Wedding Night and The Morning After

The Marriage


Kyu came back to the party after staying in the bathroom about more than 5 minutes. He wishes nobody will realize than he has been missing from the party in the last 5 minutes. However, right after he came back to the party, Donghae notice him right away. Kyu can see his hyung is walking towards him.

"Where have you been?"

"Huh?" Kyu is trying to look confused, "around... I guess?"

Donghae stay silent, he observes Kyu's face, while Kyu is just frowning his eyebrows, looks confused. When some waitress walks near to them, Kyu took a glass of wine.

"Did you just cry?"

Kyu looks at Donghae for a second before snorts and take a one shot from his glass of wine. Donghae knows Kyu love wine, but he also knows that that wasn't the way he drink it.


"What hyung? I'm not crying. I'm just... tired. This has been non-stop even since this morning until now, of course I'm tired." Kyu rolled his eyes, then avoiding Donghae's eyes.

"Now, if you excuse me." Kyu smiles a little bit before leaving Donghae alone. He knew the more he stay with him, the more he can't hide the fact he just cried.


Kyu found Siwon in the crowd with his father's friends. Kyu came to him, then smile. The other guests are looking happy to the new couple, and congratulate them once again.

Before suddenly one of the guest bring up Siwon's speech, "you must be very happy, Kyuhyun. Siwon's speech is just so sweet."

Kyu smiles once again, "yes, I am very happy." He then looks to Siwon while smiling. He found Siwon is also looking at him, smiling proudly. Kyu can feel Siwon's warm hand is rubbing his shoulder.

"Well, we hope your marriage will be blessed, and have lots of babies." Said the other guest and followed by the other's laugh.


The party goes on, they continue to dance, and sing, or just talking. The mood goes well. Everyone is enjoying the wedding party.

Kyu walks around trying to find where Siwon is, they get apart when Siwon's dad drag him to their business partner to have a little chat, while Kyu is talking with the other family member. Now when Kyu done talking with the other family member, he and Siwon need to be together again, since all the guest are always asking where Siwon is if they saw Kyu is walking around alone.

Kyu finds Siwon is standing a bit far from the center of the party, he is not alone, he is with Eunhyuk. Siwon didn't notice Kyu is now standing not so far behind them, so he just continues to chat with Eunhyuk.

"Nice speech, by the way." Said Eunhyuk.

Kyu stop his step, he can see Siwon is drinking the wine from his glass, before said, "Thanks."

"Did you write it by yourself?"

Siwon nods.

"Wow, you might become an author someday."

Siwon chuckles while shaking his head.

"No, I mean, it was romantic. Like came from your own heart."

Kyu can see Siwon is drinking his wine again, not looking to Eunhyuk's eyes.

"Is it really come from your own heart?" Eunhyuk asked.

Siwon looks at his hyung, chuckling a little bit, "what do you mean, hyung? You do remember me and him had a contract behind all of this, right? So, the speech is not coming from my heart. I can't say; 'me and Kyuhyun decided to get married because our parents set us up', can I?"

Siwon shook his head lightly, then drink his wine, this time he finished it in one shot.

Eunhyuk just shrug his shoulder, decided to believe in Siwon's word even though he felt a little bit suspicious a second ago. They continue chatting, without even realize Kyu was listening the whole thing. Kyu decided to step back, and not come to Siwon. He head back again to the party, while trying so hard to hold back his tears. He can't cry again, can he?


The party is finally over. One by one the guest came back to their home. While Siwon's and Kyu's family, and the members, Donghae, and some of their managers are staying in the building that they rented. The building is pretty big, so each person will get one room to sleep. Except, the moms and the dads, and of course the newly wed.

"Have fun." Said Heechul when he saw the newlywed is about to go to their room.

Kyu let out his annoying death glare to his hyung. Actually, he is not in the mood to get any tease, all he wants to do is just sleep. Because Kyu felt so exhausted because of the wedding and somehow also because of Siwon's speech and his previous conversation with Eunhyuk.


Kyu and Siwon walk together to their room in silence. When they arrived in front of their room, Siwon opens the door and let Kyu went in first. Siwon followed still in silence, he can sense there's something different with Kyu tonight.

What happened to him? He seems not.... Well, if I can say happy, he seems not happy. At least not like this morning. This morning he looks calm, and somehow happy. But tonight, he looks so tired, and like having many thing going on his mind.

Once they got in the room, they observe it first. There is one master bed in the middle of the room, the sheets is white. There's one dressing table not so far from the bed, a couch and a coffee table. One bathroom and one door to the balcony. The nuance of the room is white with a little bit touch of gold and woods. The room looks warm. However, the situation between Kyu and Siwon goes more awkward. They steal glance once or twice, before Kyu finally said something.

"I'll take a bath first." He looks to Siwon once before went to the bathroom. Kyu took a long and warm bath, he is really tired, not just the body but also his heart. But Kyu can't even cry anymore once he is under the shower. He just took the shower with silence, washing all of inches of his body, wishing that the pain will go away.

Kyu is done with the shower, before he steps out, he looks to the mirror first. Kyu can't take his eyes over his lips, and the picture of the kiss with Siwon this morning is suddenly showed up in his mind. Kyu wets his hand and brush it over his lips over and over again. Trying to get rid the trace of Siwon's lips in there. His lips get swollen a little bit because of he rubs it kind of hard. Kyu looks to the mirror once again, both of his mind and his heart are tired. But he can't even let out a single tear from his eyes.


Kyu came back to the room, finding Siwon is sitting in the couch while looking to his phone. Siwon is already took off his tie and his suit, leaving only his shirt. Even with a tired face, Siwon is still looking handsome.

They eyes met for a second, but Kyu immediately look to another way.

Kyu dry his hair with a towel while Siwon walks to the bathroom, still in silence.


Siwon get under the shower with his mind that can’t stop thinking about Kyu. He knew there’s something different with that boy tonight. At least he is calm and seems like fine this morning. Siwon try to rewind what he just did, trying to find something that might be made Kyu felt sad.

He is fine this morning. Is he angry because the kiss? Well, we agree to just do it. So, why he looks mad, and sad? Did I do something? Wait, why do I even care? I mean, this whole marriage is just a contract. We agree to not interfere with each other business in the contract, so why I even care? He might be just tired. Yeah he might be just tired. Just, stop thinking about him, Choi Siwon.

Siwon did some monologue while showering. But, even he said he must not think about Kyu again, he still think about him in one or two second, before he shake his head over and over again, wishing Kyu stop coming to his mind.


Once Siwon done, he came out from the bathroom finding Kyu is now the one who is sitting in the couch, playing some game in his phone.

Once he notice Siwon came out from the bathroom, Kyu stopped the game and look to him.

"Haven't you sleep yet?" Siwon asked.

Kyu can't help to observe Siwon face, who looks so fresh and how his hair is still wet. Tired Siwon is handsome, but Siwon who just came out from the bathroom wearing only a white shirt and a short is not just handsome, but also hot.

After lost in Siwon's hot body for a second, Kyu bite his lips, look to the man then to the bed.

"It's okay. I can sleep in the couch."

"No!" Kyu reacts fast, he can see Siwon is raising his eyebrows, kinda shocked with his reaction.  "I mean, you are tired. It will be uncomfortable sleeping in the couch." He added.

"So, you don't mind if we sleep in the same bed?"

"Y-yeah. I mean, we won't do anything, aren't we?"

Siwon can see Kyu is feeling a little bit nervous, so he just smiles looking to the younger.

Kyu can feel Siwon is looking at him, so he immediately walk to the bed and tuck himself under the blanket. His back is now facing Siwon.

Siwon in the other hand is finding the younger is so cute when he is shy, but he knows he is not in the charge to .  Siwon’s smile slowly gone. He looks to Kyu’s back once again. His mind is thinking it’ll be lovely if he can . Well, it’s not like Siwon is only want to tease Kyu, but he just find that a shy Kyuhyun is too cute. He wonders what will they do if they are really in love, and this will be their first wedding night. Siwon is suddenly imagine how he and Kyu are making love, but before it goes too far, Siwon shake his head to get rid of that image.

Slowly he get on the bed, and tuck himself under the blanket. He sees Kyu’s back once again, before turn off the desk lamp then trying to go to sleep.


Kyu woke up in the next day with a sudden knock from the door. The knock is slow, but he can hear some giggling from the back of the door.

“Kyu, Siwon, it’s us.” He can hear his mom’s voice from the outside.

Kyu’s eyes suddenly go bigger when he knew his mom is outside their room. His mom won’t be alone, so he is sure that his dad along with Siwon’s parents is also in the outside. Kyu hear knock once again. He get panicked and immediately shook Siwon’s shoulder who is still sleeping next to him.

Siwon groans when he felt his body is shaken.

“Hyung! Our parents are in the outside!”

Siwon is just groaning.

“Hyung!” Kyu shook his shoulder once again.

“What?” Siwon’s voice is mumbling against the pillow.

“Our parents are in the outside!” Kyu said once again, this time Siwon open his eyes in a second and get up.

“What? Damn! What should we do?”He began to panic.

Kyu in the other hand is also panicked, he can’t even answer Siwon’s answer. There’s a knock once again.

“Just a second.” Siwon answered it, before turns back to Kyu, “we should look like.... umm... ummm....” he tries to find a good word for it. Kyu just stare at him.

“We should look like a new married couple, who just have a .” There, finally Siwon said it.

“What?” Kyu looks want to refuse it.

“Kyu, they are in front of our room.”

“Okay, okay. So, what should we do?”

“Come here.” Siwon spread his arm, Kyu look at him questionably.

“Come here.” He repeats again.

Kyu slowly move his body to Siwon. Now his back is on Siwon’s chest, while Siwon’s arm is wrapping around his body. Kyu can feel the warm from Siwon’s body, even their position now is a little bit awkward because both of their bodies are not relaxing, and he loves Siwon’s warm body around him.

“W-we should... We should relax.” Kyu said.

“Right.” Then Kyu can feel Siwon’s body is relaxing under him, so he just relax his body slowly. Now their position is not awkward but turns to be a comfortable position.

“Come in.” Siwon finally said.

The door opened, both Kyu and Siwon’s parents came in. Kyu’s mom is holding a tray with some delicious breakfast in it.

Their faces are so happy seeing their sons are cuddling in the bed, “Good morning, we brought breakfast.” Kyu’s mom said and put the tray on the bed. Now their parents are standing around them. Each smile can’t leave from their face.

“So, you two have a breakfast, then come down. We had a gift for both of you.” Siwon’s dad said.

“A gift?” Siwon looks to his father.

“Yeah. You’ll love it.”

“Okay! So, we’ll leave you two alone again.” Siwon’s mom said with a big grin in her face.

They walks slowly back to the door with that grin on their face, and close the door slowly,

Siwon and Kyu still in the position, looking unbelievable to their parents who just leave.

“Did they just came here to give us a breakfast and leave?” Siwon asked unbelievable, still looking to the door.

“They said they had a gift.” Kyu added, also looking unbelievable to the door.


They don’t even realize that they are still in their position. They stay still for couple of minutes, before finally Kyu is the first one who realize and move his back from Siwon’s chest.

Siwon once again lost with the sight of shy Kyuhyun. How his cheeks are blushing, turns to pink slowly. How Kyu’s eyes are looking around, trying not to get an eye contact with Siwon. And also how he bends his head low, leaving that brown hair falls around his face even more perfect.

I really should control my brain so they won’t think ‘anything’ everytime I see this shy Kyuhyun.

I know it's not the wedding night that everyone expected :p

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this one too. Thank youuuuuuuu so much for all coments in the previous chapter. Please comment more. Comments from all you make me have a spirit to update fast.

One more thing, I want to make a story when Wonkyu had twin boys as their child. Any name recommendation? Most people suggested Minho and Suho. Any other recommendation?

ThanKyu once again <333333

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Arshilahuiz #1
Chapter 21: The last part is so cute where the kids help their appa in cook.
mykyunie #2
Chapter 21: Wow this is perfecto, beautiful
kyuwon1013 #3
Chapter 21: i hope you can create another Wonkyu story
kyuwon1013 #4
Chapter 21: It was a happy ending.Thanks for writing this Wonkyu story.
Merettevan #5
Chapter 21: Thanks a lot for the story! I read it and it was sweet and heart-warming! The end was all I wanted for!
I also liked the Eunhae references! Thank you, thank you!
Luhma1817 #6
Chapter 21: I still had not read this story and I really enjoyed it. I prefer it when Siwon and Kyu are portrayed in a more believable way and close to their personalities.
Latersbabysaidwonkyu #7
Chapter 21: I fell in love with this story. Thank u so much. You are an awesome writer my dear. Bear hugs to you**
That was an amazing story with a happy ending. I read it like 4 times already hehehe.
Thank you for your awesome story. ^_^
joannaxdiaz #9
Chapter 21: this will be one of my favorites. I really can't get enough of this story. Thank you for sharing.
angelvoicekyu #10
Chapter 21: I guess this will forever be one of my favorite wonkyu's love story ever! Congratulations for completing this story beautifully! I think I'm touched seeing how far they've gone from not realizing their feelings towards each other to some friendly gestures, marriage contract, denials after denials, after , misunderstanding, angst and heart wrenching events to marriage for REAL.

I've been seeking for this story tbh, haha I'm such a loser when it comes to wonkyu, blame my hardcore shipper heart who miss wonkyu a lot and I'm grateful cause it's here, it's not gone. They're perfect for each other and I loved how you wrote their stages in relationship, since they're not lovers and they fell in love within the time. It hurts seeing kyuhyun getting hurt and I wish Siwonnie would take care of his precious lover.

Thanks for writing this. I wish I could download this story somehow. Take care, dear author nim.