Sick (Part 1)



I feel horrible. Ugh, the world is spinning now. It was a bad mistake to try and get up from the bed. I groan and lie back down, pulling my blanket so that it covers me head to toe, breathing in the warm air in my little tent. After a while, I start to feel a little claustrophobic so I stuck my face out my blanket. I feel myself burning up, my breathe very hot against my skin. I drift off to sleep.

“Kimmy?” A muffled voice came from outside my room. It’s just enough to jolt me awake.

“What?” I answer, blindly, still sitting up on my bed.

“Kimmy, it’s me.” A soft male voice makes its way to my ears. I rub my eyes and summon up all the willpower in me to get off my comfy bed. I drag myself like a zombie to the door and flick the lock. I step back and open the door. Lulu is standing there, dressed casually in dark jeans with faded patches and a purple T-shirt. His jaw drops when he sets his eyes on me.

“Sorry, I know I look horrible but I’m not feeling my best, Lulu,” I mumble, clearing my dry throat every now and then. My nose is blocked, I feel like someone set fire inside my body and my head is heavy like an elephant sat on it.

“Kimmy, you look like you need help! Go back to bed,” he starts pushing and guiding me by holding on to my shoulder…so back to bed it is.

“Kimmy,are you okay? Do you have a fever?” Lulu starts tucking me in and I just curl up into a ball. Now I feel really cold for some reason. Like … ice cold.

“No, I am perfectly fine,” I say. My voice is muffled because I am basically speaking to my pillow.

“Kimmy, I am being serious. I can get you to the nurse,” he starts panicking. I have my eyes closed but I can picture him being all jittery already. I open one eye so I can see where he is. He looks at me, eyes full of worry and panic. He is sitting on the other end of the bed, it turns out.

“I’m fine, Lulu. I just need sleep. Why are you here anyway? Did I forget something?” I try to think back to see if I made any promises to Lulu that I forgot, which is very unlike me. He scratches the back of his head and grins nervously.

“I just had free time before my dance practice later, and I thought I’d take you somewhere to… you know.. shop or something maybe. I remembered you were looking at the rows of shops when I rushed you to the cake shop.”

“Oh…I think I’ll pass,” I smile weakly. How sweet of him…he actually remembered. Maybe I’ll get him something to make it up next time. He laughs.

“Well of course, silly Kimmy. You need your rest. I want you all healthy and ready to go out tomorrow! Oh wait a minute…I can’t. But I should be free the next day! I cannot wait to spend time with my silly Kimmy,” he starts getting excited and pumped up by himself. The things he does are really too dorky, it should be considered a crime.


“Yes, Kimmy? Don’t worry, I’m not leaving now. I’ll stay until I really have to go, then I’ll run there to dance. And then I’ll be right back. I might even have to resort to calling someone so they can stay and watch over you. I don’t want you alone like this,” he shudders at whatever horrible and exaggerated scenarios he is letting pollute his mind. I giggle at his comical expression and cough a few times.

“Kimmy, no laughing. No giggling. No nothing. Sleep,” he says sternly, his finger out like he’s my mom.

“Yes, mommy,” I say meekly and hide my face in my blanket.

“Oh Kimmy, I was just kidding. Don’t hide your face. Isn’t it hot in there?”

Before I knew it, he scoots closer to me and tugs my blanket away from me. I groan and shield my face away, my hair going everywhere in a very unruly fashion. If it wasn’t Luhan, I’d be embarrassed to show my face to anyone else. Luhan places the back of his hand on my forehead. The coolness is comforting. His skin is really soft, I thought.

“You’re burning up, Kimmy,” he states. After a while, he starts stifling his laugh.


“Your face. Do you like my hands on your forehead?” he asks, still sniggering. 

“Don’t blame me. It’s too hot and your skin is really cold,” I mutter. He makes a move to take his hand away from me and I can’t lie, I’m disappointed. But then he starts to put his cold fingers on my warm neck. Oh goodness…

“Better? I mean, I can’t get ice cubes but I’ll get you something later, okay?” he grins. I sigh in content and close my eyes.

“Thanks, Lulu. You know you can take your hand away, right? I am perfectly fine and comfortable.”

“What if I don’t want to?” he says jokingly.

“Well, I will make you,” I say in my most intimidating voice, which apparently doesn’t work at all because all it did was make Luhan laugh and use his other hand to hold my arm.

“Well, okay. Its your loss,” I shrug. I feel too weak to do anything else so I start dozing off.

“Kimmy, I have to leave now, okay? I’ll be back later,” I can hear him calling out to me after a while. Has it been an hour yet? I don’t know. I just nod a little bit to show him I heard him. He said bye and leaves. The door clicks and I sigh. Finally…peace…

Knock knock.

My eyes snap open. Who is it now? I just closed my eyes for a bit and now this? I feel like I was repeating the painful process all over again: I groan and struggle to get up from my bed. I should really put up a “Do not disturb” sign up in the front.

“Kimmy?” My heart jumps at the voice. I walk a little faster and open the door.

“Baekhyun?” I’m a little surprised to see him standing outside, looking left and right before grinning.

“Are you okay, Kimmy? Luhan um, called me and said you were’nt well and that he wants me to watch over you when he’s practicing. I don’t have choir practice until after Luhan’s finished using the room, so … um, I’m here,” he smiles nervously at me. I blink a few times. Uh oh, I am not dressed for Baekhyun at all. Well, who am I kidding; I feel like I just swallowed a fireball and my body is aching right now. I am in no condition to do anything right now.

I start swaying on the spot so I plant my feet firmly on the ground in an attempt to stop. “I am fine, Baek. Lulu’s overreacting,” I say. Thanks a lot, Lulu. I am just bursting with joy at all this unnecessary attention.

“Clearly, you are not, Kimmy,” Baekhyun chuckles. He doesn’t wait for my furious reply but he swoops down and puts his arms behind my knees and tips me so that he carries me bridal style back in my room.

“Baek, put me down. I can walk too, you know,” I say, blushing. Is it possible to feel hotter than I already am with the fever and all?

“I’m just helping you save a few steps,” he says smoothly. I sigh and rest my head on his chest, resigning. All too soon, he puts me down on my bed. He disappears to my bathroom before I can say anything else. I hear the tap water running. He comes back with a glass I left in there, filled with water. Smiling, he lifts it up to my lips so I can drink. I just follow along. Yes, the school provides us with clean tap water for some reason. Thank goodness for that.

“Thanks, Baek. But really, I’m fine. You should go back to your room. I’ll just nap in here,” I grin and pull the blanket close up so its covering everything but my face. My head is throbbing painfully and I can hear my brain screaming. As a response, my eyelids flutter. I try to keep them open for Baekhyun so I can convince him to go ahead with his life as I go on wasting mine away sleeping.

“You don’t seem all that great, Kimmy. Sorry for that harsh truth,” he grimaces.

“I can’t look like a princess everyday, Baek. Let me have my monster moments,” I mumble and turn to the other side. I give up. He is just as bad as Lulu. I bet they are in cahoots. I caught Baekhyun muttering something, but I can’t piece the words together.


“I just said I still have to be your angel, regardless of what you look like,” he jokes. I am pretty sure that’s not what I heard.

“I am giving you a break from your duties today,” I reply. He chuckles.

“Its not your choice, Kimmy.”

“Oh gosh, you and Luhan,” I moan in despair.

“Sorry. Just go to sleep, Kimmy. I’ll just be around in case of anything,” he starts humming. My room is still bright from the light outside the window, but soon I feel more drowsy than ever. Baekhyun’s voice is like a poison specially designed for me…my very own sleeping pill. Just like that, I fly to Dreamland.

I dreamt of …Baekhyun making me sandwiches. When I try a bite of it, it was like biting a piece of heaven. But then Luhan came along and he brought me chocolates. Both of them kept urging me to eat whatever they gave me, but I couldn’t. It starts to suffocate me. I am too full. I tell them to stop, but they wouldn’t stop. I start to get up and run away, but Kris is standing in the doorway with Mai. He sneers at me, blocking my way.

I wake up panting.

And…I am sleeping on something… fleshy. I turn my head slowly, trying to keep my heartbeat in a normal pace. Baekhyun moves slightly and my head moves along…this is weird. Why am I sleeping on his chest… why…is his arms around me?

“Shh, it’s just a dream, Kimmy,” he says soothingly.

“Baek?” I ask, in a whisper. Is this still a dream? He is too close to me. He’s making me really nervous. I can feel his cool breath on my skin.


“Why…” I start. I don’t know how to phrase the rest of my question without making things awkward. But maybe I already did.

“Um, you started thrashing all of a sudden and you were…shouting my name and Luhan’s. I didn’t know what else to do, so I just…sat beside you and you grabbed my arm, so…” he finishes awkwardly.

“Oh no…I’m sorry,” I sincerely apologize, burying my face in the closest thing to me, which happen to be…his jacket. What a day this has been.

Baekhyun laughs and brushes my hair gently. I remember him vaguely doing the same thing the last time I was an emotional mess. It must be his habit or something. Its growing on me…

“Sorry,” I repeat, too shy to say anything else.

“That’s a silly excuse for an apology,” he laughs.

“I am too weird. You should just leave me alone.” With that said, I kind of regretted it. What if he really leaves? But he doesn’t show any intention of leaving.

“Go back to sleep. I’m here if you have a nightmare,” he says. I just obey him and naturally drift back to sleep. Its unnerving how close Baekhyun’s face is to mine, but I don’t inch away.

“Sleep, Kimmy,” he hums softly. That was the last thing I heard. 

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Lovelypandabear #1
Chapter 31: DAAAMMMNNNN... There was so much happening and I was questioning who she would end up with :P. The ending was fabulous though :D
Chapter 31: This story is like so FREAKING AWESOME and i dont know why you dont have so many subscribers and upvote , since i was a little bit too late, i could only upvote for your story !!

BUT SERIOUSLY , THIS STORY IS SO AWESOME AND BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN AND JUST PERFECT , i believe its better than those featured stories in my opinion ~

Love your story author-nim. Fighting
Chapter 31: This was beautiful~ (:
Chapter 31: d'awwww <333 yayyyy i love this ending chapter so much fluff and love and baekhyunnie being sweet and awkward luhan bahahaha
EverlastingExoticElf #5
Chapter 31: Omggggg its the end TT^TT but i thought it ended already...? Extra ending? :O
cornyking #6
Chapter 31: Great story! Thanks so much for writing it! :)
Chapter 31: Loved the end! (:
This is too awesome!! I love Baekhyun here!! OH ASDFGHJKL!!
I'm looking forward to your next stories. HWAITING~~
Chapter 30: Omyghhaaaad baek. *u*