Drunk Jeung-o


(A/N- Hi guys!! It's been a while... again. I'm sorry, I was preparing for a trip and didn't have time to update >.<

Please enjoy drunken Jeung-o now. She'll do something and hopefully you'll forgive me for the wait?

AND Please remember, it's third person.

OH! ALSOOOOO, keep your eyes open and tell me how many times she.... does "something" in the comments. You'll get a pic request~)

"What are you guys looking at?"

Dongwoon and Yoseob couldn't respond because both of them were staring at her belly. Doojoon and Kikwang were trying to figure out how to solve this. Junhyung is wallowing in self-hate for accidentally making Jeung-o drunk and Hyunseung was no where to be seen.

Or was he?

"Jeung-o, please put your shirt back on." Hyunseung requests politely. He didn't know exactly how drunk she is and didn't especially want to find out any time soon.

Jeung-o pouts, shocking everyone, and says in the same cute manner,"It's really hot~, Hyunseung. You're not wearing a shirt. Why can't I?" Hyunseung gulps unknowingly along with everyone else at the sight of a shirtless, pouting, hair twirling, swaying Jeung-o.

"Why are you all staring again?" Jeung-o asks, now leaning forward making it look like she's about to fall but instead her hands land on her knees to support her just in time. By now, a small bulge could be seen in each of the boys' shorts.


"Jeung-o..... Please, just put your shirt back on." Hyunseung pleads, appearing to be the only one who can speak, trying to hide his growing bulge.

(A/N- THAT is for Lucy too.)

"No! It's too hot!" Jeung-o fumes, stomping her foot like a child and puffing her cheeks out. Hyunseung, not longer able to take in the sudden girly cuteness, turns away and collapses on his knees. This makes Doojoon wake up and take action.

"Jeung-o.... How are you feeling?" Doojoon asks to test how sober she really is. Jeung-o gasps and smiles tenderly before running up to Doojoon and giving him a full on hug.

"Doojoon! You're so sweet! No one ever asks me how I'm feeling." She laughs into his ear. Doojoon freezes at the sudden contact and behavior. Jeung-o laugh fills everyone's ear however and Beast all melt inside. Their boners becoming noticeably larger.

(A/N- I'll stop with the boners now.... kekekeke. Enjoyed that Lucy?)

Yoseob repeatedly slaps Dongwoon's arm with his mouth hanging open,"Yah, yah, yah, yah, yah, yah, yah..... Did...." But he didn't have to finish because Dongwoon is already nodding speechlessly. Everyone else just stood there until one of them regained consciousness.

"Doojoon, get away from Jeung-o, now." Kikwang orders sternly. Doojoon's eyes widen and he quickly tries to remove Jeung-o from himself but she wasn't exactly cooperating.

"No! Doojoon, I thought you liked me! Don't you like my hugs?" Jeung-o complains, feigning tears and her pout becoming extra plump. Doojoon swallows the lump building in his throat and shuts his eyes to prevent any more aegyo from infecting him.

Kikwang breathes out to control his anger, but he doesn't even understand why he is so angry, and walks up to Doojoon in a menacing way. In one swift moment he pulls Jeung-o off of Doojoon and holds her protectively. Time seems to freeze as everyone is confused on why Kikwang just did that. Sure, Beast is awfully protective of Jeung-o, but the look in Kikwang's eyes were deadly, and this was his friend those daggers were pointed at.

"Kikwang......" Hyunseung says, appearing by Kikwang's side suddenly. He put a hand on Kikwang's shoulder like he does with Junhyung and Kikwang calms down noticeably.  Everyone tenses up again when Jeung-o giggles and snuggles into Kikwang's chest.

"Kikwang, you know you're kind of squishy?" Jeung-o giggles out. Kikwang turns red and everyone else bursts out laughing. Jeung-o laughs too and hugs him tighter. She mumbles something incoherently.

"What Jeung-o?" Kikwang asks, curious to what she said. Jeung-o looks up at him with big eyes and pouts cutely.

"I said,'But I li-" However, Jeung-o didn't finish because she collapsed again, panicking everyone. Kikwang couldn't think straight any more either, even though he had a lot to think about. Kikwang just held her limply in his arms as he contemplated what she was about to say.

Yo. How'd you like this little chapter? Remember that challenge up there? Go back, or not, and count how many times she "expresses herself in a way out of character". LAME. Just count the times she laugh and stuff like that. Yeah, saying it like that is better and more simplified.

Okee dokee, bai bai. See you next chapter!!

For those for enjoy reading my thoughts: (Because this is a super A/N)

It took like... FOREVER to type this up. To be honest, I had no idea what to make her do, at least 100%. I had this scene where she would kiss all of them but..... that didn't make it out of the idea tunnel.  Then I had one where she would just kiss one of them. No. One where she runs off and hides but that's stupid and has no way for ME as the author to get out of the grave I dug. Basically, I had A LOT of ideas.... and you got this. Shows what the author sees and what the reader reads. Wow... that could make a poem... OFF TO MY POEM WEBSITE!!

Bai for real, and please feel free to comment. JUST COMMENT IF YOU WANT!! I don't actually know each of my subscribers (Heh heh....) so I won't go on your wall and say: HEY YOU COMMENTED AND DIDN'T SUBSCRIBE! SUBSCRIBE NAAAAO.

I love reading your comments. They give me happiness. By the way, could someone tell me if I should make Jeung-o freely smile after this episode or she can only smile when she's drunk? I have a feeling I know what y'all will say.

Bai now~ <3 Saranghae all of readers.

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Chapter 19: Aww, I just started reading this story and I really like the plot (the characters are so cute //>w<//), but if you think it's better rewritten then it's ok ^^
Chapter 19: If you think a rewrite is what's best, then go for it! Just so long as this story gets an ending and I get to read plenty of cute and hilarious moments with these characters, I don't mind the rewrite. :)
Aww.. I liked the plot ><
LOOOL SARANG, DONT BE A . UR NAME MEANS LOVE. so lets spread the lovveeeeeeee~
Ooo drama :) hope sarang doesn't try anything in her.. N if she does I hope it brings jeungo n kikwang closer <3
SJ-LikeThis #6
write longer chapters! >.<<br />
grr, shirt chapters are bad -.-<br />
Did you update this today? o.O<br />
I got the lil' notification a couple days ago and there was no new chapter....AFF is messed.<br />
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I think I died when I saw the Super Junior picture...<br />
'we are super junior, the last man standing!'<br />
kejdjeiwdnrkddrkeifbekwidhbt<br />
I also like that ab-ful beast picture you put ;D<br />
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@PrincessBubbleTea, Isn't it? I just love this arc right now... Wizardry isn't feeling any love.. I know. There's no Beast in the next few chapters so... NO FUN FOR ME. Will do! Shirtless beast coming up!!<br />
@YoseobIsMyLife, Pft. didn't you see it Lucy? Dongwoon got a !! And Doojoon, and the rest of them. Jeung-o legs!! You didn't even try -_- so.... NO SUJU FOR YOU. Will try~~ <br />
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Saranghae my commenters!! <33
You really don't like Deep Breath anymore, huh? You won't update. Not that I care, EXPRESSIONLESS IS AWESOME!!!
SJ-LikeThis #9
OH THANK GOODNESS. No boners in this chapter xD oh erted unnie. <br />
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this chapter was 'so glas'. Ha, I said it ^.^ <br />
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you should put a picture of super frickin junior :D but I didn't win so grr.<br />
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update MORE. once you go to school you will, right? >.<
Eeep.... You need to request a pictuuure. >.<<br />
Well, you drink for the first time and pass out.... If she remembered something it wouldn't be fun would it!? I'll try to update soon~~ /Determined face