

It had been about two and half hours since we were in the car. Luckily, the air conditioning is amazing and the air was at least very cool. The worst part was how cramped it was. For Beast, not me. Since everyone was too young to drive, they hired a driver. That left four seats, for six boys. The car actually had seven total seats, not including the driver's seat. Three rows of chairs. Beast insisted I have the entire back row to myself because obviously, if one of them sit with me there would be chaos. Either way, there's chaos, really.

"Get off my foot!" Junhyung demands irritably. Doojoon turns around in the front seat to scold them all.

"Yah! Just deal with it! We only have about forty minutes left!" Yoseob and Dongwoon both groan and fall over each other. Toppling Hyunseung over.

"Yah. Watch it." Hyunseung says calmly but his eyes twitch in annoyance. Kikwang sighs and scoots over a bit to create an insignificant amount of space. That doesn't keep everyone to scoot over a bit too though.

I look at the two seats around me. One is occupied with some of our stuff, the rest was in the trunk. Well, if one of them at least sit in the seat next to me, Yoseob or Dongwoon can get off the floor. I bit my lip in consideration. Is it worth it? They would probably fight over who but it would create more space. I sigh inaudibly and subtly tap Kikwang's shoulder.

(A/N- OMO! She chose Kwangie!!! >.<)

He turns he head and he looks irritated but when Kikwang realizes it's me and he softly smiles.

"Yeh?" He asks tiredly. I put my index finger in front of my mouth and gesture for him to come back here with me. Kikwang's eyes widen and he breathes out sharply as his cheeks turn pinkish. I gesture for him to hurry so Kikwang purses his lips together and quickly slip out of his seat into the one next to me. Before anyone can realize what's going on, Kikwang is sitting next to me.

First, Hyunseung figures it out,"WHAT THE! KIKWANG GET BACK HERE." This startled everyone because Hyunseung never yells. Never. I have to calm him down before something happens.

"Hyunseung! It's okay." I tell him. Hyunseung breathes in and closes his eyes because he doesn't want to yell at me. Before he can say anything, I speak again.

"This creates more space for you, so please," I start and then make my voice smaller on purpose," Don't be angry." As expected, they all melt under this cheap aegyo trick. It's not even my best. I may not be able to pout but my voice is enough to charm anyone. I look up and Hyunseung has scooted over to make room for Junhyung and for Yoseob to come up. I sit back and and feel the twinge again.

As I try to get more comfortable, I bump into something. I turn my head and collide with Kikwang's arm. That's right, he's sitting there. I forgot. Why......... why does my chest hurt slightly.


"Um... I I can move if y-you want." Kikwang offers me. I shake my head.

"This was my idea, I shouldn't trouble you." I tell him. Kikwang shrugs meekly and looks away quickly. What's that about?

The car ride went on for about fifteen more minutes before it stopped. Doojoon frowned and the driver laughed awkwardly.

"What happened?" Junhyung asks. No one speaks for a moment so Junhyung grunts and roughly hits the back of Doojoon's seat.

"Yah! Don't do that!" Doojoon scolds him. Junhyung narrows his eyes and asks the same thing again. The driver finally announces it.

"The car broke down."

Wow... Cliffy anyone? Take this or no update. I have a FUN thing in mind for the next chapter. SPOILER!! She LAUGHS. There, now you're frustrated that the next chapter isn't here, right? Well, I tease. Also, the next chapter might be in third person because Jeung-o won't remember ANYTHING. KNOW WHY??


Also, rereading the story I noticed some things. Biggest thing? Dongwoon asking Sunny what she's doing to YUN. HAHA!! How'd that get there?!? I'll fix it later.

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Chapter 19: Aww, I just started reading this story and I really like the plot (the characters are so cute //>w<//), but if you think it's better rewritten then it's ok ^^
Chapter 19: If you think a rewrite is what's best, then go for it! Just so long as this story gets an ending and I get to read plenty of cute and hilarious moments with these characters, I don't mind the rewrite. :)
Aww.. I liked the plot ><
LOOOL SARANG, DONT BE A . UR NAME MEANS LOVE. so lets spread the lovveeeeeeee~
Ooo drama :) hope sarang doesn't try anything in her.. N if she does I hope it brings jeungo n kikwang closer <3
SJ-LikeThis #6
write longer chapters! >.<<br />
grr, shirt chapters are bad -.-<br />
Did you update this today? o.O<br />
I got the lil' notification a couple days ago and there was no new chapter....AFF is messed.<br />
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I think I died when I saw the Super Junior picture...<br />
'we are super junior, the last man standing!'<br />
kejdjeiwdnrkddrkeifbekwidhbt<br />
I also like that ab-ful beast picture you put ;D<br />
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@PrincessBubbleTea, Isn't it? I just love this arc right now... Wizardry isn't feeling any love.. I know. There's no Beast in the next few chapters so... NO FUN FOR ME. Will do! Shirtless beast coming up!!<br />
@YoseobIsMyLife, Pft. didn't you see it Lucy? Dongwoon got a !! And Doojoon, and the rest of them. Jeung-o legs!! You didn't even try -_- so.... NO SUJU FOR YOU. Will try~~ <br />
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Saranghae my commenters!! <33
You really don't like Deep Breath anymore, huh? You won't update. Not that I care, EXPRESSIONLESS IS AWESOME!!!
SJ-LikeThis #9
OH THANK GOODNESS. No boners in this chapter xD oh erted unnie. <br />
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this chapter was 'so glas'. Ha, I said it ^.^ <br />
<br />
you should put a picture of super frickin junior :D but I didn't win so grr.<br />
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update MORE. once you go to school you will, right? >.<
Eeep.... You need to request a pictuuure. >.<<br />
Well, you drink for the first time and pass out.... If she remembered something it wouldn't be fun would it!? I'll try to update soon~~ /Determined face