Chapter 54- Flying Away

Letters to U-kiss

The drive to airport was relatively uneventful other than Mary & my mom teasing me about Kevin. I can't really describe how I felt after all was said and done. In a way I was disappointed that my first boyfriend had turned out like this. In a way I was relieved because now I didn't have to answer to him anymore. In a way I was sad because I knew things could never be the same. Most of all though, I was happy -happy that I wasn't going to get hurt and I could be myself. 

Mary chattered with me a little bit about what I was going to do or go see there and she talked about places she wanted me to get pictures of if I got a chance to go to. There are so many neat things to see around San Francisco and Kevin had told me about some of his favorite places too like Fisherman's Warf and just seeing the Golden Gate Bridge.

Soon enough we arrived a the airport. At first we had trouble figuring out where to go to park for the terminal we wanted, but we got it straightened out pretty quickly. My mom found a spot fairly close to the doors. We pulled my bags out of the trunk as we trickled out of our van. 

"Are you ready Nana?" she asked.

"I thinks so?" I said looking around at all my stuff.

"Okay, we'll walk you in and get you settled." Mary said linking her arm with mine and pulling me forward. I wasn't prepared and I nearly landed on my face when she took off, which made me laugh. I looked at my mom who just smiled and shook her head. I checked in for my flight at the counter and I was starting to get a little nervous -it had been years since I had flown anywhere.

We settled into some seats in the airport while we killed some time until I needed to go through security. Mary and I went over what I wanted her to bring for me for college one last time. I was honestly scared to go back to college and face Matt, but if Mary could do that with Kris, I could do it with him -however, our relationship would never be like theirs again.

They hadn't started dating yet, but I could tell it probably wouldn't be too long until they were back together. I wasn't sure how their relationship would work with Mary just starting to seek God, and I cautioned Kris about dating someone that doesn't believe what he does since I learned the hard way about that -it only leads to getting hurt. Those two were always two peas in a pod, and if the one did something the other would too, so I have faith that Mary will come around. 

I looked at my phone and sighed, it was about time to get ready to head through security. "Are you getting nervous Nana?" asked my mom.

"A little bit, I haven't flown in so long." I frowned.

"I wish I had some advice for you, but I really don't have much experience in the flight department." said Mary.

"Well, let's pray before we send you off okay Nana?" she asked and I nodded in agreement. "God, be with Nana as she travels today. Help to have safety and to know where she needs to go without a familiar face along. Give her a peaceful heart after making the tough and very grown up decision that she did. May God prepare the right man for her as she prepares herself for him. Continue to give her wisdom & a heart for you above all things. Lastly, I pray that she has a wonderful time of fellowship with the Woo family. Amen."

"Amen." Mary and I echoed.

"Can I pray for you too?" she asked.

"Sure" I smiled.

"God, give Hana a safe and uneventful trip, and heal her broken heart. Give her a good time with Kevin's family. Amen."

"Amen." my mom & I echoed.

"Thank you Mary." I said giving her a hug "That meant a lot to me."

"You're welcome, I just want you to be back to the old Hana by the time we're back at school and don't have too much fun without me, okay?!"

"Okay Commander Mary." I said giving her a mock salute giving us all a giggle fit.

"Come here Nana." said my mom with open arms and she gave me a big squishy hug. "I'm going to miss you so much, and I want you to call me as soon as you land in California okay?!"

"Ditto!" said Mary.

"Of course, I wouldn't forget about letting you both know I made it safe and sound." I said unwrapping myself from my mom's hug.

"Well, I guess this is Goodbye for a while." my mom sighed. "My babies have grown up too fast." she said taking my cheeks in her hands.

"Mom! You're embarassing me." I pouted.

"That's what good mothers do!" she said with a wink.

"Tell me about it" said Mary "My mom embarasses me almost on a daily basis, but she's one of the best besides your mom." 

I chucked."I really should go." I said looking wistfully toward the security line.

"Yeah, you should or you'll miss out on your flight and the adventure in California -instead you'll get to be an airport bum for a couple weeks." she said pushing me towards the security area.

"Okay, okay! I'm going. I wouldn't want to miss out on taking pictures for you too -I think you'd probably get pretty bored of airport selfies and random shots of people or things." I said.

"Bye Nana! I love you." mom said.

"I love too. Tell daddy & Jae Bye & I love you too for me okay?!"

"Okay dear, now go before you get left behind." she shooed me off too.

"Bye Mary! See you later alligator."

"After while Crocidile! if you stay in California and leave me all alone in New York I'll be miserable, so you have to come back."

"Okay Mary! I don't want you miserable without me so I'll be there, one way or another." I said waving to both of them one last time.

I took a deep breath and headed to security -here I go. My adventure starts from here.

Security was interesting having to take off our jackets, shoes, get out my liquids, and all my electronics into the bins to go through the scanner. I thought the scanner we had to go through was interesting too, but getting myself put back together was the most interesting of all. -at least I only have to do this once each flight. I wonder how Kevin does this all the time?

I found my gate quickly after going through security and sat watching the people as the went their different directions. I popped in my earbuds to listen to U-KISS's album as I sat back in my chair with my bags spread out around my feet. Before long passengers started filtering out of the gate and we were called to board the plane. I had trouble getting my carry on bag up above the seat, but a nice person helped me stuff it in the compartment above. 

I sat in between two people who didn't really pay me much attention, so I settled back in my seat trying to stay within my boundaries. I looked around curiously at everything around me soaking it all in. It took me a few tries to figure out how to buckle and unbuckle my seat belt, but I got it down before the flight attendant showed us how. They did their safety lecture and then everyone was told to get ready for takeoff. 

In no time I was flying away to my new start and a new adventure.

*Hey all! Sorry for the delays. I had a really rough couple weeks and hadn't felt like writing nor had time. The good news is I've graduated with my associates and am studying for the VTNE in March. The bad news in a way is I'm taking a break from school & I'm not sure where I'll go back to school if I decide to -the college I had started taking classes at for my bachelors pre-reqs was a really bad fit for me, so I wasn't doing very well in them and I was having trouble just handling them because of that. I guess God's told me I needed to take a break from school life and focus on my current career. I've been much happier, since I now have time for my hobbies and I've finally started practicing my instruments that I've been neglecting. Being a "Kid" with grown-up responsiblities is a better fit for me at the moment than a "Kid" trying to be a grown-up and a college student responsibilities all at once. We'll see where God leads me next, but I have a few ideas of useful things to do with the spare time I now have. <3 in Christ ~AA

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Chapter 81: This was such an amazing and inspiring story, thank you! Would love to read more Kevin content in the future
fArhonEy #2
Chapter 81: There aren't much Kevin stories out here, and dear author you did a great job writing this one. Thanks for feeling us with such great stories~
2003 streak #3
Chapter 79: Hey ^^ I didn't mind the time hop. The chapter was nice. And the baby is finally here? can't wait for the next chapter.

PS in the first para of Hana's POV - later in spring 2011, you wrote Kiseop instead of Kibum by mistake. So I thought would let you know ^^
2003 streak #4
Chapter 78: Hey ^^ welcome back. hope you are feeling good now...
and coming to the story, the chapter was quite touching as if it was something happening to someone close to me. And Kevin has come to the realisation? wonder what's going to happen next. can't wait to read more.
Chapter 77: Can I just say that this is possibly the best fanfic I have read? I am so overjoyed to see a writer encorporate Christianity and Faith in to a story!! Plus Kevin!!! AHHH please update
2003 streak #6
Chapter 77: Hey there ^^ remember me? I caught up with your updates. I'm glad that court hearing went well. I can't wait to read the next chapter. Hope to see an update soon.
PS hope everything is alright with you now.
Chapter 75: I'm literally sitting at the edge of my seat while reading this because what if the judge is a poop head and makes Matt innocent? Oh god please help Hana with this!
2003 streak #8
Chapter 73: Omg! Now I know what you meant by surprise... I wasn't expecting that. Feel sorry for Hana. Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon :)
2003 streak #9
Chapter 72: A short chapter but an update nonetheless... :) Well, I don't know what to say. What he did is wrong on so many levels. Wonder what's going to happen next. Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon.
2003 streak #10
Chapter 71: An update! yay~ And this chapter too was nice as all your other chapters. I'm loving the ElVin moments more. haha :D And now that our Eli is married, should I stop shipping ElVin?
Anyway, can't wait to read more. hope to see an update soon ^_^