Truth of a Double

Bastard in the Mirror

Thank you to my newest subscriber: JLLX2001!


I didn't care if Bom would look into Youngbae's journals, I shoved them into her hands and made a run for it. The traffic today was killer, my car wouldn't get home in less than a half hour; running was a ten minute gamble that I was willing to bet. I bolted out of the hospital doors and sprinted on the sidewalk in the direction of my apartment, shoving away people who stood in my way. God, please delay his journey! Dammit I should've told him about it earlier! I wanted to slap myself in the face for not telling Little Seunghyun about the evil Bottom's Up citizens but I couldn't stop running. I was so glad that I was a good runner in high school and that the talent didn't leave with my age. Though I wished I ran like I did as a teenager I focused one my steps pounding into the ground one after the other and repeating in my head that I needed to go through that mirror. Go, faster, faster, faster! I can't let him use the serum! I chanted in my brain and silently prayed for all of the green lights to flash as I needed them. It was like I was in a movie, going in slow motion as the bomb's timer ticked down.  By the time I reached home my heart was thumping in my throat as if that was the only place it pulsed and I needed water, badly. "Ani, ani, keep going," I told myself and jumped through the window, feeling that jello like submergence encase my body. Would I even have the energy to fight them if the situation called for it? I shook my head, ridding it of negativity. I couldn't think like that in such a crucial time. 

Ji's apartment was deader than a sack of potatoes which meant that he, and possibly everyone else, was at the jailhouse. It also meant that Little Seunghyun must be injecting them with serum there. I flew down the apartment building's stairs and as I ran the path to the prison resurfaced in my memory. Palli, palli! I can cut the ten minutes to five if I just pushed it! I insisted and grit my teeth as I slammed my feet down to propel myself further. I hoped that the cloud floor would soften my impact but it still felt like I was running on concrete. I could see the building, it was right in front of my eyes and the frustration was practically leaking out of me. I screamed in madness and felt my adrenaline firing up letting me throw myself through the steel doors as if they were paper and dash up the stairs as if my life depended on it. And it just might. "Seunghyun! Seunghyun don't do it!" I shouted while bursting up the steps and flung myself onto the top floor. I rolled on my back and landed on my feet, seeing everyone was in fact there, staring at me. Little Seunghyun was standing in a cell with Seungri and dread filled my body as I noticed a needle had already disappeared in his arm. 

"Taeyang," Ji muttered and the policeman already drew his gun, aiming it at me. My double calls the shots? His eyes were still golden, but this time there was a darker glint in them. 

"M-mwo? What's going on?" Seunghyun pulled out the syringe from his double's arm and Taeyang now had me pressed against the wall. My breathing was restricted as my throat closed up in fear, leaving my heart racing even more. 

"Mianhae, mianhae Seunghyun," Seungri sighed as tears erupted in his eyes. Suddenly the captive had pushed back my friend and locked him inside the cell, handing the keys to Ji with noticeable hesitation. What? They're still letting the prisoner out in the open?! 

"You, test out the serum, be back in five minutes or else we're going after you," Ji grumbled and the young man clad in lime green nodded fearfully before heading down the stairs without looking at me. What's going on? I looked back up, noticing TOP and E-Minji were also out of their cages but kneeling on the ground with their heads lowered. There was even a small circle of dampness on the floor where TOP's head was hanging. 

"What the is this?" I mumbled despite seeing a few colorful spots in my vision. I need water. 

"Huh, guess Bae didn't say everything huh?" Taeyang smirked and now I could see the evil in that face. He then put his arm down and grabbed my collar, shoving me next to E-Minji and pushed my head down. "Let's just say you guys are on the same team," he sighed and cocked his gun, signaling that it was ready to fire. 

"That's vague, at least explain to him," E-Minji insisted without lifting her head and I heard a sharp slap making me look over and see Ji's hand in the air. My blood boiled even more than it had from all of the running and without a thought I stood up. 

"You bastard-!" I earned myself a punch in the cheek and my mind went blank for a long moment. 

"I told you he was trouble, Daesung probably spilled the beans a while back," D-Man grumbled and shook his left hand in pain. "Damn your double has a hard head," he groaned slightly and pushed me back down. 

"Fine, I'll tell him, but only because I want him to know," Ji told her and he stared at me. I can't possibly look like this guy...can I? "I guess Youngbae did tell him about the plans, but it seems like he doesn't know who's in on it and who isn't," he smirked and squatted down next to me. "I'm not your other half, Jiyong, we're doppelgangers," he muttered. 

"Doppelganger?" I muttered. Not a parallel version of yourself, we're not the same person?

"They say everyone has seven doppelgangers which means there're at least seven different universes, but after all these years Earth is still the main stage," he sighed deeply and glared at me. "Earth is the goal for Bottom's Up, and thanks to that one little douchebag Bae we can finally get through the goddamn mirrors!" he jumped up and pointed to the cages on the top floor. "The prisoners up here are the people who attempted to go against BU government, all their crimes were faked in case an Earth doppelganger decided to visit the top floor," he gestured to TOP and E-Minji. "Whenever they tried to reveal something this little metal box would fire a laser into their back," my look-a-like nodded his head towards the mysterious metal square in the back of the cell. It explained why the prisoners had a look of pain in their eyes often. "Speaking of which go get the panda," he nudged D-Man who nodded and went down the stairs. The four up here were really no harm... "Dara gets special treatment because she's tried to escape a bunch of times, a couple of those times she nearly succeeded as well," he knocked on her door with a smirk though there was no response from the girl inside. My heart didn't seem to care anymore. 

"Bom died after attending a protest that I accompanied her to, when everyone ran out I stayed," TOP muttered. 

"And Seungri couldn't help but try to burn his apartment complex that housed mostly legal officials and police officers, we each took half of the blame," E-Minji pressed her lips together with a deep breath. Explains why his place is in ruins. I glanced behind me as I saw Seunghyun pressed up against the wall despite no one else was in the cell with him. His face was pale and he was sweating buckets. Hang in there kid. When I heard loud footsteps I looked up and saw Seungri being led in by D-Man. His face, on the contrary, was a mix of astonishment and concern. 

"It works! But it takes a little while to activate, so that's why it took so long for me to test it out," he spoke a bit quickly, which meant the serum really did work. 

"Though it seems to only work like humans' mirrors, on your own only," D-Man added before slamming Seungri beside me and I saw Ji's eyes glisten. Youngbae knew this, that's why he specifically said for Ji not to get injected. 

"Alright! Seunghyun, shoot me up!" Ji stepped into the cell and pulled up the frightened college student. He seemed to be realizing what was happening and scrambled up, cleaning off his needle. He stared at me, his eyes sparkled with fear as if asking: what do we do? I looked up at Taeyang who was talking to D-Man about what they wanted to hit up once they got through to Earth and Ji was too busy rolling up his sleeves. Seunghyun pretended to drop his syringe and bent down to TOP who began whispering furiously into the younger's ear. It's as if he came up with a plan instantaneously. Seunghyun then stood back up and I noticed he stopped shaking but his shoulders were tense. TOP's foot slid under the barred door and gently pulled it open. He mumbled into E-Minji's ear and she leaned over to me. 

"Seunghyun's gonna inject Ji with the serum and then destroy the rest of the vials. When Tae and D come over TOP, Seungri and I will disarm them so you guys can make a break for it," E-Minji said and I nodded. I was a bit afraid that Seunghyun would hesitate but knowing he would follow an elder's words I relaxed. 

"You have to destroy your mirror before the liquid activates, Ji's taller than me so he has more mass it should take him another couple minutes," Seungri mumbled in my other ear and I gave a simple nod. That only leaves me with 7 minutes maximum to destroy a mirror ten minutes away. Seunghyun cleared his throat and I turned back to see the needle inject the molecule activating serum into the latter's arm. My heart froze as my breathing became quieter, the moment nearing. I really hope I don't get health issues when this is all over. As soon as the tool as pulled away from his arm the younger male threw the syringe on the ground and flipped the table holding the vials which sent them onto the ground. The potion was now uselessly spreading over the dirty concrete. It's useless, no one else can hyper-activate their molecules. The weight in my stomach dropped. 

"Yah-!" Taeyang and D-Man ran over letting TOP use this moment to fling open the door which not only let Seunghyun run out but it knocked D-Man back into his fellow officer. I jumped up and followed Seunghyun while TOP, Seungri, and E-Minji skillfully emptied the bullets from the guns than had fallen to the floor.

"Run! Now!" TOP barked and threw himself onto Ji who tried to escape. I turned back and pushed Seunghyun forward. 

"Go! Seungri's apartment! Break the mirror!" I ordered him as we ran out of the confused police building and I sprinted off towards Ji's apartment. I can get there if I ran as hard as I did before, I can make it. I grit my teeth as I pumped my arms beside me; I was afraid I heard my doppelganger breathing but I didn't focus on what was behind me. That would only slow me down and that was the last thing I wanted to happen. I slammed open the door to the building, not even knowing how much time passed, and I ran up to his room. He's right there, I can feel the vibrations of his footsteps. I kicked open the locked door and for a moment I forget where his mirror was. A sense of panic rose in my chest but I slapped my cheek and jumped through the magical glass right beside the door. It took me a moment to stand back up and breathe but I did and hurriedly gripped the sides of my mirror. I jumped slightly when I saw Ji panting on the other side. 

"This isn't the last time you'll see me Jiyong!" his voice was raspier, huskier, as if he was possessed. It sent a disturbing chill down my spine. 

"Yes it is, I'm destroying this mirror! You'll never make it through!" I shouted back at him. 

"You might get rid of this mirror, but every time you look into any glass you'll see our face and be reminded of this exact experience! The same experience that killed off an entire gang and who knows how many more innocent beings?!" he grinned as my hands began to shake in anger. I am not him, he is not me. But I couldn't calm down. The heat on my face was really something I've never experienced. 

"I don't look like you," I shook my head and I clenched my jaw as his smile widened. That stupid smile. 

"We're exactly the same! That's why every time you look at glass you'll see me, you'll see that you're the bastard in the ing mirror!" I couldn't take his taunting, I don't know why it hurt me so badly, I just knew I couldn't take it anymore. I lifted my stand up mirror and then my doppelganger started laughing, he was laughing. It sounded nothing like mine, I didn't laugh like the Devil. Using the remaining strength I had left I threw the mirror as if it was nothing and my face as glass flew. Ji's laughter died in the air, it left a feeling that shouldn't be left in someone's home. I collapsed on my bed, breathing deeply, and this time it felt like nothing we depriving me of that air. I curled myself into a ball and felt sleep crawling into my body. I didn't realize how much time I've devoted to the Bottom's Up people. Now that it's over, I'm sure the aftermath will take its toll soon. 


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Chapter 24: Who's actually Dr.Lee and where is Tablo lollll
Chapter 24: Omg..wht is this?? I try hard to understand but still..Omg i hv a lot of questions! Last part make me this happen for real?? Suddenly Minho..and why they put Jiyong at there, if he try tell the truth, not imagination right? is he really crazy?? Ohgoshh..wht the real happen tho?
axenishere55 #3
Chapter 24: Hiya! I told you I was going to write one!

This story is...I really don't have words to explain how much I love this story but if I had to, they would be...

And many more! (This isn't a lie!)

T.O.P's past as well as Seungri's and E-Minji's (Does the 'E' stand for evil?) were sad. I'm glad they weren't apart of the plan. Poor Bom had to die... :(

I hate Ji though!! I really thought he was good guy, not some evil deceiving mastermind! The whole Earth would've been doomed if he passed through the mirror.

On the other hand, I felt sorry for Youngbae, I don't think he deserved it but he thought he did so...*Trails off*
Good on Youngbae for finding out the secret but if he only knew Jiyong earlier...

This is an amazing story and you're an awesome writer! Thank you for this story, I really enjoyed it! I'll be definitely reading the sequel. Talking about that, why did Tablo give Jiyong the mirror if he hated him? Was it all a trick? I'll be waiting~~

P/S: Sorry for the incredibly cheesy, long and probably won't make sense comment. >//<
Chapter 1: Hello, I love you, make a GOT7 story... If you want a couple story, make a Jark or Bamgyeom story, please! thank you! Bambam is my favorite, but you already knew that! XD
heartbreakergirl #5
Chapter 24: Woah~~
It was a great story, I enjoy every single chapter. Now there's still some doubts, is mostly about Tablo, how did he found out about Bottom's Up? Did he created it? Is him part of the alternative universe?
I'm craving for more!
But yeah, I liked the ending too. I've never read something like this before, you're amazing, I hope keep writing more fics!
seungribabe #6
Chapter 24: Sequel plz???therls so many questions in my mind that's making me confused...
nienie11289 #7
Chapter 24: I am a bit confused on the ending, but in a good way? haha. So Tablo created all of those mirrors, but is he from Bottoms Up then? Maybe he's from one of the OTHER worlds, seeming as Minho's been working with him for hundreds of years.

And SeungHyun.. =(
I really do hope you make a sequel. I would love to read more!
Chapter 24: Ohmygosh Blo?!

Are you up for a sequel because im seriously gonna read em
heartbreakergirl #9
Chapter 23: Oh Shieet!!
This was amazing! I was so into the story that my heart is racing now.

My gosh! Now what's next?! I'm very curious about who is actually Tablo, why he gave Jiyong and Youngbae these mirrors.
Chapter 23: Oh gosh I want to know what happens next...Update soon!