Change of Heart

Everlasting Love

I wake up in my room with Lee Joon by my side.
Lee Joon: Finally awake?
I rub my eyes.
Me: uhhhhh yeah.
Lee Joon smiles.
Me: what happened??
Lee Joon: Well after you witnessed Seohyun and Chundoong's breakup, you passed out because you were too drunk.
Aw gosh.....
Me: Why do you always help me? Without anything in return?... (Ive been curious)
Lee Joon: Just think of me as an Oppa who will always stay by your side... no matter what.
He smiles again.
Me: Ok.... Oppa.
I get up and get dressed and go to work. While I help out Mir, I see Chundoong with swollen eyes....from crying.

After work, I decide to head over to this university that my friend, Jay works at. ( jay is a girl ....)
I walk into the office and ask for her but they said that she already left for her part time job. Aw..... so much for friendship reunion. Aish.. I'll just meet her tomorow.
I keep walking home and then two guys come up to me. They get closer and I start backing up more and more. More school kids come up and surround me. Big kids. Then Seohyun, parts the crowd and comes over to me.
Seohyun: Well.. Sekyung. You ruined my plan to get Lee Joon.
Me: What???
Seohyun: You told Chundoong!!!!! Now I can't see Lee Joon anymore!
Me: I didnt tell anyone!
Seohyun: Oh please. You just didnt know I had THIS much power did you? *points at the huge crowd of people ready to fight*. Now you're gonna help me convince Chundoong I love him so I can go back to seeing Joonie. Ok?
I think about Chundoong's anger,crying, suffering.
Me:. No...
Seohyun: NO!?!?! HOW THE DO YOU SAY NO TO ME??!!? .Yo. Guys. Get her good. Make her regret she ever did anything to me.
And then it happens. The first group of guys come near me and start throwing punches. I remeber back to when my dad taught me taekwondo and kick them as hard as I can in the balls and they fall down. The girls pull my hair and pinch me as two guys hold me down and others punch me in the face. One kid brings a fire estinguisher and sprays.


I scream as loud as I can, hoping someone will hear me and help. But no one comes. I feel sticky in blood but the violence is nonstop. I see Seohyun above my head laughing. Then the guys grab my head and angle me so I face her. She slaps me. slap.
Suddenly, I see someone grab the fire estinguisher and slap it into the kids face. The shadow punches, kicks and fights everyone down until no one can hurt me anymore... I look at my life saver. It's non other than Lee Joon. He lifts me up in his arms, and takes me away.

Back at the dorm, he treats my wounds. Lee Joon takes a wet towel and soakes up all the blood too. He looks at me.
Lee Joon: Don't ever scare me like that again.
Me:... Thank you ...Oppa.
He stares some more than wipes some blood off of my lips with his finger. He takes the towel and wipes my face gently. I lean in and close my eyes as my lips meet his.

Author: WOOOAHHH change of heart?xD kekekekekekeke commment on what you think of this chapter?

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lots of action and cute ending. good job :)
eugegenius #2
PAHAHAHAHAHAHAH SANDBOX FTW!!!! >.< LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL HAHAHA youre a really good writer really funny!!! >.<
oreocookie #3
i-like-food #4
seunghyun, please move on<br />
she likes joon not you<br />
...... well that sounded harsh......
i-like-food #5
wonder what's she gonna do about seunghyun/junho?
i-like-food #6
hmm.... lets see how mblaq and rain reacts....