Playing Sick

Shatter My World

Minho waited for EunJi to come back. She came through the door smiling and came straight back to him. Hyun Joong had left a little while ago. He had given Minho a strange look before walking away.

“Minho!” He laughed at her good mood

“Yes? What is it?”

“mmmmmm Nothing, I’m just happy.” Minho saw her hold the jacket closer to her. Both of them turned their head to the hall where a commotion was happening.

“We are leaving.”

“But you both already agreed to do this.”

“We are going, don’t touch her!” Minho turned to look at EunJi who was just quiet.

“Maybe we should offer to leave instead,” she said looking up at Minho. He knew this wasn’t fooling her. She stood up and smiled pulling his hand a little. He followed her until they had reached the door.

“Excuse me,” Minho watched her carefully, she had an eyes trained on the floor. “I thought it was nothing, just the chills, but I think I have the flu or something. We can stay for the shooting, but we thought we should let you know.” Minho looked at Hyun Joong and Hyori. Hyun Joong almost looked pained.

“We can’t have you leave. Can you work through it? Kim Hyun Joong and Lee Hyori already want to leave. It won’t be a couple show without one of you.”

“We’ll stay.” Hyun Joong’s voice said from behind.

“You just said,” sputtered the PD

“Do you not want us to stay? Okay we are…”

“No, No that’s fine. Please Stay.” Minho looked from Hyun Joong to EunJi, they both seemed to know that EunJi wasn’t sick and that the other knew that as well.

“I need to take her home, I don’t want to get anyone else sick. We’ll come back another day.” Minho bowed as he guided her out of the building. 

“So what do you want to do?” EunJi asked as she spun around in a circle.

“Yah! You are supposed to be sick,” Minho said smiling. EunJi was such a child, but at other times a mature adult.

“I am sick, sick of being inside! Let’s go on a picnic or something.” Minho watched EunJi smile and put her face up to the sun.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, why would you think I’m not okay?” Minho stared at her and she stared back.

“mmmmm No reason…” He decided to let it go for the time being. EunJi pulled him to the street,

“I lied I want to feed the birds.” They walked until Minho spotted a supermarket; he pulled her into the market where they bought bread. Minho loved that EunJi wasn't afraid of fans and would go where she wanted.

“When I was little I used to walk down to the lake with my mom and we would bring a loaf of bread down. I would toss bits of bread down to the ducks to see how close they would get. Once when we ran out of bread, the ducks kept following us because they wanted more…” Minho watched as EunJi’s face lit up when she was talking about home.

“Do you miss America?”  EunJi frowned a little,

“Yes and no. I enjoy being here, but it can be a little sad without family around, especially near the holidays.” They were walking across the street and were standing near a little pond.

“Are you lonely?” He whispered.

“I wasn’t for a while,” he saw he hesitated, “but yes, I am now.” She looked up at him, “he was a big part of my life that disappeared, it is hard not be lonely after something like that.” She smiled and kept throwing the bread to the ducks. Minho just stared at her. Watched her as she brushed away what must have been a painful experience. Minho moved slowly towards EunJi.

“mmmmm?” She turned her head to look at him. He leaned in, unsure of her reaction, unsure of if he should be doing this, but doing it all the same and kissed her on the lips lightly.

He didn't know when they feelings started. He started to look forward to her texts, their skype dates, and meetings. She was so happy, and normal. Not that other girls he had met wasn't normal, but you could see the influence of the industry had had on them. EunJi wanted to be EunJi. He thought that the first time he might of thought something was going on, was when he had sat down to watch the drama with Key and Taemin. He heard the ruckus of the two getting snacks and drinks before huddling up on the sofa. He had come down and actually sat with them and watched the drama episode. No one said anything about Minho's appearance, but Key smirked at him from time to time especially when EunJi came on the screen. When he saw her in commercials with other guys or her romantic scenes in the drama he would frown. He knew it was acting, but it made him unhappy. It had gone so far that Taemin and Jonghyun was calling her sister-in-law now. Minho smiled into the kiss.

EunJi yelped a little at the contact. She had never beened kissed like this before, unscripted, in real life. She could feel her face warm up Minho pulled away and looked at her. She knew she was blushing and hid her face in Minho chest who just laughed.

"Come on lets go back to the dorm." Minho took her hand while they started to walk. He felt happy. Happy he had gotten to kiss her, happy that she hadn't rejected him, happy that they were together.

Minho couldn't wait to tell the rest of the group about him and EunJi. He was not looking forward to Key's 'I told you so face' but he could deal with it, if it meant he got EunJi.


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2030 streak #1
Chapter 33: wow! Such a beautiful story... Though I felt like the epilogue could be done a little slow, instead of rushing off with their lifes... I still feel it was good. I enjoyed reading it :)
Chapter 33: Honestly, last part went too fast. It was like a whirlpool and swept everything away. Anyways, enough of me pointing all this. I loved the whole story. It was beautifully worded. Thanks for hard work.
Chapter 32: Ahhh he got rejected?? Huhuhu
Chapter 32: I really hope that she give him a chance. Thanks for update.
Chapter 31: Love it, I like him trying hard. Let's see what happens next.
Chapter 30: This s going to be interesting. Eun ji taking care of baby and HJ trying to gin her trust back. Will love to see him trying hard. I think she is just toooooo goooooddddd for him. He is a real idiot ( atleast in this ff, don't hurst me for saying this. Peace).
I like your ff. I only read first chapter. still I gave a vote. Im really impressed..
Chapter 29: thanks for updating,,, update soon authornim.
Chapter 29: Thanks for updating after long. So finally he realised that the life he was living was just a lie in itself. Great going author. Can't wait to read what happens next.