
The Unlucky Things Being Bestfriends With Guys [currently Hiatus until 5th June]


      It has been 2 months since Hyemi went to Korea. I bet she's having fun now with her old bestfriend and probably forgot about me. She never even texted me again!

      *Zelo... Why are all good things happen to you huh? You are so lucky* I sighed as I stare at my phone. No notifications from Hyemi again... Should I find a new bestfriend??? NO!! If she's not loyal to me then I'll prove to her that I'm loyal to her!

      "L.Joe dear, come down please. Your father and I have something to tell you about" my mom shouted from downstairs. My room is on the second floor.

      "No thanks" I shouted back and lay on my comfy bed crossing my arms under my head.

      "What do you mean 'no'?" Now I heard my dad shouted.

      *Ah so noisy! Just ignore them L.Joe. If you shout back they will just gonna shout back too. It's better to shut up* I said mentally to my self while closing my eyes getting ready to sleep. What time is it you ask? 6 freaking in the morning!!

      *See? If you don't answer they will shut up too. Finally peace and qu--*


      *Ignore them*

      "Yah L.Joe!!"

      "What the hell. It's 6 AM for God's sake!" I mumbled

      "Lee Byunghun!!!!! For the last time get your out of your room and come down here right now!!!" my mom 'knocked' on my room real hard trying to barged in.

      "Alright fine!!! Geez. Mom this days" I mumbled the last part as I went downstairs. There I saw my parents with an envelope.

      "I'm here. Now what are you going to talk about? And stop shouting. It's 6 AM" I said not intrested on what they're going to say.

      "Well, we just arrived from home about an hour ago after meeting yesterday at 11PM. The meeting finished at 1 AM and we went shopping. There I found a brand new cloth--" my mom said but I cut her.

      "Get to the point" I said boredly.

      "You don't have to be some mean you know. It is true that you've changed` since Hyemi leave. You started to lock your self in your room like a forever alone dude" my dad shook his head.

      *Well duh! My bestfriend is miles away from me, who wouldn't changed?* I gave them a what-are-you-trying-to-say look.

      "As I were saying. Since now we know you've changed, here. Take this envelope and read it upstairs where you lay your eggs" my parents said rolling their eyes and started to laugh and their own 'joke' while I gave them a look. "You know that's not funny" I said and went upstairs. I'm pretty sure I've heard they said something like I don't have a sense of humor or whatever. I think they're sense of humor is too low. Wow I'm a pretty bad child.

      I lock my bedroom door and sat on the study chair, searching for my phone to see if there is notification(s) from Hyemi. "Found it" I said to my self. Guess how many notifications I get?

      There's none.....

      But you shouldn't be suprised. It's like that everyday. Even I'm confused with my self why did I always check on my phone when I know there will be no notification(s) from her? Do I still have hope she will text me? But I thought that hope died few weeks ago.

      I sighed for the nth time today. If everytime I sigh I get pay, I probably a milionare right now.

      I stared at the envelope I put on my desk. Is this so important? I was about to throw it to trash when I saw who's the sender of the envelope.

      "Well well well... Took you long enough to finally give me info, Bang Min Soo" I smirked and open the envelope.


Ha L.Joe

Miss me? I'm sure you do ;)

The rest of TeenTop just got together again, but we're not TeenTop without you.

You should come back.

No need to hide your indentity.

Even your parents know you're one of the best gang in the world.

We're waiting for you buddy!

But too bad, we're not in US right now.

We moved 1 month ago.

Many newbies gone nuts when we're gone for a year.

So bring your here to Seoul ;)

In other words, We have mission.


P.S | Why I send this through envelope? I don't know that too.




      "S-seoul?! That's where Hyemi is!!! Heck yeah!! Bye bye US and hellooo Korea!!!" I smirked and started to pack. *I better get some ticket right now*

      In the middle of my packing, someone knocked the door and I know it will be my parents. I unlock the door and stare at my parents face that have a serious face written on it.

      "Before you say anything, I want to go there and you cann't make me not to go!" I said sternly crossing my arms when they opened their mouth.

      They have confused look. "Why would we want  to stop you when we're the one that asked CAP to ask you to come to Seoul?" my mom raised a brow.

      "You're the one who told CAP?! Wow thanks" I smiled. "Your welcome son. We know how much you've changed but we try deny it. But your attitude just to much right now. It's better when you're in that gang of yours. Just take care and say Hi to Hyemi from us if you meet her. Here's the addres of Choi's residence where Hyemi live right now. For plane. we already ordered and it will be tomorrow at 11 AM. We cann't drove you to airport, we have meeting" dad said.

      *Even better!* I grinned. They must see my face and they shook their head but smiled back and went to their own room. I lock the door again.

      "Zelo.. Just you wait for me" I smirked.


A/N: yeah, L.Joe is one of gang. In the description it said L.Joe is nice and pretend to be badass, well it's true. But actually he have secret from you that he's a gang member. So yeah, the truth is like that :]

Sorry no double updates/tripple updates. Exams starting again :(((((

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Chapter 19: Awwww well I understand, just had mine last week. Good luck~
ParkSeoMin #2
Chapter 19: Kay! lol, is it a coincidence that me and meowwy is also having exams?
quinachups #3
Chapter 19: Its okay author-nimm ~~ take your time.. and hwaitinggg ~~~
Badass-Kid #4
Chapter 17: update soon unni~!
ParkSeoMin #5
Chapter 15: what are they going to do when they go to Zelo's room?
lol, sorry for my erted mind.... anyways keep on updating~
ParkSeoMin #6
Chapter 14: omg.... update soon please
^^ the fanfic is REALLY NICE
Chapter 12: update soon please
i'm dying 2 know what will happen next!
skyryuuna #8
Chapter 8: yeay he's coming korea
update soon authornim
Badass-Kid #9
Chapter 7: Author-nim please update soon~! The story is awesome~ ^^