False Judgement

How to be Broken in Fourteen Days

Luhan opened the door, his face surprised to see me standing there. The moment he opened the door, I felt like my legs wouldn’t move and my breath get shallow. I wanted to walk away and come back later but I was scared that I would never get this moment again.

“Luhan, we have to talk.” I said, palming my jeans in nervousness.

He nodded and opened the door wider letting me in. He didn’t say a word as he sat on his couch. I looked around the living room and smiled just a bit. It was a lot cleaner than last time I was here. The books were in the bookcases, there was no trash littered on the floor, his jackets were hanging on the hook by the door and the TV was playing silently.

Luhan moved suddenly that it scared me and caused me to yell out just a bit. He smiled softly and moved to the kitchen. I started to wonder again if this was really the right idea and if Baekhyun was doing me the favour of pushing me into this house.

I felt my body tremble slightly and I sighed. Moving to the couch, I looked at the TV and watched it slightly listening for Luhan’s steps.

And they came a few seconds later.

He sat on the other side of the couch with his hands balled into fists on his lap, his body all stiff and a faint blush on his cheeks. Luhan took a breath and looked up, catching my gaze.

“Minseok,” he started and I shook my head.

“I came here to say that I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have ran like that.”

Luhan looked down again and let his fists turn into palms. “You had every right to run like that. I shouldn’t have said what I said.”

I felt my heart break at the words he just said. I didn’t want him to say that. I wanted him to say that he wasn’t going to take it back and he meant every single word that he said.

“Don’t say that.” I said, not thinking about what just came out of my mouth. “Please don’t say that.” I looked away from the Chinese male and stared at the TV. “You saying that you shouldn’t have said anything isn’t right.”

“But Minseok-”

I shook my head. “I shouldn’t have ran like I did. I should have listened to what you were going to say but I was scared.”

Luhan moved closer to me but I kept my eyes on the TV screen, letting them move like I was reading a script.

“Minseok, look at me.”

I refused still and kept my gaze where I had it. Luhan touched my face and forced me to look at him. He had tears in his pretty eyes and his cheeks were this bright red colour that I couldn’t get enough of. Even the tip of his nose was red, making him look like he was Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. It was cute.

“I’m looking at you.”

He took a deep breath before he started. “Listen to me carefully, please.”

I nodded and let him talk.

“I only said that because I didn’t know what else to say. You ran that day and I thought that you hated that I said that. I mean, if the guy I liked for a long time old me that he likes me and I went through what you went through, then I would have done the same thing. I know that you were scared and what not but you’ve got to open up again, please?”

I felt my body tremble the more I looked at Luhan. I knew what he was saying and I knew that it was true. I should open my heart again. I should love Luhan the way I did before I met Han but I’m scared.

“I know that you’re scared.”I looked at him funny and he laughed. “You said it out loud.”

I blinked and felt my cheeks turn red. “Oh.”

Luhan smiled and let my face go. “Can I try it again?”

I thought for a moment before nodding slowly. He smiled and took a deep breath, looking into my eyes and holding my gaze. “Kim Minseok. I have something that I want to tell you.” He said and I nodded for him to continue. “I, Lu Han, like you. I don’t know when it started and I don’t know if it is a good time to tell you this since you just told me the story of the other Luhan but… I wanted to tell you this. I really do like you. You’ve been there for me when I needed a friend and I’m glad for that. I-“

I had enough and pecked his lips gently. He blinked and stared at me with wide eyes and a blush spreading across his cheeks. It took me a moment to realize what I just did before I felt my own cheeks blow up in redness.

“I… uh… err… um…” I felt myself stumble in words and I stood up walking to the kitchen. Still blushing, I just stood there and covering my lips not believing what I just done.

It’s a strange thing, kissing the person I’ve been wanting to kiss since my freshman year in high school. His lips were just like I thought they would be like. I felt my cheeks go red even more and covered them.

“Don’t cover them.” Luhan said from behind me. I whirled around and looked at him with wide eyes.

“You scared me.” I breathe. “Don’t do that again.”

“Fine but don’t cover your cheeks.”

I rolled my eyes and if it was possible, felt my cheeks warm even more.

Luhan took a step towards me and I stood there like a dumb idiot, watching him. He took another step and I took a step towards him before I stopped. Everything rational in my head left as I walked quickly towards Luhan and hugged him tightly.

“I like you too. I never stopped liking you. I couldn’t stop liking you. Everything I did was because I liked you. I left because I liked you. I didn’t want to ruin anything you had with Sehun because that wouldn’t have been fair.”

Luhan wrapped his arms around my waist and held me tightly.

“I’m sorry that it has taken me so long for me to tell you all this.” I mumbled into his hair and he laughed.

“I’m sorry for not noticing.”

“Don’t be. I didn’t want you too.”

Luhan pulled away and took my hand, leading me to the couch. He pushed me down and sat next to me, laying his head in my lap. “It’s my favourite show. You have to watch it with me.”

I couldn’t help but to laugh loudly. “Of course I’ll watch it with you Lu.” I smiled and started to run my fingers through his hair.

It felt nice being there with Luhan, who was finally mine. I couldn’t have asked for something better in my life.

But deep down something was nagging me and telling me that something bad was about to happen. Did I listen to it?


I was just too happy with the way that everything was going.

So I stayed that way, for a while. A smiling careless idiot and I wished it would have stayed that way but what happens next is the real story. The real story of how to be broken in fourteen days. 

Miki Says: I can't stop writing this story for some reason. I feel so... happy. Cx It's also not a good idea to listen to Les Mis while writing this. I wanted to bawl like a baby for no reason. OMG. Until next time, y'all. 

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Melancholyaa #1
Chapter 32: You know what like Jongdae would say :BURN LUHAN AND SEHUN: >:( !!!!
yebanana #2
Chapter 32: So sad. But it still good ^^
Thank you so much its been fun. ^^
I cried.
This story is so- I JUST GODAMMIT LUHAN JUST WHY. Why.
I can't even express how hurt I am from Sehun AND Luhan. They- from all Xiumin has done for them. SEHUN BROKE THE BRO CODE. BROS BEFORE HOES- OBVIOUSLY HE DIDN'T KNOW.
God just the 2 weeks Luhan and Xiumin were together were so cute and happy. And then suddenly thIS LIL SEHUN COMES IN.
AND THEN WHAT ABOUT THE OTHER LUHAN. I thought the blonde hair kid was Han but then I realized it might've been Sehun since he had blonde hair at some point (maybe).
I just want to say Luhan and Sehun better get on their knees and beg for forgiveness before ever EVER speaking to Xiumin ever again. Hopefully Baek and Yeol are still talking to him.
periwinkleXO #4
Chapter 32: (cries... sobs) OMG this s-story was s-so good! Can you please write more stories like this. well not like this like this but you know what I mean.
Chapter 32: You you omg this is like the best but i think there is more to see ..... well over all this is a great story really thx for your effort in writing this kamsammida :)
Lurkerderp #6
As much as it pains me to see xiuhan not work out ( due to the ness of Luhan and Sehun * I know, i know. Immature haha*), I'm so happy to see Xiumin doing well.
My baby has a new man that seems to adore him, loving friends, and a new book out ;u;.
I'm glad Jongin agreed with Jongdae about the whole luhan thing. Jongdae is right that Luhan doesn't deserve that right to know , let alone still call xiumin his best friend. You don't treat people that way and then expect there to still be any sort of relationship.
I hope Hunhan relationship was worth the broken heart of xiumin.

I swear i'm not bitter......maybe just a tinge haha
Overall it was a good story and I hope to see more of your writing ^^.
Preferably more of the fluff, and less of the angst XD
blue1088 #7
Chapter 2: This chapter got me what??
XoXo_97 #8
Chapter 31: Oh my god T^T !!why should he suffer like this! That's unfaiiiiiiiiiir ! T^T
At first I thought that blonde guy was Cheng luhan .but he wasn't T^T
I really believed luhan loved minseokkie :"|
that was soooo sad T^T