It's like an endless cycle


(A/N- Okay, no internet connection means writing this chapter disregarding the last chapters because I have no idea what is what. Sorry if I messed up the story line or something, but I'm pretty sure she hasn't smiled or anything yet and the last chapter was about.....almost breaking? Oh well.

Don't bash me if I'm wrong.)

You must be kidding me, correct? Time seems to have flown by. The month is almost over and this is the last day we, Beast and I, have cleaning duty. Everyone is doing whatever instead of cleaning right now.

"And and and, then the bear walks-" Yoseob is busy telling some idiotic but most likely funny joke to Junhyung who is scowling. Hyunseung is close by, as always, Junhyung in case he explodes and tries to murder Yoseob or something.

"Yah! Shouldn't we be cleaning?!" Doojoon is over in the corner, mindlessly nagging. Dongwoon is next to him, having to endure the painful talking. If he doesn't, Doojoon will actually do something, so everyone forces him to occupy Doojoon.

Kikwang, is no where to be seen, as usual. He always just pops up last minute. When he arrives, we actually start cleaning. I have no idea why it works this way, but it just does.

I'm sitting on a desk, quietly observing them, as always. Suddenly, I feel something slither down my back. I jump off the desk and turn around. I see Kikwang snickering.

"Calm down would you? All I did was slide my finger up your spine." Kikwang defends himself in the worst possible way. I glare at him.

"Are you thinking erted thoughts?" I ask him harshly. I know he doesn't, hopefully, but it's always fun to tease. Kikwang blushes and looks away, flaring his nostrils.

"No! Let's get to cleaning!" Kikwang shouts out. Different reactions spread around the room.

Junhyung and Dongwoon both shout,"Yes!".  Junhyung because now he won't have to listen to Yoseob and Dongwoon because he won't have to listen to Doojoon.

"Awwww, I didn't get to finish my joke!" Yoseob complains as always. Hyunseung stays quiet but nods and Doojoon smiles. I start to gather the supplies. There was a cycle now for who was to go with me to get the supplies.

The order is Yoseob, Kikwang, Dongwoon, Hyunseung, Doojoon and lastly Junhyung. Today is Hyunseung's turn. It still baffles me why Beast has taken favor in me but I don't complain. In less than ten minutes, the classroom we were assigned is clean and spotless. I start to pack away the supplies and then move onto my own things.

As I head out the door, I hear Doojoon call me,"Jeung-o." I stop and turn around to face them all, lined up according to height. 

"Yes, Doojoon?" I ask. Doojoon shifts around uncomfortably, along with the rest of Beast. I swear, their sychronism is freaky scary. I used to think maybe they just mimic each other but that does not explain how they talk at the same time.

"You're....still-" Doojoon starts slowly but is interrupted.

"You're not going to stop being friends with us, right?!" The rest of Beast shout out at the same time. Freaky sychroism I tell you. I nod regardless though. Stop being friends with my only friends? I get lonely too. A wave of relief washes over Beast and they are back to being happy fools.

"Why would you ask that?" I ask them, quite curious. A small chuckle ripples throughout them.

"We....." Yoseob starts.

"We were....." Dongwoon adds uncomfortably.

"We were afraid, okay?" Doojoon finishes for them. I nod in realization. Do they really think I am a heartless creature still?

"Mwoh? No!" Junhyung, surprisingly says. Aish, I must've been thinking aloud once again.

"Yeah, you were." Kikwang informs me. What a bad habit.

"Not really, we like it when you think and say stuff at the same time. Let's us know you're not thinking bad things about us all the time." Doojoon says. Aish, you guys.

"See! You do think bad things about us!" Yoseob blurts out, immediately recieving a glare from me. He cowers and hides behind Junhyung, who aruptly moves. I just noticed, where's Hyunseung.

"Behind you." Dongwoon points out. I turn around and almost fall because Hyunseung was so close. Luckily, he catches me and sets me up properly. This is a good thing about being a ninja, you're fast. I clasp my hang over my mouth quickly.

"So Hyunseung has a nickname!" Beast yells at me. I look at Hyunseung, who is smirking victoriously. I lightly slap his arm and he gets the hint of what I want him to do. Using his super ninja skills, we're in the hallway, running away from an angry Beast. Why do I keep being chased by these lunatics? Why do I always have fun while it happens?

Hyunseung answers these questions,"Because, Jeung-o, you like us and we like you." Hyunseung taps my nose and continues the running. I look back and see Beast slowly disappearing. Told you Hyunseung is a ninja.

GAAAH ANOTHER SENTIMENTAL CHAPTER. Anyone notice the pun up there? If not, lemme help,"....running away from an angry Beast." I think that's a pun. I don't know, best I got. Aren't I punny though? keke.

GUESS WHAT JEUNG-O IS GONNA DO SOON?!?! You'll never guess, it's not smiling just to let ya know!


I have a new fan fic! It's called Wizardry. (Beast biased don't worry) I don't know why I chose to make that one of all the ideas I had, but I just HAD to. My gut told me to and I actually listened this time!! If I listened before, I might be promoting The Keeper or something....oh well, after DB is done maybe.

COMMENT!! okay, bye~ and sorry for the seemingly short chapter 

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Chapter 19: Aww, I just started reading this story and I really like the plot (the characters are so cute //>w<//), but if you think it's better rewritten then it's ok ^^
Chapter 19: If you think a rewrite is what's best, then go for it! Just so long as this story gets an ending and I get to read plenty of cute and hilarious moments with these characters, I don't mind the rewrite. :)
Aww.. I liked the plot ><
LOOOL SARANG, DONT BE A . UR NAME MEANS LOVE. so lets spread the lovveeeeeeee~
Ooo drama :) hope sarang doesn't try anything in her.. N if she does I hope it brings jeungo n kikwang closer <3
SJ-LikeThis #6
write longer chapters! >.<<br />
grr, shirt chapters are bad -.-<br />
Did you update this today? o.O<br />
I got the lil' notification a couple days ago and there was no new chapter....AFF is messed.<br />
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I think I died when I saw the Super Junior picture...<br />
'we are super junior, the last man standing!'<br />
kejdjeiwdnrkddrkeifbekwidhbt<br />
I also like that ab-ful beast picture you put ;D<br />
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@PrincessBubbleTea, Isn't it? I just love this arc right now... Wizardry isn't feeling any love.. I know. There's no Beast in the next few chapters so... NO FUN FOR ME. Will do! Shirtless beast coming up!!<br />
@YoseobIsMyLife, Pft. didn't you see it Lucy? Dongwoon got a !! And Doojoon, and the rest of them. Jeung-o legs!! You didn't even try -_- so.... NO SUJU FOR YOU. Will try~~ <br />
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Saranghae my commenters!! <33
You really don't like Deep Breath anymore, huh? You won't update. Not that I care, EXPRESSIONLESS IS AWESOME!!!
SJ-LikeThis #9
OH THANK GOODNESS. No boners in this chapter xD oh erted unnie. <br />
<br />
this chapter was 'so glas'. Ha, I said it ^.^ <br />
<br />
you should put a picture of super frickin junior :D but I didn't win so grr.<br />
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update MORE. once you go to school you will, right? >.<
Eeep.... You need to request a pictuuure. >.<<br />
Well, you drink for the first time and pass out.... If she remembered something it wouldn't be fun would it!? I'll try to update soon~~ /Determined face