon moves his body, closing the gap with Kyu. He kisses those lips sweetly.

“Bye.” Kyu said while smiling and blushing.


Kyu came to his room while smiling. It was such a nice day. With Siwon dropped him in the office like this, he can’t have other way better to start the day.

When he is in his room, he found Donghae reading something in his tablet while frowning his eyebrows.

“Good morning, hyung! What’s with the face?” Kyu said while sitting in front of his hyung.

Donghae looked up, his expression still the same.

“Are you okay, Kyun-ah?” Donghae asked while looking at Kyu worriedly.

“What?” Kyu asked, getting more confused.

“Have you seen the news?”

“What news?”

Donghae looked at him, more worriedly. He sighed, and gave his tablet to Kyu.

Kyu look to the news on the tablet, the headline is making Kyu shocked even more. ‘Choi Siwon is Having Baby with His Ex-Girlfriend?’

Kyu’s expression from super happy turn to shocked. His heart is beating so fast. He scrolled down the news, he can see the picture on it. It was indeed Siwon, he recognized him from his body and shirt. It was Siwon, with some girl with sunglasses on it. It the news, it say that the girl is Stella Kim, long last Siwon’s ex-girlfriend. They were in maternity hospital in Seoul. The pictures are taken from a little bit far from them, but he can still see their faces clearly.

Kyu dropped the tablet lightly on the table, his eyes are looking nowhere. His mind goes blank. He doesn’t know the new is true or what, but he knew for sure that it was Siwon in the picture.

“Is this how you two are going to divorce, Kyu? With a scandal like this?” Donghae finally asked.

Kyu looked at his hyung. Right, the divorce. Is it how he going to divorce me? So all of that... I should know, he never said it.

“Why don’t you tell me, Kyu?” Donghae asked again, this time Kyu can’t hold his tears.


Then this is how his happy morning turns to a nightmare in a minute.

It's sad, it's short and I update it late. I'm sorry, but this need to be here for once.

Enjoy! <3

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Arshilahuiz #1
Chapter 21: The last part is so cute where the kids help their appa in cook.
mykyunie #2
Chapter 21: Wow this is perfecto, beautiful
kyuwon1013 #3
Chapter 21: i hope you can create another Wonkyu story
kyuwon1013 #4
Chapter 21: It was a happy ending.Thanks for writing this Wonkyu story.
Merettevan #5
Chapter 21: Thanks a lot for the story! I read it and it was sweet and heart-warming! The end was all I wanted for!
I also liked the Eunhae references! Thank you, thank you!
Luhma1817 #6
Chapter 21: I still had not read this story and I really enjoyed it. I prefer it when Siwon and Kyu are portrayed in a more believable way and close to their personalities.
Latersbabysaidwonkyu #7
Chapter 21: I fell in love with this story. Thank u so much. You are an awesome writer my dear. Bear hugs to you**
That was an amazing story with a happy ending. I read it like 4 times already hehehe.
Thank you for your awesome story. ^_^
joannaxdiaz #9
Chapter 21: this will be one of my favorites. I really can't get enough of this story. Thank you for sharing.
angelvoicekyu #10
Chapter 21: I guess this will forever be one of my favorite wonkyu's love story ever! Congratulations for completing this story beautifully! I think I'm touched seeing how far they've gone from not realizing their feelings towards each other to some friendly gestures, marriage contract, denials after denials, after , misunderstanding, angst and heart wrenching events to marriage for REAL.

I've been seeking for this story tbh, haha I'm such a loser when it comes to wonkyu, blame my hardcore shipper heart who miss wonkyu a lot and I'm grateful cause it's here, it's not gone. They're perfect for each other and I loved how you wrote their stages in relationship, since they're not lovers and they fell in love within the time. It hurts seeing kyuhyun getting hurt and I wish Siwonnie would take care of his precious lover.

Thanks for writing this. I wish I could download this story somehow. Take care, dear author nim.