
The Return [The Fallen II] (Permanent Hiatus)


“Miyoung?!” Suho screamed into his phone as the needle on the speedometer crept past seventy, “MIYOUNG?!”

Suho pounded his fist against the steering wheel when he heard the line go dead. He punched a number into his phone, ignoring the aggravated car horns and yells as he made an illegal U-turn at an intersection.

"Suho-" he heard Luhan's voice come through the earpiece.

"Get the boys. Miyoung's been taken," Suho said sharply before hanging up the phone and pushing his foot harder on the accelerator.


"Let go of me!" you thrashed your body left and right as you were dragged down a dimly lit staircase by two Demons.

"No can do, sweetheart," Kang mumbled when you all reached a heavy wooden door.

He fished a key ring out of his pocket and a brass key into the lock on the door. After a twist and a click, Kang turned the knob and pushed the door open, revealing a dark square room.

The two Demons pushed you inside, causing you to fall onto your hands and knees. You heard the door slam behind you before you could even get out another word.

Breathing heavily, you blindly searched your bag, looking for your phone. You froze after remembering you dropped it on the street when you bumped into the Demon who you thought was just a figment of your imagination. You buried your face into your hands and tried to keep your tears back, now was not the time to start crying.

You scrambled to your feet and ran over to the door.

"Let me out!" you screamed, your voice hoarse as you pounded your balled up fists against the door, "Let me out!"

"It's no use."

You whirled around and slammed your back against the door, your eyes darting around the cell.

"They can't hear you," the voice bounced off the concrete walls again, "And they wouldn't care about you if they did."

You saw the outline of a figure slouched against the wall in one corner and squinted your eyes, trying to adjust to the limited lighting coming from a single barred window above the source of the voice's head.

The figure lifted its head up and lazily got to its feet. When it stepped into the sliver of light streaming from the window, you were surprised to see a normal looking boy. Side swept hair, average looking clothing, a cute face. The only thing that set alarms off in your head was his blood red eyes.

"I'm not going to hurt you," the Demon took a step closer to you, causing you to cower further into the wood, "I promise."

"Well, a lot of people break their promises," you whispered.

"True," he nodded once, "But I really just want to help you."

"Why would you want to help me?" you narrowed your eyes, "You're a Demon."

"Okay, I get it," he muttered, "You haven't had the best experiences with Demons today."

"Or ever," you shuddered a little as memories you wish you could forget flashed through your mind.

The Demon let out a sigh before stuffing his hand into his pocket and bending down to slide something across the floor.

You glanced down and threw him a cautious look when a cell phone hit your shoe.  

"Go on," he motioned, "Use it to call those Guardians."

You slowly bent down and picked up the cell phone.

"How do I know you're not just telling me to call them as a way to lure them here?" you examined the phone carefully, turning it around in your hand.

"Okay, you can believe me or not, but I'm honestly just trying to help you," he rolled his eyes, "And besides, I'm pretty sure your Guardians can take care of the Demons upstairs with no problem. They did it before, didn't they?"

You chewed on your lip and glanced down at the phone. He had a point.

"Fine," you huffed and unlocked the phone.

You opened up the keypad and dialed Suho's number.

Less than a second after pressing send, you heard Suho's voice through the earpiece.

"Hello?" he answered sharply.

You could hear the sounds of chattering and a car radio in the background.

"Suho?" you said quietly.

"Miyoung! Are you okay?! Whose phone are you using?!"

"I'm fine," you reassured him. You glanced up at the Demon in front of you, "And it's not important whose phone I'm using, I just wanted to let you know that I'm alright and Kang didn't do anything to me."

Suho sighed in relief, "Okay, well, we're coming to get you right now. So if any Demon even tries attacking you, just use the moves that I taught you. You … remember what I taught you, right?"

You felt a lump form in your throat. That's right. You weren't supposed to remember, everything about Angels and Demons and Guardians was supposed to be fake, a dream from your coma state. But you now you knew it was all real, now you knew that Suho lied to you.  

You shook your head, pushing the thoughts away. You would deal with that later, after you got out of this prison.

"Miyoung?" Suho asked, worry starting to lace its way into his voice.

You cleared your throat and took a deep breath, "Yeah, I remember. Can you guys just hurry? I want to get out of here."

"Okay, just stay put. We're going to get you out of there."

"Okay," you responded and ended the call.

You heaved a sigh and, not realizing what you were doing, walked over to the Demon.

"Thanks," you mumbled, holding out the phone to him.

He stared at you in shock as he took his phone and slid it back into his pocket.

"Yeah, no problem," he nodded his head as he eyed your curiously.

"I'm Miyoung," you held out your hand, "Fallen Angel."

His lips perked up into a small smile as he shook you hand with his.

"Hyukjin," he introduced himself with a nod, "Demon who despises all Demons."

The two of you shared laugh and you dropped your hand on your side.

"I'm going with my gut feeling to trust you, Hyukjin, so you better not let me down," you warned him.

"I won't," he said, looking straight into your eyes, "Even if my life depended on it." 


Sup guys LOL Okay, I'm so so so so so sorry for not updating! I just got so busy and then when I actually found the time, I just felt super duper lazy and I'm just so sorry! But I hope this chapter makes up for it a little. I'll try to update more, but I'm still working out the kinks in the story line since I keep taking my chapters in different directions OTL But I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and the introduction of Hyukjin!

~Admin Kelc

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glamfab #1
Chapter 26: really hope you'll update it soon because i really love it
Chapter 25: Omfg it was just getting to the good part... why :((
fyrn95 #3
Chapter 26: T___________T Whyyy :((
suhoismybias #4
Chapter 26: I'm crying now, literally. It's just that I've been waiting for this story to be updated. ;___; Well, writer-nim, feel free to update if you feel like writing again. Fighting!
Chapter 26: I'm very sad to know you decided to put this story on a hiatus because I really loved it. :( But I can understand you, so don't worry! :) If you ever feel like writing this again I'll be here to read! *^*
Chapter 26: If you feel like writing this again, just know that we'll be waiting with open arms hahaha ^^
omgikwangmin #7
Chapter 26: merp it's aighttttt
just come back to us soon, okidoki :3 <3
you'r super good at writing xD
we'll wait
michelle0506 #8
Chapter 26: lmfao when i saw ur update im like "gASPSSSS" then i saw [permanent hiatus] i went like 'gASPSSS---- what the hell..."

cries but its okay thsnkyou for everything~!!
Sooyong #9
Chapter 26: Its okay. We understand! :)
But, when you feeling to coming back, we'll always welcome you :)