
Shatter My World

‘Kim Hyun Joong’ creates havoc at filming. That headline had gotten him in trouble. It had been a month since that incident and his manager was still complaining. He didn’t want to shoot with EunJI, he didn’t want to see her with Minho. He wouldn’t watch WGM or any other media that could possibly have them in it. He sulked more than normal. Everyone around him noticed and he didn’t care. He shouldn’t be affected like this, but he was and that made him sulk more.

He was at the studio recording some new music for his upcoming CD. He pulled out his notebook that he scribbled ideas down now and then. The first page he opened to was the song he had written about EunJi, a long time ago. He remembered her leaning over his shoulder reading it. She had asked if he was going to record it, and he and responded, “If I do, it’ll be dedicated to you.” She had smiled and rested her head on his shoulder while he continued to write. He closed the book, unwilling to look at the words written down on the page.

“Yah! Go to studio B, I forgot the cord for the mike there.” He nodded at the producer before walking towards the studio. He hoped no one would be recording; it was always awkward to walk into a session. He peered into window of Studio B, hoping to see no one there, but instead he saw two people. His gut clenched. There was Minho sitting on the couch with EunJi was lying so her head was in his lap. He was playing with her hair and Hyun guessed humming because she had her eyes closed. He watched as Minho leaned down and kissed her slowly on the lips. It had been a month since he last saw them, but they were closer now. He didn’t want to go in. He didn’t want to see her look at the ground and ignore him. He slowly walked back to the studio, grabbing the cord from a different studio.

“Do you have any song ideas? He nodded and went into the studio. He recorded the song, with the intent of hurting her. Hurting her as much as he felt hurt right now. He shouldn’t he had Hyori, who was perfect. He shook off the uneasiness that he felt and spent the energy in singing the song to perfection.

“Yah, come out and eat, we ordered food!” his producer called to him from inside the booth. He nodded and walked out to see boxes of tteokbokki. The sight of the food made him cringe.

[Flash Back]

“Why don’t you ever make tteokbokki You only make the same boring food” he complain looking at the normal array of food set out before him. He looked up to see EunJi frowning. He stood and walked to the door. “I’ll be eating out tonight.” Sometimes she frustrated him. She knew nothing of what he wanted to do or how to cook the way he wanted her to cook. She only knew American food or American traditions. He didn’t come home that night, instead went over to Park Jung Min’s place to crash.


EunJi was mad at herself. She wanted to make tteokbokki for Hyun, but she hadn’t made it before. She never made other food other than what she knew how to make, because she was afraid it would taste awful. She bit her lip. She told herself that tomorrow she would try and make it for him. When she woke up the next morning and saw that Hyun had never come home that night. She quickly got on her laptop and googled recipes for tteokbokki. She printed 12 recipes out and compared them. From that she looked at what people had said in the reviews of what had worked and hadn’t.

“I can do this” EunJi said outloud to herself. She went to the supermarket to grab the ingredients. When she got home she realized that she had forgotten a spice she needed. She carefully went to their neighbor lady. Knocking on the door she was met with the kind woman.

“Hello dear, what can I do for you?”

“I’m trying to make tteokbokki, and I haven’t made it before so when I went to the store I forgot to get this spice” EunJi pointed at the recipe, “I was wondering if I could borrow some.”

“Of course, one second.” A minute later the lady came back and handed her a bottle.

“Thank you! I’m trying to make it perfect! He said it was his favorite food so I want to do it perfect” EunJi smiled and bowed to the old lady again.

EunJi worked all afternoon working on the tteokbokki and side dishes he had mentioned before. When dinner was almost ready she texted him telling him to come home and that she had a surprise for him. She set the food out and waited for Hyun to come home. He came in a couple of minute afterward.

“EunJi? Why did you need me to come home?”

“Hyun! I made you dinner!” EunJi smiled and brought him to the table where her hard work sat. She saw him look at the food.

“You called me home for this?”

“Yes…I’m sorry” EunJi looked down. Maybe she should have just waited for him to come home. “Try it?” She saw Hyun sigh and sit down. He took his chopsticks and took a bite. EunJi held her breathe.

“You called me home for this? How can you call this tteokbokki?!” Hyun spit out the food. EunJi felt her face fall. “I have to get back, and now also grab dinner on the way back. Next time I want some kind of food remind me not to tell you, and then you won’t make it. I’ll just go buy it” Hyun got up and left.  EunJi poured all the food in the garbage. She could never do anything right. She felt like a failure.

Hyun had stayed at his friends again last night. EunJi was always making more work for him. He was passing his neighbors door when the lady came out.

“Oh Hello!” Hyun just gave her a bow. “How did you like the tteokbokki? The girl worked so hard on it, she even came over a couple times to ask questions” the old lady smiled.

“I’m sorry she caused you trouble.” Hyun frowned. He would have to talk to her about bothering the neighbors.

“No trouble at all, she wanted it to be perfect for you, you are lucky to have someone who cares about you that much” she smiled at him. “I hope you enjoyed it!” The old lady picked up her newspaper and walked back inside her apartment. Hyun felt a knot in the pit of his stomach. He walked into the apartment, there was no lingering smells of the tteokbokki, she must have aired the whole apartment out. He went to the kitchen and opened the fridge to get a bottle of water. He looked down and saw a pile of papers folded on the counter. He unfolded them to see twelve different tteokbokki recipes, all written on and scribbled on. There were also other recipes for the side dishes. He put the recipes back on the counter and went to take a nap, still feeling a little uneasy.

When he woke up he saw there was a food package on the table. He looked inside and saw it was tteokbokki from a restaurant and side dishes. It had a simple note on it. [I’m sorry, instead of trying to make it I’ll buy it for you. I hope you enjoy it.] He looked around and didn’t see her anywhere, just the food. He sat down and took a pair of chopsticks out from the bag. He started eating the tteokbokki, for some reason it didn’t taste as good as he remembered.

[Present Time]

He slowly chewed the tteokbokki carefully as if it was a bomb in his mouth. The taste was good, but something seemed off. Frustrated he threw the food down. It was another thing that EunJi had ruined for him.


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2030 streak #1
Chapter 33: wow! Such a beautiful story... Though I felt like the epilogue could be done a little slow, instead of rushing off with their lifes... I still feel it was good. I enjoyed reading it :)
Chapter 33: Honestly, last part went too fast. It was like a whirlpool and swept everything away. Anyways, enough of me pointing all this. I loved the whole story. It was beautifully worded. Thanks for hard work.
Chapter 32: Ahhh he got rejected?? Huhuhu
Chapter 32: I really hope that she give him a chance. Thanks for update.
Chapter 31: Love it, I like him trying hard. Let's see what happens next.
Chapter 30: This s going to be interesting. Eun ji taking care of baby and HJ trying to gin her trust back. Will love to see him trying hard. I think she is just toooooo goooooddddd for him. He is a real idiot ( atleast in this ff, don't hurst me for saying this. Peace).
I like your ff. I only read first chapter. still I gave a vote. Im really impressed..
Chapter 29: thanks for updating,,, update soon authornim.
Chapter 29: Thanks for updating after long. So finally he realised that the life he was living was just a lie in itself. Great going author. Can't wait to read what happens next.