


I start swaying back and forth guiltily, tugging nervously at my sleeves. I open my mouth to speak but close it again, deciding on the best choice of words. I can’t hurt Lulu. I can’t.

“Lulu, I’m sorry, but I was just doing what’s best for you. I didn’t want you to get in trouble…and I don’t want to see you go up against Kris. I guess… I knew Baekhyun wouldn’t be … rash.” I have to force myself to look at Lulu in the eyes. His eyebrows are scrunched up together at first. Did I say something wrong? Did he realize I just indirectly called him rash? My body relaxes when he puts on a smile again. He is truly one of those people I always associate with all smiles and being chipper. He’s…my color in life, like that neon yellow highlighter pen in the midst of the other boring black and blue pens. Lulu…he’s special.

His expression softens but a look of guilt takes over. “I’m sorry for … you know, overreacting like that in front of you, Kimmy. Did I scare you? I am so sorry. I swear I don’t know what was going on with me, and I was angry and, I am just so sorry,” he starts going on a long train of apology and I laugh at him bowing down multiple times to me.

“Lulu, stop. It’s all fine and good now,” I try to take his shoulders and make him stand straight back up.

“Really? So I am forgiven by the Princess Kimmy?” his eyes glimmer with hope. Gosh, this boy needs to be in a drama class. I roll my eyes at him and sigh.

“Yes, my peasant Lulu has my divine forgiveness,” I say in a lazy drawl. Lulu starts jumping up and down like he has ants in his pants.

“Oh fair lady goddess Kimmy, let me reciprocate your kindness and generosity by taking you out. Oh please,” he whines, shaking my hands desperately and looking at me with pleading eyes. Oh Luhan, you evil boy. I give up. Of course I’d give up. It’s him.

“Fine. We might as well,” I grumble and cross my arms together. Luhan has now proceeded to parade around me in celebration, blowing invisible trumpets. Sometimes I wonder what his parents gave him to make him this way.

“Let’s go, my lady. I will take you to eat the best sundae ever in this world,” he spreads his arms widely and opens the door for me like a gentleman. When we are outside, he strolls next to me, hiding his fidgeting hands in his trouser pockets. I turn to look at his innocent boy face as he inhales the air deeply with a permanent smile glued on his handsome face.

“Where is it?”

“It’s in heaven, of course,” he answers incredulously.

“No, seriously, where is it?” My curiosity is growing. Is this the kind of place Lulu goes to when he is free?

“It’s in paradise,” he answers dreamily and he his lips. Unlike some people who make the gesture looks disgusting, Lulu does it in the most attractive, model-like way. I envy him.

“Okay, I give up. Just take me there, oh master of food,” I play along with him and this time, he is the one laughing. The road around us is almost empty except for some students walking around and busy talking to their friends, chatting very animatedly.

“Just kidding, Kimmy. Heaven is only where you are,” he winks playfully at me and I try not to blush too hard. We keep walking and we pass by a lot of shops. My eyes pass over a lot of glittering accessories, most of which I don’t really fancy. Some were pretty, but Lulu walks quite fast. I pause by a shop to admire a certain necklace but before I can even say “wow” Lulu takes my hands again and pulls me forward.

“Come on, Kimmy. We can shop later I really need you to indulge in this chocolate goodness. And I don’t know what time they close,” he says with a worried tone. I chuckle in amusement and just follow along. We don’t have to walk for a lot more before standing in front of yet another quaint shop. Its walls are painted white and there aren’t a lot of people inside. There are two waitresses dressed in full on white uniform smiling friendlily at us when we enter. I glanced to the table right beside us, where there are four schoolgirls around our age who stopped talking immediately and are checking Luhan out. I pull Lulu a little closer to me, starting to feel a little possessive. I don’t think he realizes about the girls, but he stands closer to me anyway with a wide smile.

“Table for two please.”

“There’s one right there, Luhan,” one of the waitress pipes up. She is shorter than the other one and a little chubbier. She points to a table close to the window…and in plain view of the four girls. Luhan starts leading me there and he takes the chair out for me to sit before sitting down himself. I am forced to recall our sweet date where we also ate dessert and I start smiling at the memory.

“Why are you smiling like that, Kimmy? Are you picturing me?” he narrows his eyes suspiciously, a smirk playing on his lips. I stick my tongue out at him and make a face.

“Who would picture anyone like you?” I ignore his pout and flip through the menu. After scanning through it, I close it, realizing that Luhan already said he was going to make me eat the chocolate cake. The waitress stands next to our table with pen and a pad of paper on her hands, ready to take our order.

“Ah, Luhan, are you with your girlfriend today? She’s very pretty,” the girl smiles at me and I feel myself going red. “Um…”

“Actually, she’s not my girlfriend... We are just best friends but yeah, she is very pretty, isn’t she?” Luhan beams proudly at the girl and she laughs at him. Thank goodness he came to the rescue. The words were stuck in my throat and it was going to get awkward.

“That’s nice. So are you going to get the regular?”

“Yup, and please get one for her too…with extra cream?”

“Sure, I can do that,” she scribbles on the pad and scurries off to behind the counter and start busying herself. I am already becoming jumpy myself from the thought of extra cream.

“How do you know I like extra cream?” I ask Luhan demandingly.

“You always bury your chocolate cake in cream, that’s why. And … you also have cream on your mouth sometimes,” he smirks and my mouth opens and closes like a fish on land.

“And you never told me about that, why?” I smack his arm lightly and he cracks up.

“Because it makes you look like a cute dork,” he says casually. He really needs to tune this…this… all this thing down. I cannot afford to be blushing whenever we talk.

“Excuse me.”

We turn our heads to see who came to our table. It’s one of the girls from the table I saw earlier who was eyeing Luhan a little too greedily. She is one of the prettier one, with long brown hair past her waist and a pink gloss on her thin lips. She smiles at Luhan, a little too flirtatiously that I like.

“I couldn’t help but notice you when you came in. Here’s my number. Text me?” she smiles persuasively as she holds out a piece of paper with a set of numbers on them written in the girly-est handwriting I have ever seen. Oh my, and look at those pink hearts… A little green monster in me rears its ugly head.

“Sorry, hello? He’s actually here with me, right now. He’s my date, so…would you mind leaving us alone?”

Uh oh. Maybe I should have left it to Luhan. He is looking at me, mightily amused and trying hard not to laugh. The girl is glaring at me, her fingers curling over the delicate piece of paper.

“You’re not his girlfriend. I heard him say it,” she says, her voice becoming a pitch higher.

“What if I say she is?” Luhan speaks up and smiles dazzlingly at her. Her eyes widen in shock and her face falls. She doesn’t say another word and stomps back to her table. I can finally breathe again and Luhan is just laughing quietly with hands around his mouth.

“Here you go. Enjoy!” the waitress winks at me and I grin at her. I really like her already. I take a spoonful and bite it down. The chocolate melts in my mouth and the sweet aroma lingers around.

“Hmm, this is really superb,” I comment approvingly.

“I knew you’d like it.” Luhan does a little fist pumping in the air.

I let my eyes explore the store as I eat, because Luhan seems to be really into his food, sadly. The shop looks smaller from outside but I see a huge ray of chocolate and cake for display. They all look fancy but one of them caught my eye. It’s a box filled with chocolate shaped like weird yet cute animals. There is a panda, a dragon, an owl and the list goes on.

“I am done and full,” Luhan says after a while.

“Hm, I need help. This thing is too huge,” I stare at the half eaten cake in front of me. I am surprisingly full so I push the plate to Luhan and I see him hesitating. His instincts take over him and he grins shyly before he starts eating again.

“It’s too good,” he says with his mouthful and smiling blissfully.

“No talking with your mouth full,” I scold him.

“Yes, ‘girlfriend’,” he makes air quotes when he says ‘girlfriend’ and I snort at him. That was just ridiculous, although I feel a little bad about embarrassing her. But well, she intruded on us and wasn’t nice to me.

“Were you jealous?” Luhan asks out of the blue.

“Um, obviously not. Why would I be?” I defend myself against this untimely interrogation.

“I don’t know. You don’t usually react like that. It was funny,” he grins.

“No, I was just trying to make her leave you alone. Yeah, that’s it. That’s why,” I nod my head, more like trying to convince myself than him.

“Sure. I totally believe you, Kimmy,” Luhan smirks.

“Okay, I need to excuse myself,” I stand up abruptly and walk over to the corner where the bathroom is. I can hear Luhan cackling behind me as I walk away. That boy is really one of a kind.

When I come back, he is waiting in front of the door and holding a bag with the logo of the shop on it.

“Let’s go back home,” he says cheerily. I think I need to take him here when he mops over missing out on his TV shows. It’s like I found his weak spot, which makes me feel happy for some reason…possibly because I know Luhan a little more personally now.

“Okay. How much was the cake? Let me pay you back,” I urge him.

“Nope, it was nothing. My treat. I ate your cake too anyway,” he replies. We walk out of the store together. The sky has gone darker and this is yet again another familiar memory of our date. It is almost like a repeat. We walk back home but I don’t have my attention on the shop’s windows. I watch the leaves on the trees at the side of the road fall one by one, chasing after each other. I start getting too caught up with it, so I was confused when the row of trees stops.

“Wait, where are we? Where are the trees?” I ask aloud. Luhan gives me a weird look.

“We are in school grounds, Kimmy. Are you still there? Did a monster come and posses you?” Then he gasps so loudly I jumped.

“Was it the cake?”

Now it’s my turn to stare at him, trying to comprehend the way his mysterious mind works. Cake? Really? That is what he’s thinking of that was so important and life-changing?

“Yes, Lulu. It was absolutely the cake’s fault. They drugged me,” I answer with a straight face. His eyes open wide at the same time as his mouth and I can’t help but break out laughing at the hilarious sight.

“Lulu, I was kidding, you silly,” I laugh, trying to wipe away the tears of laughter.

“Obviously I know, Kimmy. I would have been drugged too then. Now who’s the silly one, now?” he rolls his eyes and opens the door for me.

“Still you. Always is you,” I grin and poke his arm.

“Silly Kimmy. It even rhymes,” he says spiritedly.

“That is just a silly coincidence,” I point out. We are in front of my room already. The day seems to be going by so fast…

“Everything is just silly now, isn’t it? Well, goodbye Kimmy. See you soon! Oh, and this is for you,” he holds out the mysterious bag and I take it warily.

“What’s this, Lulu?”

“Just some silly chocolates I thought you’d like,” he smiles widely and waves before striding away.

“Thank you, silly Lulu!” I reply, loud enough for him to hear and he looks back over his shoulder to give me a sweet smile. I wave and enter my secret sanctum I like to call my room. I sit on the bed and carefully take off the tape that is holding the opening of the bag together. I wonder what he got me.

Oh of course… it’s those chocolates I was looking at earlier… Oh Luhan, you never cease to surprise me. My insides glow with warmth and I find my face stretching into a smile. I can’t help it. He is just so…Lulu.  



A/N: Well isn't this a long chapter... wooh! but... i like this one. Lulu is really too sweet oh gosh OTL  why am i even doing this to myself... i need to rethink my life... T_T

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Lovelypandabear #1
Chapter 31: DAAAMMMNNNN... There was so much happening and I was questioning who she would end up with :P. The ending was fabulous though :D
Chapter 31: This story is like so FREAKING AWESOME and i dont know why you dont have so many subscribers and upvote , since i was a little bit too late, i could only upvote for your story !!

BUT SERIOUSLY , THIS STORY IS SO AWESOME AND BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN AND JUST PERFECT , i believe its better than those featured stories in my opinion ~

Love your story author-nim. Fighting
Chapter 31: This was beautiful~ (:
Chapter 31: d'awwww <333 yayyyy i love this ending chapter so much fluff and love and baekhyunnie being sweet and awkward luhan bahahaha
EverlastingExoticElf #5
Chapter 31: Omggggg its the end TT^TT but i thought it ended already...? Extra ending? :O
cornyking #6
Chapter 31: Great story! Thanks so much for writing it! :)
Chapter 31: Loved the end! (:
This is too awesome!! I love Baekhyun here!! OH ASDFGHJKL!!
I'm looking forward to your next stories. HWAITING~~
Chapter 30: Omyghhaaaad baek. *u*