
The Return [The Fallen II] (Permanent Hiatus)


“Thank you,” Suho thanked the waitress as she took your menus and bowed before leaving.

“You didn’t have to bring me to such a fancy restaurant,” you mumbled as you looked at the crystal chandelier that was hanging from the ceiling, “You could have just taken me to a café or something.”

“I know,” Suho shrugged, “But I don’t get to see you very often so I like to spoil you a little when I do. Is that bad?”

“I guess it’s not,” you sighed in defeat and gave him a smile while lightly kicking his foot under the table.

A small smile appeared on Suho’s lips as he lightly kicked your foot back, “So how was the ride over here?”

“Long,” you leaned back in your chair and rested your hands on your lap, “Too long.”

“Couldn’t wait to see me?” he smirked.

“Oh, of course!” you rolled your eyes, playing along. But you couldn’t deny the fact that you were getting a little impatient during the ride from Cheongju to Seoul.

You reached over and took a sip of water from your glass before continuing, “But I had a dream on the ride over.”

“Did you now?” Suho leaned forward and crossed his arms, resting his elbows on the table.

You nodded your head, “It was the same as the others. Demons were chasing me through a forest. It was so scary, I really thought I was going to die.”

Suho’s lips dipped into a frown as he looked across the table at you in concern. You now had your cheek resting in your palm as you dragged your finger down the side of your glass of water, wiping away some of the condensation.

“Hey,” Suho said softly as he reached across the table and gently rested his hand on top of yours, “It’s just a dream. Don’t think about it too much.”

“But it seemed so real, too real,” you insisted, “Like it all happened to me before.”

“It’s probably just your over active imagination again,” he said as he poked your forehead with a laugh, “Don’t worry about it.”

“Do you think the dreams could mean something?” you asked.

“I really don’t know,” Suho shrugged.

“You don’t know?!” you asked in disbelief, “You’re going to be a doctor and you don’t know?!”

“Yeah! I’m going to be a doctor, not a psychologist!”

"True," you pouted a little and dropped your eyes down to the table.

Suho sighed as he took a hold of your hand and rubbed small comforting circles on the back of it with his thumb

“Maybe your mind is trying to remind you of your coma state again,” he suggested, “The brain sometimes does that after going through something traumatic or worth remembering.”

“I guess,” you tried to believe his reasoning, “But Suho-”

“Oh, food’s here,” he cut you off when he saw your waitress making her way to your table with two plates in her hands and leaned back in his chair, releasing your hand.

You puffed out your cheeks as your waitress set your plate in front of you, your mind still on the nightmares you have been having for the past few months. You shook the thoughts of Demons away as you unrolled your utensils from your napkin and started to eat your lunch.


“So when am I going to get to meet your friends?” you asked.

You had your arm looped through Suho’s as the two of you slowly walked down a park path. You smiled as a few children ran in front of the two of you, chasing each other while being oblivious to the world around them.

One of the kids, a small boy, bumped into the Suho’s legs and looked up at him with wide eyes. Suho gave him a warm smile and patted him on the head as he bowed in apology before running off to join his friends once again.

“Soon,” Suho said, turning back to you, “They’ve been abnormally busy lately.”

“With what?” you questioned curiously as the two of you resumed your leisurely stroll.

“This and that,” he shrugged, “I don’t really question what they do. But it’s strange, usually I’m the busy one.”

“What are they like?” you asked as you looked down at your feet.

“Crazy,” Suho said simply with a laugh, “They’re totally nutcases, trust me. But they keep life interesting.”

“Tell me more about them,” you looked at him eagerly.

You remember Suho once telling you that he’s had the same group of friends since high school. You already knew, even without meeting them personally, that they were a very important part of his life.  And if they were important to him, they were important to you.

“Well, we’re like a family,” he smiled to himself at the thought of his best friends, “A really big, crazy, dysfunctional family.”

You listened to Suho as he told you dozens of stories of him and friends. Some were heartwarming, some were heartbreaking, but the majority of them were hilarious. 

You and Suho continued to walk around the park in circles, talking about anything and everything. The two of you talked about ­­­­simple things like your favorite colors and what foods you couldn’t stand. The two of you talked about more serious topics too like your dreams, aspirations, and where you each saw yourselves in the next few years. It shocked you how much you still didn’t know about him, how much he still didn’t know about you.

You had lost count of how many times you walked around the cement path when the both of you made it back to Suho’s car.

“Do you think they’ll like me?” you asked suddenly as Suho drove the both of you back to his apartment.

“Who are you talking about?”

“Your friends,” you clarified, “Do you think they’ll like me?”

Suho took a quick side-glance at you, “Of course they will.”

“How do you know?” you tipped your head to the side.

“I just do,” he shrugged and bit the inside of his lip, “When you meet them, I have this feeling that they’ll be very … protective of you.” 


I know the story is moving a little slowly right now, but please bear with me! I'm trying to set things up for future chapters and plus, I think you guys deserve some fluffy SuYoung moments after all the emotional turmoil I put you guys through at the end of TF. Hope you all enjoyed the chapter!

~Admin Kelc

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glamfab #1
Chapter 26: really hope you'll update it soon because i really love it
Chapter 25: Omfg it was just getting to the good part... why :((
fyrn95 #3
Chapter 26: T___________T Whyyy :((
suhoismybias #4
Chapter 26: I'm crying now, literally. It's just that I've been waiting for this story to be updated. ;___; Well, writer-nim, feel free to update if you feel like writing again. Fighting!
Chapter 26: I'm very sad to know you decided to put this story on a hiatus because I really loved it. :( But I can understand you, so don't worry! :) If you ever feel like writing this again I'll be here to read! *^*
Chapter 26: If you feel like writing this again, just know that we'll be waiting with open arms hahaha ^^
omgikwangmin #7
Chapter 26: merp it's aighttttt
just come back to us soon, okidoki :3 <3
you'r super good at writing xD
we'll wait
michelle0506 #8
Chapter 26: lmfao when i saw ur update im like "gASPSSSS" then i saw [permanent hiatus] i went like 'gASPSSS---- what the hell..."

cries but its okay thsnkyou for everything~!!
Sooyong #9
Chapter 26: Its okay. We understand! :)
But, when you feeling to coming back, we'll always welcome you :)