Breaking Glass

Everlasting Love

Bi says I either have to move in or I get fired. My mom is alive and my dad isnt. We're a really poor family so I get a bunch of part times, but this job pays more so I work there too. I have to support myself. I finished high school and college with a scholarship but I never really knew what to do after. I had to find a way to support myself so I decided to move in.
I finish packing and walk into their dorm. There's one extra small room that will be mine. Eh. Better than the room I have to rent.
G.O and Seungho: Welcome to our dorm, Sekyung.
I thank them and unpack stuff into my new room.
Lee Joon: It's a little small right? Heh... you'll get used to it.
Me: Yeah but it's ok. It's much bettter than where I lived before.
Lee Joon: ... Where did you live before?
Me: Eh sad story. No need to tell that in sucha short time. Maybe later.....
I walk away feeling bad because he looked like he was actually concerend.

I make MBLAQ a homemade dinner. Bulgogi, japchae, and kimchi jjegae. Yum. They eat well and go to sleep. I text my mom and ask her how shes doing and tell her about how work is. I say its not that bad. I get really thirsty so I sneak outside my room to get some water. The lights will make them wake so I go on without them. Top cabnit.. thats where the cups are. I open it then IFGASDJGIJIAWGGOAWDFJA. A bunch of glass cups and plates fall down and hit me on my head. I collapse. Everyone races out and sees me on the floor covered in blood.. ew. Lee Joon takes the plates and stuff off of me while Seungho helps me up. Chundoong gets the medication.
Chundoong: Everytime I see you, it seems like I'm taking care of you.. from broken glass
Me: Sorry........ I just didnt want to wake you.....
Chundoong: G.O. shouldve told you that he shoves everything in that cabnit. Thats why no one opens it.
Me: G,O...... I'll go tell him that later.
While Chundoong is working on my knee; I see Leejoon in the corner staring at me. Hmph. Why is he looking? What is there to look at?  I just ignore it and squel at the pain.

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lots of action and cute ending. good job :)
eugegenius #2
PAHAHAHAHAHAHAH SANDBOX FTW!!!! >.< LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL HAHAHA youre a really good writer really funny!!! >.<
oreocookie #3
i-like-food #4
seunghyun, please move on<br />
she likes joon not you<br />
...... well that sounded harsh......
i-like-food #5
wonder what's she gonna do about seunghyun/junho?
i-like-food #6
hmm.... lets see how mblaq and rain reacts....