The Day After

Without a Trace


"WHAT?!" A voice shrilled. Byunghun woke up and was about to go to sleep when it didn't stop there. "IT'S GONE?!" So they found out this early, huh? Pretty quick they were to see the real motive.
After he got ready, Byunghun walked out of his room and peeked into the one across the hall where his parents were currently standing. They were both on the phone with what he supposed were reporters and stockholders wondering if this event was going to ruin the company.
"No, we've got everything under control, I assure you. Your money is safe with us." His father tried to reason with the person on the other line. "It was just a small break in. Nothing big was stolen."
His mother had just hung up the phone herself when she saw her son peering behind the door at them. "Byunghun, what are you doing?"
He pretended to act innocent. "What's wrong, mother?"
She sighed. "It's nothing, just a slight.."
"DAMMIT!" His father slammed the phone. "It was those damn kids again!" His fist hit the desk, causing silence and tension in the whole room.
"How would you possibly know that, dear?" His mom went over and patted his father's back.
"They checked the footage. It was them!" He pinched his nose out of anger. "Plus, they left a note again! It was Teen Top! Why can't we ever catch those guys?"
Byunghun stayed silent. They always left a note there, to show the company that it was them and that they had come for a purpose of undoing things. On the back always showed 'Teen Top' but the police could never track anything from it since there were no prints. So, it was pretty useless of them to ruin the office. The boys figured that they always did it out of rage. But most of the time they were just bored while someone else was doing something important and they couldn't do anything.
"Abeoji, is something wrong?" Byunghun asked.
His father shook his head. "It's not that bad. It's just that I don't think we can go on the cruise this year. We'll have to wait." He sighed. "The big problem is that the clients and employees are getting anxious because of our apparent lack of security."
"Oh." Was Byunghun's only reply. He couldn't offer to help because of obvious reasons.
His father nodded at him. "Don't you have school to go to? We'll figure things out here. Just go."
Byunghun bowed a little. "Yes, Abeoji." He left the room and went downstairs to get his lunch.


"My parents were in hysterics too!" Ricky told Byunghun when they arrived at school. "It's not even their business! Maybe it's because they bought shares or something. I wouldn't be surprised..."

"I don't know. Abeoji seemed more angry today than ever." Byunghun said. "I just.. Have this feeling that he's going to try something new today you know?"
"What do you mean?" Changjo wondered with the rest.
Byunghun pursed his lips. "I don't know. I guess it's just this small feeling. But he said something about security measures. I just wonder if he's going to up it or something."
"Oh man." Niel started to panic. "What if they get like, motion sensors or something? I've seen it on TV! They have heat sensors too! How are we going to do jobs now?"
CAP swatted the back of his head. "We'll be fine. You guys can just use the air vents or something."
"And you, hyung?" Chunji raised an eyebrow. "How are you going to get around?"
"Easy. I'll just guard every time. I'll make the notes."
Byunghun mentally smacked himself. "You do that anyway." CAP waved it off with a smile and shook his head. He went on. "I guess that means that we'll just have to be more careful."
"Then I guess it's a good thing we don't have to do anything soon." Chunji said. "It's better to see what they're going to do before we get to any conclusions."
Ricky scowled. "You're only saying that because you have dates, right?"
Chunji flashed a knowing smile. "You know it, my little dongsaeng!" He cooed and pinched his cheeks before Ricky broke free with yelps and running away. "And I'm booked for almost the whole week, so you better not do anything funny." He shot looks at the rest of the members.

The school day passed by rather quickly and Byunghun found himself arriving at his house in no time. But the thing was, there were a couple of police cars in their driveway, blocking Jongjun's way of parking. The only thing Byunghun was thinking were not very good words to use.
He marched up to the house and into the living room, revealing his parents on the sofa talking to a couple of police officers. All of whom were in police uniform besides two who were dressed in nice suits.
They were laughing at something when his father caught his eyes. He rose. "Oh, this is my son I was telling you about, Byunghun." He motioned for his son to walk over to the rest of them and take a seat.
He walked over, but he still stood. His mind was wandering the thoughts of him team trying to get out of this one. So, he wasn't exactly paying attention to the whole conversation.
"Hello, Byunghun-ssi." One of the men in suits greeted.
"Mr. Jung." Byunghun nodded his way. The two had met before. This was the man who was usually on the case of Teen Top. But thankfully, he hadn't figured Byunghun out yet. But to him, it was still a bit awkward.
His father coughed. "Ah, Byunghun. This is detective Song, from Busan." He pointed out the other suited man. He was taller and more intimidating than Mr. Jung by a long shot. Jung was a shorter, more stouter man with a beard. This guy wasn't much younger, but he was more clean-cut.
"It's a pleasure, Byunghun-ssi." Mr. Song held out his hand.
Byunghun took it with a small smile. "Pleasure is mine, detective."
Mr. Lee hurriedly went to the detectives side. "This guy is great! He's solved so many cases in the past! We've transferred him all the way here to catch Teen Top! He's one of the best out there!" His smile looked like it almost hurt, it was so big. "We'll finally catch those thieves and go on with our lives!"
Byunghun subconsciously gulped. He came here just for that? Were they that good? They had to be if this guy's description served him justice. He looked the part, at least.
"Please treat me well." The detective bowed to Mr. Lee.
"No, no! Just do whatever you can to catch those kids. They deserve it, messing with our affairs."
Now, he gritted his teeth. This was his father, but he was completely out of his mind. Messing with their affairs? More like doing the better thing. It was totally unfair.
"I have homework, so I'll leave first." Byunghun bowed and left the room, taking his bag upstairs and setting it next to his desk. He ran a hand through his hair and decided to meet up with the guys at the park.

"What?!" The five yelled all together.
"They actually brought someone in?" Ricky asked, a playful smile appearing. "We're that much of a threat?"
Byunghun nodded. "And he looked pretty tough. We might have to lay low for a while until anything comes up. He could probably take Ricky out like that." He snapped.
"Wait, what was his name again?" Chunji asked.
"Song Jaehyun I think." He recalled.
Chunji almost fell off the monkey bars he was sitting on out of shock. "What-what did you say?"
"Song Jaehyun."
Even Changjo hung his head. "Crap.."
"Do you even know who that is?" Chunji asked, almost frantic. The boys besides Changjo shook their heads. "He's like, the most famous detective out there right now! He's solved at least thirty murder cases, and fifteen robberies, and that's only this year! He must be getting lots of pay to be on our case specifically."
Changjo took over as Chunji started to go into hysterics. "With him here, security, just like you said, will probably go up. We're going to have to be a lot more careful now."
Chunji put his hand over his hung head. "And that's an understatement!"
"Calm down, we can take them all down." CAP tried to spark hope in his saddened members. "We'll overcome it, like every other time. We just gotta think more." And he was right. They were always this uptight when they found out something different about precautions against them.
"Who knows? Maybe we can have day jobs now!" Niel offered. "We've never done that before. It'll be a whole new thing!"
Byunghun rolled his eyes. "Good idea. Except for the fact that no one under thirty works there and we'd go during school. Nice thinking, Daniel." He threw a ball of paper at him.
Niel pouted and dodged it barely. "What? I was just saying!"
Even if they weren't spilling, the boys were definitely feeling more nervous than most times. I mean, how can you not when someone of that status came in just to catch them? They could almost smell it in the air.
Niel suddenly had another idea and his face brightened. "Hey! How about we all go over to Byunghun's and see this guy for ourselves?"
"Yeah!" Ricky agreed immediately and started to beg Byunghun. "Can we? Please, hyung? Then we can know when to act when he's around!" He started to swing higher.
Byunghun looked to the side and thought to himself. "I guess it wouldn't hurt.. But!"
"But what?" CAP wondered.
"We should probably go in groups. It'll be too risky if we all walk in together, since there's six of us, and six members in Teen Top. Just to be on the safe side, how about I go in with Chanhee and Minsoo. The rest of you can come in from the back."
Chunji scrunched his face up. "How do you know he'll still be there anyway? He could've left by now."
Ricky swung and jumped off at the highest point and landed on the ground. "Then we'll just hang out at his place for a while! I haven't been there in a long time." He smiled, especially at Byunghun.
Byunghun in turned groaned. "Then let's go, I guess."
When they arrived at his house, they were delighted to see that not only were the police cars still there, but they had grown in number. Poor Jongjun had to park on the street corner and wait for them all to leave.
"Wow.." Ricky mused. "I've never seen so many of them before."
"Get ready, because there's more inside." Niel pulled him and Changjo to the back of the house where they asked Jongjun to let them in.
"How tall is he? What if he's like, super muscular and big? What if he suspects something right away?" Chunji kept whispering to himself. CAP and Byunghun shared glances and rolled their eyes.
Byunghun opened the door and found policemen around his parents asking for information about the break in again. It honestly looked like the house was a crime scene itself. But detective Song was no where to bee seen. He scratched his head in curiosity. 
"I thought he was a detective." CAP said under his breath so only the other two could hear him. "These guys are all policemen."
"I don't know.. There were two men in suits before.." Byunghun wondered too.
Chunji pointed a little too much. "Is that them?" They followed his trail. On the sofa were two men in suits talking to each other, looking over pictures and video tapes of the night before and other jobs they did.
Byunghun nodded. "Yep. The one on the left, the shorter one is detective Jung. The other one is the one and only detective Song Jaehyun."
"Guys, guys." Chunji grabbed onto Byunghun's arm. "I think I'm getting the chills." 
Even CAP gulped. But he pretended to shrug it off. "Eh, who cares. It's just another guy. What could he do to us?"
Upstairs, Changjo, Ricky, and Niel were looking down at their hyungs. "What's up with them? Omo, did they see him?" Ricky followed their gazes. And fell back. "Holy-!" He was about to say when Changjo covered his mouth.
"What? He's short and fat." Niel chuckled. "We can take him."
Ricky shook his head. "Not that guy, the other one." He took a hold of Niel's head and turned it in detective Song's direction.
Niel didn't change facial expressions as he changed his line of sight and tried to take it in. "Well, crap."
Ten minutes later after introducing Song to CAP and Chunji, the boys met up in Byunghun's room to play video games and eat.
"Aww, he isn't that scary." Ricky said. After a while of Changjo trying to push sense into their brains. "Just a little big. Who says he has the mental capacity, huh?"
CAP scoffed. "Look at you! You're as dumb as a rock, yet you can still think things through on jobs."
Ricky blinked up at his hyung. "I don't know whether to take that as a compliment or.."
Byunghun sighed. "It just means that we gotta be more careful with what we do. We're capable." He told the others. But he knew one thing for sure- things were going to get a lot hectic and wild for the 6.
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wjc912 #1
Chapter 27: Whoop! Say yes, say yes!!!
Chapter 25: Poor Byunghyun didnt get to go out with Saejin D:
wjc912 #3
Chapter 24: Is the sister here for boy advice? Hurry up and confess byunghyun!
wjc912 #4
Chapter 22: Finally, he knows, but won't that make it even harder for him to confess... Uh oh
jsyklv #5
Chapter 21: Ooo! Next chappie they'll be so shock! Espeacially L.joe!
jsyklv #6
Chapter 19: Ahahaahahahahahahas! Babo! Both of them! Ahahaha! I... I... I can't! So funny!
Chapter 19: Omg L.Joe. xD has the completely wrong idea about Saejin lol
Chapter 19: Hahaha L.Joe is so confused about Saejin XD I can just imagine his reaction when he finds out that her dad works for his dad xD
jsyklv #9
Chapter 18: Awww... poor ricky!
wjc912 #10
Chapter 17: Lol saejin, you go girl!!!