
My Fiance is a Prosecutor





( spamming Yoseob's red wine hair ^^ )
















Five months later


Yoseob’s pov


I smile and answer the call. The caller warmly greets me and I do the same. It’s heartwarming though to be able to speak to him. The half-aged man did not say much besides asking my condition and my progresses on my final year.


I told him I was all fine. I am doing great both in my routine life and do the papers and my researches. To wrap up, I am all fine here.


“When will be your scholarship ends?”

My mind automatically summons the details and answers him. The man just hummed and I can imagine he is nodding his head.

“You can do your practical in my hospital. Dujun told me about your upcoming practical and I am glad to have you here.” He said and I widened my eyes.

Uh-oh. That boy did tell his father about this? I thought he won’t.






“Are you sure? I can ask Dad.”

My mind plays it roles for the time and I quickly snap his suggestion. I-I don’t think so.

“I don’t think it’s suitable-“

“Are you afraid of him?” Dujun laughs and I scoff. Afraid? Am not! He is one of my ‘father’ and why would I scare? He is not a monster or a murderer…


“…I just thought of having my practical at M hospital. Henry, the boy I told you was going to have his there, too. And by the case, I think I will be able to do more if-“

“Yoseob-ah…” the boy on the line called my name and I remain silent for a while. Seconds later, I heard a soft sigh and a giggle.


“Are you trying to avoid me?”

Snapped! He got me.


“I don’t think so, Yoseob-ah.” Dujun chuckles. He continues,” I bet Dongwoonie or Gna noona had tell you about our families’ plans, didn’t you? that’s why you are trying to avoid me as best as you can.” He laughs.


“I will tell about this to Dad and don’t you ever try to get away from me.” he added more and laughed. This boy…I miss to see him laughing.


“…just do well in your last year and papers and make it fast to here. I miss you like crazy, Yoseobie.” I smile upon hearing to his words. Caressing the ring on my finger, I nod and say the same thing to him.


During these five months, this Yoon Dujun has gotten better and mature than before.  I do not know why and how but then I just realized that time had grown us better and the distances between us make it enhances.



End of flashback.

“Yoseob-ah,” the voice snapped my hallucination and I quickly cleared my throat. I replied him back.

“Son,” he begins and my heart races faster.” Don’t worry about your practical place. it’s all set.” He said and somehow, I felt at ease.




The man paused for a while before he continued. He inhaled and I could hear his breathe.

“Do not hesitate to accept him. I’m all happy if you could be my son-in-law, son. I want you to be part of my family and don’t hesitate about that. That naughty son of mine loves you too much and I can see that,”


I smile overwhelming upon to his words. I want to answer him right on spot, immediately on the time but my mind went once again, never lose his sanity. The word keeps plays in my head.


“D-Dad,” stutter, I call him.

“…we both a man.. and, a true wedding, isn’t it..isn’t-“ I feel hurt, somehow. I know this will be bring out sooner or later and..

“Don’t you two love each others?”


As if he can see me, I nod my head.  Slow and soft, I said yes.

“Love is everything. It’s okay. Do not worry, okay Yoseob-ah? Your family and mine will help you on the wedding plans. Cheer up,” he said and right after he said that so, I did not know what to reply him back.





It’s ten minutes before the new year and I wait patiently, watching my phone if there will be a call or at least a message. Henry invites me to start the countdown at the outside of our dorm’s building since there will be the fireworks and such.


“Dujun-ah…” I stare the phone while chant his name. I hope he will call me and wish happy New Year, although for a sec. I really do miss him. I long for his voice and he himself.


“Yoseob-ah,” henry calls me and he walks to my direction. I smile and he does too.

“let’s went outside? The countdown will start in no minutes.” Sighing, I turn to the phone.

“ he must be busing with his own things over there.” Henry taps my shoulder. He adds,” or he will call you later when the countdown is over. I mean, he will call you for sure.” And I smile bitterly.


I think…henry is right. Dujunie might be busy now.






No one’s pov



Yoseob is packing up all of his stuffs into his luggage and does that mochi boy. They are going to leave soon and back to their home, in Korea as their semesters are all done.  These two cute boys help with each other and have a memorable walk together around the city for the last time before they take off.





The two boys smile to each other and they share a warm hug. Henry smiles.


“I will miss you, alien!” henry laughs and he gains a smack on his back from his friend. Yoseob hisses and again, Henry laughs.


“See you soon. Do not forget me, arasso?!” Yoseob warmly pulls his close friend once again into his embrace. He nods his head and he makes the first move.








Yoseob’s pov



I check in and get all of my bags into the hotel room. Sighing, I shuffle to the single bed and lay myself on it. I rub my face and mess with my hair.

I do not feel to back home, now. I want to sleep in Hotel for couple of days.


I pull the ring off from my finger and stare it for long. Again, I sigh.


That stupid, why he did not call me these days? Am I doing something wrong until him mad at me? I do not think I did anything wrong… or at least, he should tell me if I did.


Ahh, why am I feeling this empty? I should be happy because I will be able to meet him now. I can meet, hug and see him laughing… but wae..


I get up and sit on the bed. I take out my phone and my fingers dance on the phone screen. As if it was my habit, I almost send the message to Dujun. I face-palming.

Seriously, what’s wrong with me? why am I having this uneasy feelings? I feel as if he is trying to get away or avoid from me. he stopped messaging me a day after Christmas and he did not call or text me anymore.










I wake up from my night slumber and stare the clock. 7 am and I need to get up by now. I have to go to some place.


Hoping and wishing, I reach my phone and stare the blank screen.

Dujun…there’s still no message or missed call from him.


“Where are you, pabo-ah? I miss you like crazy…” I fizzle out and later, ready to have a fresh cool bath.





I have a handshake with Mr. Lee and with my professor, Mr.Kim. The half-aged man pats my back and congratulates me for my grades. He smiles and proud of me.


“I’m honor to receive it but no thanks. I already have a place to do my practical.” I told them and Mr. Lee sighs, disappointed. He smiles and scratches his back head.

“Ah, what a waste I lost a best and perfect student like you, Yoseob-sshi.” He said, made me blushed.

“But I will always ready to accept you if you want to do your practical in my hospital,” he added and I smiled, nodded and excused myself right after we are done with our conversation.





I wander around the mall and I decide to change my appearance. I went to a salon and after a hard selection of what kind of hair I want, finally the girl went to my seat, cleaned my hair and dyed it to a red-wine colour. I smile upon seeing the new me.


The girl stares me amused and I become awkward. Am I…that weird in this new hair?


“Kyeopta..ani…” the girl stares me again, up and down.”…you’re soo cute. How can a man could be this cute and hot in a same time?!” she smiles and shows her cute dimples. I blush.


“You’re handsome and cute in this hair. Do not change this style!” she winks at me and I giggle. What a cute girl.


I thanked her and paid for the service. Next, I went to get some new clothes- shirts, jackets and pants and then, my feet stopped in front of a mini shop.


I smile and approach the girl. I knew and remembered her. She was the one when Dujun dragged me here to buy us our wedding rings.


Grinning, I went to her and when she saw me, she smiled widely. She approached me.

“…I remembered you.”

I curved my lips.

“…although you have a new hair now,” she added.

“Erm, is there anything I can help you?” she asked me friend and politely. Nodding, I walked to the items displayed and searched for something.


The girl is wrapping the earring I chose while asking me.” where your fiancé? Is he waiting you at somewhere else? I thought he came alone just now.” she wraps the tiny box and I stare her. wh-what did she mean?



“ He came here just now. erm about..” she stares her wristwatch.”…last hour ago. He came to return the rings back for some-“

My eyes shot open widely. He what?!


“He returned the rings?” I ask her as calm as I can, try my best to hide the shaking emotions I have now. the girl stares me and she seems stutters for a bit.

She palmed .” Omo, did..did I just slipped out something important between you two? Omo, I’m sorry…” she bows down to me while asking for apologize from me. She seems to be guilty.


Clearing my throat, I try to smile and take the parcel. I pay the earring and thank her. Bitterly, I said it was okay and left the place.






No one’s pov



Yoseob walks slowly and he seems lost his direction already in the mall. He feels his legs tremble and weak. Yoseob searches for a seat and he sits on the spot. He feels hurt.


“W-What is…,” yoseob blinks furiously, as if his mind tries to digest and summon all the things he knew. Yoseob bites his lips and he cannot hide how frustrated he is. The boy palmed his face.


“Dujun-ah… have I done wrong? What are you trying to do without my knowledge? Are you leaving me?” the boy swallows hard and again, he rubs his face.







Yoseob’s pov



For second times on this morning, my heart thumps and beats like crazy. I almost fall and sit on the floor but luckily, I managed to grab something to support my weight.


I watch the boy and girl in a cloth shop, not so far from my seat. My eyes drop their very first tears since months ago when I watch them.

That smiling and happy boy… I knew him very well. Too well, I though. I gave him everything- including the most important in my life. My heart. My dignity. And my…soul.


I-I do not know how to react now.






Dujun’s pov



I picked one and gave the white dress to Hyoyeon. This girl giggles every time I asked her to try the dresses I picked. I know she does not like how I treat her now but I cannot help with it since…

“Yah Dujun,”

I raise my eyebrows and look on Hyoyeon when she called me. She smacks my shoulder.

“Phone. Your phone is ringing,” she points her finger toward my jacket’s pocket and slowly, I take my phone out.


My eyes shot open when I saw the caller ID.




“hello?” the voice greets my ear and I cannot hide how happy I was. I grin widely and Hyoyeon stares me amused.


“..Dujun-ah,” the voice calls my name softly.

“You call me..first. I thought you would never give me a call before I do,” I say while scrutinizing the dress Hyoyeon shows me. I shake my head no to her and she pouts.


“What..what are you doing?” yoseob asks me and I answer him briefly.

“Are you busy?” he asks more and I shake my head no.

“Ani. Wae?”


The boy does not say anything and there’s a silence for a while. I clear my throat.” Everything’s fine, Yoseob-ah? You sounds sad,” I ask him. I walk to the outside of the medium-sized boutique and Hyoyeon follows me from back.


She shows me a blue ocean mini top dress and I widen my eyes. I roll my eyes and grit my teeth.

“No, I don’t want any man seeing you in this y dress! Just pick that one,” unconsciously, I said when the phone is still on my ear. I fake cough.


“’s not you, Yoseob-ah. I’m sorry. I was talking to someone else just now.” I quickly explain to him and Yoseob just hummed. He did not say much.


“so it’s are busy, don’t you?”

I raise my eyebrows and tilt my head a bit. I am still talking to Yoseob and Hyoyeon comes with another y mini dress. Ahh, she knows how to manipulate the time. Hyoyeon chuckles when I’m struggle with my phone.


“Yoseob-ah, wait for a sec, arasso?” I said and immediately snatch this mischievous girl by her wrist. Hyoyeon startles a bit and she stares me. I grab the dress from her hand and put it back on the place. I drag her out from the boutique and force her to stand in front of me.


“Yoseob-ah, are you still there?” I look on the phone’s screen briefly and put it back on my ear. He did not hang up yet.



“Dujun-ah…” yoseob calls my name after a long break and I wait for his words. Hyoyeon is still in front of me and I pull her closer to me as there is a group of tourists is passing through us. Hyoyeon falls into my embrace and immediately, she pushes me away.



“I’m sorry?”

Yoseob sighs and I can hear it.


“Love…is there any love for me anymore?”

I tilt my head and scratch my head, confuse. What is he talking about? Why is Yoseob sounds as if he is sad with me?


“Yoseob-ah, what are you trying to say? Is there anything bothering you?” I ask him and now I do not feel well about this. is he having problem over there?





“Do you… are you regrets what has happened between us? In these six months..have you change your mind about us?” as if he is trying so hard not to sound he is sobbing but still, I can hear and feel it.

That boy…he is sobbing now.







Yoseob’s pov



My heart ached, hurt and sank every single seconds passed. I watched and stared them since last twenty minutes ago and since that too, Dujun kept lying. He said he was not busy but he is. He said he loves me but he is getting out with a beautiful young girl.


He said he wants me to be his but his life and laughter are way better than when he was being with me. Dujun seemed very bright and happy with her.





“What’s happened? Why are you crying? Is there any-“

“Don’t you love me anymore?”

Dujun gasped and I could see his surprised expression. That boy quickly dragged the girl closer to him and he mouthed something to her.

Stab. My heart feels as if it is being stabbing.



“Why don’t you call or text me in these months? Don’t you miss me?”



“Are you..that busy?”

Dujun did not answer me but I could see he was nodding.


“Yoseobie..actually..there’s something I want to tell you. You see, about the wedding…” he stutters and I know, there is SOMETHING about the wedding. Something that none of the couples want so.





I asked him though I don’t want to do so. It’s too hurt, too pain for me to bear with it. I knew this would happen someday. A can there is two groom?


“Yoseobie, look. I will explain this when you are back. I’m promise you, I won’t leave-“

“Stop lying, Dujun-ah. Please…it’’s too hurt if you keep lying me.” I said while stepping closer to his direction. He is backing me so that he cannot see I was standing at his back, not too far from him. There’s a group of tourist between us, blocking our distance.


“What are you talking about, seobie? i-I don’t-“

“where…where are you now?”


Dujun turns back and I can see him facing me. He turns to the girl and answers me.

“Of course I’m at ho-“


“Why did you lie me, Dujun-ah?” I said and seconds later, I gave up. I left the call just like that-did not say anything and looked straight to him. He spotted me.


“Yoseob-ah..” he said through the call and I can see he is walking to my direction. His eyes all widened.

“Yoseob-ah…you are back?”

I do not say anything at all- except for biting hard my lips and the tears roll down to my cheek, to the chin and drop onto the ground.




Dujun shouted my name from his place and as if he was being hypnotizing, he started to run to me. He tries to get me but I run away, hiding from him.


Sobbing hard, I sneaked into the bunch of walking people in the mall and disappeared myself from him.

Yoon Dujun, why did you do these to me? don’t you know how much I love you now? how deep and big my longing for you?


Wae..why are these happening on me?

























Such a long chapter~~~ 

I hope you like this. Sorry for typos and grammatical errors~~

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The ending is complete! I will post it before the end of march ^^


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Yunsiuyeji #1
Chapter 4: So far so good
Chapter 33: I'm confused. The ending of the last chapter was about yoseob told doojoon that he will be on call for 4 days straight and will stay at the hospital. But on the next chapter, which means the one I read and commenting-chapter 30, they were on a shooting contest then yoseob is getting shot by a gun??? Like, I thought I opened wrong tab on my phone but apparently no, it's the correct tab.

Although this is an already finished fic, but I hope you could fix the grammar and try not to confuse the reader with the storyline. It doesn't matter if you're not fluent in English, but a fic with a well written storyline will become a much greater fic than it was before!

Keep up your spirit on writing!
Lera222 #3
Chapter 8: Oh my god wath did i give too doodoo *○*
alejandra1 #4
Chapter 8: Jajaa great chapter
Chapter 9: HAHA. i'm priceless! I thinks that was true. tch! Lee Sonia, you're so bad. . HEHE.
KiwiPrincess #6
Chapter 46: finish it, now going to read the sequel.. see you~
oh.,btw, this is an awesome fic.. ^_^
KiwiPrincess #7
Chapter 46: finish it, now going to read the sequel.. see you~
oh.,btw, this is an awesome fic.. ^_^
LoveUAll #8
LoveUAll #9
Chapter 8: Why did you write my name in the story??
Now Yoseob oppa will hate me!!!
LoveUAll #10
Love you too <3 !!!