Lips! So Many Lips!


Rayne pulled a sweater as she swayed past Rabi's room, catching wind of the conversation Rabi was having with whoever on her phone.

"Will you stop interrupting and just let me talk!" She exclaimed. Or at least tried to. Her voice was becoming rasp with all the yelling she had been doing all night. "Oppa!" She yelled, tears b her eyes. Rayne continued on, giving her member privacy. She tiptoed by Hana who fell asleep on the sofa, phone in hand. She must have been texting either Yixing, Luhan, or Seohyun. Rayne continued on out into the parking lot where Jonghyun said he'd meet her. It was almost 1 AM, and the air was brisk. Spring had it's nice moments, but going out past midnight was not a good idea. Jonghyun stood leaning against his car, his hands were shoved in his pocket.

"You drive?" Rayne asked asked she approached him.

He shrugged. "When I have the time." he opened the passenger door. "C'mon." Rayne raised an eyebrow.

"Where are we going?"

"You don't want to stand out here in the cold do you?" Rayne sighed, rolled her eyes and climbed into the car. Jonghyun closed the door behind him, climbing into the driver's seat. "How are you?" Rayne gave him a look. If he asked one more rhetorical question she was going to punch him.

"Tired." She said, glancing at the digital clock. Jonghyun laugh, nodding as he did.

"Raynnie-ah," he began, grabbing Rayne's attention with his soft tone. "I can't accept you and Kris being together. You need to break up with him." Rayne sighed. She was getting tired of the drama that was beginning to surround her. That kind of stuff was for Rabi. Though lately it seemed as though drama has taken a liking to her. "Look, I'm stupid okay?" He continued in response to her sigh. "I went after Hana not knowing that someone like you was standing right in front of me." He turned his body to hers, sitting awkwardly in his seat. "If someone would have told me I'd be sitting in my car at one in the morning, trying my hardest to convince a girl that she should chose me over another man, I would have laughed at them. But here I am." Rayne looked at him. And it seemed as though this was the first time she was actually seeing him. His eyes had very light dark circles under them, and his frown lines were becoming more prominent. He hadn't been sleeping. Was this because of her? Before Jonghyun could speak, Rayne's phone rang, she looked at the caller I.D and gasped to herself. How could she forget that Kris was going to call? He's been calling her every night without fail.

"Hey Kris." She answered, mouthing an apology to Jonghyun.

"Hey Sassy." He said. He sounded tired. Rayne beamed inside. This man was tired out of his mind, yet he still called. "Did I wake you up?" He asked.

"No. Kris can I-" before she could finish Jonghyun snatched the phone from her.

"Kris? Neh, it's Jonghyun. She's busy with me, I'd appreciate if you didn't interrupt." He hung up giving the phone back to her.


"Mwo!? He said the same thing to me when I called!" Rayne scoffed and rolled her eyes. She shoved her phone into her pocket, exiting the car. She was getting tired of these guys man handling her phone and invading her personal space. Before she was able to reach her dorm she felt Jonghyun pull at her arm. She turned to him.

"Jonghyun, I'm sorry, no! I need to cool down if you want to conti-" His lips interrupted her sentence. He pressed himself to her, cupping her face in his hands. Rayne went numb. So this is what it felt like to kiss Jonghyun? After a long minute he finally pulled away, pecking her lips one last time before backing away. He placed something in her hand as he made his way back to his car without another word. He drove away, leaving Rayne with her jumbled mind and tingling lips. She opened her hand, finding a ring.

"M-my birth stone... How did he know?"

The next morning as the girls ate breakfast Kang came into the the dorm. Hana gave him a cup of tea. "You girls don't have schedules today." He explained blowing the steam away from his cup.

"Why not?" Rayne asked. "I mean, I understand why Rabi doesn't, no offense- but what about me and Hana?" Kang sighed.

"You tell me." He said, raising an eyebrow at her. She stared at him, unable to figure out what he wanted her to say. "I saw you and Jonghyun last night. Where's your ring?" He asked, noticing that she hadn't put the ring on. Rayne just stared at him. She was still unable to process what happened last night. The table fell silent and the girls ate their breakfast. "Hana, you are actually coming today. There are still interviews we need to get through, do you think you could handle them?" She nodded and finished her breakfast. When Kang and Hana left, Rabi turned to Rayne.

"So Jong gave you a ring?" Rayne looked at her, and the two of them laughed.

"Yes... And Suho confessed to me." Rabi laughed, then sighed. She wondered if she would ever have a normal life. The two girls sat on the couch watching 'To The Beautiful You.' The two of them were able to fangirl over Minho being Kang Tae Joon. You can imagine how loud their squeals were when he and Key came to visit them.

"Tae Joonnie!" They both cried out, receiving a laugh from Minho.

"Are you two really watching that?" Key asked with a laugh. The girls nodded, getting back to the drama. Minho and Key remained in the kitchen fixing them lunch. Another knock came at the door and Key was the one to answer. "Ayo, Kris wussup~" He said with a head nod. Rayne's head snapped up. Kris nodded back to Key and entered the dorm Kai following behind him. Yup, drama was going to be Rabi's and Rayne's new best friend. Kris stood in front of the television as Kai grabbed Rabi by the arm and headed back to her dorm. Minho and Key exchanged a look. "Kris, what's going on?" Key asked.

"I need to talk to her. Can we go somewhere private?" He asked Rayne. She stood up and headed into her room, Kris following close behind her. Key pursed his lips. Maybe today was a bad day for the two of them to visit. He wanted to leave, but Minho wanted to make sure the two girls were going to be ok. He insisted that they stay until the EXO members left.

"Why was he here last night?" Kris asked Rayne once the door was closed behind them.

"He wanted to talk."

"About what?"

"Kris, can we not do this?" Rayne said, glancing at the ring she left on her dresser. Kris followed her line of sight to the ring. He picked it up and twirled in in his fingers.

"Did he give this to you?"

"Kris I can't-"

"Did he?" He said again. As the two of them stared at each other, Rayne knew this was not going to turn out pretty.

In Rabi's room, it was completely silent. Rabi sat on the bed as Kai paced the room. She waited for him to say something. She was afraid that she might say the wrong thing. "I heard a few of my members came over here." He said finally breaking the silence. She looked up at him and nodded, still unsure if she should speak or not. "So you had a talk with D.O?" Rabi stiffened up, she knew what was to come next. Slowly she nodded. Kai bit his lip, his eyes never leaving hers. "You let him kiss you?" he asked. Rabi looked away remaining silent. "I told Taemin."

"I know." Rabi said with a steady voice. "Onew called me." Kai ran his fingers through his hair.

"What made you think-"

"I don't know Kai!" She retorted, hopping up out of her bed. "Maybe if Onew would let me talk to Taemin, or you would answer your damn phone!"

"So, you were vulnerable? Is that where this is going?"

"Oh - don't make it sound like I'm the bad guy here. I needed someone to talk to and he was there for me!"

"And you thank him with a kiss?"

"Aish! I wish you would stop making a big deal out of this." She ran her fingers through her hair letting the tears fall. "It was a peck, a damned peck that I slapped him for! He apologized and we got on with our lives!" That was true. D.O had unexpectedly kissed her during their talk last night, but it was just a peck. And Rabi, being as upset as she was, slapped him. She began to make a big deal about being taken advantage of. D.O swore it was nothing like that, he just explained how much he wanted to protect her. Only Rabi didn't want any more men looking to 'protect' her. "I rejected him because I thought of you, Kai!" He stared at her.

"Me? Not Taemin?" She shook her head, unable to speak. She buried her face in her hands and began to sob. Kai became frustrated. What was wrong with this girl? He took her by the shoulders and shook her. "Then why did you let me give you up to him? Why the hell did you call me by his name?"

"I don't know, Kai!" She sobbed. "I don't know." Minho burst through the door. The sound of Rabi's crying carried through to the kitchen and made him uneasy. Minho pushed Kai away and pulled Rabi into his arms where he let her cry into his chest. Minho looked over at Kai.

"Leave." Kai sighed, walking out of the room shaking his head. With all the commotion Kris came out of Rayne's room.

"What's going on?" He said watching Rabi cry into Minho's chest. He looked over to Kai who stood by the entry way. He looked even more distraught than he did when they came. Kris sighed and looked over to Rayne who's eyes were beginning to water. He walked over to her, wiped her tears away and kissed her. "We'll continue this conversation later." He said. He nodded a goodbye to the SHINee members and left the dorm with Kai.

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Chapter 24: Love the update! I missed this story! I'm glad there publicity problems are solved now ^.^
Chapter 23: Whoa!!!! Cute Minho confession! Poor Hana though I mean she just chose Yixing.... Poor Minho when he finds out.... Small tip also... Not judging in a bad way or anything I love the story but Maybe Minho made his confession too soon? Idk im just saying Your story is great! (please dnt take the tip as critisism because its not I LOVE this story)
Chapter 22: cant wait for the nxt chapter! ^.^
Chapter 21: That got out of control FAST dear Lord I hope things get better.... Great Chapter!!!!
Chapter 20: Whoa!! Cant wait til the next chapiie
Chapter 19: AWWWWW!!!! I uderstand Taemin in so many levels the whole chappie was great! I felt like tearing up *tear* ^.^ keep up the good work! Fighting!
Chapter 18: Why Kai!? It not right to just do something like that! Why didnt you just go tell her! :'( i liked the idea of Rabi & Taemin
Chapter 15: OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!! Jonghyun wants to "TALK" that must mean something. Dear Jesus!!! I kept checking for an update and its finally here!!!!! ^.^ and.... I LOVE IT!!!! I feel bad for Rabi i hope this dosent affect her career too much honestly between any kpop band my fav is definatly SHINee.. What are yalls? ^.^
Chapter 14: OH DEAR JESUS!!!!! ^.^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this story sooo much!!!!! I dont understand why i just do!!! Keep writing!!! Fighting! *grins* poor Rabi but YAY for her and Taemin!!!! That lucky chick! Can I be her??? Lol jk ^.^ Im not that obssesd (or am I?...Mhhh?) LOL ^.^
Chapter 12: Awwww great chappie!!!! Omgs Rayne and Jonghyun and kris?
Nd omg Hana and Yixing and Luhan?