Whites Day

Shatter My World

EunJi bustled around. She disliked chocolate to eat, but making chocolate was fun. That was why she loved Whites Day so much. She always locked herself into the kitchen with pounds and pounds of different chocolates. In her bag there were many little boxes that had 9 different kinds of chocolates in there.

She had been running all around the city delivering them. She had been in the busy a long time, but most of her contacts and friends came from her handing around TVXQ. Of course she left their chocolates in the dorm on the table. Three for Changmin to make sure he didn’t eat the other’s chocolates. Then she had made her way to the Shinhwa Company to drop off the boys’ chocolates. She was delayed there by the entertainment that was who had a larger pile of chocolate gifts. She finally got away to drop some off at Shinee’s dorm. She wasn’t sure the protocol. She hadn’t talked to them in ages, but saw them around the studios while they were promoting. Minho was still with Sulli, and that made her happy that he was happy, but she didn’t know if she was allowed to give them chocolates.

“UMMA!” Taemin screamed at he opened the door. Sounds of pots and pans dropping as Key came running towards them.

“What’s wrong Taebaby?” Key’s face was one of shock as he saw EunJI standing there. She was shifting back and forth.

“This was a bad idea. Happy Whites Day.” EunJi shoved the chocolates into Taemin’s arms and tried to make a hasty retreat.

“Oh no you don’t!” EunJi was jerked back and almost fell as Key grabbed her arm. She was forcibly dragged into the dorm and pushed onto the couch.

“Why haven’t you contacted us?” Key’s face scared EunJi, she hadn’t seen him like this before.

“I thought after everything that happened that you wouldn’t want to see me,” Key scoffed, “and it wouldn’t look good for me to be hanging around Minho.”

“That’s stupid. Why would you think that? Do you not like us?” Taemin gave EunJi the puppy dog face.

“That is how it has been in the past….” EunJi frowned, she really didn’t like this awkward atmosphere. Her mind started to work on how she could escape.  

“Bull.” Key crossed his arms, but his face softened. “We missed you.”

“I missed you too.” EunJi bit her lip. It seemed like ages since she had last been in the dorm, it looked the same as before.

“We have been watching your new drama EunJi!!!” Taemin suddenly bounced on the couch, jerking her back to the present.


“It’s really good! What is going to happen next?! OUCH!” Key had hit Taemin over the head.

“Wait until the next episode just like everyone else!” Taemin pouted.

“She is here isn’t she….just a hint? OUCH! Okay okay! I’ll wait!” EunJi laughed.

“Guys I seriously do have to go. I wasn’t planning on staying here and I have a schedule to keep. I promise” she added seeing Taemin pout and Key fold his arms, “I’ll come visit. I’ll even cook dinner.”

“Fine, but if not I’m hunting you down!” Key tapped her on the head. She stood up and walked to the door. “I’ll walk you out. Taemin go check on the water to see if it is boiling.” EunJi smiled as Taemin scampered off.

“It was nice seeing you Key.” The cat like diva held her arm.

“We watched that declaration that you made during the interview.” She looked down and nodded. “You know Taemin and I are your fans, we have watched every episode of your dramas and keep up on your latest drama.”

“I don’t have that much drama!” Key rolled his eyes.

“Your façade isn’t seal proof EunJi. Anyone who has been following you since your debut can see it is a lie….”

“It isn’t!” she detested.

“Mmmmm okay.” Key opened the car door for her. “We’ll see….” She frown at him.

“Bye Key, tell the others I say Hi.” EunJi acted as if those words meant nothing to her, but in truth she thought about them all the way to filming.

EunJi peaked around the corner. She felt as if she was in an action drama. Come to think of it, she would love to do an action drama. Her collar was raised, she wore sunglasses and a baseball cap. She was jumping from trailer side to trailer side avoiding people at all costs.

Finally she reached her destination. She felt like a . A horrible person. The second to last chocolate box was in her hand. She was standing in front of HyunJoong’s trailer. She was a . A for emotional abuse. EunJi went on her tiptoes and looked in, it was dark. The door creaked as she opened it. The lights came on as she flipped the switch. The trailer was completely full of chocolates, teddy bears, gift boxes. Days like today she always felt small. The fan girls always knew what to get, or did huge gestures.  She wasn’t a huge gesture kind of person.

“What are you doing?” She had been so lost in thought that she didn’t even hear the door open again.

“The director wanted me to find you and tell you the shoot will start in 10 minutes” she lied smoothly.

“Ah, I see.” She could feel his gaze on her. She turned around and walked past him towards the door. “Are you forgetting something?” EunJi turned around and looked at him confused. “Stealing my chocolate?” He strode over to her and plucked the chocolate box from her hand. “Wait a month then you get your share.” She was stunned as he gently pushed her out the door.


He laughed at EunJi’s expression. It was perfect. He threw the chocolate in the pile. She didn’t like chocolate yet here she was stealing it from his stash. He laughed out loud. It wasn’t even the good chocolate that his fans would send. He got changed fast and went out to set.

“Director I’m here.” He sat down in the chair.

“Ah, that’s good.”

“Aren’t we starting now? You said 10 minutes?” It was the director who looked confused.

“Who said that? We still have to set up lighting it will at least be about 15 minutes.”

“Oh, I must have heard wrong.” When had EunJi become such a good liar? The thought hit him then, if she wasn’t there to deliver a message, why had she been in his trailer? He jumped up and swiftly walked back to his trailer.

He cursed when he saw the mound of gifts and chocolates on the table in the trailer. Why had he thrown the little box. After all these years she should have known. He felt guilty about his previous thoughts of the meager chocolate offering that he thought she had stolen. Who needed godiva when there was her home made chocolate? He painstakingly went through the boxes. He had a mental image of the box.

His head would jerk from the clock on the wall to the mountain of gifts. After 20 minutes of searching he found the small box. He smiled and carefully put it into his bag. A pounding at his door brought him to find EunJi standing there.

“Your late, we are all waiting.”

“I must really be late, they are only now sending you? I thought it supposed to start filming 45 minutes ago?” He smirked on the inside. She blinked.

“We decided because you were so busy lately with your music stuff we would cut you a break.” She her heel and stomped away. He laughed and followed her from behind. In the back of his mind, the small voice was telling him the drama was almost over; then he would have an excuse to see EunJi anymore.



**New fic I started. The Facility 

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2029 streak #1
Chapter 33: wow! Such a beautiful story... Though I felt like the epilogue could be done a little slow, instead of rushing off with their lifes... I still feel it was good. I enjoyed reading it :)
Chapter 33: Honestly, last part went too fast. It was like a whirlpool and swept everything away. Anyways, enough of me pointing all this. I loved the whole story. It was beautifully worded. Thanks for hard work.
Chapter 32: Ahhh he got rejected?? Huhuhu
Chapter 32: I really hope that she give him a chance. Thanks for update.
Chapter 31: Love it, I like him trying hard. Let's see what happens next.
Chapter 30: This s going to be interesting. Eun ji taking care of baby and HJ trying to gin her trust back. Will love to see him trying hard. I think she is just toooooo goooooddddd for him. He is a real idiot ( atleast in this ff, don't hurst me for saying this. Peace).
I like your ff. I only read first chapter. still I gave a vote. Im really impressed..
Chapter 29: thanks for updating,,, update soon authornim.
Chapter 29: Thanks for updating after long. So finally he realised that the life he was living was just a lie in itself. Great going author. Can't wait to read what happens next.