
Without a Trace


"Where exactly are we supposed to find these books again?" Byunghun went up and down rows of the endless bookshelf that held thousands of books. "I can't find anything!"
Saejin stood there. Back home, the biographies would usually be on the left side. But that was somewhere else. This library was completely new and modern, with rows of computers everywhere. "Excuse me," she caught one of the workers walking behind the desk. "Could you please tell me where the biographies would be located?"
The older woman nodded and pointed behind her. "You need to go up the stairs and they should be on your left side, by the windows."
"Thanks." Saejin smiled and ran up the stairs.
Byunghun looked up and slowly put down the comic he was reading. "Y-yah! Don't leave without me!" He ran after her, following her to where the librarian instructed her.
Saejin stopped at the top and looked around before finding a sign that said 'Biography' located at one corner of the room. Without hesitating, she walked off right as Byunghun reached the second floor to follow her.
He didn't have to make it all the way because in a moment, Saejin came back with at least three medium sized books in both of her hands. "I found these for now." She said, looking at them. "If we need anything else, there's probably others back there."
Byunghun nodded slowly and clapped his hands. "Okay." They sat down at the table by the windows. There were a couple people around them, but they weren't loud or bothersome. It set the mood to actually work.
Saejin took a seat and looked out the wall length window next to her. "Wow. Even the view from here is good." She commented. You could see the trees and park next to it, with the leaves blowing in various places.
"What? You've never seen a park before?" Byunghun smirked at her.

She turned back. "I have, just not this pretty before." She opened one of the books and flipped through the pages. "All right. Let's get started."


Even though he was a genius, Byunghun was still human. And a teenager. So, of course he would get a bit drowsy after writing an outline and reading countless numbers of pages in a biography for more than an hour and a half. And let's not even get into the fact that he didn't get enough sleep the night before either.
Saejin, on the other hand, was still going strong. She had found most of the quotes they would use and even interesting facts that were pretty amusing. She was excited that they might actually finish the rough draft of their essay in the next few days.
She coincidentally looked up right as Byunghun's head fell softly onto the open book he was looking at. The front cover along with a couple pages started to close back up on his head.
Looking around, Saejin found the vending machine. She went over and got two sodas and brought them back to their workspace area. Taking one of the cans, she held put it on the space in front of him, trying not to wake him up. She opened the can as softly as she could and looked out the window once more.
For some reason, she was feeling nostalgic all of a sudden. Looking at the park made her remember her friends back home and how they would all agree to meet up at the park away from their houses after school and activities. They would always play games till sunset, even the year before they were to enter high school.
She opened her phone and checked her email. Sure enough, her friends had gotten her letter and were playfully making fun of her for actually writing it out instead of typing like the oldie she was.
Saejin laughed quietly and quickly messages them back before locking her screen once again. She sat there for a while before shifting her gaze over to her partner who was sleeping soundly. 
She pondered the thought. Should she wake him up now so he can go home and rest? Or should she stay and wait a while? He was already asleep. And if she went on with the project, they would be more ahead than they already were, but Byunghun wouldn't get any though out of it. So she chose the option where she wouldn't wake him up.
They were in a library after all. She could just get a book and read to pass the time. And that's what she did.
Saejin went downstairs to the more modern section to pick out a story she could immerse herself in, then came back up to read it.
When Byunghun woke up an hour later, Saejin was more than halfway through. She flipped a page and he looked at her, then focused in on the soda in front of him.
"How long have I been out?" He rubbed his eyes with a yawn.
"About an hour or so."
"Why didn't you wake me up?"
She shrugged. "You were sleeping. You seem to doze off a lot. Are you sure you're getting enough sleep?" He nodded hesitantly and picked up the can. "Is it cold enough? I can get a new one."
Byunghun opened it up anyway and took a sip. "Nah, it's fine. Thanks."
"Yep." She nodded once and looked at her phone. "It's getting pretty late. Should we call it quits for today?"
"Alright." He got up and stretched, picking up his bag and stuff off the desk, waiting for Saejin also. "Hurry up. I'll walk you to the bus again." He told her.
Saejin shyly smiled, getting her stuff as well. "Thanks." And with that, the two walked out of the library for the day and walked across the street to the bus stop. Saejin looked behind her at the park, with the swings and monkey bars, the background hilly with a calm pond.
"What time does the bus get here?" Byunghun asked, breaking the illusion Saejin had in her head.
She thought for a while. "6:15." She answered with a confirming nod.
He shifted in his spot. "I'll wait with you then."
"It's okay. It doesn't come until half an hour. You can go. I'll be fine." She insisted. She wanted him to go home and get some rest. He looked like he needed some.
Byunghun shook his head. "No way I'm letting a girl alone by herself at the bus stop. It's too dangerous. What if someone takes your purse or something?"
"I don't have a purse." She said calmly, looking down at herself and back up.
"Well, someone could attack you."
"I know self defense."
He tried to think of more reasons and sighed when he couldn't. "Yah, I'm not letting a girl stay by herself. It's dangerous and rude."
She stayed silent. "And you're positive?" He nodded once. Saejin bit her lip and looked behind him towards the swings. "Then do you mind if we swing for a bit?"
Byunghun blinked, shocked. "S-swing?" He glanced behind him. There was barely anyone at the park, just a couple of runners on the path behind everything and an old couple sitting on a bench by the water. "I guess."
Right as he turned back, Saejin flew past him, setting her stuff down on the pole supporting the swings before she jumped on a swing herself. She started swinging her legs, therefore making her go higher and higher.
Byunghun stood there for a while and just watched. Never in his life had he seen someone, much less a girl still in a skirt, be so eager to swing. Most girls would say they didn't want their hair or clothes to get messed up. But there Saejin was, swinging happily with a huge smile on her face. He just chuckled and quickly joined her, hopping onto the swing next to her and kicked higher as well.
"There's no point!" He heard her laugh. "I started before you! Of course I'm going to be higher!"
"Yeah, well I'm a guy-"
"I couldn't tell at all!" She interrupted.
Byunghun went on as if he didn't hear. "-so of course I'm stronger which will result into me getting higher and faster, overtaking you!"
"Why are you so technical?" She panted, tired already from both swinging and laughing. "Shut up and swing!" She ordered.
They both got equally high, because the swings would allow them to go any higher without circling the pole above them to complete a full circle.
"Jump on three!" Byunghun called out. "One, two... Three!" On cue, they both let go of the chains at the highest point and jumped, racing to the ground. They ended up landing fine, but they soon were rolled over onto their backs, laughing it off to the sky above them. 
It was only six, so the sky was getting dark, but it wasn't completely black yet. So, the two stayed on their backs, staring at the clouds passing by while the breeze blew the trees above them.
They waited in silence for a while before one of them spoke up. "I bet I can climb on the monkey bars before you." Byunghun looked over at her.
Saejin looked back, eyebrows lifted. "On three." He nodded. "One-" Out of no where, Saejin threw herself up and ran to the playground set.
"Y-yah!" He chased after her a second later. "No fair! That's cheating!"
Saejin only laughed, sliding down one of the spiral slides covered in all directions.
Byunghun smirked, running to the end of the slide, a handful of leaves in his hand. No way was a girl gonna show him up. He climbed on top, ready to drop them on her head. When she finally slid down, she stopped at the bottom for a while to regain her balance.
She felt a flurry of something falling on top of her at once and looked up.
She felt the top of her head, grabbed the leaves and threw them back, chasing Byunghun around the whole park, both being loud.
There was a shrieking noise coming from the other end, signaling the bus had arrived.
"Wow. It's been half an hour already." Saejin pouted. For the first time since she came, she's had the most fun. She grabbed her belongings and Byunghun walked her to the bus. "Thanks, Byunghun-ssi. It was fun for the most part."
He waved it off. "Yeah before you cheated." They smiled at each other before the driver called for Saejin to either get on or get off.
She smiled once more and waved at him. "Then, see you tomorrow."
"Yeah." He waved back, watching her get on in the back. When the bus drove off, he stared at it for a while. He didn't think it was possible, but he actually had fun with someone other than the boys of Teen Top. He snorted out of his nose once with a grin before walking off into the other direction before he called Jongjun.
The old couple sitting on the bench just chuckled with each other at the two.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while! I had TWO. ESSSAYS. D: 



Anyway, enjoy! :D

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wjc912 #1
Chapter 27: Whoop! Say yes, say yes!!!
Chapter 25: Poor Byunghyun didnt get to go out with Saejin D:
wjc912 #3
Chapter 24: Is the sister here for boy advice? Hurry up and confess byunghyun!
wjc912 #4
Chapter 22: Finally, he knows, but won't that make it even harder for him to confess... Uh oh
jsyklv #5
Chapter 21: Ooo! Next chappie they'll be so shock! Espeacially L.joe!
jsyklv #6
Chapter 19: Ahahaahahahahahahas! Babo! Both of them! Ahahaha! I... I... I can't! So funny!
Chapter 19: Omg L.Joe. xD has the completely wrong idea about Saejin lol
Chapter 19: Hahaha L.Joe is so confused about Saejin XD I can just imagine his reaction when he finds out that her dad works for his dad xD
jsyklv #9
Chapter 18: Awww... poor ricky!
wjc912 #10
Chapter 17: Lol saejin, you go girl!!!