
Everlasting Love

Hi. I'm Sekyung Kim. I got a new job as MBLAQ's Mir personal assistant because of his injury. I walk into J.Tune Entertainment with a casual, cute look. I see Bi (rain).
Me: Hi! I'm Sekyung, Mir's new assistant.
Bi: Oh yes... Sekyung-shi, go to floor 7 room 19 and he'll be in there.
I skip over to the elavator and do as he instructs. When I arrive at the room, I only see Lee joon and G.O.
Me: Hello. I'm the new assistant. Please take care of me!^^

well. wasnt that awkward. Eventually, Mir comes in on crutches and introduces me to s. For a couple hours I just get Mir water and food and push him around in a wheelchair so he doesn't need to use his crutches. Bi comes in and makes Mir leave for recording.
Lee Joon: Well, hi Sekyung. Nice to meet you. Can you get me some water with a fresh lemon slice?
Me: Sure.(:
I get a glass cup and fill it with water and lemon. I'm just glad that he accepted me.... I thought that he didn't at first. I run back and give his water. After he's done drinking, I take the cup back. I run through the halls of floor 7 and then I turn around and BAM. I hit Chundoong in the chest. The cup falls out of my hands and shatters onto the floor. Crap. I attempt to pick the pieces up but when I do, blood covers my hands.
Chundoong: Give it to me. You're gonna get more hurt.
Me: *looks thankful* Thank you.....
After Chundoong cleaned up, he took my wrist and into a small room. He put korean medicane all over my cuts then wrapped it up with a huge bandaid thing.
Chundoong: Be more careful next time.
I sit there until I remember that Mir might be back from recording. I run to MBLAQ's rehersal room and find Mir there.
MIr: What happened to your hands?
Me:.. umm.. little accident.
Mir stares at me then shrugs. Throughout the whole day, I do the same things. Water, food, towel, and what not. Then I pack up my stuff to go home.
Bi: Sekyung-shi. Where do you think you're going?
Me: ...Home?
Bi: Oh no.... Didnt you read the whole contract? To be a person assistant you have to stay with Mir 24/7. Therefore, you're going to have to move into one of the spare rooms in MBLAQ's dorm.

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lots of action and cute ending. good job :)
eugegenius #2
PAHAHAHAHAHAHAH SANDBOX FTW!!!! >.< LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL HAHAHA youre a really good writer really funny!!! >.<
oreocookie #3
i-like-food #4
seunghyun, please move on<br />
she likes joon not you<br />
...... well that sounded harsh......
i-like-food #5
wonder what's she gonna do about seunghyun/junho?
i-like-food #6
hmm.... lets see how mblaq and rain reacts....