❧ ℭhapter 7 ➥ Class 1-1

Dance to Love







-----------NARRATOR ' S  POV------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Miss Sooyoung walked to the receptionists and started showing the files to them. There was a huge silver rotating cube written ‘Welcome to Kiria High’ at the center of the lobby. The lobby was really spacious and the walls were filled with posters of famous international idols.

HyeMi followed Jessica towards the elevator. All the passersby bowed politely to Jessica as they walked passed her. Her charming and beautiful face, her petite body in the black knee–length dress really showed her charisma as a principal of this school.

 “Come, second floor.” Sooyoung said to Jessica that was already inside the elevator while rushing with the files on her hands.




The second floor was designed with black wallpaper and grey marble tiles. It was large and there was some potted plants decorating the empty hallway.

HyeMi walked beside Jessica. There were classes lined up at right side of HyeMi. The blue-eyed girl walked passed a big black door that written ‘Class 1-6’ on a silver plate.

“This must be where the classes are… Why am I so nervous today?!” HyeMi screamed loudly in her mind.

“Are you nervous?” Miss Jessica asked, breaking the eerie silence as every class was soundproof and there was no one in the hallway as it was the time for their classes.

“A-A lot!” HyeMi answered.

Jessica smiled sweetly to HyeMi as she stopped at the end of the hallway.

“Here is your class! Class 1-1.” Jessica said and she knocked the door.

She opened the door slowly entered the class. HyeMi waited outside the class with Sooyoung and she can hear the students were greeting the principal.

“You’ll be fine! Trust me!” Sooyoung said and lightly pinched her cheeks.

“D-De!” She smiled to the PA.

After a couple of minutes, Jessica walked out from the class. She smiled sweetly to HyeMi.

“You can go in now. I have to go now so I wish you the best! HyeMi hwaiting!” She said to the nervous girl and made a fist with her hand.

“D-De! Kamsahamnida!” The girl watched Jessica and Sooyoung that were waving to her as they walked away from her.

“Take a deep breath, and relax…” HyeMi slowly opened the door.



As she opened the door, some of the students gasped to see her and some of them were whispering and chatting among themselves.

Her class had white-carpeted flooring with royal purple wallpaper. Instead of desks and chairs in the regular school, they were sitting on a white cozy and soft padded armchairs and a mahogany table for each of them. It was a very luxurious classroom.

“Hello! Your name was HyeMi right? My name is Seo Joo Hyun. Please call me Miss Seohyun. I’ll be your homeroom teacher.” HyeMi bowed to her teacher that was standing on the stage as she handed out her profile to the teacher.



”Class! Silence! Now, please introduce yourself to your classmate.” The beautiful teacher with sparkling eyes said.

HyeMi raised her gaze and she bowed politely to her silent classmate. Her heart was beating loudly as it was a co-ed school.

HyeMi entered an all-girl school before coming to Kiria High so she can control her phobia towards guys.

Relax HyeMi-ah! There’re no guys here! Take a deep breathe now… Relax!” HyeMi hypnotized her mind.

“A-Annyeong haseyo. My name is Lee Hye Mi. You can call me HyeMi. I-I am the new student of this school and I will be your classmate from now on so please guide me.” HyeMi spoke in front of her new classmates.

“Good! Everyone please be nice and befriend with her. Okay?” Seohyun stated to her students

“DE!!” Everyone answered.

“Now you can take your place at the back, beside the window.” Seohyun smiled to the new girl.

“Kamsahamnida, Miss Seohyun.” HyeMi walked towards her seat.

 “Class! Let’s start our English class! Unfortunately, Miss Tiffany can’t come to school today coz she had urgent things came up, so I’ll be teaching you English today. Okay?” Seohyun stated to the class.

“DE!!” The class shouted.

HyeMi walked across some guys to her place and luckily the seat in front of her and beside her were girls.

“It’s really a fairytale! This class was super awesome minus the guys!” She voiced in her heart while opening her notebook.


-----------RICKY ' S ( TEEN  TOP)  POV--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

As the door opened up, I diverted my gaze somewhere else. I don’t really care about this mysterious girl.

I’ve got a message about this girl with a blurry picture attached to it. I don’t know that she will be in the same class as me.

I heard some gasps from my classmates and some of them are calling me.

“Ricky! YAH! Ricky! Bull’s eye man! An angel is descending from the sky!” Changjo, my group maknae that was seating beside me whispered.

An angel? Tch. There’s no such thing as-

I looked at the girl. The new girl.

My heart started beating wildly as I laid my eyes on her. She was beautiful. No… she was…. Wow…

“Whoa…” I gasped and Changjo caught me.

“See? I told you! Bull! An angel!” Changjo whispered again.

She introduced herself in front of us… HyeMi… My eyes kept staring at her as I noticed that she had a pair of sparkling blue eyes. It was mesmerizing.

Her fashion was modest and lovely. An angel…

I think I can’t get off my eyes from her. She was the first girl that successfully entered my mind.

She took a piece of my heart as I see her for the first time.


-----------JONGUP  ' S  (B.A.P) POV---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

How Zelo knew about this girl? She’s the same class as me!

But first of all, she is one pretty girl. No, beautiful. No… elegant! No… I don’t know what to say anymore but she’s too beautiful.

Her height must be around 170 to 172. She looks tall! And…she’s-

“YA! JONGUP! WAKE UP!” A voice erupted.

“Wae?” My friend, Shin called me.

“Hey, did you see that girl? She looks different in that picture but I now can’t describe it! She’s super beautiful! Daebak!” Shin stated in a face full of emotions.

Shin was my next-desk friend and he was a talkative type. Different from myself. What he said was right. This girl was beautiful…Really was…

I stared at her again till she sat at her seat. Sigh. Why my place is far from her? Worse more, she was at the same line with that bastard, Ricky. .

While I was staring at her, suddenly our eyes locked with each other. Oh my god. Her blue eyes were fascinating… Like the ocean. Whoa…

She quickly diverted her eyes from my eyes and looked down to her notebook. She was awkward. Suddenly a smile crept on my lips.

“Oppa, why are you smiling?” Eri, the girl in front of Shin voiced out as she caught me smiling. God, I hate this girl.

Eri was a loyal B.A.P’s fan and she had a feeling for me. She had a golden wavy hair with a face full of makeup. She was a pure Korean with single eyelids and small eyes but she tried to be like Hollywood star, wearing short skirts and her clothes full of glitters. She loves to seduce men as she plays with her hair or even cross her legs while she’s wearing short skirts. God, this girl was desperate.

“Nothing. I just wanted to smile. That’s all.” I shot back as I opened my notebook.

“Oppa!” She pouted her lips and faced front as Miss Seohyun started to teach.



I can’t focus in my class today. It is because of that girl. What’s her name? Wait… Oh! HyeMi. Lee Hye Mi.

I kept remembering her face while the time passes. I decided to look at her as I divert my gaze towards her.

She was busy copying the notes. Her face showed that she’s eager to learn as she was following the Miss Seohyun’s words.

Her hair fell at the right side of her shoulder as she tilted her head while writing. She was beautiful.

The virus of her has infected my heart.


-----------NARRATOR ' S  POV------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




“Okay class! Please remember to finish up your work and send it to me by tomorrow. If any of you failed to finish it, a detention class will be held. “Miss Seohyun said as the students started to pack their things inside the bag.

“Thank you, Miss Seohyun!” The students shouted.

After Seohyun walked out from the class, the class turned noisy with the girls chatting and giggling among themselves. HyeMi sat at her place and looked outside the window of her class.

She then inhaled deeply, trying to calm herself from the new environment of her new school.

HyeMi can hear some of her classmates were talking about her and some of them walked outside to the hallway as it is the time for recess.

“Urmm… Hi! HyeMi right?” A girl spoke from her side.

“D-De! Annyeong haseyo!” HyeMi answered as she turned her head.

“Name’s Gina. But you can call me Gin!” She said as she shook her hands with HyeMi.



Name: Yang Gina

Age: 16

Personality: Tomboy. Have big secret that HyeMi didn’t know that made her didn’t have friends.


  • Sitting beside HyeMi in the class
  • Playing musical instruments for MVs, PVs.
  • Pro in every musical instruments
  • HyeMi is the only one that wanted to be friends with her.


She pulled her chair and sat beside HyeMi and crossed her legs on the chair as she smiled sweetly to the new girl.

“You’re beautiful! Everybody said so! I think you’re super-duper beautiful!” Gin stated while looking straightly in HyeMi’s eyes while making two thumbs up.

HyeMi chuckled to see Gin’s reaction. Everybody in the class was looking at HyeMi as she befriend with Gin. They started chatting as Gin continued to ask HyeMi how she got to enter this school.

“HyeMi! I’m hungry now! Care to go to the school shop? We have plenty of minutes left!” Gin said while looking at her watch.

“Sure!” HyeMi stood up and Gin quickly dragged her to the hallway.

HyeMi walked with her face down as she can hear some of them are talking about her, the scholarship girl…and also about Gin.

“Psst.. She’s the girl!”

“Yah… The commoner! She’s Gin’s friend!”

“How can she get to enter this school? She doesn’t deserve it!”

HyeMi and Gin walked towards the school shop. Gin heard that some of them were talking about her, because she had secrets that HyeMi didn’t know.



“Do you just eat bread and milk every day? No wonder you look so skinny!” Gin stated while they were buying their food.

The school shop was large and neatly organized with the staffs that always smiled. There were many choices of breads and milks. It also sell the necessities of school items and it was convenient for the students to shop. HyeMi that was waiting for Gin to finish buying wildly scanned her surroundings.

“HyeMi-ah! We’re not eating here! I’ll show you my place!” Gin voiced out as she went out from the dining hall.

The two girls were walking together, crossing the flower garden to a big shady tree on an elevated ground at the center of the garden. The ambience there was silent and calm with the cold spring breeze following them.

“Here! This is where I eat every day! Cool isn’t? It’s a picnic in a flower garden!” Gin stated as she sat of the well-trimmed grass.

“*giggle* Yeah. It’s a lot better than inside the building. Hmmm… I love your place!” HyeMi said to Gin while sitting beside her.

They started to eat their food and started chatting among each other like they were close friends. Gin complimented her new friend’s blue eyes and her beautiful smile.

“Gin-ah! You can’t always eat that! It’s bad for you!” HyeMi spoke when she saw Gin was eating hamburger.

“Bad? It’s delicious!” Gin said.

“Here, let me cook for you. You must stay healthy! Don’t eat these things!” HyeMi suggested.

“Jinjaa?! You want to cook for me?! I really miss home-cooking! Thanks HyeMi-ah!” Gin hugged her friend.

As the girls were silent, watching the view of the flower garden, a fear entered Gin’s heart.

“What if she knew about the real me? Is she going to leave me too?” Gin whispered in her heart.

“HyeMi-ah… Is it okay for you to be friend with me? You know, I’m tomboy and I don’t have friends in this school. Everyone hates me. You don’t know me yet.” Gin muttered as she looked inside the blue eyes.

“I love being friends with you even we’re just known each other! It’s not the outside that you seek, but the inside, the sincerity, loyalty that you see. And, not everyone hates you, because I love you!” HyeMi tapped Gin’s shoulders.

“KAMSAHAMNIDA HYEMI-AH!!” Gin hugged her new friend.

They were starting to know each other very well as the time passes. Gin that was lying on the grass was telling stories to HyeMi that was leaning against the big, shady tree, eating her whole meal bread.

Suddenly, HyeMi’s gaze landed on a person with golden hair that was walking towards the classroom.

“Whoa… she’s beautiful...” HyeMi said.

“Huh? Who?” Gin stood up as the recess time was going to over soon.

“There, the girl with golden locks.” HyeMi pointed out to the person.

“Ah! It’s Ren! He’s the famous flower boy! NU’EST was his group name. He was the same age as us! He was very pretty, but he’s still a guy, HyeMi-ah.” The tomboy girl chuckled.

“A boy?! I better keep out from him!” The blue-eyed girl shivered with the thought of it.

“Group name? I don’t understand… They have groups?” HyeMi puzzled.

The girls started walking towards the class as the recess time was over.

“You see, how can I put this… In this school, there’re five famous groups. It is leading with EXO, B.A.P, NU’EST, TEEN TOP and BLOCK B. The members of each group, all of them were SUPER rich! And they were SUPER stylish, SUPER handsome, and the entire SUPER in this world!” Gin said with full emotions making HyeMi giggled.

“Okay… So?” The blue-eyed girl asked while they were walking towards the class.

“So, they were known by all of the students of Kiria High. You know, they contribute most of the school funds. And not only that, they were the best upcoming idol, and were chosen by the famous money-making entertainment agency! Cool, right? They dancing skills are SUPER DAEBAK!!”

“Dancing? Jinjaa? I hope I can see their skills but… they were bunch of guys…” HyeMi uttered in a low voice.

“What?” Gin asked, didn’t clearly heard HyeMi’s statement.

“Ah! N-Nothing! And then?” HyeMi tried to cover her statement, not wanting Gin to know about her ‘disease’.

“But the problem is, the five groups were ‘fighting’ with each other – they didn’t talk with each other, always competing in dancing. Last week only, I heard that one of the members from B.A.P had gotten into a fight with one of member from Teen Top. They’re  enemies with each other.” Gin answered.

“Oh…” HyeMi sat at her seat.

“Now, you see, we have four vertical lines of tables in our class right? From your seat, the fourth line and seat number…1, 2, 3…4…seat number 4, that’s the one from B.A.P. JongUp is his name. See, there’re so many girls around him!” Gin said as she dragged her chair to HyeMi’s table.

“He’s the guy that was staring at me, just now! Scary!” HyeMi spoke in his mind.




Gin’s phone rang and HyeMi looked at her while she was answering it.


“Oh! Mr. Yonghwa!”

“Oh no! I forgot!....De! I’ll go now!”




“Mianhae HyeMi-ah! I’ve got to go to the recording studio! Got some errands to do! I’ll tell about the others some other day, kay?” Gin put her chair back and slung her one-shoulder bag.

“De. Be careful!” HyeMi stated as Gin looked rushed.

“Okay! Bye sweety!” Gin pinched HyeMi’s cheeks and ran towards the door.

Gin vanished in a blink of time, leaving HyeMi behind. HyeMi diverted her gaze outside the class, looking at the flowers that were happily blooming in the spring season.

“Hey, new girl!” A girl voice shocked HyeMi from her view.

The new girl turned her head and saw three girls with thick makeup and brown curly hair were looking at her. Their outfit was provocative with short black checkered skirt and black leather jacket.

“Hmm… she didn’t wear contacts. It’s her original eyes.” One of the girls stated.

All of the students become silence as they saw the girls were surrounding HyeMi.

“Hey, commoner! We’ll be keeping our eyes on you. Ugly girls like you don’t deserve to be here! Tch!” The other girl with pink highlight hair shot HyeMi with rude words.

“Remember that you’re only a commoner, kay?” The other girl with thick eyeliner pushed HyeMi’s right shoulder with her pink nails.

HyeMi just looked at them, giving no reaction towards the girls’ warning.

“Come, let’s go, girl. Time’s up.” The girl with pink highlight said.

They gave a deadly glare into HyeMi’s eye as they were leaving the classroom. All of her classmates looked at her.

“Gwenchana?” The girl in front of HyeMi asked.

“*chuckle* De. It’s nothing!” HyeMi smiled towards the girl.

The students inside the classroom resumed doing their own work after a few seconds.

“You’re too beautiful! By the way, my name is Eun Ri. Go Eun Ri! Nice to meet you!” She said.


Go Eun Ri

Personality: Silent, unpopular in school, hardcore B.A.P Him Chan fan.

Facts: -Sitting in front of HyeMi in the class

-Entered the school because of B.A.P

-Daughter of a big supermarket owner, but did not show off.


“Nice to meet you too! I’m HyeMi, Lee Hye Mi.” The new girl introduced herself.


-----------CHANGJO' S ( TEEN  TOP)  POV--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The ty Pink Energy came! , I hate this group!

I looked at HyeMi in silent as the girls were talking to her. My ears are trying hard to hear their conversations but it was covered by the noise of my fans that was surrounding me in the class. Damn!

Suddenly I saw HyeMi was being pushed by one of the damn girls. My anger erupted in my heart. Why I am feeling like this? Why I want to get angry when I see they did that to HyeMi? Wae?

I tried to stay calm, not wanting to create a ruckus here. HyeMi didn’t even know me, so why I’m getting angry?!

After the girls leave the classroom, all of us, including me and Ricky, looked at her. Eun Ri asked her whether she was okay.

All of sudden, she flashed her smile towards Eun Ri. I heard some of my classmates gasped looking at her smile.

Yeah. Her smile…my heart beating fast… Her smile…I can’t say it….Whoa…

My eyes fixed at her. Only at her.

I am really in love now.


---------END  OF CHAPTER 7


Thank you for  Kpopmylife101 from Louisiana, United States! She's the first one to subscribe my story! Gomawoyo!!!!

Also for NuEstJjang, AlwaysAnElf, KissMeImnida from Singapore! Love from me~~

Don't forget my sister! princesza! Thanks for the ideas and support from you!! Love you always!

Then bigbangteentopfan! *sobs* She/He didn't tell where she/he live... Anyways, I LOVE YOU!!!

cat1989 from Texas, United States! My far reader! Kekeke~ Love from me!

Cute ailisu, kpopluver3 From CALIFORNIA!! Love you~ <3

Tafa_marie from Australia! Kekeke~ Love from your author-nim!

YEAH! kpopluver3, Exo-Wolfie also from CALIFORNIA,UNITED STATES! Hope you will always be happy!

Then,  ljoetaekai3000 from United States! Thanks for subscribing!

Woot! New subscriber! stessy_your_bestie Australia! Hope you enjoy my story!! Love you!

Also a new subscriber! JeonHyejeong from Korea! Love from me!!




Annyeong!!! I'm busy now writing for another chapter...Kekeke~ Hope you like this chap and I will post more! Guess what will happen next to our lovely HyeMi?? Care to know? STAY TUNED!...

Please continue subscribe me and I will love you till the end of my life!!!

Ah! Please vote for my story and comments!!! Kekeke~ Love readin' it!

Please continue subscribing and help me to improve my English-writing skills!

Hope you guys will always be healthy and happy! Love ya'll!


Till next time!!!

With lots of lots of love,








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bereaved #1
i miss this fic so much. i hope you're doing fine, bluesky! <3
mary1998 #2
Chapter 29: Hi welcome backk but u didnt update there is no new chap i already read this
Chapter 29: Welcome back. I'm glad that everything in your life is settled down now and that you have time to do things that you like. Also thanks again for the updates it's much appreciated and I can't believe it's been almost a year. It's great hearing from you and so glad to have you back
jrichi #4
Chapter 29: i stil read it till now. i love this story.please update soon
Chapter 29: hi it been two years story still amazing!!! please updated soon!!!...
MiruMaroMo #6
Chapter 29: Omomo!! I love love you story!! And your writing is so detailed and loving that I couldn't stop reading! My feels!!! Hyemi stay strong!!! T^T
And and when the guys fall in love with her, I'm all like Fanguerilla XD BRUHUHU!! \(^o^\) BRUHUHU!! (/^o^)/
Please please update further!! *^* Gamsamnida!!
ReenRieX #7
Chapter 29: Oh my god !! I just notice this story like two days ago and i started to read like this morning and i am hooked !! I luv...luv...luv... The way you write and creacted the story !! You are so talented ... Cant wait for the next update for chapter 24 ... Please update often authornim~~ *90 degree bow*
Chapter 29: YAAAS!!!
Oh my god, finally a chapter *jumps around crazily* *wants to shout, but can't because of the neighbours*
Aah Minhyun. Dear little Minhyun.
And Daehyun. I love your guys in this story.
You portray them in such a loveable way~
Chapter 29: Oh My God!!! WELCOME BACKK!!! Hope to have more updates on this story~ The story is like full of inspiration~ totally love it♡♡♡
Chapter 29: welcome back! i almost scream happiness when i saw an update notice from your fic!! >< i really miss this story.. congrats on getting into uni! ^^ looking forward on your fic ;)