Not Alone?

Shatter My World

Production started. The drama was more ual and sensual than her other projects. It was nothing like the first drama she shot. The experience was different as well. HyunJoong ignored her outside of filming scenes. When the cast got together to eat at break, he would go off and leave the set. EunJi would sit and pick at her food. She thought if she admitted that everything was her fault he would forgive her and treat her civilly. The first week was hell. She would get home and crash every night. The filming was great, but everything else just made her feel horribly sad.

The first romantic scene was coming fast and even though the two had chemistry on set, the cold reception off set made her feel inadequate. She started to go to her trailer whenever she had a break, just to get away from the stares.


HyunJoong was shocked to see EunJi when he was meeting the cast and crew of his new drama. His manager said that this drama would be good experience, plus it was a familiar director. He made sure to avoid her other than filming. One day after a couple weeks of filming the director caught him when he was about to leave.

“HyunJoong! Wait!” He turned around to see the director jog over to him.

“Yes Director?”

“I wanted to talk to you quickly.” He nodded and set down his jacket. “I know after the big announcement, the public knows that you two aren’t together in a relationship, but I don’t believe you were never friends.” He frowned at that statement. “We all remember how you two were the first time filming. You would bring her coffee, she would share her lunch box with you. You guys would eat together, talk and laugh. She would visit you in your trailer or you would grab her so you two could go to hair and make-up together. I don’t know or care if you were something more, but you were friends.”

“That was a long time ago. People change director, I’m sorry to disappoint you.”

“I’m worried about her. She is always in her trailer now, she doesn’t eat with the rest of us…. The first day of filming she came to set with two lunch boxes, but you left. I think she thought you would stay and eat. I’m not saying you should, but more like she was trying to connect with you.” Hyun was feeling attacked. The director always did seem to like EunJi more.

“I’m sorry I’m gone, but my lunch hour isn’t a problem for filming. I come back on time. I think I should have the right to go see my girlfriend in that time if I want.”

“That is not what I am saying HyunJoong, I know you are very professional, I’m saying EunJi I think, could really use a friend right now.”

“Well I’ll let Jaejoong or Yunho know that.” He turned and left. He did look over his shoulder at the crew eating, and just like the director said there was no EunJi in sight.

When he got back from his lunch with Hyori he saw the romantic scene set up. He looked at EunJi, she was sitting in the make-up chair, gazing down at her phone.


He was rushed into hair and make-up and was stuffed into his outfit. They both took their places in the room, he looked into her eyes, which were dull and lifeless.


He swept across the room and put his arm around her. “MiYoung, please listen to me, you don’t know how hard this is for me.”

“ChangHo don’t do this, leave me be,” He felt EunJi shift in his arms trying to push him away.

He leaned in, going for the kiss, but she stopped him a good two inches away. To the camera it looked as if they were kissing, but in reality it was just an awkward position in an awkward amount of space. She didn’t even look at him. Had he really hurt her this bad? He broke away,

“That is how much I love you.”

“CUT!” as soon as the director said that EunJi wiggled out of the grasp of his hand. Her eyes were down.


“Oppa! You were great!” He turned around to see Hyori standing there. “I came to visit you on set!” The director walked over.

“Guys, this isn’t the passion I want. I want it to be raw and emotional.”

“I’m sorry” whispered EunJi, he could barely hear her.

“That’s because these two aren’t compatible. I’ll show you passion.” Hyori grabbed his face and kissed him. He felt embarrassed. It wasn’t like he hadn’t kissed Hyori in public before. But he could feel EunJi’s presence co close to him. When Hyori finally let go of him the director spoke again. “That is passion Miss Hyori, but that isn’t what I am looking for either. We will try this again later…” Hyunjoong saw EunJi nod before walking off to her trailer.


EunJi lay on her bed, later that afternoon memorizing her script. It had been a long and hard morning at filming. The appearance of Hyori made her day seem twice as difficult. Suddenly her phone rang, breaking her train of thought and making her jump.




“Park JungMin, I’m sad you forgot about me,” she could see him pouting in her head.

“No I haven’t you just have changed your phone number!”

“Oh, that is true….But I was wondering if you would be at my solo debut conference I am having tonight!”

“Aish, JungMin I have script to learn, and I’m not feeling that good and…”

“Please EunJi! HyungJoon, HyunJoong, and KyuJong aren’t coming….Are you going to not come too?” EunJi sighed.

“Fine. Text me the time and place. You owe me!”

“Thanks! Wear something hot!” EunJi was going to retort back, but he had already hung up the phone.  EunJi sighed maybe taking a break would be fun. She decided to wear a bandage little black dress, with silver stiletto heels. She went with stud earrings, and a smoky eye make-up with gloss. Her hair was down and natural.

“ow ow!” Changmin hooted as she walked down. EunJi rolled her eyes.

“I’m going out.”

“We noticed,” commented Yunho.

“YOUNG LADY GET BACK UP STAIRS AND CHANGE THIS IS NOT APPROPRIATE.” Jaejoong yelled the second he stepped out of the kitchen and saw her.

“You guys are over reacting.”


“Jae, calm down.” Yunho tried to sooth the stressed member.


“Jae, Minwoo gave it to me, said I needed a LBD.” She shrugged, jumping up on the table to sit.

“That is a no no in that kind of dress.” Yoochun, draped his jacket over her legs.

“SEE IT IS TOO SHORT!” Jae was driving himself into having a mental break down.

“I’m fine, I’m just going to JungMin’s debut conference thing. I’ll be back before midnight, mmmm?”

“YOU BETTER!” she laughed and gave them all a kiss on the cheek before leaving. The car ride was short, and on the way there she started to think Jae was right that she should have changed into something more average. She didn’t want to stand out that much. When she got there, camera’s flashed and people were shouting. If EunJi was honest with herself, she really hated going out. She rather stay in and read a book. She kept her head down and walked into the building.

“EUNJI! YOU CAME!” She saw a smiling JungMin come towards her. She knew it was worth making her friend smile. Plus she hadn’t seen this rascal in a long time. They were the closest in the group besides her and HyunJoong. They were like sibling, they would talk about their fears and dreams. After everything, she had missed him greatly.

“I did,” she laughed and gave him a hug. “look at you!” EunJi made him spin around so she could get a better look. “You are glowing! Congratulations on your solo album! Am I going to a signed album?” she cocked her head cutely.

“Of course! Look what you are wearing! You definitely look hot! Good!” He dragged her into the release party. “You can’t escape until after I perform my new single, mmmm?” EunJi smiled, he always did know her the best of the SS501 boys.

“Okay, okay I won’t. You go and mingle with your adoring guests, I’ll walk around.” She smiled and gave him a little push.

“ Heo YoungSaeng is over there, he pointed towards the front, he wanted me to bring you over there.” He yelled as arms came and pulled him towards the ameba of people. EunJi laughed as JungMin disappeared. She walked in the direction of YoungSaeng that JungMin pointed out to her. She smiled when she saw him. She jumped on his back, making sure to keep her legs together.

“YAH! EunJi! You almost gave me a heart attack!”

“Otter! How are you!” EunJi missed talking to SS501. They were always so kind to her back when she first debuted. She spent a lot of the night talking to him, learning about what he had been doing.

“Psttttt” EunJi turned around to see JungMin’s head poking out from behind the curtain. She walked towards him and suddenly he pulled her through the curtain. “I need you back here.” Before a word could escape her, he had already walked out in front of the crowd.

“Welcome! Thank you for everyone who came. This is a very special album to me. My single is written and dedicated to a dear friend of mine.” The track started to play. EunJi hadn’t heard the song before, she was very interested in the content.

That tired expression in your eyes always remain in me
Other than your breathe, I can’t see your image and too can’t make you stay

More exhausted now stop stop stop
Get out of everything step step step
There is no return even though ending it will cause tears

EunJi gasped, she felt a hand around her wrist. He was pulling her out onto stage.

so I can believe I’m not alone
Not alone now, not sad anymore
and I can feel it I’m not alone
Definitely not alone, never be exhausted again

There was a chair all ready for her to, he guided her to the chair and she sat down. The words made sense if you understood their relationship. If didn’t understand, it could sound as a romantic confession or a break up song. EunJi prayed for this not to turn into a scandal. She was touched that he had written a song like this for her. Her eyes went to the door, because that was where JungMin was looking. Her heart dropped. HyunJoong and Hyori were standing in the doorway. She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up at JungMin who was still singing.

As time passes by, memories of you still remain.
Still living within that traces even if I hate it

Time gradually stop stop stop
Get out again step step step
There is no return even though ending it will cause tears

That was all true. She smiled and kept her eyes trained on JungMin. The song ended and she walked off stage.

“Yah! You should have prepared me!” He laughed,

“If I told you, you wouldn’t have come.” EunJi knew that was true.

“I guess….”

“EunJi, I’m sorry. HyunJoong’s manager said he couldn’t come….I didn’t think he would show.” She just nodded. She understood.

“I think I am going to go home for the night. Thanks for inviting me, I loved seeing you and YoungSaeng again!” She gave him a quick hug.

“Bye EunJi, get home safe! Do you want my manager to drive you home?”

“No, I’ll be fine!” EunJi was already walking out the back door.


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2029 streak #1
Chapter 33: wow! Such a beautiful story... Though I felt like the epilogue could be done a little slow, instead of rushing off with their lifes... I still feel it was good. I enjoyed reading it :)
Chapter 33: Honestly, last part went too fast. It was like a whirlpool and swept everything away. Anyways, enough of me pointing all this. I loved the whole story. It was beautifully worded. Thanks for hard work.
Chapter 32: Ahhh he got rejected?? Huhuhu
Chapter 32: I really hope that she give him a chance. Thanks for update.
Chapter 31: Love it, I like him trying hard. Let's see what happens next.
Chapter 30: This s going to be interesting. Eun ji taking care of baby and HJ trying to gin her trust back. Will love to see him trying hard. I think she is just toooooo goooooddddd for him. He is a real idiot ( atleast in this ff, don't hurst me for saying this. Peace).
I like your ff. I only read first chapter. still I gave a vote. Im really impressed..
Chapter 29: thanks for updating,,, update soon authornim.
Chapter 29: Thanks for updating after long. So finally he realised that the life he was living was just a lie in itself. Great going author. Can't wait to read what happens next.