No Pressure


Rayne rested in Jonghyun and Minho's room. She was practically hyperventilating by the time they reached the dorm. It took Onew, Minho and Jonghyun to calm her down. Jonghyun let her fall asleep in his bed, as the rest of the members checked in with the other members of floWER. Minho made sure Hana was safe before he informed her of the situation. He told her everything Jonghyun told him. Hana began to worry but became relaxed when she heard Rayne and Rabi were fine. When he hung up the phone, Taemin hopped up off of the couch.

"What?" he was yelling into his phone. "Well... is she okay?....HOSPITAL?!" Onew walked over to Taemin, resting a hand on his shoulder.

"Rayne is still sleeping." He reminded the boy. Taemin nodded to him and and finished his conversation on the phone. "What about the hospital?" Onew asked him. Taemin took a deep breath before he spoke.

"Rabi is being taken to the hospital." He said in one puff of air. "She got cut on her arm... And it's painfully obvious that it's infected." He said squeezing his eyes shut. The other members collectively let out a deep breath. Taemin looked at Onew, lost and worried. "Hyung, we need to-"

"Stay here with Rayne." Onew finished his sentence. "She's with the EXO members. She'll be fine."

"But hyung-"

"The EXO MEMBERS!" Onew looked at his maknae. Wondering if his message got through to him. By the way Taemin walked over to the door and reached for his jacket, let Onew know that it didn't. Kibum stopped Taemin, pulling him by the arm.

"Taeminnie... She's with Kai." Key said looking Taemin in the face. Teamin knew she was with Kai, that's who called him in the first place. He tried to leave again and Key held him tighter. "Kai!" Key said, stressing his tone on Kai's name. The sound of Kai's name registered with Taemin, and he froze. He looked back over to Onew, looking for some sort of rebuttal, but there was none. Taemin let the tension out of his body and hung his jacket back up. "Besides, maybe it's best if the two of you weren't seen together for a while." Taemin didn't say anything. He retreated into his room and remained there as the day went on. No one decided to bother him. He needed his time alone. There's been so much stress that has been building up in such a short period of time, that everyone felt as though they needed a rest.

Jonghyun stayed back in his room, making sure Rayne was ok. He pulled the computer chair pulled up next to the bed. He rubbed her back as she slept, and softly sang songs. He thought maybe if he could keep her relaxed and comfortable in the real world, then her dream would reflect that. Key came in and plopped down on Minho's bed. "Rabi got hurt, she's being taken to the hospital." Jonghyun looked over to Key.

"Hurt? How?" He asked, still rubbing Rayne's back.

"Someone cut her. She's being taken to the hospital now." Jonghyun fought the urge to run to his car. Kris was with her. Jonghyun was sure Rabi was safe with him. "So what happened?" Key asked, folding his legs. "Before the attack I mean. Did she confess to you or something?" Jonghyun bit his lip and shook his head. He didn't really feel like talking about what happened. Key made a face that was a mix between "sorry" and " to be you."


Rabi rested in between Kai and Tao in the back seat of the car. She leaned against Kai as Tao continued to examine her arm. D.O glanced back at the three of them. He noticed that Rabi had begun to fall asleep. He looked over at Kris, who looked like he was blaming himself for this. D.O sighed and patted Kris on the shoulder. Silently reassuring him that it wasn't his fault. D.O turned back to Rabi, then looked at Kai. "Should you be letting her sleep?" He asked Kai. "We don't know what she was cut with. Some things spread faster when the body is resting." Kai blinked. He shook Rabi lightly trying to wake her. She stirred a bit before her eyes fluttered open. When her eyes met Tao she said something no one in the car had expected.

"Oppa... neol....saranghe..." Her body went limp again as she fell back into dream land. Tao blinked then looked around the car at his other members. Then his eyes met Kai's.

"Kai, I don't-" He began but Kai waved his hand.

"Ani. I know." He said with a chuckle. He turned to D.O "She's running a fever." Both D.O and Tao's hand went to Rabi head. It was true, she was. A high fever. Kris didn't need anyone to tell him to speed up. When they finally reached the hospital Tao was assigned to carrying Rabi. They received surprised stares from the people around them. Everyone recognized them but no one approached them. The tension around them was apparent even to the people looking from the outside. Kris and D.O approached the front counter, Kai slightly behind them and Tao right behind him. Some people began to take pictures on their phones. The idols ignored the accumulating crowd and proceeded to get Rabi to an emergency room. They were led down the hall to an emergency room where a doctor, who had been paged, waited for them. After explaining to the man what happened, Rabi was taken from Tao and rushed into a room. The four guys waited outside in the hall, nervous and worried.

Eventually Manager Kang showed up. Kris stood on his arrival. "Is she okay?" He asked, still attempting to catch his breath. "Where is she, how did this happen?" Kris began to explain to Kang what happened. As the two of them spoke the doctor emerged from the room. All of the other men stood on his arrival. Kang and Kris joined the group. "Is she alright?" Kang asked.

"She's fine. You all got her here in time. She's been poisoned with spider venom. As of now she needs her rest." He pulled Kang aside and the two of them began to talk business. Kang was worried about her health over all, and wanted to make sure she'd be fine to continue in floWER. The other guys entered the room to find Rabi resting there. The others let Kai stay in the room alone with her. 


Hana waited in the meeting room at the SM building. She watched the monitor on the wall for any news of her members. The only coverage there was on floWER was about their dorm. Which was pretty much in shambles now. She watched as the hired movers packed their things into boxes and onto vans. She sighed and tapped her fingers against the table. She had been sitting there for some time now. She just wished that what ever their answer was, they would hurry up and make it. As if she summoned them, the production crew of SM made their way into the meeting room. One of them had the lyric sheet she gave them. She turned to them when they sat down at the table. "Hana-ssi. We'll agree to let you do this." Hana beamed on the inside. "This will be broadcasted live, tonight, arasseo?" She nodded to the man who spoke to her. Hana stood up and was guided out of the room to a dressing room. She was excited and nervous. Everything rested on her shoulders now. Her career, Rayne, and Rabi's career. Even Manager Kang's career. The future of floWER and SM Town's reputation... All of it, now rested on her shoulders.

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Chapter 24: Love the update! I missed this story! I'm glad there publicity problems are solved now ^.^
Chapter 23: Whoa!!!! Cute Minho confession! Poor Hana though I mean she just chose Yixing.... Poor Minho when he finds out.... Small tip also... Not judging in a bad way or anything I love the story but Maybe Minho made his confession too soon? Idk im just saying Your story is great! (please dnt take the tip as critisism because its not I LOVE this story)
Chapter 22: cant wait for the nxt chapter! ^.^
Chapter 21: That got out of control FAST dear Lord I hope things get better.... Great Chapter!!!!
Chapter 20: Whoa!! Cant wait til the next chapiie
Chapter 19: AWWWWW!!!! I uderstand Taemin in so many levels the whole chappie was great! I felt like tearing up *tear* ^.^ keep up the good work! Fighting!
Chapter 18: Why Kai!? It not right to just do something like that! Why didnt you just go tell her! :'( i liked the idea of Rabi & Taemin
Chapter 15: OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!! Jonghyun wants to "TALK" that must mean something. Dear Jesus!!! I kept checking for an update and its finally here!!!!! ^.^ and.... I LOVE IT!!!! I feel bad for Rabi i hope this dosent affect her career too much honestly between any kpop band my fav is definatly SHINee.. What are yalls? ^.^
Chapter 14: OH DEAR JESUS!!!!! ^.^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this story sooo much!!!!! I dont understand why i just do!!! Keep writing!!! Fighting! *grins* poor Rabi but YAY for her and Taemin!!!! That lucky chick! Can I be her??? Lol jk ^.^ Im not that obssesd (or am I?...Mhhh?) LOL ^.^
Chapter 12: Awwww great chappie!!!! Omgs Rayne and Jonghyun and kris?
Nd omg Hana and Yixing and Luhan?