Pi Day

Shatter My World

Scampering around Seoul was making EunJi sweaty and smelly. She was balancing five boxes in her right hand and her cellphone in her left. Balancing was never her forte but here she was trying to not fall over and smash her pies.

To be truthful she had never thought of being an actress or famous when she was little. She loved to bake and go to school. EunJi could still remember baking in the kitchen with her mom when she was little. Maybe that was why she loved pi day so much. It reminded her of learning to make the crust of the pie by hand and peeling the apples. The math nerd in her loved it too.

She kept the tradition going, even after her parents moved back to America. She always thought maybe when she retired that she would start a restaurant. Every year she would be up to her neck in flour, sugar, and apples the day before pi day, making pies. The problem was that as the years passed, she had more and more people to make pies for. That was why she was running around dropping off pies to all the different people. She had already dropped Shinhwa’s off at their apartments early in the morning, and DBSK’s was at the dorm.

The end of the drama was heart breaking for her. They filmed the last episode, and EunJi thought the ending was fitting. It was sad but happy at the same time, even thought that seemed like a contradiction. The one thing she kept thinking was now she didn’t have to see HyunJoong. He would go on tour soon because of his CD release and she would do her thing. No real plans for any new dramas, she needed a break.

She had even thought about going back to the USA to visit her parents for a month or so. Maybe she would drag her boys back with her and show them around her home town. She smiled and jumped back barley escaping being toppled over by a car. She would like that, showing them around her home.

EunJi finally made it to SBS studio. She knew many people were going to be preparing for Inkigayo. She dropped by Shinee’s dressing room, Minho was the only one there. It was a standoff awkward moment for a moment.

“I brought Pie!” EunJi smiled and walked into the room. “Where is everyone?” The room was scattered with the other member’s stuff, jackets thrown on the couches, bags laying on the ground, music playing on a laptop. “I see the destruction they left in the path of their rampage?”

“They are in make-up, they were play fighting and smudged their faces off.” EunJi laughed. No matter what happened, Minho had always made her feel at ease. “EunJi…” She lifted her head and stared back at him.

“Minho, you don’t have to.” She smiled and placed the pies down. He lowered his eyes to the ground.

“I’m sorry.”

“You already apologized. It is okay. We moved on.” He smiled at her.

“EUNJI!” Taemin bounded in, he caught sight of the pie and veered off past her to the sweet dessert.

“Pie?” Jonghyun popped in, giving EunJi a hug before racing off to the pie sitting on the table.

“Don’t get it on your outfit!” Key screamed after the two, but it was lost on deaf ears, as the two were dividing the pie up. “Why Pie?” Key leaned against her.

EunJi put her most shocked face on, “Because Key it is PI DAY! Who doesn’t know about Pi Day!”

“There is a day for Pie? Is there a day for cake and cookies too?” a grimace was on his face. She just laughed.

“Not P-I-E, but P-I, it is a math term. Pi is 3.14, and it used in circles and such. 2(pi)R^2, ring any bells?” EUnJi was met with a blank face. “Well,” EunJi continued, “3.14 was translated to 3 as in the third month and 14 as the fourteenth day for PI day. So I make pie.” Key blinked and then burst out laughing.

“You are such a nerd!” EunJi narrowed her eyes in a glare. “No, no” He put his hands up in his defense. “That is what makes you adorable, but God, EunJi really? Who knows about this day?”

“All the cool kids.” That got a chuckle out of Minho, who had taken a bite of pie.

“EUNJI THIS IS DELICIOUSSSSSS.” Taemin said, crust chunk flew from his mouth as he tried to talk and eat at once.

“SIT. EAT. CHEW.” Key pointed at the maknae. “YOU TOO DINO.” EunJi smiled.

“Enjoy the pie! I’ll stop by later!” EunJI escaped with the rest of her pies.

She walked around the dressing rooms dropping off pies as the time went on. There was one pie left and only thirty minutes until the start of the program. She stopped at the door and knocked. EunJi poked her head in, her eyes closed,

“Are you in here?”

“Why are your eyes closed?” She jumped feeling a hand on her forehead.

“I didn’t know if you were…” She trailed off.

“?” EunJi didn’t even think about that,

“Yeah, .” She wasn’t really thinking she should close her eyes because he could be changing, more that she was really hoping not to see him with Hyori.

“Liar.” She opened her eyes and jerked back, his face was a foot from hers and at the same level.

“Prove it.” She glared at him, daring him to say something.

“Your ears are red, when you lie your eyes turn pink.” She could hear and feel herself spluttering for words.

“Pie.” EunJI shoved the pie into his hands. He tilted his head and looked at her.

“Pi day?” She nodded.

“Have you eaten pie today yet?” EunJi frowned, had she eaten pie? She found herself sitting on the couch with the fork of pie in her face. “You never eat what you make for others.”

“I like to make things fo…” Pie was stuffed in before she could finish. Half of her wanted to spit the pie in his face, but she chewed it.

“You need to eat it to. How many people ever do things like this for you?” He took a bite from the pie tin.

She swallowed the large chunk of pie and almost choked. She felt him hit her back, and a bottle of water appeared in front of her.  “That doesn’t matter; just because they don’t do it for me doesn’t mean I shouldn’t do it. I enjoy it.”

“Why didn’t you ever tell anyone?” That question was one that EunJi had struggled with. His low voice echoed in her mind.

She took a second to think, “I think, I never wanted to hurt you.” He looked confusedly at her. His expression was exactly how she felt. “I wasn’t mad at you HyunJoong. I didn’t want revenge, I just…” she was at a loss of words. “I just wanted you to be happy. It wasn’t me, but I wasn’t going to ruin what you had.” It sounded so sappy, but that was why she didn’t tell. “It wasn’t like we were dating…” came out as a whisper, as her eyes went to the ground.

They were quiet, munching on pie. “HyunJoong,” EunJi hesitated, playing with the fabric of her sweater, “If it had been the other way around, would you have told?”

“I don’t know.” She nodded. A situation was never has simple as it was presented.

“I should go. Enjoy the pie.” She stood up and grabbed her bag and cell phone. She turned to look to see if she had missed anything and came face to face with HyunJoong. His hand came forward and she flinched.

“You have apple on your lip.” His thumb brushed the crumbs away. She opened the door, and the bustle of activity hit her. She barley heard, “Thank you for the pie, I haven’t had some in years.”

“Good luck!” She shouted and ran. She ran, because if she didn’t she might have not left at all. The question Jaejoong had asked her that morning replayed in her mind.

“Why are you giving him a pie? They are for your close friends.” She had let him back in. She had given him a pie.

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2029 streak #1
Chapter 33: wow! Such a beautiful story... Though I felt like the epilogue could be done a little slow, instead of rushing off with their lifes... I still feel it was good. I enjoyed reading it :)
Chapter 33: Honestly, last part went too fast. It was like a whirlpool and swept everything away. Anyways, enough of me pointing all this. I loved the whole story. It was beautifully worded. Thanks for hard work.
Chapter 32: Ahhh he got rejected?? Huhuhu
Chapter 32: I really hope that she give him a chance. Thanks for update.
Chapter 31: Love it, I like him trying hard. Let's see what happens next.
Chapter 30: This s going to be interesting. Eun ji taking care of baby and HJ trying to gin her trust back. Will love to see him trying hard. I think she is just toooooo goooooddddd for him. He is a real idiot ( atleast in this ff, don't hurst me for saying this. Peace).
I like your ff. I only read first chapter. still I gave a vote. Im really impressed..
Chapter 29: thanks for updating,,, update soon authornim.
Chapter 29: Thanks for updating after long. So finally he realised that the life he was living was just a lie in itself. Great going author. Can't wait to read what happens next.