He has NICE legs.


(A/N- Annyeong! I know I haven't updated.... in a while. WHO AM I KIDDING? IT'S BEEN FOREVER I'VE MISSED YOU ALL!! Well, all 31 of you ;D. Anyone care to get me more subbies? Hehe... I'm joking of course. [Not really, anyone wanna recommend me to your friends?] HEHE. ENJOY NOW!!)

"Have you notified your parents, Miss?" The maid asked me worriedly for umpteenth time. I sigh and nod my head in very assuring manner. I've informed my parents and of course they said yes after checking that my safety would be secure. Of course it would. I mean, what could go wrong when a pretty girl goes to the beach with six y boys? Wait.

Did I just say Beast was y? y? I mean, they are but.... They are! So it's fine, for me to call them that? What's with the question mark? There's no need for a question mark. It's fine for me to call them that. Beast is y! Of course!

Those boys really are driving me crazy.

"Miss?" I hear the maid's voice and came back to Earth. I turn my head to her and she opens but then cowers away and my personal maid fills the air that the other person left void.

"Which beach?" She asks me casually. I shrug and shake my head subtly.

"I don't know. They didn't tell me." I respond to her, immediately wanting to take it back because here comes a scolding.

"What!? Jeung-o!! Do you know how unsafe that is? I'm already against you going without any other girls but not knowing where you going! Omo! How-" She nags me but I cut her off to prevent myself from being late.

"I'll be late! Have to go now!" I say loudly, already dashing towards the door. Hei was too slow and couldn't catch me before I was out the door and jogging to the bus stop.

(A/N- First time the maid's name is mentioned! Her last name is Park. Why does it matter? She's a crossover! From a story that is yet to exist. SIGH. Who can tell what story it is?? I'll give you cooookies.)

To my surprise, when I arrive at the bus stop, Beast is there. I slow down significantly and walk to them at a leisure pace.

Then I'm attacked.

By six boys who spotted me.

It doesn't feel good being dog piled under six boys.

"Get. Off." I manage to get muffled out. Dongwoon, who was the closest to me, which is pretty close seeing how we were, well, piled on each other, gasps and jumps off. Causing each and everyone of them be thrown in the air and fall on their butts.

I feel that twinge again. It was much stronger this time though.

I was going to get up myself but then a hand showed up in front of my face. I looked up to be greeted by Kikwang's blushing face. He wasn't looking at me but that shade of red could be spotted from miles. To prevent myself from further looking like an idiot, I grab his hand and immediately, he pulls me up ease.

"Um... uh... You o-okay?" He stutters. I nod my head slowly, slightly confused by his strange behavior. He has been like this for a few days now. It's peculiar.

"Um.. okay. W-we rented a car. D-do y-you have your s-stuff? I I mean t-things. It's not s-stuff. Well, it is stuff... but-"

"Yes! I do Kikwang oppa. Let's go now, okay?"  I say just to keep him baffling. I take his hand and pull him towards the others.

(A/N- GASP! She's holding his hand!!)

When we start nearing them, Doojoon and and Yoseob stop laughing and everyone else freezes. I tilt my head in a confused way and then their gazes shift to somewhere lower. I look around, still confused, and my eyes land on Kikwang's strong looking legs.

So.... toned.

And.... so many mus-

"Jeung-o!!" Someone's voice makes me snap my head up. I look around embarrassed and notice Kikwang is standing there looking at the ground and and smiling nervously, looking like he might pass out or barf. Or both.

"Um... let's go."

And so we set out to the beach. Oh, if I knew what was going happen next, I would've stayed right there at the bus stop. Too bad I didn't know.

Okay, I know it to end it right there but it's THAT or NO UPDATE. CHOOSE. I choose that.

There's a reason.. okay? You don't have to read:

My mom is making me work ALL week so I don't have my laptop anymore. AND she took my laptop away. I get it for ten minutes every night and I get Sundays off. I typed this chapter over two days because today is American independence day so I get to clean my house and go to my grandma's. [The second I don't mind much].  Also, this would've come faster but my little cousins wrapped me up in blankets and jumped on me....  Heh heh. Forgiven?

ALSO. I just HAD to update because DOOJOON'S BIRTHDAY IS TODAY!!

Happy birthday even though it's pass in Korea. THE THOUGHT IS WHAT COUNTS RIGHT!? Love you~


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Chapter 19: Aww, I just started reading this story and I really like the plot (the characters are so cute //>w<//), but if you think it's better rewritten then it's ok ^^
Chapter 19: If you think a rewrite is what's best, then go for it! Just so long as this story gets an ending and I get to read plenty of cute and hilarious moments with these characters, I don't mind the rewrite. :)
Aww.. I liked the plot ><
LOOOL SARANG, DONT BE A . UR NAME MEANS LOVE. so lets spread the lovveeeeeeee~
Ooo drama :) hope sarang doesn't try anything in her.. N if she does I hope it brings jeungo n kikwang closer <3
SJ-LikeThis #6
write longer chapters! >.<<br />
grr, shirt chapters are bad -.-<br />
Did you update this today? o.O<br />
I got the lil' notification a couple days ago and there was no new chapter....AFF is messed.<br />
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I think I died when I saw the Super Junior picture...<br />
'we are super junior, the last man standing!'<br />
kejdjeiwdnrkddrkeifbekwidhbt<br />
I also like that ab-ful beast picture you put ;D<br />
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@PrincessBubbleTea, Isn't it? I just love this arc right now... Wizardry isn't feeling any love.. I know. There's no Beast in the next few chapters so... NO FUN FOR ME. Will do! Shirtless beast coming up!!<br />
@YoseobIsMyLife, Pft. didn't you see it Lucy? Dongwoon got a !! And Doojoon, and the rest of them. Jeung-o legs!! You didn't even try -_- so.... NO SUJU FOR YOU. Will try~~ <br />
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Saranghae my commenters!! <33
You really don't like Deep Breath anymore, huh? You won't update. Not that I care, EXPRESSIONLESS IS AWESOME!!!
SJ-LikeThis #9
OH THANK GOODNESS. No boners in this chapter xD oh erted unnie. <br />
<br />
this chapter was 'so glas'. Ha, I said it ^.^ <br />
<br />
you should put a picture of super frickin junior :D but I didn't win so grr.<br />
<br />
update MORE. once you go to school you will, right? >.<
Eeep.... You need to request a pictuuure. >.<<br />
Well, you drink for the first time and pass out.... If she remembered something it wouldn't be fun would it!? I'll try to update soon~~ /Determined face