Don't Kiss and Tell


Rayne woke up with a headache. She's been thinking hard on Jonghyun and Kris for the past couple of days. It's been a few days since she met with Jonghyun about the phone conversation. For some reason she needed some clarity on what he was saying. She couldn't understand how he could just stop liking Hana and start liking her. If it's one thing Rayne was not going to do, was be someone's rebound. But the tone in Jonghyun's voice from that first phone call was one she couldn't ignore. Despite Kris's wishes she met with him in person to talk it over. She was crazy about Kris, but she's always had a special thing for Jonghyun. Her head spun as she replayed the events of yesterday in her head.




Jonghyun was nervous. He was afraid maybe that Rayne would lash out at him for jumping from Hana to him. But he couldn't help it. It wasn't like he didn't notice her in the beginning. It was just that Hana looked so shy. He always believed that shy girls was what he liked. But he thought it over multiple times, and the only thing that came to his mind whenever he thought of Hana was the fact that she was afraid of him. She wasn't really what he thought she was. Rayne on the other hand, she was a bag full of sass, and then some. Just thinking about how she would accost him to defend her maknae made his heart pound against his chest. For days he couldn't figure out why, but he realized, he must have been in love with Rayne. As he sat there inside the cafe waiting for her, he replayed the phone conversation in his head. He remembered the feeling he got when he confessed to her. His voice stuck in his throat and he could hear his heart beat in his ears. He was more than in love with Rayne, he was infatuated with her.

As she walked into the cafe, he stood waving her over. She nodded to him and met him at the table. He held the chair out for her as she sat down, and he joined her. "Would you like something?" He asked, referring her to the menu. She wanted to get something, but her schedule was busy enough today as it was. She waved away his offer. "How has your day been?" Rayne raised an eyebrow at him. He called her there at nine in the morning. Her day hasn't even started. Jonghyun chuckled nervously. He didn't understand why he was so nervous. He was Bling Bling Jonghyun, girls were his specialty. He nodded, understanding that she was in a rush. "I know this is sudden. But please know, I've been thinking about this." Rayne stared at him and he tried not to cower under her gaze. "I don't want to seem like a dog to you, but, I really like you. A lot. Like, a lot." He leaned in to her, emphasizing his last sentence. Rayne giggled a little. 

She was trying hard to hold her composure. She stared straight into his eyes. The passion coming from them made her heartbeat double in pace. He reached over and grabbed her hand. "You don't have to say anything right away, but please know that I... I fell for you harder than you can imagine." Rayne blinked, her face flushed. "I want to be with you. Think about it please?" Unable to say anything Rayne nodded stiffly. Jonghyun tried to hid his excitement, but it all showed in his smile.




She shook her head, getting ready for today. Thanks to Rabi's requests to Kang they were going to greet the EXO M members at the airport. She got dressed and joined her two members in the kitchen where the two of them sipped on tea. Rayne greeted them and fixed herself a travel mug of tea knowing the three of them would be on their way to the airport soon. Hana, who was normally absorbed in her handheld, was now paying full attention to her phone. She texted both Yixing and Luhan. As the girls drove to the airport Rabi fell asleep in the back seat. She was still bothered with what happened a few days ago at the dance studio and all she tried to do was get the event out of her head. Kai has been helping her clear her mind. Lately, the two of them have gotten very close. She's been finding it hard to fall asleep unless he would call or text her to wish her a good night's sleep. Rayne and Hana sat in their seats, both nervous for two different reasons.

Because of how busy the airport was with word of EXO M members' return to Korea the girls had to greet them at the SM building. The sat and waited in one of the meeting rooms. When the members entered the room Hana and Rayne had automatically stood from their seats. Rabi fell asleep on the sofa in one of the corners of the rooms. "Raynnie-ah!" Kris said with his arms outspread. He walked over to her and pulled her close. He pressed his lips to hers and quickly pulled away. He didn't expect that to happen, but seeing Rayne again finally overwhelmed him. The rest of the members looked at him. Rayne froze where she stood. "M-Mianhe..." He stuttered. The other members slowly backed out of the room, pulling Hana along with them. They left Rabi to her nap in the corner.

"Did you just kiss me?" Rayne asked when the others left the room. As a response Kris leaned down pressing his lips to hers again. This time keeping it longer. Rayne blinked when he pulled back.

"Does that answer your question?" He asked with a smirk. Rayne smiled and punched him in the arm. She rushed her hands over his hair. He laughed. "Do you like it?" She nodded, but her mind was on something else completely.

"Kris," she began. "I'm going to need more time to think about your offer." Kris blinked. What did she need time with? As if to answer his question Rayne's phone began to ring. She picked it up and moved away from Kris. "I'm busy now Jonghyun." Kris became stiff at the sound of his name. He took Rayne's phone.

"Jonghyun? Neh, it's Kris. She's busy with me. I'd appreciate if you didn't interrupt." He didn't say anything else. He ended the call returning the phone to Rayne. She blinked.

"Uhm, Kris... You didn't just snatch my phone out of my hand, and then end my call." She became annoyed by this. Sure Kris was cute, but that didn't mean he could get away with what ever he wanted.

"Is it him?" His words were sharp and hard. "Is he why you need more time to think?" Rayne looked away. Even if she tried to explain to Kris she knew he wouldn't explain.


As the two leaders talked in the meeting room Hana and Yixing sat in one of the stairwells laughing with each other. "So you thought I was in love with you?" Yixing asked laughing at his friend. She nodded. Truth was Yixing was madly in love with Hana, but he and Luhan talked it over. They both promised each other they wouldn't go after her in that sense. But as Yixing sat with her laughing now he couldn't stand holding his feelings. But he knew Hana was too shy and would get flustered if he confessed. Instead he pulled her close and hugged her. "Oh Hana, I couldn't stress you out that way." He laughed with her again as he let go of her. For now he would take things slow. He was beginning to understand Hana. And based on what he heard Luhan whispering with Chen on the plane he knew Hana wouldn't want to spend much time with him.

Luhan opened the door the the stairwell. "Oh, Hana. Hey Lay." The two guys nodded to each other. "May I steal her?" He asked motioning to Hana. Yixing nodded. Hana smiled to Yixing and joined Luhan in the hall. "How are you?" he asked. 

"I'm fine." She said with a smile.

"I apologize in advance for this..." He said. Hana stepped back a bit. What was he bout to do? He stepped forward, pulling Hana into his arms. He hugged her warmly. "I love you Hana, and I just needed to tell you..." He pecked her cheek. Her eyes went wide. She had never been kissed by a guy, not even on the cheek. Her face burned and Luhan smiled at her as he pulled away. She stared at him, unsure of what to do next. He held her hand. "I'm sorry." He said, intertwining their fingers. "I had to tell you in person. She continued to stare at him. Her heart pounding in her chest. The only thing she could do was blink. She wasn't sure even what to think. Her mind was racing. Luhan's imaged changed right in front of her. He went from being cute, adorable Luhan to Luhan, the one who made her heart pound.

Luhan watched her as she watched him and wished he could read her mind. His eyes darted down to her lips. Before he knew it his body was acting on it's own. Slowly the silver haired boy leaned in, softly pressing his lips to Hana's.

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Chapter 24: Love the update! I missed this story! I'm glad there publicity problems are solved now ^.^
Chapter 23: Whoa!!!! Cute Minho confession! Poor Hana though I mean she just chose Yixing.... Poor Minho when he finds out.... Small tip also... Not judging in a bad way or anything I love the story but Maybe Minho made his confession too soon? Idk im just saying Your story is great! (please dnt take the tip as critisism because its not I LOVE this story)
Chapter 22: cant wait for the nxt chapter! ^.^
Chapter 21: That got out of control FAST dear Lord I hope things get better.... Great Chapter!!!!
Chapter 20: Whoa!! Cant wait til the next chapiie
Chapter 19: AWWWWW!!!! I uderstand Taemin in so many levels the whole chappie was great! I felt like tearing up *tear* ^.^ keep up the good work! Fighting!
Chapter 18: Why Kai!? It not right to just do something like that! Why didnt you just go tell her! :'( i liked the idea of Rabi & Taemin
Chapter 15: OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!! Jonghyun wants to "TALK" that must mean something. Dear Jesus!!! I kept checking for an update and its finally here!!!!! ^.^ and.... I LOVE IT!!!! I feel bad for Rabi i hope this dosent affect her career too much honestly between any kpop band my fav is definatly SHINee.. What are yalls? ^.^
Chapter 14: OH DEAR JESUS!!!!! ^.^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this story sooo much!!!!! I dont understand why i just do!!! Keep writing!!! Fighting! *grins* poor Rabi but YAY for her and Taemin!!!! That lucky chick! Can I be her??? Lol jk ^.^ Im not that obssesd (or am I?...Mhhh?) LOL ^.^
Chapter 12: Awwww great chappie!!!! Omgs Rayne and Jonghyun and kris?
Nd omg Hana and Yixing and Luhan?