The Promise


Okay, continue now.)

I show up a bit early for cleaning duty so I decide to get out all the supplies before the rest of them arrive.

While making my last trip from the utility closet for students, someone bumps into me and runs off. They cause me to drop several things and spill soapy water over myself.

"Haha! You should've seen her face!" I hear someone say, further down the hallway.

"Babo! Ice can't do anything with that ugly face!" Then they burst into undying laughter. I breath in slowly and pick myself up off the floor.

I quickly pick up all the things scattered across the floor and carry them to the room. The boys have now arrived and all turn to me when I walk in. I set the things down like normal and start assembling the mop.

Eventually, one of them gets over his shock and asks me,"Why are you all wet?!" I look up him and just shrug casually.

"That's it? You shrug? You'll get sick!" Another says, just after recovering.

"This is nothing. May we start cleaning now?" I reply. Honestly, I thought they all would've heard the rumors by now. How 'Ice' is cold and mean. I'm sure Jessica just happened to meet them outside the classroom before they went in and invited them somewhere. Why are they here?

"Wow. You really are cold." One of them observes. I knew they would've heard something but I finally notice a hand on my left arm.

"Come on, take the soaked jacket off." The same one orders me. I follow his instructions obediently. Immediately following me taking my jacket off is him putting his jacket on me. I look up at him weirdly.

"What? I don't want you to get sick or cold. Well, colder." He replies smiling warmly. I blankly stare at him and soon his expression falters.

"Does she not know how to smile?" I hear one of them whisper. I turn to the one who said it and his eyes widen when he realises he's been caught.

"Sorry." He says feeling bad and guilty. I shake my head lightly.

"It's okay. I actually can't smile." I inform them. Just as I expected, an awkward and suffocating silence falls over all of us.

Unexpectedly, one of them blurts out,"The first thing you say to us is that you can't smile? That's so sad!" Suddenly, they all come running towards me and give me a huge group hug.

"Uh...." I say, speechless at their action.

"We will make you smile again." They all promise me. I stare at them dumbfounded. Make me smile again? Impossible. My umma and appa have already tried everything. Nothing has worked. What can six boys do? Not make me smile, that's for sure.

Remember how I said life has a weird way of working things out? Yeah. Life has a really weird way of working things out.

I'm sorry it's so short, but I really did have A NICE LONG chapter. Then it got lost somewhere between me pressing Update and it loading. Sorry for these horrible "Intro" chapters, I guess. The story will pick up and the fun will get started soon! And don't worry, the boys' names will be out next chapter. I get really confused writing "He" and "Him" all the time.


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Chapter 19: Aww, I just started reading this story and I really like the plot (the characters are so cute //>w<//), but if you think it's better rewritten then it's ok ^^
Chapter 19: If you think a rewrite is what's best, then go for it! Just so long as this story gets an ending and I get to read plenty of cute and hilarious moments with these characters, I don't mind the rewrite. :)
Aww.. I liked the plot ><
LOOOL SARANG, DONT BE A . UR NAME MEANS LOVE. so lets spread the lovveeeeeeee~
Ooo drama :) hope sarang doesn't try anything in her.. N if she does I hope it brings jeungo n kikwang closer <3
SJ-LikeThis #6
write longer chapters! >.<<br />
grr, shirt chapters are bad -.-<br />
Did you update this today? o.O<br />
I got the lil' notification a couple days ago and there was no new chapter....AFF is messed.<br />
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I think I died when I saw the Super Junior picture...<br />
'we are super junior, the last man standing!'<br />
kejdjeiwdnrkddrkeifbekwidhbt<br />
I also like that ab-ful beast picture you put ;D<br />
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@PrincessBubbleTea, Isn't it? I just love this arc right now... Wizardry isn't feeling any love.. I know. There's no Beast in the next few chapters so... NO FUN FOR ME. Will do! Shirtless beast coming up!!<br />
@YoseobIsMyLife, Pft. didn't you see it Lucy? Dongwoon got a !! And Doojoon, and the rest of them. Jeung-o legs!! You didn't even try -_- so.... NO SUJU FOR YOU. Will try~~ <br />
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Saranghae my commenters!! <33
You really don't like Deep Breath anymore, huh? You won't update. Not that I care, EXPRESSIONLESS IS AWESOME!!!
SJ-LikeThis #9
OH THANK GOODNESS. No boners in this chapter xD oh erted unnie. <br />
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this chapter was 'so glas'. Ha, I said it ^.^ <br />
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you should put a picture of super frickin junior :D but I didn't win so grr.<br />
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update MORE. once you go to school you will, right? >.<
Eeep.... You need to request a pictuuure. >.<<br />
Well, you drink for the first time and pass out.... If she remembered something it wouldn't be fun would it!? I'll try to update soon~~ /Determined face