Our Soft Fishy, Donghae @ Lee Donghae

15 stories in 1 family -Prom15e to Bel13ve-

Donghae (Lee Donghae) – Appa, your son is famous nowadays

Song : Super Junior - Superman

I stood there, in front of his cemetery. Days passed so fast and now it has been few years he left me. I could still remember his warm and touches.


Some memories flashed into my mind.



I walked fast back to home. I was excited to tell my father about the competition. I won it and got a chance to train under a big company. I knew I should thank him for supporting me.

I arrived at my house and rushed to find my father.

“Appa~~” I came to hug him when I saw him. He startled but the chuckled.

“Yes, ahdeul. Wae?”

“I won.” I showed him the certificate. He smiled.

“Congrats my son.” He patted my back.

“And there’s another good news.” My father raised his brow.

“I scouted to become a trainee under a big company.” He beamed.

“That’s good. We should celebrate it, hum?” I beamed to him.

“Sure!” He guffawed and I smiled.


I nervously played with my palms. It was sweating. It was my turn next. The company was held an audition for the new group they will be arranged to debut. I just hope I could win this competition and debuted.

“Lee Donghae ssi.” I looked up when my name called. I took a breath and calmed myself. My father’s word lingered in my head.

“Never feel nervous. You’re the best, I know.” I just smiled and walked to the audition room.


I happily called him after the audition done. I must told him the best news.

“Yoboseyeo? Appa!”

“Woah…” I giggled.

“Appa. I got accepted~” I said.

“Ouh. Good. I hope I could go there and celebrate it with you, ahdeul.” I smiled.

“It’s okay, appa. I just want you to know.” He coughed.

“Don’t work too hard, watch for your health too.” I smiled again.

“Arasseo appa, you too. Take care of your health.”

“I know.” I giggled.

“Okay, appa~ wish me luck. I’m going to meet the other members.” I said.

“Okay. Good luck.”


I hugged him when he came for the party. It’s the first time all of our parents got together. I felt guilty when he need to come here from house.

“Appa.” He smiled.

“My son sure get handsome day by day.” I smiled. Leeteuk hyung came to us.

“Donghae’s appa?” My father nodded. I released the hug. Leeteuk hyung and my father shook hands. My father suddenly hugged him. Leeteuk hyung startled.

“You’re the big hyung?” My father asked.

“Ah, neh.”

“Leeteuk hyung is the leader.” I said. My father released him and smiled. Leeteuk hyung smiled back.

“Come, ajusshi. We could talk more. The other parents are inside.” Leeteuk hyung said. My father just smiled and followed Leeteuk hyung. I followed after them.


I looked around and saw my father was talking to Leeteuk hyung. I smiled, I thought my father already left.

“Appa.” They turned. My father smiled to me. He signaled me to come.

I came and hugged him. “Are you leaving now?”

“Hum, have to leave.” He said. I pouted. Leeteuk hyung just smiled to see my pout.

“Well, we will meet next time.” My father said.

“I will try to go home.”

“Don’t force yourself too much, take care of your health too. Don’t work too hard and always enjoyed what you do. I know you will succeed some day.” He patted my head. I nodded a bit.

“Jungsoo ah, take care of this kid neh? He maybe a little bit childish and stubborn but he has the soft heart. I gave him in your care as you’re the big hyung among them. I believe you could lead him and the others well. You will be a great leader, I know.” My father said.

“I will, ajusshi.” Leeteuk hyung nodded. I could see his eyes were a bit teary.

“Appa~” He turned to me.

“Listen to your hyung, never disobey him, arasseo?” I nodded. He smiled and ruffled my hair.

“Love you ahdeul.”

“Love appa too~” Leeteuk hyung just smiled when I hugged my father tight.

Soon, my father left.


Today is my first payday. I thought of going home today. I just got the news last week that my father’s health is worsened. As I’m busy, I still can’t visit him. I knew today I could go.

I accepted my pay and happily went to my hometown. Somehow, I felt nervous.

On the way, my palms kept sweating. It’s not a good sign.

I finally arrived at my hometown. I walked to my house.

Adding to my worries, I saw people at my house. I walked closer and saw my mother. She wore a black outfit. I knew that outfit…

“Umma…” She turned.

“Donghae ah…” I saw her tears. I wrinkled.

“What happened?” She bit her lips. I looked into the house. My eyes widened to see my father’s picture. A memorial.


(end of flashback)


“I know you would be here.” I snapped from my memories. I turned to the voice.

“Leeteuk hyung.” He smiled and put a white flower next to mine.

“Today is his memorial day. I can’t believe some years already passed.” Leeteuk hyung said. I just formed a sad smile.

“I miss him hyung.” Leeteuk hyung placed his hand on my shoulder. He squeezed it a bit.

“I know.” I smiled.

“Appa, gomawo. I still remember all your words. And I appreciate your supports, appa.” I said.

“I remember his words to me. He believe you will become a famous singer one day.” Leeteuk hyung said. I looked at him. Then, I turned back to his cemetery.


“Ajusshi, your son already fulfill what you wish for.” Leeteuk hyung said. I just smiled.

“I’ll wait you outside. Don’t stay for too long.” Leeteuk hyung said. I nodded and he left.

I smiled to my father. “Appa, thank you.”

A wind blew, making me beamed.

“Appa, your son is famous nowadays, thanks to your support.”


Author’s Note:

Hey, I’m back with Donghae’s part…

I don’t have any words to say more…

Just want to do this story till the end…

I hope you will still read till the end…

Kamsahamnida *bow


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two more...and it will finish here ^^


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Chapter 16: omg i love your story! it felt so real! authornim, honestly your fanfic is the FIRST fic that made me CRY!! i've never cried when reading a fic, i repeat NEVER but yours manage to make me CRY 3 TIMES. 3 TIMES FOR ONE FIC. i, myself was shocked because i cry when reading your fic. it was at the Hangeng, Yesung and Kibum part. great job authornim! i'll remember your fic forever :))
machata #2
Chapter 16: I love henry storyy the mostt<3
Chapter 15: How dare you when you delete my 4th comment! Anyway, I like Kyuhyun's story better. I will still wait for Henry's story, the last one of them all.
Chapter 14: Wow for wookie! Please update Kyuhyun's story and Henry's!
Chapter 13: Update the next Suju member, Ryeowook's story please
Chapter 12: Update about Ryeowook, Kyuhyun and Henry's stories please! I want to know what happend next!
Chapter 10: Different stories, different kind of genres. I love sungmin's story. :) I'm just curious though, why pumpkin related to min?