
Everlasting Love

ddSeunghyun's POV
She can't remember me; memory loss. I went back to the hospital and that's what the doctors tell me.
Either permenant, or just for now, they don't know.
Secretly, I wish permenant.... because then she can forget everything I did to cause her pain and we can have a fresh start.

alright, alright. I'm not dead....let me explain.

When I got overdosed, I saw Sekyung in my dream, begging me to not die.
That saved me.
I out for a couple of hours but woke back up and ran from the hospital.
I payed the doctors extra to not tell anyone that I was actually alive..
I moved to Busan, rented a room to stay in and tried to figure out how to make Sekyung love me again.
Changed my own name to Junho. But I don't use it alot, considering that I don't go out.
Sometimes, I go to check up on her and make sure she's ok.
Turns out she even got a job working with Bi.

But fate has given me a chance, a chance for Sekyung and I to love again.

I make sure she's ok first, and then go make something to eat for her.
The room is just ONE room. Theres a sink, fridge,bathroom all in one bedroom.
I make kimchi stew and eggs and serve it with white rice.
I'm not that hungry, so I just watch her eat. She seems very uncomfortable.

Me: Sekyung, are you going to stay here?
Sekyung: Where else would I go?

I don't mention MBLAQ, or her real home. I don't want her to remember.
Sekyung: Where can I find a job?
Me: A job?..
Sekyung: Yes. Job. I have to work in order to live, you know.
Me: But I'll support you.
Sekyung: But we're strangers.
Me: But you're gonna be living here.
Sekyung:.....  Can I?
Me: Of course you can.
Sekyung: Why are you so nice to me? I don't even know you.
Me: *sigh* Ok. Honestly, you have memory loss. And I was your first and ONLY love.
Sekyung: Really????
She looks shocked. ..
Me: Yeah. So it's ok to trust me.
She thinks a bit.
Sekyung: wait..... where are my parents?
Me: They..um... they both died a long time ago, when you were young. In a fire.
Sekyung: How old was I?
Me: Um... 4.... And I taked care of you ever since. So just believe in me. Only me.
Sekyung: Ok... But I'm still gonna try and find a job.

Sekyung's POV
Memory loss. Oh great. I can't remember anything, even my own family.
All I remember is the accident. Getting hit. And falling. To the ground.
I decide to hang on to Junho, my first love (apparently) and my lifesaver.

Aigoo... how on earth did this happen to me? It's so frustrating not knowing my own life...

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lots of action and cute ending. good job :)
eugegenius #2
PAHAHAHAHAHAHAH SANDBOX FTW!!!! >.< LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL HAHAHA youre a really good writer really funny!!! >.<
oreocookie #3
i-like-food #4
seunghyun, please move on<br />
she likes joon not you<br />
...... well that sounded harsh......
i-like-food #5
wonder what's she gonna do about seunghyun/junho?
i-like-food #6
hmm.... lets see how mblaq and rain reacts....