
Shatter My World

EunJi was excited. It was the first time in a while, the end of WGM for the MinJi couple had mixed reviews. Some of the netizens were mad that Minho had “cheated” (they didn’t know the half of it) on his WGM wife. Others believed the rumor that EunJi had demanded the MinJi couple to be over. Overall she didn’t let it get to her. She just wanted to move on. Sometimes the sadness came back when she would pick up the phone to called Key to go shopping and then stop, or hear a song on the piano and go to text Taemin to have him teach it to her and then realize she wouldn’t have that opportunity. True she knew it wasn’t needed to keep her distance, but she didn’t think Minho or Sulli would like her hanging around the SHINee dorms. She told herself that she was going to get through this. She spent a lot of time baking, which made Changmin happy, or bumming around the studios with Shinhwa. Spending time with the ones she loved always made her happy.

Finally she got the call she had been waiting for. EunJi always got scripts from different directors or stations, but there was one that she really wanted. “Midnight Renaissance” it was edgier than the other drama’s she had done, and more risqué. It was just want she needed to move on in her life and career. She was lazing around on Shinhwa Company’s couch in Eric’s office when she got the call.

“Hello?” EunJi picked up the phone her eyes still closed.

“EunJi! It’s your manager, I have great news!” She sat straight up, waiting for her manager’s next words. “You got it!” She screamed, jumping off the couch, making Eric jump.

“Really?! Are you sure?!” Her manager laughed, and reassured her she had gotten the part. After that call EunJi speed back to the dorm and tackled Yunho.

“YUNHO I GOT THE DRAMA!” EunJi was literally bouncing in anticipation.

“Congratulations!” Yunho was smiling at her excitement, “When do you start?”

“No clue!” She laughed and danced around the living room.

“Yah! Stop that! I’m getting dizzy!” scolded Yunho grabbing her arm and poking her cheek. EunJi stuck her tongue out and twisted out of his grip.

The rest of the week EunJi was on cloud nine. She couldn’t imagine that anything could bring her down. She had gotten more details from her manager about the project. One of the reasons she wanted to do this project so much that it was the director that had helped her become where she was today. He had cast her in her first drama, which brought her stardom. She was looking forward to working with him again and to see what kind of production he was going to run.

She had already started looking over her script, and it made her excited. This was such a different kind of project that she was taking on. She started to feel nervous. The first day of the project, was a meet and greet of all the cast and production crew. Then they would over a dry run on the script.

She woke up early that morning to prepare. Minwoo and she had gone through her closet the night before, preparing her outfit. It made her feeling like the first day of school, where she would pick out her favorite outfit to impress the new classmates. They had argued, and eventually Minwoo won, Long dark wash skinny jeans, a basic white Tshirt, pearl earings, and heels. EunJi grabbed her bag and hurdled down the stairs.

“YAH! Not so fast! You will fall and break your neck!” Jaejoong yelled as she was out the door.  She looked around for her car, and instead saw Andy’s van in the driveway. EunJi opened the door and crawled in back.

“Where is my van?” EunJi teased Andy.

“Why isn’t having me pick you up a nice surprise?” EunJi kept staring at Andy, “Okay!” He broke after a few minutes, “I borrowed it for Teen Top, and I couldn’t get it back in time…”  EunJi just laughed and relaxed in the van. Starting her day off with Andy was always a good sign. When she got out Andy swore he would have the van back by the time she was gone. She just rolled her eyes and hugged him goodbye.

Climbing the stairs EunJi started getting nervous again. She didn’t know who her cast was going to be nor how they would react to her. As she entered the room, her eyes scanned the crowd. She recognized a lot of the PD’s which made her relax.

“EunJi!” the director came up and gave her a hug. “I am so glad that I got you to act the lead, it’ll be like old times!” She smiled and nodded. “Where is that boy? Always late.” He sighed and looked around. She did too, not seeing anyone particularly famous for the leading man. “There he is!”  EunJi swiveled around, and her eyes met Hyun.  Her stomach dropped and she felt as if she was going to be sick. “Kim Hyunjoong, get over here! You’re late!” Her eyes followed him as he came closer. “I am so excited to have you two working together again! It is going to be my best creation ever. EunJi couldn’t bring herself to ruin his excitement. Inside she felt like dying.

By the time she got home to the dorm, the new had already been leaked. It blew up. They were the hot hit for search engines; her fan and anti-websites were going crazy. Rumors started flying. It was so bad that she couldn’t go outside.

“This is not what I pictured, when I took this job” EunJi said sadly as she sat at the kitchen counter with Jaejoong.

“Are you sure you want this? You can always quit the cast.”

“I thought about that already, but that would create a bigger scandal and I don’t want him to keep me away from something I really want to do…” EunJi leaned her head against Jaejoong’s shoulder and sighed. “I guess I’ll just deal with it. We are having an interview instead of a press conference soon. The director thought a press conference would be too chaotic.”  Jaejoong leaned over and patted the top of her head.

“Don’t worry, everything will work out in the end.” She smiled.

“I hope so.”

It was the day of the interview. She was all styled and dressed. She hadn’t seen Hyun since the news got leaked. She knew what she had to do, and hopefully it wouldn’t be too late to fix everything.

She was seated next to Hyun, she was fidgeting.

“So we heard that you two were cast in another drama together,” the MC chuckled, “congratulations” EunJi nodded her head and smiled,

“Thank you.”

“We have to ask, you two have a lot of chemistry the last time you were acting together, and there were rumors….did you guys go out?” EunJi wanted to look over at Hyun, but that would be a dead giveaway.

“I would like to clear this up for everyone.” She spoke up smiling at the host.

“Go ahead! Let’s hear!” EunJi took a breath before starting. She had to do this, to let Hyun go forever.

“When I first entered SM, I was young. Lee Soo Man didn’t know if I was going to make it. I debuted on the TV show Xman, where he told HyunJoong to look after me.” EunJi looked over at him for a second. “Soon it was evident that rumors were flying about us being together. He never saw me like that. He fought with Lee Soo Man about this guise. I was selfish, and wanted the acknowledgement, being a new actress in the business. HyunJoong was forced to pretend that we were together in a relationship.”

“There are pictures of you going into his apartment building.” The host interrupted. EunJi smiled knowingly.

“Yes, we rented the apartment below his so the paparazzi would see me entering the building. I feel so bad for deceiving my fan likes this. It is my entire fault. He never wanted to do this. It ruined his image while boosted mine. A seasoned idol dating a newbie only looks good for the less popular one. I always felt bad. Even though it wasn’t true, I felt as if it still hurt him.”

“So are you saying you two never had feelings for each other you seemed to have a connection in the drama?” EunJi laughed a little,

“I’m glad our acting was good! We never felt that way about each other. I don’t think he even liked me that much. I am not his type; I’m too young, too immature, and too American for him. I am so happy for HyunJoong and Lee Hyori! She is perfect for him; I have never seen him happier. I hope my fans can forgive me and that his fans not to blame him but me.”

“HyungJoong what do you have to say?” EunJi looked at him.

“I am very happy with Lee Hyori and just want to put the past behind me and be with her.” EunJi smiled, maybe he could move on from this now.

“Do you think your chemistry will change?”

“Why would it be? We are exactly the same as we were the first time we acted together” EunJi smiled “It is uncomfortable to be talk to him informally, seeing we aren’t close at all.”

The rest of the show went smoothly; neither of them looked at each other. EunJi just wanted to get out of this room. Her heart hurt.

“And that is the end of the show, I hope you enjoyed it!” They all three bowed and the director called cut. “I was surprised by your confession today on the show, you two always seemed so nice together…But Kim HyunJoong good luck with Hyori and EunJi I hope you find someone!” EunJi watched as the host left. She turned to Hyun and bowed to him “Bye HyunJoong.” It was the first time she had ever called him that outside of programs. It had always been Hyun, but he was no longer hers. What gave her the right to call him that?

She didn’t look back, she couldn’t do it. She walked out the stage door, tears flowing onto her face. She swore this would be the last time she cry because of Kim HyunJoong.


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2029 streak #1
Chapter 33: wow! Such a beautiful story... Though I felt like the epilogue could be done a little slow, instead of rushing off with their lifes... I still feel it was good. I enjoyed reading it :)
Chapter 33: Honestly, last part went too fast. It was like a whirlpool and swept everything away. Anyways, enough of me pointing all this. I loved the whole story. It was beautifully worded. Thanks for hard work.
Chapter 32: Ahhh he got rejected?? Huhuhu
Chapter 32: I really hope that she give him a chance. Thanks for update.
Chapter 31: Love it, I like him trying hard. Let's see what happens next.
Chapter 30: This s going to be interesting. Eun ji taking care of baby and HJ trying to gin her trust back. Will love to see him trying hard. I think she is just toooooo goooooddddd for him. He is a real idiot ( atleast in this ff, don't hurst me for saying this. Peace).
I like your ff. I only read first chapter. still I gave a vote. Im really impressed..
Chapter 29: thanks for updating,,, update soon authornim.
Chapter 29: Thanks for updating after long. So finally he realised that the life he was living was just a lie in itself. Great going author. Can't wait to read what happens next.