Don't Leave Me


Before I start this chapter I need to say something: Every time I update a chapter, the SHINee members' lives seem to be affected by what I write. It's kind of scary... Hey SHINee, if you guys are reading this A. I love you. B. You are making writing this so much easier!

Now to the story...

Interview after interview, show after show. The girls were up to their necks with work. If there was ever anything called a break, they didn't know it. Each day they woke up and then were out of the dorm by 8:00 AM sharp. Not returning until after midnight each time. They ate when they could and caught any wink of sleep they could. They continuously performed Baby Steps and Twinkle to the point they could literally do it in their sleep. Seriously, Rabi must have had at least three dreams in which she heard Twinkle in the background. With the release of their mini album the girls found themselves receiving fan mail. If not anything else, this was one of the main things that kept them going. Everywhere they went a crowd of fans would accumulate, calling out their names. Even before each performance Rayne couldn't help a smile as the fans would chant their names.

"Im Rayne! Choi Rabi! Park Hana! floWER!"

As they walked into the SM building about a week after their debut they were greeted with another set of fan mail. Rayne has been receiving a lot of cat plushies or fox plushies. Her sassiness carried over to foxiness with the fans. Hana received any teddy bears or panda bear plushies. She preferred to walk around with the pandas, although she would switch it up every now and then. With Rabi it was the same for her as it was when she was in SHINee. She received many bunny plushies. As the girls sat in their meeting room in the SM building, waiting for Kang to present them with their schedule, there was a small knock on the door. Hana answered since her unnies were too tired to move from their seats.

"Hana-ah~" Minho cooed as the door opened. He hugged Hana warmly as Key entered the room.

"Aish! Get up, you guys can't be that tired." Key said bopping the girls in the back of their heads with a fox plushy. He looked at the fan mail. There were so many bracelets, trinkets, lip glosses, letters and plushies that littered the table. "Oh~" He sang. "You all are popular!" Rayne raised her head slightly, looking up at Key.

"Where are the rest of the members?" She asked.

"They are resting. We had a tough performance last night." Minho said, play with one of the pandas on the table. Rayne sat up.

"Oh that reminds me!" She said, going into her bag, pulling out a travel mug."Jonghyun's voice is obviously shot. I made him some tea." She began to leave the room. "What room are you guys in?" She asked looking back at Minho. Hana walked over to her, taking the travel mug from her.

"You are not giving this to him." She said. "Not in person anyway." Rayne blinked. She thought for a second and realized that maybe it was better that someone else delivered the tea to Jonghyun. "I'll give it to him." Key and Minho looked at the girl.

"I don't know how you do it." Minho said. "I've been trying to keep my members in check for about five years now. And you can do it with just one look." He stared at Hana. What was it about this little girl that calmed Onew hyung down? Both Hana and Minho left to go to the SHINee's meeting room.Key sat down across from the two girls. He smiled in between them.

"Taeminnie is upset with you." Rabi didn't have to look up to know that Key was talking with her. She looked up at Key glaring him down. He shuttered and laughed a little. "Aigoo. I taught you that and you do it better than me!" he smiled at her. She and Key has been talking to each other a lot more lately. Since she was too nervous to text Kai after what happened the night of their debut. The only person she had to talk to now were Key or Minho. Often she's been turning to her members though. It's a lot easier talking to girls than guys. One of the main reasons she would talk to Key was because he lived with Taemin so he knew how Taemin was doing, which was not well.

Kris walked into the room without knocking. Key nodded to him. He sat down next to Key, across from the girls. "You two look like you are about ready to give up." Rayne's head jerked up at the sound of his voice. He smiled at her. "I came with treats." He said smiling and putting a small box of doughnuts on the table. Rayne smiled at him. Rabi looked up and grabbed the box before Rayne could get to it. Key let out a loud laugh, patting Kris on the back. Rabi began to munch away at one of the doughnuts on the table. Rayne rolled her eyes, snatching the box away from Rabi.

"Kris," Rabi spoke with a full mouth. "Is Kai upset with me?" Kris bit his lip. Kai was not so much upset as he was offended. "Is it that bad?" She said, taking another bite of the doughnut, reaching into the box to grab another one before she finished the first one. Kris sighed. He had talked it over with Kai.

"She needs more time." He recalled Kai telling him, that night as the went back to the EXO dorm. "I'll just give her some space." He told his hyung with a nod.

"So, you're not upset that she called you by another man's name?" Kris inquired. Kai shook his head. "So you're still going to go after her?"

"If she allows me to." Kai answered. He bit his lip. "A part of me wonders though, if I can ever..." He paused and took a deep breath. He let out a puff of air. "I'll just give her some time." He said with a final nod.

Kris pulled the box away from Rayne and Rabi. "He's not upset." Kris confirmed. "He says he's going to give you time." Kris glanced at the clock on the wall. "And on that note, I should get going." As Kris exited Minho and Hana returned. Minho instructed Key that they had to leave. As Key left the room, Rabi glanced out at the rest of the SHINee members. She met Onew's eyes. He gave her a generic smile, only it wasn't his eyes Rabi was searching for. Unfortunately Taemin didn't look into the room. He kept his back turned to the room. Rabi smiled softly back at Onew, attempting to hide her sorrow. Hana patted her unni on the back.

"He's still taking it pretty hard." She said softly. Rabi nodded and the girls began to get ready for their day. As the girls hopped from building to building as they had done days before, Rabi couldn't settle her mind. She hadn't even looked at the schedule for the day. Rayne constantly attempted to grab the attention of her member with little success. Rabi was trapped in her own mind. The only reason she was able to stay focused through interviews was because she was used to it. She went through the motions like she had been doing for the past five years.

As they entered the final building on their schedule Rabi was rushed away to her dressing room. She and Hana were scheduled to sing a duet with two back up dancers. Rayne had a different performance set up for her. She and Kris were scheduled for a duet. Hana came to Rabi's dressing room wearing her silver and black clothing. She approached Rabi as she mindlessly patted blush on her face. Hana rested her hands on Rabi's shoulders. "Are you ready unni?" She asked. Rabi nodded and stood up, smiling at the maknae. The two of them made their way backstage. Rabi froze when she saw the two dancers that were supposed to be on stage with them.

"Taemin? Kai?" She shrieked. "W-hy... when did... I don't understand." Rabi looked at her maknae.

"We tried to get you to read the schedule unni!" Hana excaimed. Taemin brushed past Rabi and stood next to Hana.

"Don't worry, I'm dancing with Hana." Taemin said in a cold voice. His tone cut through Rabi's chest.

"Why must you say it so coldly?" Kai asked him. Taemin looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "There's no need to talk to her that way."

"Kai, we're about to go onstage, now is not the time." Taemin said in a low steady voice.

"No, Taemin, now is the time. Rabi is seriously in love with you." Rabi's head snapped up. She looked at Kai. "Even if I tried I wouldn't be able to replace what ever the two of you had." Kai pushed Taemin over to Rabi. "You dance with her. I'll dance with Hana-ssi. I care about you Rabi," he said meeting her gaze. "But seeing Taemin like this, and you... Aish. I wouldn't be a real man if I came in between that." Rabi and Taemin looked at each other. Before they could speak they were being pushed onto the stage.

As the song played and as Rabi and Taemin danced the two of them couldn't help the feeling of nostalgia that overcame the two of them. Rabi sang her lyrics and she understood exactly what Kai was saying. One by one tears began to fall from her eyes, the same with Taemin. By the end of the performance the two of them held on to each other, staring into each others eyes. Taemin watched as tears fell from Rabi's eyes. He couldn't even imagine his life without her. Without thinking, Taemin leaned in and kissed her. A collective gasp came from both the audience as well as Kai. Hana was glad that the two of them obviously resolved things, as she knew they would do. However, the fact that they just kissed on national television could not be good for Rabi's, or floWER's image.

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Chapter 24: Love the update! I missed this story! I'm glad there publicity problems are solved now ^.^
Chapter 23: Whoa!!!! Cute Minho confession! Poor Hana though I mean she just chose Yixing.... Poor Minho when he finds out.... Small tip also... Not judging in a bad way or anything I love the story but Maybe Minho made his confession too soon? Idk im just saying Your story is great! (please dnt take the tip as critisism because its not I LOVE this story)
Chapter 22: cant wait for the nxt chapter! ^.^
Chapter 21: That got out of control FAST dear Lord I hope things get better.... Great Chapter!!!!
Chapter 20: Whoa!! Cant wait til the next chapiie
Chapter 19: AWWWWW!!!! I uderstand Taemin in so many levels the whole chappie was great! I felt like tearing up *tear* ^.^ keep up the good work! Fighting!
Chapter 18: Why Kai!? It not right to just do something like that! Why didnt you just go tell her! :'( i liked the idea of Rabi & Taemin
Chapter 15: OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!! Jonghyun wants to "TALK" that must mean something. Dear Jesus!!! I kept checking for an update and its finally here!!!!! ^.^ and.... I LOVE IT!!!! I feel bad for Rabi i hope this dosent affect her career too much honestly between any kpop band my fav is definatly SHINee.. What are yalls? ^.^
Chapter 14: OH DEAR JESUS!!!!! ^.^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this story sooo much!!!!! I dont understand why i just do!!! Keep writing!!! Fighting! *grins* poor Rabi but YAY for her and Taemin!!!! That lucky chick! Can I be her??? Lol jk ^.^ Im not that obssesd (or am I?...Mhhh?) LOL ^.^
Chapter 12: Awwww great chappie!!!! Omgs Rayne and Jonghyun and kris?
Nd omg Hana and Yixing and Luhan?