Story of Sadness

How to be Broken in Fourteen Days

Have you ever heard the expression, ‘So close but yet so far’? No? Well I have. I think about it all the time because I can understand the meaning pretty well. What I know about this is that it hurts, a lot. To be close to someone but they feel like they are so far away. It’s like… I don’t know how to explain something like that.  I really don’t. All I know is the pain that comes with it, sadly. So as I sat, I kept thinking about that same expression over and over again, until it was the only thing on my mind.

After the talk with Luhan yesterday, he stayed quiet unless I had spoken to him, which was weird because no matter what he would always be talking. Just not now. Even when Sehun died, he still talked just not in long sentences but there were words coming out of his mouth. I promise.

I looked up at the Chinese male, narrowing my eyes and trying to figure out if everything was alright. We were in my room, sitting on the bed. Luhan had a book in his hand as he leaned against the headboard, while I was lying across the bed, watching him for a moment before playing the game on my phone. He wiggled his toes in my face meaning that he wanted my attention so I gave it to him.


Luhan was silent for a moment before looking up from his book. His face was deadly serious with a mixture of grief. “Will you tell me a story?” he asked fiddling with the hem of his shirt.

I blinked at the strange question but nodded anyways. “Sure. What would you like to hear?”

“How you met Luhan.”

I froze as he spoke those words. Telling the whole story about the other Luhan? How would that go? Well hope.

“What would you like to know?”

“Everything. Start from the very beginning when you first moved to China.”

I nodded. “Alright, but just so you won’t get confused with your name,” I teased a bit causing him to roll his eyes. “I’m going to call him Han since I call you Lu, alright?”

He nodded and I sighed, remembering the things I thought I had forgotten long ago.

(AN: Alright, so the flashbacks are going to be in 3rd person instead of 1st because I feel like it could write it better than 1st.)

Flashback Start.

Kim Minseok didn’t understand why he was in China. Maybe it was because he was able to get a clearer picture on everything. Despite everything that has happened, Minseok was still very much in love with someone and he thought that maybe coming to China would make everything better.

He just forgot one tiny detail.

He was from China, which meant that he would have tagged along, if Minseok told the two that he was coming here.

The Korean boy ran his fingers through his dark hair and moved swiftly around the airport, looking for the one person he knew he. Zhang Yixing. Minseok just hoped that he didn’t forget like always. He really did.

Minseok sat on a bench and watched all the cars pass by. His mind wandered off into the area where he didn’t want to see but saw anyways. He saw the way the way they looked at each other. The way the two of them fit perfectly together and just looked plain cute. All of their friends had cheered for them… all but two. The only two that really knew what Minseok felt for the other boy.

As Minseok was deep in his thoughts, just as boy tripped in front of him causing him to snap out of his thoughts. He stood up leaving his spot and ran over to the boy and helping him up.

“Are you okay?” he asked in broken Chinese.

The boy looked up and Minseok froze with wide eyes. It was the same doll like face that he had left back in Korea. The same deep set of black eyes that held a warm look. Even the hair was the same wavy honey blonde. In all, it was the same person he had left to forget. “L-luhan?”

The boy blinked before saying something in Chinese that was way too fast for him to understand and Minseok just blinked and shook his head. The other tilted his head before smiling softly.

“How do you know my name?” he asked in perfect Korean and Minseok froze even more.

“Your name is Luhan?”

The boy nodded and held his hand out. “Cheng Luhan. It’s nice to meet you…”

“Minseok. Kim Minseok.”

“Minseok.” He said with a bright smile. “I’m clumsy.”

Minseok got over his shock and nodded. “I can tell.”

Luhan smiled. “Aside from that, how did you know my name?”

“You look like a friend of mine. Exactly like him. You even have the same name… kinda.” He said sheepishly. “His name is Lu Han but we just call him Luhan to make it easier.”

Luhan nodded and smiled. “I see. Well it was nice to meet you Kim Minseok, but my ride is here and I think yours is too.” He said pointing behind me.

He turned to see a panting Yixing with an unknown boy. He saw him and tackled the Korean to the ground. “I’m so sorry, Minseokkie. I forgot.”

The Korean laughed. “I figured as much.”

Yixing pouted and looked to the other boy in shock. “Luhan?” he asked looking at the boy. “Is it really you?”

Luhan shook his head and spoke in Chinese, most likely telling him the same thing that he told me. They talked for a moment before a car horn honked and Luhan looked up.

“That’s my ride.” He said switching to Korean. “It was nice to meet both of you. Goodbye.” He said with a smile as the two friends waved back.

Once Cheng Luhan was gone, Yixing stared at Minseok who was still on the ground. He blinked before pulling the elder up into a hug, whispering sweet nothings to calm him down. Of course Zhang Yixing knew of Minseok’s unrequited love for that one person. He was the first to spot it.

“Come on, let’s get you back to my place.”

Just then the other person cleared his throat and said something to Yixing who only blushed and tapped his head.

“Minseokkie, this is Huang Zitao but just call him Tao. He may look scary with that expression but I can promise you that he is perfectly harmless unless you piss him off. He’s a master at Wushu so he can kick your .”

Minseok laughed and shook hands with the panda looking boy who spoke broken Korean. Minseok smiled at the attempt.

Flashback Pause.

I looked at Luhan who was just staring at me with wide eyes. Of course I left out the parts about me being in love with him. I just couldn’t picture his face if he really knew how I felt. He blinked for a moment before he moved his mouth to speak and closed it again. I smiled slightly and rolled over to lie on my back. With a small smile I stared at the ceiling.

“What went through your mind when you first saw him?” he asked.

“I to be honest, I thought that you followed me until I remembered that you didn’t know I went.”

Luhan nodded and furrowed his brows. “You’re hiding something.” he said causing me to blink.

“I’m not. That is everything.” Almost everything.

Luhan eyed me again and I smiled softly. “So when was the next time you two met again?”

“About three weeks later.”

“Oh do tell.”

Flashback Start Again.

Minseok sighed and slumped forward onto the table and Tao laughed. The younger male was helping Minseok learn Chinese while he was teaching the younger Korean. It was a win, win situation for the both of them. Plus it was hard and gave Minseok the challenge he liked. Trying to figure out what Tao meant half the time was very much interesting but fun.

“Can I give up for today?” he asked in Chinese, mumbling into the table causing Tao to laugh more.

“You’ll get the hang of it.” He spoke in his native tongue. “I promise, I promise.”

“You better.”

Tao smiled brightly and Minseok couldn’t help but to smile back.

“Excuse me, could I have a napkin?” a voice asked out of nowhere. Both Minseok and Tao looked up causing the Korean to stare at the male with wide eyes.

“Luhan!” he called out.

Luhan looked up and smiled at Minseok. “Minseok, right?”

The Korean nodded. “It’s fancy meeting you here.”

The Chinese male laughed and smiled. “It is. How is everything with you, if you don’t mind me asking?”

Minseok nodded. “Everything is going fine. How about with you?”

He nodded and smiled even more. “Everything is going wonderfully. My parents are glad that I am home.

Minseok nodded and looked to Tao. “Oh this is Tao. He’s a friend of a friend.”

Luhan smiled at the other boy and they started to talk in Chinese way too fast for Minseok’s liking… again.

For what seemed like hours, the three of them sat there in that coffee shoppe talking and laughing about everything and anything. They all got a long pretty well, very well actually.

“Yah Luhan gege. Can you try to teach him Chinese? I’m getting hopeless because half the time I don’t know what he is talking about.” Tao asked in Chinese while Minseok just looked at the two Chinese males.

Luhan sat and thought for a moment. “If he doesn’t mind, then I will.”  He said with a smile.

Minseok held his hands up and looked at Luhan. “I’m going to call you Han.” He said randomly. “I keep thinking that you’re the Luhan that I know.”

Han chuckled and nodded. “Alright. Oh and do you mind if I teach you Chinese instead of Tao?”

Minseok shook his head and smiled. “I don’t think he understands what I’m saying half the time and you do.”

“You got that right.”

Minseok and Han smiled brightly and laughed, leaving Tao feeling awkward and strange.

“Well now that you’re going to be teaching him, I have something else to do.” He said in Chinese as he stood up. He turned to Minseok and smiled. “Sorry hyung but I have to go.” He said switching into his broken Korean.

Minseok returned the smiled and waved Tao away. The younger smiled and left the little coffee shoppe. Silence came over the two for a moment causing Minseok to fiddle with his fingers. Oh how much fun this was going to be.

Flashback Pause.

“He taught you Mandarin?” Lu asked with a soft smile. “I could have done that you know.”

I laughed and shook my head. “At that time you were… caught up. I didn’t want to bother.”

Luhan sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, frowning. The book he was reading was against the bed, long forgotten as the Chinese male sat to listen to the beginning of the story. Reciting part of it made me wonder some things. What if Han never left, would I still be in China today? Would I still be the one hopelessly in love him and him with me?

“What are you thinking?” he asked and I shook my head.



I paused and nodded. “Yes.”


“Because I’m telling the story about him?”

Luhan sighed. “So let me get this straight. You went to China to get away from something. You met someone whose name was Cheng Luhan and he looked exactly like me. He taught you how to speak Mandarin and you fell in love with him?”

I nodded not speaking and sat up from the position I was in. “That sounds about right.”

“So then why did he leave?”

I opened and closed my mouth. Of course I didn’t have an answer. One day he was here and the next he was gone. “I don’t know.” I finally said, not liking the way the words came out of my mouth. They sounded so strange and foreign in my mouth.

“You don’t know why he left?”

“I don’t. Can we change the subject? My emotions can’t handle this right now.”

Luhan sighed and laid down, putting his head on my lap. “Fine, fine.” He said playing with the hem of my pants. “Will you at least tell me why you left for China?”

I shook my head knowing that he wouldn’t see me. I couldn’t stand to see his expression if I told him that I was indeed in love with him. That was the main reason for me going to China was to get away. Only I got in once again.

So instead I said something else.

“Do you know what it’s like to have someone so close but yet so far?”

Luhan turned and looked at me. “What do you mean?”

I said nothing and smiled softly, running my finger through his hair.


“You should think about it Luhan.” A new voice said starling the both of us. Baekhyun leaned against the door frame with a tiny yet sad smile. “The answer is right in front of you.”

I in a breath. “How long have you been there?”

“Most of the story.” He said walking over to the bed, where the other two were. “Everything that I already knew.”

Luhan shot up. “Wait! Baekhyun knew?”

I nodded and shot Baekhyun a look. Luhan stared at the younger boy for a moment before smacking my head. “Really Minseok? You could have told me you know.”

Baekhyun shook his head. “No he couldn’t have. It would have meant telling you… something.”

Luhan cocked a brow. “Something? What is this something.”

I stood up scaring Luhan for a moment. “It’s nothing.”

“Just tell him. It’s not going to kill you.” Baekhyun said reaching and tugging on my sleeve. “Please Minseok. I don’t like seeing you like this.”

I sighed and shook my head. “No. It’s not time.”

Luhan threw his hands up in the air and let out a frustrated sigh. “Just tell me for Pete Sakes!”

Again I shook my head and bit my lip. I could feel that Luhan was starting to get all moody and y until I told him what we were talking about.

“God Damnnit, Kim Minseok. Just ing tell me already!” he yelled and Baekhyun flinched.

For just one second I thought about not telling him just like normal until I turned around and stared at him in the eyes. Luhan’s face was twisted in anger. His eyes held determination to get the secret out of me. He was now standing at the edge of the bed as he eyes narrowed at me even more.

“Speak, Kim Minseok.”

I sighed and looked to him. “I love you.” I said quietly and Luhan’s expression changed completely like he wasn’t expecting that. I guess in a way he wasn’t expecting it. “I left because I’m in love with you, Lu Han.”

Miki Says: So I finally updated. Yay? Anyways, I can't think of anything to say here only thank to the person who pointed out my mistakes last chapter. I'm sorry that I forgot your name and I'm too lazy to look. >.< But thank you for that alot. ^^ I tried to edit this chapter but if there are mistakes, do tell me and I'll try to fix them. Maybe I should have someone else read them, like a beta or something. I dunno. ^^;

Now I'm off to attempt to write one of my applys.

Until next time~

Oh! Don't forget to comment and subcribe if you haven't!

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Melancholyaa #1
Chapter 32: You know what like Jongdae would say :BURN LUHAN AND SEHUN: >:( !!!!
yebanana #2
Chapter 32: So sad. But it still good ^^
Thank you so much its been fun. ^^
I cried.
This story is so- I JUST GODAMMIT LUHAN JUST WHY. Why.
I can't even express how hurt I am from Sehun AND Luhan. They- from all Xiumin has done for them. SEHUN BROKE THE BRO CODE. BROS BEFORE HOES- OBVIOUSLY HE DIDN'T KNOW.
God just the 2 weeks Luhan and Xiumin were together were so cute and happy. And then suddenly thIS LIL SEHUN COMES IN.
AND THEN WHAT ABOUT THE OTHER LUHAN. I thought the blonde hair kid was Han but then I realized it might've been Sehun since he had blonde hair at some point (maybe).
I just want to say Luhan and Sehun better get on their knees and beg for forgiveness before ever EVER speaking to Xiumin ever again. Hopefully Baek and Yeol are still talking to him.
periwinkleXO #4
Chapter 32: (cries... sobs) OMG this s-story was s-so good! Can you please write more stories like this. well not like this like this but you know what I mean.
Chapter 32: You you omg this is like the best but i think there is more to see ..... well over all this is a great story really thx for your effort in writing this kamsammida :)
Lurkerderp #6
As much as it pains me to see xiuhan not work out ( due to the ness of Luhan and Sehun * I know, i know. Immature haha*), I'm so happy to see Xiumin doing well.
My baby has a new man that seems to adore him, loving friends, and a new book out ;u;.
I'm glad Jongin agreed with Jongdae about the whole luhan thing. Jongdae is right that Luhan doesn't deserve that right to know , let alone still call xiumin his best friend. You don't treat people that way and then expect there to still be any sort of relationship.
I hope Hunhan relationship was worth the broken heart of xiumin.

I swear i'm not bitter......maybe just a tinge haha
Overall it was a good story and I hope to see more of your writing ^^.
Preferably more of the fluff, and less of the angst XD
blue1088 #7
Chapter 2: This chapter got me what??
XoXo_97 #8
Chapter 31: Oh my god T^T !!why should he suffer like this! That's unfaiiiiiiiiiir ! T^T
At first I thought that blonde guy was Cheng luhan .but he wasn't T^T
I really believed luhan loved minseokkie :"|
that was soooo sad T^T