


Kang realized he had been driving the girls crazy with all of the events they had on their schedule. He gave them one full day of free time. The girls debated on what to do, and in the end they all decided to stay home. They wanted to spend some quality time together. The girls lounged around in sweats and t-shirts all day. Eating junk food, listening to music and flipping through the channels in the television. Rayne stopped turning the channel when she saw a face she recognized. "Oh Jonghyun! Hey guys it's SHINee!" Hana flinched at Jonghyun's name. But she wanted to see her other oppas so she plopped down on the couch next to Rayne. Rabi walked over munching on cold pizza. She squeezed in between the two girls. Rabi remembered Minho telling her about a live cast they were scheduled to do. This must have been it. The three girls watched quietly as a fan girl explained to the members that today was her birthday. Rabi smiled as Jonghyun began to sing Happy Birthday to the girl. Rayne leaned forward, enjoying the idol's voice. Hana found herself actually blushing. She blinked twice. She looked over at the other two girls.

"Unni... He's- he's not a sleaze bag." Her member's heads snapped in her direction. Did Hana just say that about Jonghyun? Rabi and Rayne broke out in laughter. This was a story to tell the boys! The girls watched merrily at the rest of the live broadcast. Rabi watched Onew intently. She wondered why he was wearing sunglasses. Then she remembered back when she lived in the SHINee dorm that he'd always wear sunglasses whenever he'd drink too much. She would bet the future of her debut that his eyes were bloodshot underneath those shades. She sighed heavily, attempting to ignore the thought. The three girls watched like fans as the SHINee members entertained their fans with nothing but words and sweet smiles. Rabi was beginning to become bored by the broadcast and was about to grab some more food when one of the fans' questions caught her attention.

"This question is for Taemin," The girl explained. "If you could meet anyone in the world who would it be?" Rabi gave a half smile. She knew Taemin would say on of his favorite actresses, as that was always one of his answers, but Taemin surprised her.

"It's you." He said, pointing to the girl. Rabi hopped up from he seat.

'I'm sorry- What?!" She was yelling at the T.V. Hana had to pull her back down to the sofa. But the little bunny was all fired up, and Taemin and this little fan girl weren't helping to cool her down. The girl shot him a heart and with a sweet smile and he shot one back. Rabi raised an eyebrow and stood up from the couch. "I need to take a walk." She said, grabbing her hoddie and heading outside. Rayne and Hana looked at each other. The next time they ran into the SHINee members, they knew it wouldn't be good for Taemin.

The day ended, normally, to say the least. The girls were able to relax. Well, Rayne and Hana were anyway. They waited till Rabi returned before they headed to bed. They wanted to make sure she was o.k. They knew she went to the dance studio to blow off some steam. As Hana laid in her bed her phone began to vibrate. "Yes?" She answered tentatively.

"Hello Hana! It's... Luhan." Haha froze. She had almost forgotten all about her situation with Luhan, or rather she tried to forget. "Hey, uhm, I need to let you know." Hana could feel it coming. "I'm the one who sent you that text." Hana was unsure but the feeling in her chest felt like her heart throbbing. She began to become a bit scared. She's never felt her heart beat this way. She couldn't talk to the boy on the phone. Her words were stolen from her. "I really like you," Luhan continued. "May we become close friends? I'd like to get to know you more." Luhan was nervous. He also laid in his bed, hoping none of s could hear him through his walls. It wasn't like they didn't already know, he just didn't like to talk about it much around them. "Please?" He added as a desperate plea. Hana didn't want to hurt the boy, he was way too nice, and to be honest, she may have liked him as well.

"N-neh." She stuttered into her phone.

"Jinja? Oh Gomawo jongmal Hana-ah~" Hana smiled to herself. She wasn't sure if she was ready for anything like a relationship, but she could always use a new friend.

The next day was a nonstop day for the girls. Their debut was just around the corner and they had to be on point for their live performances. Rayne's Korean was improving and Hana was slowly coming out of her shell. The three girls were nervous, very nervous in their own ways. It was about time for Taemin, Kai, and Dongwoo to show up. As the girls waited they sat around in a triangle practicing their songs. The door opened and Key stepped through. Letting his presence be known. The girls laughed at him as the rest of the SHINee members showed up. Onew didn't go all the way over to the girls. He planted himself in the back of the room where he sat reading a book.

"Bunbun," Taemin cooed. "Are you practicing hard?" Rabi hopped up, too fast for Hana or Rayne to stop her, and advanced over to Taemin. She jabbed a finger into his chest.

" 'It's you'?" She quoted him angrily. "Who the hell is Morgan anyway." The SHINee members knew exactly what Rabi was talking about. Taemin did as well, though he wasn't expecting Rabi to know about that. His hand covered his mouth as the shock slowly overcame him.

"You saw that?" He asked, slightly removing his hand from his face to speak.

"Did I see that? Did I see that!" By now the volume of her voice had escalated. Minho had to walk over and increase the distance between her and Taemin. He turned Rabi to him.

"Rabi, it was just fan service." He said looking into the fiery eyes of the little rabbit. She blinked looking back at Taemin, then over to Onew who seemed not to be paying attention to anything that was going on. He had some nerve. Minho followed her gaze over to his hyung and knew automatically what Rabi was thinking. She was planning on scolding him for drinking. Something none of the members dared to do. And based on Onew's reason, Rabi shouldn't have either. But she did anyway. She broke away from Minho's hold and approached Onew. The sight of legs in his peripheral caught his attention. He looked up from the words on the book he's grazed over one too many times and found the eyes of Rabi.

"Mwo?" He said, his voice monotone. He raised an eyebrow. He knew what her intentions were. The hand on her hip and tapping foot gave away the fact the she was not happy. Hmph some nerve she had. He stood up, towering over the short idol. "Mwo?" He repeated again, this time with a slight edge to his voice.

"You were drinking weren't you. I saw the broadcast, there was no point for those sunglasses!" She stared at him with her threatening eyes, but they had no effect on Onew. At least not at the moment. Everyone in the room could feel the tension slowly invading the large dance studio. Onew raised an eyebrow. Of all people, she should know why he was drinking. But Rabi was sometimes just as thick headed as Taemin, and had to be put in her place.

"1. Don't talk to your superior with that tone." This shocked everyone in the room. Onew was now pulling the age card. Rabi couldn't believe her ears. Her eyes bulged and gapped. Onew was unaffected by the change in mood in the room. "2. What I do is my business, and mine alone." What was happening? Rabi recognized this tone of voice. The coldness in his eyes sent her into a feeling of nostalgia that she did not enjoy. This new Onew was beginning to remind her of when she first joined SHINee. Of how cold he was towards her. Rabi began to break inside. Was this really happening? "3. Stick to one member or none at all. Then maybe next time I won't help myself to a drink." He stared down at her, right through her. It hurt him to be this way to her, but if there was anyone who needed to learn a lesson here it was her. Ever since she came into SM Town she's had a difficult time staying in her place. If this kept up it could hurt her. "Now, get back to work, and stop being a distraction to everyone." He began to walk away form her, but her broken voice halted him in his tracks.

"O-oppa~" She said, completely lost, frail. The thought of Onew being cold with her again broke her in more ways than one. She didn't want to revert back to that stage in her career, anything but that. It killed Onew on the inside, but he had to keep his status and composure.

"Onew-ssi." He corrected her. He didn't turn around to meet her gaze he jus continued out of the room. Rabi clung on to her stomach. The uneasy nauseous feeling shot into her for the first time in a long time. Her legs became week, but just before she fell a pair of arms went around her. She looked over to Key, who's eyes were pleading for her to stay strong. She turned to him and cried into his chest. Kibum patted her back, thinking back to the days when this was something normal to him. Though being in this position now was different. None of the SHINee members went after Onew. He's been very cold as of late. It was easy for them to see that he was at a tough time in his life. Rayne and Hana exchanged a look. They felt so bad for Rabi. It wasn't easy to make her cry, though it seemed Onew could make that happen without even trying.

"Kibum," Rayne called over to Key. "Take her out for some fresh air. We'll continue here." Key nodded, exiting the room with Rabi clinging to him like a lost child. A collective sigh was let out in the room. It was as if everyone was holding their breaths. Jonghyun walked over to the radio.

"What song are you all practicing? I'll be the D.J for you. " He said with a nod, attempting to lighten to mood.

"Baby Steps." Rayne confirmed.

"Gomawo, Jonghyun-ssi." The thanks came from little Hana who slightly bowed to Jonghyun as she spoke. Jonghyun's head snapped up. His eyes caught little Hana giving him a warm smile. He couldn't believe this. Hana just thanked him, and used the polite form for him. Most of all, she spoke to him! Jonghyun jumped into the air with a fist pump. Victory was his. All he wanted was Hana to realize that he wasn't the man he thought she was. Hana laughed at his actions, covering with a giggle. This excited Jonghyun even more. Maybe Onew being mean to Rabi was a good thing. Hana saw how mean he could be, so Jonghyun was automatically a gentleman by comparison. What ever the reason it didn't matter. He was now on Hana's good side, and he was not going to mess that up.

As the idols practiced hard, without their bunny. They took another break, sitting around on the floor making conversation. Dongwoo and Jonghyun joked around, receiving giggles from everyone in the room. Hana and Minho sat back against the wall, Hana resting her head on his lap. Minho was becoming somewhat of an older brother to her. She listened intently as Minho explained to her what happened the night before the live broadcast. Apparently Onew was not taking Taemin and Rabi being together too well. In the dorm he was even treating Taemin differently. It was hard for Hana to understand Onew's actions. But unless she got the chance to sit and talk with him, she was in no position to judge him.

Rayne, Taemin and Kai sat around discussing Rabi. Taemin desperately wanted to go out and join Key in consoling her. But he had a feeling she didn't want to see him at the moment. "You all are just not good for her." Kai told him. Taemin turned to him with a raised eyebrow.

"Mwo?' He said, his posture now becoming offensive.

"Rabi needs a guy who won't do anything to hurt her. She's too sweet. Sure, she may step out of line sometimes, but isn't she from America? She's still learning." Taemin stood up looking down at the EXO member.

"What the hell are you saying?" Taemin's voice filled the room. Getting the attention of the other idols. Rayne stood up, holding Taemin's arm, instructing him to calm down. But her voice was not getting through to him. Kai stood up, glaring at Taemin.

"I'm saying it doesn't seem any of you knows how to treat a lady."

"And you do?"

"A lot better than you. I'm going to be the one to show Rabi what love really is." Taemin pulled away from Rayne's hold, gripping Kai by the neck of his collar.

"You try to even look at her-" before he could finish his sentence Kai pushed him away.

"You're not good for her!" He yelled jabbing a finger at Taemin. Before Taemin could advance again Jonghyun was holding him back. He pulled on his maknae taking him to the other side of the room. he patted Taemin's chest.

"Down boy." Jonghyun said to Taemin when they were far enough away. "What was that, man?"

"If he tries anything, I'm gonna-"

"Ya!" Jonghyun interrupted him. "Breathe!, Think about what you are saying. Why would Rabi go after him? She's yours, isn't she? Aren't you the reason she came to Korea? Aren't you the one she's had a secret love with for about three years now? Did she not get mad at you for giving fan service to one girl? She's crazy about you. You need to stop and realize that, before you get yourself into a scandal that manager won't be able to fix." Jonghyun's words were seeping through to the boy. He took s few deep breaths, calming his mind. Jonghyun was right. No matter what Kai said Rabi was still his at the end of the day.

Rabi and Key finally joined the rest of the idols. The two of them looked confused as they saw how the room was divided. "What happened?" Rabi asked. Kai knew this was his chance. He knew Rabi hated when things like this happened, especially over her. He's been texting her enough to know just what to say.

"Oh, nothing Rabi. Just a misunderstanding between Taemin and I." Rabi raised an eyebrow. Key looked over to his maknae who's breathing was too deep and uneven. He knew exactly what that 'misunderstanding' was. Rabi questioned Kai further.

"What do you mean?"

Kai shrugged. "I was just trying to explain to him the proper way to keep a girl happy, and he lashed out on me." Taemin tilted his head in disbelief. He crossed the room, only being stopped by Minho and Dongwoo.

"Don't you even go there." Taemin yelled, unable to advance over to Kai. "She's mine, ok! If I find out that you tried to advance on her just once, I'm going to snap-"

"Taeminnie-ah!" Minho shook the boy. He was way too fired up to stay in the same room as Kai. "Don't you see Rabi standing right there?" He motioned to the girl who stared wide eyed at Taemin. She couldn't believe what he was saying. He was just about to threaten to snap something of Kai's. She didn't want to find out what that was. "Stop being such an idiot! You don't use that type of language around women, understood?" Taemin pushed away from Minho, shocking the six foot tall man.

"No Minho you understand," Taemin's voice was sharp and cold, he was beginning to sound like Onew. As he spoke his words cut through Rabi's ears. "He's trying to take her, and I'll be damned if I'm going to let that happen. None of you," He said motioning to his SHINee members. "even tried to fight for her. You're the idiots! Letting some kid come in and claim he was going to take her. Damned idiots, all of you." Rabi really couldn't believe her ears. The more she thought about it, the more he resembled Onew. His body posture, his mannerisms, his tone of voice, but most importantly, that cold glare. Rabi shuttered and fought back tears.

"Taeminnie..." She mumbled. Somehow able to get full attention of everyone in  the room. "You're just like Onew oppa..." Taemin froze. He was nothing like his leader. He would never treat her the way Onew did, but Rabi didn't believe that. For all she knew, Taemin and Onew were one and the same. "I can't be with you." The room fell still. Taemin was lost in his own mind, replaying the freshly spoken words. He didn't have to ask, he knew. Her voice may have been soft and frail. but the tone was final. She was breaking up with him.

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Chapter 24: Love the update! I missed this story! I'm glad there publicity problems are solved now ^.^
Chapter 23: Whoa!!!! Cute Minho confession! Poor Hana though I mean she just chose Yixing.... Poor Minho when he finds out.... Small tip also... Not judging in a bad way or anything I love the story but Maybe Minho made his confession too soon? Idk im just saying Your story is great! (please dnt take the tip as critisism because its not I LOVE this story)
Chapter 22: cant wait for the nxt chapter! ^.^
Chapter 21: That got out of control FAST dear Lord I hope things get better.... Great Chapter!!!!
Chapter 20: Whoa!! Cant wait til the next chapiie
Chapter 19: AWWWWW!!!! I uderstand Taemin in so many levels the whole chappie was great! I felt like tearing up *tear* ^.^ keep up the good work! Fighting!
Chapter 18: Why Kai!? It not right to just do something like that! Why didnt you just go tell her! :'( i liked the idea of Rabi & Taemin
Chapter 15: OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!! Jonghyun wants to "TALK" that must mean something. Dear Jesus!!! I kept checking for an update and its finally here!!!!! ^.^ and.... I LOVE IT!!!! I feel bad for Rabi i hope this dosent affect her career too much honestly between any kpop band my fav is definatly SHINee.. What are yalls? ^.^
Chapter 14: OH DEAR JESUS!!!!! ^.^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this story sooo much!!!!! I dont understand why i just do!!! Keep writing!!! Fighting! *grins* poor Rabi but YAY for her and Taemin!!!! That lucky chick! Can I be her??? Lol jk ^.^ Im not that obssesd (or am I?...Mhhh?) LOL ^.^
Chapter 12: Awwww great chappie!!!! Omgs Rayne and Jonghyun and kris?
Nd omg Hana and Yixing and Luhan?